Chapter 261
After the first group of three returned to the team, Tang Lin read the name of the next group, "Zimo, Yunlei, Lu Yitang, it's time for you to play."

When Yunlei was about to leave the team, he was stopped by Shao Qi, with a dejected look on his face, "Forget it, don't compete, even I can't deal with that chain, let alone you. Don't die, this point ...we don't want to."

"My lord, try this subordinate." Yunlei said very seriously.

Shao Qi looked into his eyes, hesitated to speak, and finally waved his hand, "Since you are so determined, then go."

Fu Yushu did not stop Lu Yitang, but told Lu Yitang some precautions.

The second group of three people came out one after another, and finally climbed the high ladder one after another and stood on the wooden platform.After hearing Tang Lin whistle, they took the wooden sticks one after another, stepped on the iron chain, tried to stabilize their balance, and walked slowly towards the iron chain with concentration.

These three people were not as insidious as Shao Qi and the others. They faced them very attentively from the beginning of the assessment.

However, in the end, their skills are still weak, or in other words, they are far inferior to Yu Shengjun.Before they were a third of the way out of the iron chain, a gust of wind blew across their faces, their hair was gently blown up, and the sudden itching made them lose their minds for a while.

But this move made them fatal.When they moved a little, the chain immediately followed, and when the chain shook, they shook violently, until finally they couldn't control themselves at all.

The three iron chains shook at the same time, getting worse and worse.

Yu Zichen, Yunlei, and Fu Yushu couldn't control themselves, they fell down one after another, accompanied by screams, "Ah—"

Seeing that Yu Zichen was about to fall onto the sharp weapon below, Yu Shengjun's face turned completely pale.It's too late to fly over to save people now.Around the iron frame, there is a layer of 20-meter-high iron net fence. People who fall from above will fall directly inside, and people outside will not be able to break through the iron net in a short time.

Seeing that Yu Zichen was about to fall to the ground, Yu Shengjun was about to jump onto the 20-meter-high iron net, fly down again, and pull Yu Zichen up.

Even if it was too late, he couldn't just watch his brother have an accident like this.

At this moment, an invisible steel wire flew in through the iron net, wrapped around Yu Zichen's waist in the fastest time, and then the arrow rushed over quickly, also knocking Yunlei and Lu Yitang away. The body that went down was entangled, and finally, the arrow directly rushed through the iron net on the opposite side, and got entangled in the iron net, and the bodies of Yu Zichen and the others just fell a few meters high, and it took a while later , Their bodies will be worn on the sharp tools on the ground.

Everyone thought that Yu Zichen and the others were bound to die, so they all closed their eyes, not wanting to watch the horrible scene, but Fu Yushu and the others watched with eyes wide open.

Originally, I thought that something would happen to Yu Zichen and the others, but I didn't expect that they were about to hit the ground, but at this moment they automatically stopped and stopped falling. What's going on?There was no one holding the three of them.

Due to the weight of the three people, Tang Lin was dragged out of the iron net by the steel wire. In order to prevent herself from completely sticking to the iron net, she kicked the iron net tightly with one foot until Yu Zichen and the others stopped landing Finally, he turned his head and hurriedly said to a group of them, "Save people!"

After receiving the order, Yifeng, Yitang, and Yishuang rushed a few steps, then jumped up to the wooden platform on the high ladder, took the rope from the wooden platform, threw one end of the rope, They got under the chain, and then they grabbed both ends of the rope and let the rope slide from the end of the chain to the middle, because the rope was long and fell to the ground.

When they slid the rope to the middle of the iron chain, they let go of their hands and flew up, stepping on the iron chain and using light work to walk back. After a while, they were safely standing on the wooden platform.In the end, the martial arts of the Ouchi guards are the highest.

When Mi Zichen and the others saw the rope hanging from the iron chain, they immediately pulled the rope.

Seeing that the three of them had pulled the rope, Tang Lin took the steel wire back and took a deep breath.If those three people were not rescued, her waist would be severely strangled by them.

Following the rope, the three of Yu Zichen and the others quickly put on the iron chain, then pulled up the rope and swung it towards the wooden platform.

After Yifeng and the others caught the rope, they pulled Yu Zichen and the others back.

After everyone returned to the team, Tang Lin stood in front of everyone, looked at it again and again, and finally shook her head helplessly, "Sure enough, they are still a bunch of useless wretches. Could it be that everyone except Yu Huangxuan is a rich man?"

After being scolded like this, each of them lowered their heads with a heavy heart.Indeed, there is still room for higher performance, just like Yu Huangxuan, who can pass easily, this is still related to their own abilities, it's not that they can't make it through, it's just that they haven't worked hard to train themselves to that level.

"I'm too lazy to teach you guys." Tang Lin gave everyone a cold look, then looked at Yifeng and the others, and ordered: "Remove all the weapons from the iron frame, and then put a few layers of thick blankets on the ground, so as not to fall to death during training Yes. In the next time, under the command of Yitang and Yishuang, all the students will climb up for me and train hard. If anyone is afraid of falling off, please pack up and leave immediately. Ouchi guards...don't shrink your head like a turtle .”

After finishing speaking, Tang Lin turned around coldly and left.

Next, Yifeng ordered the Imperial Forest Army to pull out all the sharp objects under the iron frame in the shortest possible time, and then put several layers of thick mats on the ground. Before long, the iron net was full of green.

In one class, let the three classes of students wait under the three iron pillars, and then let the students go up one by one, and then take the wooden sticks and walk through the iron chains for training.

Because of the mat, Yu Shengjun didn't fall off when the first group of people went up, but Fu Yushu and Shao Qi fell off again halfway through the walk, and this time, they fell very... well.

Instead of breaking a bone or bruising, they just hit the mat and were fine.

Seeing that they were all right, the students who were going to play next were much braver, perhaps their lives were not in danger, and they all enjoyed it.

When it was Cao Dan's turn, he hadn't taken two steps, and fell directly from the wooden platform, screaming all the way down.It wasn't until there was a muffled sound from his abdomen that he marveled at the look of the cushion.

Because of the enjoyment of falling, the students wanted to walk the iron chain bridge one after another.

When it was Sun Bailing and Han Xueyan's turn, Sun Bailing resolutely fought it out, and before taking a few steps, he fell down with a whoosh.Seeing this scene, Han Xueyan immediately closed her eyes, trembling with fear.

Yishuang urged her, "Hurry up!"

Han Xueyan pouted, "I'm afraid, I'm afraid of heights!"

"Afraid of heights, why are you here as a bodyguard? Get out!" Yishuang didn't let Han Xueyan have a chance to be afraid, and kicked Han Xueyan out directly. Shouting fiercely, "Ah—help——"

When Han Xueyan fell on the soft cushion, Yishuang wiped off her sweat, "I really don't know what's the use of such a person, he shouldn't live in this world, it's a burden."

Coincidentally, it was the next student's turn to train, and this student was none other than Shao Qi.As soon as he came up, he heard what Yishuang said, and immediately became displeased, "What are you talking about? Is it interesting to talk about others behind your back?"

Yishuang turned back and stared at him, "The instructor has the power to criticize the students, doesn't Marshal Shao know?"

Shao Qi said coldly: "Since you call me Marshal Shao, you should know my identity as Shao Qi. How can you be so arrogant as a small inner guard, dare to talk to me like this? I, Shao Qi The commander-in-chief of soldiers and horses in the world, and you, Yishuang, are just a small bodyguard, why do you have this expression every time you treat me?"

Yishuang pulled his lips, "I, Yishuang, dare not contradict Marshal Shao, it's just that I, Yishuang, only obey my master. Whatever the master asks me to do, I will go through fire and water, and I will do anything. Please forgive me, it's not that I don't understand flattery, it's just that I have been doing things impartially. If Marshal Shao has to blame me on an unqualified student, then Marshal Shao is too much for me to understand. It's just a student, why do you need to vent your anger on me Yishuang for her sake? Could it be that Marshal Shao really dislikes me like this? If that's the case, you can speak to the emperor and transfer me to Yishuang Get out of here!"

With these words, Shao Qi couldn't refute them back, did he make himself unreasonable?

"If Marshal has nothing to say, Marshal Shao, please continue training." Yishuang said coldly.

"The marshal wants to experience the ability of Ouchi's guards!" Before finishing speaking, Shao Qi had already made a move to Yishuang.

Yishuang's eyes were quick and quick, and he reacted quickly. He immediately dismantled the opponent's tricks and quickly fought back.After several fights on the wooden platform, Shao Qi's neck was finally supported by Yishuang's feet, and their hands were tightly entangled.But this action clearly told Shao Qi that he lost.

Yishuang shook off the other party, retracted his feet, and said coldly: "Marshal Shao, you have to be at odds with me, don't you?"

Shao Qi held back his breath, glared at her, and walked past her coldly.The guards around Yu Shengjun are not simple, even their martial arts are much higher than his own, so they must not be easily offended.

Don't look at this Shuang as a woman, and he has never fought against her before, but after this fight, he knew that the Ouchi guard really did not make a name for himself.We should really listen to Fu Yushu's words and transfer all the guards in the palace to trouble the emperor. Otherwise, with these guards around, not to mention his majestic marshal, even ten marshals may not be able to escape from the palace alive. The guard left.

As soon as noon came, the training in the martial arts field stopped, and Yifeng asked the students to go back to Shanglinyuan for lunch.

On the way back to Shanglin Garden, Yu Shengjun deliberately slowed down, and waited for Yishuang to catch up before saying to her, "At the meeting in the morning, I saw you and Shao Qi fighting up there."

Yishuang's face changed, and he immediately lowered his head and confessed the situation, "I'm sorry, master, this subordinate shouldn't be so reckless."

Yu Shengjun asked: "Why did you start fighting?"

Yishuang shook his head and said: "This subordinate doesn't know either. At that time, the subordinate saw Han Xueyan's slow movements, so he scolded Han Xueyan, but Shao Qi, who came up to train later, heard it, and then taught his subordinates for a student. For some reason, he suddenly shot at his subordinates, so the subordinates had no choice but to fight back. Master, your subordinates shouldn't do this, if you let Shao Qi bear a grudge, it will be detrimental to your plan."

Yu Shengjun smiled, and said instead: "In the future, you will face him with such a posture, and let him know that Ouchi's guards are not vegetarians anymore. In this way, he will not dare to act rashly."

Yishuang was surprised, "Master..."

Yu Shengjun said: "It won't affect my plan, you don't have to blame yourself for it."

After having lunch at noon, all the students had free activities in Shanglin Garden for half an hour.

After half an hour passed, Tang Lin came out from the gate of Shanglin Garden and looked at her watch. It was exactly two o'clock in the afternoon.She walked to the middle of the compound, and as soon as she whistled, the lazy students ran over and returned to the team.

After a few minutes of straightening up the queue, Tang Lin raised a charming smile, which made the students feel that it was a bad afternoon. "Students, good afternoon!"

(End of this chapter)

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