The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 260 The height of the devil is 1 foot, and the height of the road is 1 foot.

Chapter 260 The devil is one foot high, and the Tao is one foot high.

Yu Shengjun, Shao Qi, and Fu Yushu, whose names were called, stepped out of the team one after another and came to the side of the three iron pillars.

Standing next to the first iron pillar, Yu Shengjun raised his head and looked at the high top of the iron pillar. Looking up all the way, there was a long wooden ladder. Once he walked up, he couldn't get down.If you want to get down, you have to go through a 50-meter-long iron chain and get down from the opposite iron pillar.

The first class was in charge of the assessment affairs of the first class. He stood by the first iron pillar and saw Yu Shengjun's eyes were a little dazed. He was a little worried, "Master, this is Miss Tang's arrangement. The subordinates stopped her, but... ..."

Yu Shengjun stopped him, "Don't stop any of her arrangements in the future. I didn't get a batch of winning weapons from Zhang Xiangyang, but Tang Lin can give them to me."

Yitang lowered his head, "This subordinate understands." The invincible weapon in the master's mind finally appeared. Besides Tang Lin, who else would it be?

"Master, be careful." Yitang instructed, and then opened the sliding door to the ladder.

Yu Shengjun walked in, then grabbed the wooden ladder and went up step by step.

Fu Yushu and Shao Qi saw that Yu Shengjun had already climbed up, and they were not to be outdone, they grabbed the wooden ladder and climbed up.

After a while, Tang Lin looked at her watch, and then at Yu Shengjun and the others. In less than 3 minutes, these three big men had already climbed to the highest point.

The top of the iron pillar is the highest, and there is a wooden platform for people to stand on.Beside the wooden platform, there is a wooden stick.The stick was as wide as corn, but five meters long.

After Yu Shengjun stood on it, he looked at the iron pillar 50 meters away, and then at the sharp weapons on the ground below, his expression was very calm and calm.

But Fu Yushu, Shao Qi, and the students below were not as calm as Yu Shengjun.

The students watched closely with their heads up, their hearts tightened all the time.They were worried, worried that when Yu Shengjun and the others suddenly leaned halfway, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Fu Yushu's throat tightened as he looked at the sharp objects below.Although he has been taught martial arts and knowledge since he was a child, he has rarely been exposed to this cruel assessment method. If his body is tilted or he cannot stand firmly, his life will be in danger at any time.

But it is already impossible to give up the game right now, and, in my mind, I don't have the idea of ​​giving up the game.He, Fu Yushu, doesn't want to be a shrinking turtle.

Wait, he can only bite the bullet and walk over, try to maintain the balance of the body.

Because he has lived on the iron net for many years, Shao Qi is not afraid of the sharp weapons below, but it is the first time for him to walk such a long iron chain.

If you don't fall down after a while, it's really game over.

Looking at this scene, Tang Lin didn't have any worry on her face, only sternness.She whistled, then yelled, "Go!"

Yu Shengjun took the wooden stick, held it horizontally in his hand, and then faced the iron chain. This iron chain seemed to shake when it moved, and it was very hanging.

However, after he calmed down the tension in his heart, he stepped forward and stepped on the iron chain.

Everyone's hearts were suspended.Yu Shengjun kept his balance, stepped on the iron chain smoothly, and then walked out slowly step by step.Because the balance is very well controlled, and he doesn't put too much energy on the iron chain, this prevents the iron chain from being shaken.

But Fu Yushu and Shao Qi are not as lucky as Yu Shengjun, let alone have the self-control ability of Yu Shengjun.

As soon as Fu Yushu's right foot stood on tiptoe of the iron chain, the iron chain immediately moved. Immediately, the iron chain swayed like ripples, moving from one end to the other.He immediately retracted his feet, so as not to cause eternal hatred if he stumbled.

As for Shao Qi, it took two or three steps before his body became unbalanced, and the wooden stick almost fell off.If he hadn't calmly controlled it in time, even his own people would have fallen.

Seeing that Yu Shengjun had walked a long way in a balanced manner, Fu Yushu was not reconciled, gritted his teeth and started walking again.He imitated Yu Shengjun, how Yu Shengjun walked, how to change his footsteps, he followed behind, learning.

Tang Lin saw Yu Shengjun walking so balanced, she was not happy for Yu Shengjun like other students, but she was worried.

As he said, is there any problem that he can't overcome?

She has always believed in this sentence: no one is perfect, and no gold is pure.No matter how perfect Yu Shengjun is, there will be flaws.But since I met him till now, where has he been flawed?On the contrary, he was young and accomplished a great career.

Shao Qi walked all the way, his body was always wobbly, he almost fell several times, and finally he was in danger again.Every time, his heart shrank together, and he was afraid of falling, and then he would never see Han Lingying again.

Fu Yushu was also like him, once the center of gravity was unstable, the iron chain would be wobbly and would fall several times.

At this moment, Yu Shengjun had already walked half of the iron chain, while Fu Yushu and Shao Qi had only taken a few steps.The two had already been left behind by Yu Shengjun.

Yu Shengjun had no distracting thoughts in his mind, he only focused on walking forward.He didn't look down, nor looked into the distance, but just focused on the road in front of him.The further he went, the more weight the iron chain was bearing, and then the chain began to shake, but these difficulties were all under his control.

"Ah! Suddenly, Shao Qi's center of gravity became unstable, and he leaned to the side. Seeing this scene, Han Xueyan's eyes went dark. This time, he successfully passed out and was helped by one or two students.

However, Shao Qi didn't fall down, but as soon as he stretched his feet, he simply sat on the iron chain, and then clung tightly to the iron chain.The wooden stick had fallen to the pile of sharp tools on the ground because he let go of it just now.The departure of the wooden stick declared that his assessment...failed.

He lay down on the iron chain to fix his body, and then beat himself hard, feeling extremely remorse in his heart, hating himself for being so useless.

After torturing himself for a while, Shao Qi looked forward, Fu Yushu had already walked halfway, and Yu Shengjun had less than ten meters to reach the finish line.Seeing Yu Shengjun being so capable, his eyes were bloodshot,
Why does Yu Huangxuan add points repeatedly...


Touching his bosom, Shao Qi's mouth turned into a ruthless arc.He took out a steel ball from his pocket.He always carried this steel ball with him, and sometimes used it as a weapon to prevent accidents.

He squeezed the steel ball tightly, and then secretly aimed at Yu Shengjun's chain, his eyes turned hard, and in an instant, the steel ball flew out of his hand, and passed through it at the fastest speed and in the most perfect straight line, ruthlessly It hit Yu Shengjun's chain hard, and then bounced to the side.

After being hit, the iron chain on which Yu Shengjun was sitting shook violently, and Yu Shengjun, who was concentrating on it, swayed under the shaking of the iron chain and fell down——

Seeing this, all the students' pupils widened instantly, and panic showed on their faces.

Tang Lin's heart shrank suddenly, and she said dumbly, "Junjun..."

But a miracle happened.

At the moment of falling, Yu Shengjun held the wooden stick in one hand, and grasped the iron chain with the other hand, and then turned around handsomely, then let go, and the whole person jumped into the air two meters high , and then fell down, gently stepping on the iron chain.Then, hold the wooden stick in both hands.

Seeing that he was fine, Yu Zichen and Tang Lin could finally relax.

Yu Shengjun glanced back, his eyes were unpredictable.He didn't do anything, then turned around and walked the rest of the way.

The steel ball has bounced off and fell elsewhere, and there is no hidden weapon on him.Now, seeing that Yu Shengjun survived the catastrophe and walked more smoothly, Shao Qi felt a ball of unresolved anger in his heart, and secretly said coldly: "Yu Huangxuan, just wait and see."

Soon, Yu Shengjun successfully walked up to the wooden platform, stood here safely, and then all the staff began to cheer for him from below.

Yu Shengjun condescendingly looked down at the training ground, and finally, he threw a proud look and gesture at Shao Qi who was curled up on the iron chain, intending to tell Shao Qi that I won and you lost, I am the boss!

Shao Qi gritted his teeth, he could only let a ball of fire burn in his chest, but he couldn't enjoy it with his mouth.He crawled back slowly.

Yu Shengjun got off the wooden ladder and looked up again. Fu Yushu had already walked half of the iron chain.He originally wanted to go back to the team directly, but he stepped on something in the sand just a few steps away from the iron pillar.

He stopped, moved his foot, and fixed his eyes, it turned out to be a steel ball.

He picked up the steel ball, there was a gap on the steel ball, it was a new gap, and there was residue on the gap.He put it in front of his nose and sniffed it, and it turned out to be the smell of iron rust.He looked at the iron chain above his head, the iron chain had already rusted a lot.

If he was not mistaken, the reason why his iron chain was suddenly shaken just now was deliberately done by someone.And the person who wanted to harm him was right there, who could it be?
Yu Shengjun checked the place where the steel ball rebounded after hitting the iron chain and compared it again. He suddenly found that this steel ball was actually sent from Shao Qi.It turned out to be Shao Qi...I didn't want him to win.

But this enmity, he, Yu Shengjun, remembered!

While everyone was paying attention to Fu Yushu's assessment, Yu Shengjun concentrated his extremely destructive internal force on the steel ball, and then bounced the steel ball towards the last iron pillar in front.

Finally, the steel ball hit the iron pillar fixed by the iron chain where Fu Yushu was.

The iron pillar shook for a while, but it was able to overcome rigidity with softness, just a slight shake, and immediately bounced all the strength back to the iron chain.The iron chain began to shake violently, but Fu Yushu couldn't control his body, nor could he maintain his balance. In the end, he had no choice but to throw away the wooden stick, and grasped the iron chain tightly. His body just hung under the iron chain, letting him Dangling chains dangled him from side to side.

Seeing Fu Yushu like this, Lu Yitang's face turned completely pale. He left the team and wanted to go to rescue Fu Yushu, but Xiao Xiong blocked his way, "Go back and stand still."

"Get out of the way," Lu Yitang was anxious, he pushed Xiao Xiong away angrily, "I'm going to save someone, I'm going to kill someone!"

But Xiao Xiong held him tightly, but he didn't let him take a step forward, "This is the rule, don't come close."

Slowly, the iron chain no longer swayed so violently.Fu Yushu waited for the iron chain not to sway, then exerted strength from his waist, and threw himself up. After standing on the iron chain, he began to walk forward recklessly.

The wooden stick was gone, and he was in a bad mood. The absence of the wooden stick meant that he had failed the assessment and failed.

He walked very fast, and at the last few meters away, he flew over with light work and landed on the wooden platform.Looking back at the 50-meter-long iron chain, a look of pain flashed in his eyes.Why was Yu Huangxuan able to complete the assessment, why couldn't he himself?

In this way, Yu Huangxuan got another point. He who never likes to compare, but also loves to compare, loves to be jealous, and loves to show off.

It was Tang Lin, it was Tang Lin's special system that made him have thoughts that had never occurred to him before, but now, like a fountain, they were continuously generated, and he couldn't control them no matter what.He also hopes that he wins, he also hopes that he can get No.1, he also hopes that he is admired by all the students, and he also hopes that he... is strong in everything.

However, all he hoped for fell on Yu Huangxuan.Now, he can only be jealous, but he can do nothing to win glory for himself.

(End of this chapter)

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