The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 262 I, Tang Lin, Are Still Superior

Chapter 262 I, Tang Lin, Are Still Better After All

They replied feebly one by one, "Sir, that's fine too."

Tang Lin smiled again and said, "Guess what is that?"

Everyone immediately followed Tang Lin's gaze.I saw Xiao Xiong driving a donkey cart, and the donkey cart was full of brooms.

Xiao Xiong drove the donkey cart to Tang Lin before stopping. After getting off the cart, he said to Tang Lin: "Sir, everything is here."

"Yes." Tang Lin replied with satisfaction, "You should step back first."

After Xiao Xionghou came to the side, Tang Lin looked at the students with a smile. Seeing the weird expressions on their faces, she smiled even more charmingly, "Why do you have this expression? It seems that the officer will eat you later! "

Cao Dan raised his hand,

Tang Lin nodded, "Say."

Cao Dan stared at the broomsticks in the car with an extremely strange expression, "Sir, there are so many broomsticks, what are you trying to train us with?"

"That's it," the others whispered.

Tang Lin looked at Cao Dan with a smile, "Who said you are going to be trained? I won't be training you this afternoon." Just as the crowd was about to cheer, the conversation changed, "However, if you want to idle for a long time, that's impossible. It's like this, because Nangong lacks manpower to clean, since you don't want to train, well, let's arrange the tasks later, everyone, sweep the floor for me, I will come to check in the evening, which shift is correct If it’s not good, the class will not be allowed to eat tonight.”

Cao Dan protested again, "Report to the officer, can I not clean it?"

Tang Lin said with a smile: "Yes, but I want to remind you of one thing. This cleaning is scored. Whichever class cleans well, everyone in that class will get a point and get a labor red flag!"

Hearing this sentence, Cao Dan showed a "lost" expression, and muttered softly: "I know there is nothing good."

Tang Lin glanced at the three rows of team members, and continued: "Next, I will arrange for your third class to clean up. There are eight people in each class. You are responsible for cleaning the inside and outside of Shanglin Garden. I will check in the evening. Don't cut corners for me. The second class, you are in charge of the martial arts training ground and the area around Nangong Square. The third class, you are responsible for cleaning the Nangong kitchen and the various office courtyards of Nangong. To clean the courtyard, you must not enter important palaces to clean, remember?"

"Report!" A student in class two raised his hand to speak.

Tang Lin nodded, "Say."

The student was dissatisfied and said: "The Martial Arts Field and Nangong Square are the widest and largest. Why is it that our second class comes to clean it? The Martial Arts Field and Nangong Square are combined, and there are three Shanglinyuans. Why is the first class cheaper?"

Tang Lin turned cold and said sharply: "Why, don't you obey the commander's arrangement? If Shanglinyuan is easy to clean, will I give it to the first class? You really don't know good and bad! Well, this time, I will draw lots to decide which one you will sweep. A piece of land."

Soon, Tang Lin placed three crumpled papers with writing on them in her palm, "The monitor of the third class came out to draw lots."

Yu Shengjun, Shao Qi, and Fu Yushu soon stood in front of Tang Lin.

Tang Lin said to them: "Here are three sheets, all of which have words written on them. Clean up whatever class gets drawn. Let's start."

Shao Qi chose first, and he picked and picked again. When Yu Shengjun got a little impatient, he chose a paper ball at random, then held the paper ball with both hands and waved his hands to the sky, as if praying to the sky that he got it well. of.

After Fu Yushu took one, Yu Shengjun took away the last one. Unlike Shao Qi, who had to worship God, he opened the paper ball directly, and saw seven words written on the paper, "Practice martial arts!" Field, Nangong Square."

When Tang Lin was about to ask Yu Shengjun for his answer, Shao Qi suddenly cheered, "That's great!"

Tang Lin cast a contemptuous glance, "What did you smoke?"

Shao Qi suppressed his excitement and handed the note to her, "Shanglinyuan, our second class is cleaning Shanglinyuan!"

Yu Shengjun pulled his lips, and wrote lightly: "Then congratulations." Is it necessary to be so happy?When Shanglin Garden is cleaned up, we will know whether there is any need to be so happy!

Shao Qi smiled contemptuously, "Good luck, it's not always favoring you...Student Yu!"

Yu Shengjun just smiled and said nothing, there is no need to fight with this kind of person.

Tang Lin took a look at the notes from the three of them, and then told the three of them: "Yu Huangxuan, lead your team, take the broom, and clean the martial arts field and Nangong Square. Qilin and Fu Tianze, you too, take Go to your people and go clean Shanglin Garden and Nangong Kitchen."

After the three of them took orders, they took their students from each class to copy the brooms, and went to work one after another.

Yu Shengjun held the broom upright, resting his hands on the broom and holding his chin, staring at the land of Nangong Square, he couldn't help but sigh, "Oh, it's not appropriate to be a Ninth Five-Year Master, why did you come here to be a new student..."

Yu Zichen, who was cleaning the leaves carefully at the side, couldn't help but put down his work when he heard the sigh, shook his head and laughed, "I said, brother, we are much luckier than cleaning Shanglin Garden. Don't worry, at worst, I will take care of everything. "

"Then how can we do that?" Yu Shengjun raised his broom again and swept the ground with a firm eye, "We are brothers, we should have the same blessings and share the same hardships, how can the emperor let your little brother suffer so much? .”

Yu Zichen smiled gratifiedly, "Thanks to Brother Huang for taking such good care of my younger brother." Now, his face was a bit sad, "I haven't seen other brothers for some days, I don't know they are so far away, but they are doing well."

Yu Shengjun sighed, "I miss them too."

"Hey hey," Tang Lin walked over, "What are you hurting the spring and the autumn?"

As soon as she came, Yu Shengjun and Yu Zichen quickly pretended to be busy and started cleaning.

Tang Lin glanced at the two brothers, "You really think of me as a villain."

Yu Shengjun looked at her with a smile, "Where is it, you are the officer, how can we have the right to disobey orders."

Tang Lin raised her eyebrows, "Why, you are ordered to clean the square, are you not convinced? If you are not convinced, show some momentum and confront the officer, so as not to hold back a full stomach of resentment and work hard here, like an angry daughter-in-law Yes, boring."

Yu Shengjun let out a "poof", his face finally lost his expression, "You can do it, I won't quarrel with you, every time I fight, I can't win!"

Tang Lin suddenly snuggled up to him tenderly, "Jun Jun, are you tired?"

Seeing this scene, Yu Zichen turned around and smiled tactfully.This pair of "enemies with a narrow road" can really do something out of the ordinary on any occasion.In the past, it was already a miracle that Brother Huang could have a flattered expression, but it's not like now...

"What are you doing, be serious." Yu Shengjun noticed that Yu Zichen was giggling, so he straightened his face and became serious.

Tang Lin didn't like him, turned a blind eye to his seriousness, and climbed on him again. He was tall and strong, and she found that every time she snuggled up to him like this, she felt very comfortable and safe, "Okay, Junjun, People just want to be hugged by you."

Hearing this sentence, Yu Zichen almost flicked his tongue.Ask for a hug?This Tang Lin is really amazing in everything she does.At one moment she was a ruthless female instructor, but at the next moment she became a little girl who is dependent on others.

Does she ever change?
Yu Shengjun held the broom in one hand, and wrapped Tang Lin's waist in the other to prevent her from throwing him to the ground.He looked around, the other students in the first class were cleaning at the training ground, only he and Yu Zichen were cleaning at Nangong Square.Then, there was only a circle of imperial guards standing guard around Nangong Square.

He threw the broom on the ground, pulled Tang Lin to a corner, pinched her cheek, and glared at her sideways, "Did you just eat candy?"

Tang Lin immediately grinned stupidly, "How do you know? I just want to sweeten myself! You all went to clean this afternoon, and I was the only one doing nothing. If I don't come to pester you, who should I pester? If you allow, I will Go to those guards who pester you!"

"Stop!" Yu Shengjun immediately interrupted her with a stern face, full of anger and jealousy, "If you want to pester, I will let you pester me, but if you dare to hook up with my guards, I will send them all away. so you can't see it."

"Don't!" Tang Lin panicked, "You transferred them away, and the bad guy wants to attack you, what should I do?"

Yu Shengjun simply said: "I'm dead, so I don't have to worry about you every day. You don't know how uncomfortable I am."

She immediately stroked his chest, "Well, Junjun, don't feel bad, don't feel bad, it's okay if your girlfriend doesn't hook up with your guards in the future? Besides, Linlin is also worried about Junjun every day, even though you are there every day Right now, but I really want to hug you every day."

He hugged her suddenly, then let her go, and said with a smile, "Is it better now?"

Tang Lin smiled stupidly, "I'm so happy. This season is very suitable for traveling, Junjun, let's hurry through these long four months, and then call Shang Zichen and Eyun, how about traveling together? "

Yu Shengjun was startled, "Wandering around the world?"

Tang Lin nodded, "It can be said that. I can't wait to experience the taste of private visits on Weibo."

Yu Shengjun nodded her nose, and said with a smile: "Then you will have to wait until you become the queen of the world before you can visit incognito. Think about it, if you see a corrupt official who is not pleasing to the eye, show off your queen's identity." Identity, wow, that scene..."

Tang Lin immediately burst out laughing. As soon as Yu Shengjun said it, she immediately thought of what the scene was like, "It's so funny!"

Yu Shengjun thought, so this kind of thing can make Tang Lin happy, and then I really need to take her out to travel around the world, let her know what life was like in ancient times, and at the same time, I also hope that she can integrate into this kind of life, Forget about modern life.

Afterwards, after chatting with Yu Shengjun for a few words, Tang Lin went to the Nangong kitchen to see the situation there.

But she didn't expect that when she came not far from the entrance of Nangong's kitchen, she saw Mu Lingxuan coming out of it with a basin of water.

Tang Lin's teeth were itchy, "Mu Lingxuan, I won't let you succeed!" With such a sprained foot, not only did the basin in her hand fall off, but her body also fell into Lu Yitang's arms that leaned over in time, and Mu Lingxuan immediately softened. He groaned, "Oh, my feet, my feet..."

Lu Yitang was very serious about cleaning at first, but when he heard the sound of the basin falling to the ground, he looked up and saw Mu Lingxuan falling over his body. In such a situation, he had to worry about Mu Lingxuan body.

He stepped forward to hug him in time, lest the other party fall into a shit.

After helping her, he put her away carefully, and said with concern, "What's the matter, Miss Feng?"

Mu Lingxuan sat down the stone steps slowly, not forgetting to secretly observe the expression on Lu Yitang's face, seeing that he was not showing any impatience, she rubbed her feet deliberately, and immediately cried out in pain, "Oops, my feet..."

Lu Yitang immediately squatted down to check, but when his hand just reached the edge of his skirt, he immediately stopped, "Miss Feng, are you okay with your feet?"

Mu Lingxuan gave a pitiful "Yes", "It hurts Master Lu."

Lu Yitang stood up and looked left and right, "It seems that Miss Feng's ankle is indeed sprained, I will find someone to help you look at it." When he saw a cook coming from the front, he was stopped by Mu Lingxuan when he was about to shout up.

(End of this chapter)

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