The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 259 Temporary assessment, life-threatening!

Chapter 259 Temporary assessment, life-threatening!

Shao Qi was so determined to beat Yu Shengjun and Fu Yushu that he completely forgot that he still had a sister-in-law to take care of.

A circle of the imperial city was finally finished within the stipulated time, and finally gathered in the compound of Shanglinyuan, panting one by one, Tang Lin was looking at them with a smile on her face, it was already dawn, but her smile, It made the students feel that the sky was getting darker and darker.

Cao Dan bent over, panting with his hands propped on his legs and arms, "Sir, we've been running for half an hour, can we have breakfast?"

This time, Tang Lin smiled even more beautifully, "Who said you can have breakfast after running for half an hour? Who told you?" Slowly, her face darkened, and her voice became more serious, "How many times have I said that? ?Every time you come back from a run, gather and stand up immediately. Look at your formation, what does it look like? Are you tired after running for half an hour? Ah? Are you tired? Can you kill you? "

I didn't eat breakfast, because after running, everyone was so hungry that their chests were stuck to their backs, and now they have to be trained, and everyone felt very uncomfortable.

Tang Lin sternly shouted: "Stand at attention. Start queue training immediately."

"Roar" Immediately, the whole group was unable to roar.

After half an hour of queue training, Tang Lin allowed everyone to eat.

After eating, Yu Shengjun and Yu Zichen walked out of the dining hall together. When they passed by the gate of Shanglin Garden, they saw a group of people booing at the gate, as if they were gathering together to get a sneak peek at something. very crowded.

The two of them looked at each other, and then looked over there at the same time, only to see Cao Dan and Yun Lei squeezed out from the crowd.There was no joy on Yunlei's face, but Cao Dan was a little bit happy.

Yu Shengjun could see what was going on, he said to Yu Zichen: "Tang Lin mentioned that the data will be updated every day,"

Yu Zichen frowned, "Update?"

Yu Shengjun explained, "She explained to me that it is a new look. Change the old past into the new one. Tang Lin should have announced our scores yesterday on the data sheet, otherwise, she wouldn't be around. so many students."

Yu Zichen lowered his head and smiled, "Undoubtedly, Brother Huang is the one with the highest score."

"Brother Yu, congratulations!" Cao Dan's voice came before Yu Shengjun arrived. "Congratulations on winning No.1."

Yu Shengjun shook his head and laughed, "Brother Xiao Cao, the results won't come out until four months later, so don't draw conclusions too early. Who can guarantee that No.1 will be me in the end? I guess it's you, Xiao Cao." right!"

Cao Dan laughed and said, "Brother Yu really likes to lift people up, how can I have that ability. After all, Cao Dan is so lucky to be in the same class as Brother Yu. Now, I have also scored a point. In the future, please invite Yu Take care, big brother."

Yu Shengjun said politely: "Where is it, I'm sorry. We are in the same group, and we will work hard together in the future."

In the corner, Fu Yushu and Shao Qi were very uncomfortable watching the talking and laughing scene.

After Cao Dan left, Yu Zichen glanced at the corner and said softly to Yu Shengjun, "Brother Huang, our scores make people jealous!"

The corner of Yu Shengjun's lips curled into a confident and crazy smile, "Let's make them jealous, we do our own business, why should we care about their mood?"

Yu Zichen was worried, "I'm afraid that the dog will jump over the wall in a hurry!"

"They are weak now, can they deal with me?" After finishing speaking, Yu Shengjun turned around and walked away gracefully.

After breakfast, everyone has half an hour to rest, and then they will face a day of formal training.

Some of the students were in a daze in the compound, some went back to the dormitory to sleep, and some gathered around the bulletin board to read the report card, never getting tired of it.

It was almost time to gather, and Yu Shengjun stopped when he passed by the warehouse. The door of the warehouse was open, and Tang Lin and Yifeng were seen walking around inside, wondering what they were busy with.

Yu Shengjun became a little curious, so he walked over, and was immediately stopped by the Yulin Army guarding the door with a spear, "Stop, students are not allowed to enter this place."

Yu Shengjun was stunned for a moment, then looked down at himself, he was indeed wearing Tang Lin's modified new clothes today, and behind him, this set of green training clothes really improved his mental outlook.

"Then I won't go in." Since the students were not allowed to enter, Yu Shengjun turned around and left.

At this moment, someone stopped him, "Junjun, what's the matter? Come in!" It was Tang Lin who said this.

Yu Shengjun glanced at the door, "Just walked over, and the Imperial Forest Army didn't stop him anymore. After entering the warehouse, he was frightened stupid by everything in this big warehouse.

Tang Lin was teaching Yifeng what they were busy with, and Yu Shengjun walked up to her, staring at her and asking, "You, what are you doing?"

Tang Lin smiled sinisterly, and looked at him mysteriously, "It's better not to know for now, or I'll wait for you...haha." Just leave it in suspense so that Yu Shengjun doesn't know in advance.Yu Shengjun said contemptuously, "What is there to keep secret?"

Tang Lin glanced at Yifeng and the things they were busy with, and then said to Yu Shengjun: "The task of training you today has already been arranged. What we are doing now is for you in the future!"

Yu Shengjun glanced at Yifeng and the others, and really couldn't understand what they were busy with.

Tang Lin looked at her watch and saw that the meeting time was coming soon, "Junjun, it's time to meet up, why don't you go quickly? Otherwise, I'll be scolded again later!"

"It's not the first time you have scolded me. I'm used to it, so I'm still afraid of being scolded?" After speaking, Yu Shengjun smiled handsomely and charmingly, then turned and left the warehouse.

Looking at his handsome back, Tang Lin pursed her lips and took a breath. The Yu Shengjun in military uniform is really different. Of course, if his hair is less, he shouldn't have it. Maybe, he doesn't look like an emperor at all. Bar.

Three minutes later, Xiao Xiong gathered all the students in Shanglinyuan, and after a queue rectification, he set off for the martial arts training ground.

Just stepped into the area of ​​the martial arts training ground, and the large-scale posture in the middle of the martial arts training ground shocked all the students.

In the middle of the large martial arts field, there is a rectangular iron frame supported by iron pillars. On the other side of the martial arts field, there are three big iron pillars, and on the other side of the martial arts field, which is close to the imperial palace. At the head, there are also three big iron pillars, which are linked by three big iron chains.The distance between the iron pillars on both sides is 50 meters long, and the height of each iron pillar is 20 meters high, and the iron chain is tied to the highest point of the iron pillar, and then connected all the way to the opposite iron pillar.This iron frame is surrounded by iron nets to form a wall, and the ground below the three iron chains is 20 meters high, all with swords, axes, spears, and arrows, so densely packed that there is no gap in the iron frame. .Anyone who walks or flies over the iron chain will surely die if he falls off.

Seeing such a scene, can the students not be shocked?

For Shao Qi, he had seen an iron net on the iron frame before, but now he saw that there were only three iron chains. What is the next training?But he thought, it must have something to do with the iron frame.

Xiao Xiong brought the students to a corner of the martial arts training ground, "Stand at attention, before the commander arrives, we will conduct queue training first."

Cao Dan immediately protested weakly, "Brother Xiao, you are all good brothers, please spare us? You can let us do whatever you want, but just don't come to the queue for training, it's very boring."

"Huh?!" Xiao Xiong frowned displeased.

"Okay, it's not Big Brother Xiao, it's Platoon Leader Xiao." Cao Dan changed his words helplessly when he saw the other party's complexion was bad.

Xiao Xiong stood in front of everyone with his hands behind his hands, with a stern expression on his face, "This is an order from the commander, and no one can resist it."

As a last resort, everyone had to bite the bullet and accept the boring queue training.

Not long after, Yifeng and others followed Tang Lin to the training ground.

After Tang Lin stood in front of everyone, Xiao Xiong didn't continue the queue training, but the tasks that should be performed must be performed, "Report the number in the third shift."




After making sure that all the staff were present, Tang Lin took another look at all the staff, and then she spoke, "Well, it looks much better in this dress."

She didn't talk too much, looked sideways at the iron frame beside her, and began to tell the students, "In the past, you should have experienced the test of surviving on the iron network, but today, I will not use that method to test you. Also, I want to focus on mentioning to you that the assessment will be conducted today, and if you pass the assessment, you will get extra points, if you fail to pass zero points, you will directly give up the deduction points, do you understand?"

None of the students nodded, because their terrified expressions were all aimed at the iron frame.The ground under the iron frame is full of sharp weapons. If they fall, then... the game is over.

Tang Lin gave Yifeng a nod, "Deputy instructor, tell them the content and rules of the assessment."

After Yifeng understood, he walked up to everyone and explained the key tasks of this morning, "Your bodies will be tested for balance this morning, and there is no chance to practice. Have you seen the three chains on the iron frame? Wait for the next shift. At the same time, the assessment will be carried out by one person in each class. You have to step on the ladder, hold a wooden stick in balance with both hands, step on the iron chain from one end to the other end, and when you finish walking, there is nothing wrong with it. Just add one point. Here, I would like to remind you that you must keep your balance. If you fall... I'm sorry, the palace will not pay any responsibility. You can voluntarily abandon the competition in this round of assessment. If you don't want to participate in the assessment, You can forfeit the game. But once you step on that high ladder, you are not allowed to come down. Either you successfully walk over it, or... fall down and die. Another thing to mention is that you can't get the wooden stick On the other hand, it is a failure."

Immediately, everyone's hearts tightened together.This kind of assessment, what is it if it is not a life-saving test?
When Han Xueyan saw the sharp objects inside the iron frame, Han Xueyan almost fainted every time he had a whim.But seeing more cruel scenes, she would not faint, but she still had fear.

Yu Zichen said in a low voice: "Brother Huang, if you want to walk through this iron chain without using lightness kung fu, it may be a difficult task."

Yu Shengjun said, "Second brother, give up the game, I'm afraid something will happen to you."

"Ah?" Yu Zichen was stunned, and immediately said: "There is a saying that is good, like a brother, there must be a younger brother. Since the emperor's brother dared to participate, how can the younger brother shrink back."

Yu Shengjun smiled gratifiedly, "Second brother, I am very relieved to have your words, so please be careful later."

Yu Zichen nodded, "Well, my brother will pay attention, and so will the emperor."

After Yifeng finished his presentation, he stood aside.

Yitang, Yishuang, and Xiao Xiong went to stand under the three iron pillars.

Tang Lin stretched out her hand from behind, and she saw that she was holding a notebook and her ballpoint pen in her hand.She turned to everyone and said: "Yesterday's score sheet has come out. You must have seen it this morning, right? Yesterday, all members of class one got one point each, and students from class one, Yu Huangxuan and Yu Zichen, the two of them You will get one more point, each of which is worth two points. This morning's assessment is an individual assessment, but it is also a class assessment. Whichever class wins the most, that class will score one point. If everyone is ready Alright, let's start the assessment for the first group first. The three of you in each class will be assessed as a group. Now the first group of the three classes are Yu Huangxuan, Shao Qi, and Fu Yushu, and you will go up the high ladder immediately For the assessment, the next group is Zimo, Yunlei, and Lu Yitang, prepare for warm-up first, don't wait until the game to know that you have to practice. The first group, go out immediately."

(End of this chapter)

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