The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 258 My score makes some people jealous!

Chapter 258 My score makes some people jealous!
Yu Shengjun shook his head and laughed, "Yes." Look at the grilled fish held in lotus leaves in his hand. Although it is no different from grilled chicken, the grilled fish is not only fragrant, but also looks appetizing. "You Where did this skill come from?"

Tang Lin has already started to eat her own grilled fish, babbled while eating, "During field training, our troops often made barbecues, and I could just watch it. Besides, there are a lot of seasonings in our place, as long as With seasoning, smelly fish can also taste delicious."

"You," Yu Shengjun didn't know what to say, but shook his head and laughed again.He pulled off the crispy fish tail and ate it, chewed it, and immediately raised his eyebrows, "'s really delicious, Linlin, I really want to see your army, I really want to see it!"

This sentence made Tang Lin's face darken a little, "There is a chance." If he goes, it will be fine. He will probably be sent to the hospital as soon as he arrives in modern times, and he will be gray-haired within a day. old man.

Some opportunities, some chances, some coincidences, it is better not to happen to him.

Yu Shengjun was so focused on eating that he didn't notice Tang Lin's expression.And Tang Lin didn't realize that what he just said was just a joke.

After eating the grilled fish, Tang Lin gave orders to go back to the palace.

On the way back to the palace, everyone walked very slowly, because the night view outside was beautiful and the atmosphere was very quiet. These students, who had been tired all day, didn't want to step into the gate of Shanglin Garden so quickly at this moment.

As bodyguards, Yitang and the others had the responsibility to control the whereabouts of the students, so Yifeng led the way at the front, while he and Yishuang were at the back to guard the students from sneaking back.

The moonlight is soft, and the scenery on both sides of the trail is quiet and beautiful.

Looking ahead together, Tang Lin and the others were already more than ten meters away from him.

Because he walked a bit slowly, he seemed to be preoccupied, so Yishuang slowed down his steps and followed behind him.For this male partner, he has always given her an unpredictable feeling.

Although he is not as indifferent as dark and cold, but he is like dewdrops, condensing in a low-key way, showing his crystal clear side on the leaves in a high-profile way, while others are the sun, as soon as the sun comes out, he will automatically retreat from himself.

She couldn't figure out what he was thinking. It seemed that besides fulfilling the master's order, he had one more thing that worried him.He didn't say anything, and she didn't hesitate to ask. Over time, this situation has formed today.He walked silently in front, and she followed silently.To prevent him from being assassinated by the killer when he was in a trance, she could only follow him, fearing that if he was not careful, he would die unexpectedly.

Along the way, Yitang could never forget what Tang Lin said to Yishuang, "Yishuang, your master has secretly liked you for a long time, and he told me in private that in the future, he will make me queen and you For the imperial concubine. Don't worry, I won't be jealous, I agree with his decision."

Every time he thinks of this, his heart hurts... If he had had the courage to express his heart back then, even if he was rejected, it wouldn't hurt as much as it did tonight.

The pain made him bend down, squat on the ground, and pressed his hands tightly to his chest.Hope this relieves the pain.

Seeing this, Yishuang immediately ran over and squatted in front of him, and asked worriedly, "What's wrong?"

"You," lost his mind all the way, Yitang didn't even know that Yishuang was following him all the time, he thought she was always walking in the front, and he himself was cut off.But at this moment, he was very surprised by her sudden appearance.

Yishuang asked again, "What's the matter? I saw you were preoccupied all the way, but what's wrong with your body?"

"It's okay, it's just a little problem." After saying that, Yitang stood up, although he was still in pain, but he had tried his best to lighten the pain on his face, so Yishuang didn't see anything. "Let's go back, look, it's all broken."

"Are you really okay?" Yishuang didn't seem to believe him, and kept looking into his eyes.

And he could only dodge, "It's really all right."

He insisted on this, and Yishuang didn't want to ask any more, "As long as it's okay, then let's catch up with Miss Tang and the others." After finishing speaking, he turned and left.

Yitang watched her walking away, suddenly coughed, and immediately covered his mouth with his hands.When he let go of his palm, there was obviously a smear of blood on his palm.He suppressed his inner emotions to the point of internal bleeding.If things go on like this, sooner or later one day the body and mind will be overwhelmed and collapse.

Back in Shanglinyuan's room, Tang Lin checked her watch immediately. It was already eight o'clock in the evening.She took the clothes, and as soon as she turned around, she saw such a scene, and everyone fell out of bed and went to sleep.

Immediately, her eyebrows and eyes lit up with flames, "Get up for me, clean up, clean up, take a shower!"

Immediately, no matter how tired everyone was, they dragged their bodies obediently and got up.

Tang Lin glared at them, then took her clothes and went out.

On the empty wall of the house, there is a labor red flag and a form. This is the duty rotation table, and the person who bears the brunt of it is Han Xueyan.

Han Xueyan breathed out tiredly, then dragged her body out of the room to get a broom for cleaning.

Five minutes later, Tang Lin appeared in the room wearing clean clothes. Seeing that everyone was still preparing clothes, her face darkened, and she said sharply, "From today onwards, take a bath every night, including washing and drying clothes. I'll give you 5 minutes to complete, if you don't finish within 5 minutes, then don't blame me for being ruthless. These 5 minutes are equivalent to counting 5 in your heart, understand?"

Everyone shook their heads, expressing their understanding.

Tang Lin didn't give them any further explanations. She glanced at her watch and drank it immediately: "Everyone, go take a bath for me immediately. I will appear outside your bathhouse when I count to 180. If you find that you haven't come out of it, all of you will be killed tonight." Punishment stand."

Immediately, regardless of whether they understand it or not, everyone immediately copied their clothes and ran out.

At the same time, Yifeng had already ordered the students in the other two rooms to go to the bathhouse, giving them 5 minutes.

5 minutes, it's almost there.

When Tang Lin walked outside the men's bathhouse, she didn't see a single student. She immediately became furious and didn't care about anything. She went straight into the bathhouse. Immediately, the bronze color... blinded her eyes.In the large bathhouse, there are only two large baths.In the two baths, several naked students were sitting or standing.

And some students were hurrying to put on their underwear, but some of their underwear reached their thighs, and Tang Lin appeared.

The moment Tang Lin walked in and looked over, Yu Shengjun was already fully dressed and was about to take his clothes out to dry; Yu Zichen just tied the belt around his waist.

The two of them did not expose the important parts of their bodies, but the others...

There are also several important parts of the students who can see Tang Lin's eyes.

When everyone saw Tang Lin coming in, they were completely dumbfounded.

"Uh..." Tang Lin looked at everyone in a daze, and made a long, strange sound.

Immediately, everyone reacted and quickly covered their important parts with their clothes, so as not to "take advantage" of Tang Lin's eyes.

At this time, Yifeng and Yitang broke in from the outside, seeing Tang Lin watching this scene, they were both dumbfounded.

Tang Lin is no stranger to such a scene, she just looked at everyone with weirdness and admiration in her eyes for a while, but she didn't let these have any chance of embarrassment, and her anger suddenly increased, "Why are you so dazed? Do you think you look good?" Do you have to close your eyes, sir? A bunch of bastards, I’m really tired of work. I’ll give you one more minute, and I won’t be able to see you outside after one minute, so I’ll punish you harder, huh!” Laughing coldly, he turned around Just walked out of the bathroom.

Yifeng looked at Tang Lin's back when she went out, and then turned to look at the students who were still in a daze inside. He also patted the back of his head stupidly.Why, as a daughter's family, this officer doesn't blush and feel ashamed at such a scene?

This time, in less than a minute, all the students ran out of the room and assembled outside. Some of them hadn’t put on their clothes yet, and some were still putting on their trousers. Almost all of them looked disheveled. messy.

Tang Lin glanced at everyone coldly, without speaking, her eyes were full of killing intent. "Well? Is this a vegetable market? Hurry up and stand up for me, do you hear me?"

Yishuang came over from the women's bathhouse, and brought Han Xueyan and Sun Bailing with her.

Han Xueyan and Sun Bailing seemed to have been frightened by something, and followed behind Yishuang fearfully, until they reached Tang Lin's side, they still lowered their heads.

Yishuang said to Tang Lin: "Report, Sun Bailing has been wandering outside the women's bathhouse for some reason, but Han Xueyan is still soaking in the bathhouse after 5 minutes, and has no sense of time."

Tang Lin glared at the two, and finally her eyes fell on Han Xueyan's face, and she said sharply, "Han Xueyan, you return to the team."

"Oh." Han Xueyan responded in a low voice, and then joined the queue.

Tang Lin glared at Sun Bailing, who had been hanging her head, "Stand here, don't go then, good student, do some immoral things, nothing, why are you going to the women's bathhouse? Stand up obediently, look How will I punish you later." After finishing speaking, he turned to all the students, "You are the first offender, so I won't punish you for the time being, but this will not be an example. If the personal treatment in the next 5 minutes is not completed on time, I will definitely not forgive you. .All the staff are dismissed, wash your clothes and go back to the dormitory to sleep."

Everyone dispersed one after another, but they never forgot to pay attention to Sun Bailing when they left, feeling helpless for Sun Bailing in private.

Cao Dan and Lu Yitang were the last two to leave. When they left, they gave Sun Bailing a deep look, wondering how Tang Lin would punish Sun Bailing later.

After there was no one around, Sun Bailing apologized, "I'm sorry, you know my identity, I didn't mean to do that..."

"I understand," Tang Lin stopped her. "You have to disguise yourself as a man for your lord's sake. I also have a mission to be my instructor. Our common goal is to overthrow the current emperor. You don't need to be involved in this kind of thing, just let those bastards suffer. But Sun Bailing, I want to remind you, you don't want others to know about your daughter, you'd better keep it secret, I It’s impossible to show up and cover you all the time, you have to understand.”

Sun Bailing said gratefully, "Thank you, Tang Lin."

"You're welcome." Tang Lin said lightly, then turned and left.

The next day.

Tang Lin got up before five o'clock in the morning.At exactly five o'clock, she stood at the door of the room and blew the whistle fiercely. Immediately, all the people in the room got up one after another, and they all moved very quickly.

A brand new day has come again.

The members of class three ran out of Nangong following Yifeng, and ran around the imperial city all the way.Han Xueyan was at the bottom every time and ran the slowest.Those students all wanted to show their true colors as heroes, and all rushed to entrust her and drag her to run together.

Han Xueyan could only smile and decline each time, except Cao Dan.

(End of this chapter)

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