The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 256 Matching Game

Chapter 256 Matching Game

These words made everyone stunned.

Seeing that the pile of firewood was about to burn their padded jackets, some students immediately took a few steps back to save their lives, and then quickly took off the padded jackets on their bodies, temporarily giving up this test of endurance.

Some of them can still bear the smell of the padded jacket being scorched.But as soon as the padded jacket ignited, the students who were about to win the lottery jumped forward to the bank one after another, and fell into the water with a plop.In order to extinguish the sparks on the padded jackets, they had to jump directly into the water.

In a blink of an eye, many people couldn't bear the sudden warming environment and gave up the game one after another.

This time, only Yu Shengjun, Yu Zichen, Shao Qi and Fu Yushu were left.And Yunlei, because of the appearance of a cloud of wind, blew sparks onto his face.For the sake of his life, Shao Qi stripped off the padded jacket for him.

Tang Lin looked at her watch, and there were only 10 minutes left before the end of the game, and the pile of firewood burned very quickly due to the high temperature environment.At this time, half of the firewood has been burned.In order not to let anyone finish the game, she thought of many tricks before deciding on this show.

At the 8-minute countdown, Tang Lin asked Yitang to bring a bag over, then she picked up the bag, pointed the mouth of the bag at Fu Yushu and the others, and after a sinister smile, she threw the bag forward——

Immediately, more than a dozen snakes of different colors and sizes in the bag fell to the feet of these people one after another.

Seeing the snake, Fu Yushu's eyes stared straight, and the sweat kept falling.He is not afraid of snakes, but among these snakes, he clearly saw several snakes that were highly poisonous, once bitten, the poisoned person died immediately.

God!Don't bring such life-threatening training!

At this moment, a snake climbed onto Fu Yushu's feet.He struggled repeatedly in his heart, should he save his life for great things, or risk his life for a point?Finally, when the snake climbed up his thigh, he gritted his teeth, and then he swung his feet forward, trying to throw the poisonous snake out, but the snake was not thrown away by him.He was terrified in his heart, in order to avoid other snakes approaching, he took several steps back, and quickly tore off the cotton jacket on his body one by one.

In a blink of an eye, he tore the jacket in half and threw it on the ground, and the poisonous snake that slipped into the jacket crawled out of the jacket and crawled to other places.

Fu Yushu heaved a sigh of relief when he saw the snake go away, then fell to the ground exhaustedly, gasping for breath.

Yu Zichen closed his eyes, ignoring the snake under his feet.

As for Shao Qi, he simply used his feet to push away a bunch of snakes.He wondered if the snakes didn't bite him.He was terrified at first, but seeing that the snakes had no intention of attacking people, he was no longer so terrified.

Instead, Yu Shengjun let the snake climb up his neck and crawled in front of him, and he happily met the snake's eyes.

Tang Lin was speechless and incredulous about his behavior.This Yu Shengjun, he is not afraid of snakes, how did he develop his courage?At any rate, Yu Zichen closed his eyes and avoided it, but he was lucky enough to greet the poisonous snake.

If she hadn't tampered with the poisonous snake in advance, these people would have been bitten to death long ago.The purpose of bringing these poisonous snakes out is nothing more than to scare them and see if they dare to continue the competition.

There were only 5 minutes left in the countdown. Seeing that these snakes could not deal with Yu Shengjun, Yu Zichen, and Shao Qi, Tang Lin was not reconciled and planned to make a final trick.

"Hey," she smiled treacherously, then took out a syringe from her body, walked up to Shao Qi, and kept laughing slyly. She pointed the pointed pillow at his face, not forgetting the eerie Explanation: "Do you know what this is? This is a syringe for giving injections to patients. As long as I inject such an injection, the medicine inside will rush into your limbs, bones, internal organs and internal organs. This injection will not only hurt , and, maybe the needle will break off, and half of it will go deep into your skin, making it impossible to pull it out. Also, do you know what the yellow liquid in the needle barrel is? This is not discolored water, Not to mention some kind of fruit juice, in is a kind of heating catalyst. Just inject the heating catalyst into your body, immediately, your body will be like a bomb, and with a bang, you will be blown to pieces. You don’t want to I'm afraid, I will gently, gently... beat in."

After finishing speaking, not only did she not lightly, but her eyes became fierce, and she immediately raised her hand, and under the eyes of everyone, the hand holding the syringe fell down hard.Seeing that the sharp needle was about to stab him soon, Shao Qi's pupils opened wider and wider.

She said gently, gently, gently...

But why did she strike so fast and so hard?

Where there is life, there is hope.For this point, he, Shao Qi, doesn't care!
The moment the needle pierced his neck, Shao Qi suddenly took two steps back, leaving Tang Lin in vain.When she realized that she was empty, she immediately looked to the side and saw that Shao Qi hadn't taken off his padded jacket, so she simply ran over like a lunatic, "Come on, I haven't given anyone an injection for a long time, don't hide, let me If I strike once, I won't die!"

Shao Qi ran away like a lunatic, but Tang Lin kept chasing after him with a needle.

Seeing her relentlessly chasing her, Shao Qi thought hard and jumped towards the bank. Immediately, there was a splash, splashing a lot of water.

Tang Lin stood on the shore, wiped her nose smartly, "Oh, I'm still a general of soldiers and horses, bah, I think it's a thousand-year-old tortoise who is afraid of death, it's been hundreds of thousands of years, and I don't want to die .”

She turned around, turned back, and dealt with Yu Zichen the same way she dealt with Shao Qi, "Why don't I give you a shot too?"

Yu Zichen took a deep breath, then closed his eyes, and acted like a soldier came to cover the water and earth, neither escaping nor daring to look at the syringe in Tang Lin's hand.

However, when Tang Lin was about to make a move, her cell phone rang.When the game started, she adjusted the time, and the alarm would go off as soon as the game was over. She didn't expect the 5 minutes countdown to pass so quickly.

At this time, Yitang said: "Sir, the time has come."

Tang Lin snorted to Yu Shengjun and Yu Zichen, "Fortunately, you swallowed up one point." Turning around, she gave orders: "Clean up the scene, and then gather everyone for the third session. "

While Yitang and Yishuang were cleaning up the scene, other students were resting desperately, especially Fu Yushu and Shao Qi who had climbed ashore.

Yu Zichen was sitting in the wooden shed.

Yu Shengjun would squat on the bank, staring at the water surface, occasionally hitting the river surface with stones on the ground.

"What's on your mind?" At this moment, Tang Lin squatted beside him, "Are you sure that the female corpse half an hour ago is your concubine?"

Yu Shengjun took a deep breath and nodded lightly: "Yes. There is a jade pendant on the woman's waist, which symbolizes her identity. In the harem, every concubine has it, and it is different. "

Tang Lin asked: "Junjun, what do you think of this matter? Yishuang and I have seen it. The concubine was indeed killed by homicide. Moreover, she was tortured before she died. She lost her tongue and teeth. This tortured her."

Yu Shengjun said: "Although I have never entered the harem, the control of the harem is not lax. There are guards from all over the Yujiang River. There is no chance for the dead body to float here. If the deceased is in the Someone killed someone in the harem, and was finally thrown into the Yujiang River, but the river, the Yujiang River, passes from the harem to the main palace, then to the west palace, then to the south palace, and finally flows through the royal forest."

Now, Tang Lin couldn't understand, "If the woman's corpse was thrown into the imperial river in the harem, then when it passed through the main palace, it should be seen by the Imperial Forest Army, but why no one found it when it floated all the way down? If not We are training here today, and it is estimated that after the deceased floats here, no one will see it again."

Yu Shengjun was silent for a while, and he said: "There is only one situation. After the death, the deceased was thrown from the front of the Yujiang River, because there are not many guards guarding this river. Usually, there is no permission from the Ouchi guards. , no one is allowed to enter the Royal Forest area."

Tang Lin was even more puzzled, "But people from the harem are not allowed to come here? Nangongli is the place where the Imperial Forest Army and the inner guards are active. All court ladies and eunuchs, officials, and people from the harem are not allowed to come here." Come here. Then why did the deceased escape from the harem and be thrown here again?"

Yu Shengjun shook his head helplessly, "I can't understand these problems either."

"Junjun," Tang Lin asked, "What is the identity of the dead concubine? I mean, is she a noble concubine or a concubine?"

Yu Shengjun recalled the jade pendant on the waist of the female corpse, and then told Tang Lin the answer, "It's a beauty.

"Oh..." Tang Lin made a long sound, expressing her surprise. "It turns out that there were also beauties in the harem of your era. But I really don't know what your harem concubine system is like. I will learn more when I have a chance."

Yu Shengjun laughed, and he looked into her eyes, "You? To understand? Are you not afraid of having your tongue cut off and your teeth pulled out like the previous one?"

Tang Lin giggled, "Believe it or not, I can help you find the murderer?" "You?" Yu Shengjun looked at Tang Lin with such scrutiny again, "Is that okay you? Just like you told us Yes, I'm not afraid of bragging and blowing myself to death!"

"Cut!" Tang Lin snorted, "Don't look at me with your eyes, I know how much Tang Lin weighs. Since I can guarantee that the murderer will be caught, you must also promise to let me in." Your harem."

Yu Shengjun frowned, "Now?"

"No," Tang Lin said, "Four months later. It's after the training camp is over. Don't worry, I will come here in a big way, and come out in a big way. I guarantee that I won't appear in front of you without a tongue or teeth."

Yu Shengjun smiled helplessly, "Since you are not afraid, how dare I reject you? You Tang Lin is not afraid, I, Yu Shengjun, have really seen it!"

Tang Lin chuckled, "Cheer up, then it's settled, I promise to catch the murderer with my own hands!"

Yu Shengjun said: "The system of the harem, allow me to explain it to you in detail in the future?"

Tang Lin nodded and said, "Okay!"

After a while, Yitang came over and said, "Miss Tang, the scene has been cleaned up, but not all the people have come back. Cao Dan, Han Xueyan, Lu Yitang and Sun Bailing, we haven't seen any of them yet!"

"It's strange," Tang Lin muttered, "You won't develop a four-corner relationship, will you?"

Speaking of Cao Cao, Cao Cao will arrive.

"Xueyan, you are finally back!" Shao Qi exclaimed, causing Tang Lin and the others to look over.

Only Cao Dan and Han Xueyan came back, but Lu Yitang and Sun Bailing were not there.

Tang Lin said to Yitang: "You ask Yifeng to gather everyone immediately, and then conduct queue training first. I'll go find Lu Yitang and Sun Bailing." After finishing speaking, she walked away.

Yu Shengjun went back to the crowded place and stood up, and then Yu Zichen also came over to stand up.

Yifeng stood up immediately, and ordered in a cold voice: "Everyone, assemble, and train in formation!"

Immediately, everyone looked like they were dying.Hey, why is it queue training again?Can't take an afternoon off?
Tang Lin walked for a while and checked the time. It was already past three o'clock in the afternoon. She originally planned to have three shows today, but this time, she had to waste time looking for someone.

(End of this chapter)

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