The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 263 I plan to set up a special operations team

Chapter 263 I plan to set up a special operations team
Mu Lingxuan suddenly cried out in pain again, hugged her feet and wailed, "Oh, Master Lu, help me, what's wrong with my feet?"

"But," Lu Yitang looked puzzled.Mu Lingxuan is not the type of woman he likes. She looks weak, but she is too artificial. She is not the kind of woman he falls in love with at a glance. He has no urge to give skin to her.

Seeing him ignorant and not doing anything, Mu Lingxuan was very anxious and annoyed.She Mu Lingxuan is a lady after all, why would this Lu Yitang would rather be a gentleman than touch her?Didn't know she was hurt?

Anyone who had made a bet with Tang Lin would win as long as she seduced this man into bed. She didn't believe that her majestic Princess of the Northern Kingdom could not win against a hot-tempered Tang Lin.

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu who thinks women's tears are the killer weapon to deal with men's. of.She hugged her leg and choked up.

However, she was wrong. The women Lu Yitang likes are usually strong, even with tears in their eyes, they are still stubborn.

Facing her pitiful appearance and wanting to be pitied, Lu Yitang just pulled his lips helplessly, and said indifferently, "Miss Feng, don't be like this, sir... I will find you for you now." People come and see!"

Mu Lingxuan's tears stopped immediately, but Lu Yitang had already turned around. What she was about to say was stopped by Tang Lin who walked over gleefully, "Both of you, you really have time to spare!"

Lu Yitang lowered his head and said apologetically, "I'm sorry sir, I'll go clean it right away!"

Tang Lin gave him a hard look, "Why don't you go now? Stay here and continue looking at beauties? You bastard, who stipulated that you pick up beauties during the cleaning period? Let me find out later, be careful and I will punish you to clean the entire Nangong!"

"I know I was wrong, and there will be no next time." After speaking, Lu Yitang took the broom and hurriedly slipped away to other corners.

Seeing Lu Yitang's timid look, Mu Lingxuan lost all interest, stood up lazily, and waved the dust on her hands, "It's really boring, I haven't seen such a useless man before."

Tang Lin pulled her lips and smiled, "Aren't you tamed by me? As you can see, I am their instructor now, and they will do whatever I tell them to do. If I tell them to go east, they will never dare to go east." Xi. Princess Mu, after all, I, Tang Lin, are superior, your beauty trick is not as real as my majesty."

Mu Lingxuan snorted, "Hmph, don't be complacent, the best show is yet to come."

Tang Lin shrugged and smiled lazily, "Okay, then I'll wait and see, when I get him on the bed, I, Tang Lin, will admire you completely, otherwise, you have to admire me completely !"

"Dinner is busy, so I won't accompany you!" After speaking, Mu Lingxuan turned around coldly and entered the kitchen.

Tang Lin snorted softly, "I'm upset and irritable. It's from Shao Qi. It's no wonder that you brothers and sisters have a bright future. Wait for Yu Shengjun to deal with you."

After a while, Tang Lin checked the area near the kitchen, found nothing, and left.

Mu Lingxuan felt a little tired after finishing her morning work, so she planned to go back to the wing room in the backyard to rest, but she didn't expect to see Fu Yushu cleaning the fallen leaves in the yard alone, and her drowsiness disappeared immediately.

The corner of her mouth curled up, her eyebrows and eyes turned bewitching, she walked over here, and opened her collar by the way.

When she was almost at Fu Yushu's side, she called softly, "Brother Fu."

Fu Yushu cleaned with his back turned to her. He was startled when he heard such a gentle voice, and then looked over, "Die Wu, it's you, do you live here?"

Mu Lingxuan nodded lightly, "Yes, Brother Fu. By the way, why are you here?"

Fu Yushu smiled ashamedly, and said frankly: "This afternoon, all the students were assigned to clean the various courtyards of the Nangong Palace. The people in our class were assigned to clean the nearby places. There is no way, this is the arrangement of the superior."

"Oh, so that's what happened." Mu Lingxuan nodded understandingly, and seeing that his forehead was sweating, she grabbed her sleeves and leaned over to help him wipe his forehead, "Brother Fu, you're sweating, I'll help you……"

Mu Lingxuan's approach made Fu Yushu take a step back instinctively, and hurriedly declined politely, "Die Wu, it's okay, I'm fine, I'm going to sweat after cleaning, you don't have to worry about it."

Mu Lingxuan didn't expect that she would be rejected, she didn't give up, she simply took his hand, and pulled it into the room forcibly, "How can I do it, Brother Fu, if you don't wipe off your sweat in time, you will get sick. Anyway, the instructors are not here , They won’t find out if you rest for a while, come in and rest first.”

Fu Yushu couldn't get rid of the opponent so hard, so he had to follow in, but he was very reserved. "Die Wu, I really don't need it, I..."

Mu Lingxuan forced him to sit down at the dining table, then went to the bed and brought a sweat towel, stood in front of him, lowered her head slightly to wipe it for him, Fu Yushu immediately refused, and he simply pressed his hand, " Don't touch Brother Fu, I'll wipe off your sweat for you."

When she first took the sweat towel, she pulled the collar out of her chest, and the bright red bellyband inside was so conspicuously reflected in Fu Yushu's eyes.

As soon as Fu Yushu saw it, he immediately averted his eyes.

Mu Lingxuan looked down and saw that he was avoiding his eyes. She felt a little uncomfortable. She had brought herself to this point, why was this man unmoved?Could it be that he only has one Du Yuanyuan?

Unwilling to give up, Mu Lingxuan leaned a little closer, letting her chest touch Fu Yushu.

Fu Yushu couldn't hold on any longer, got up immediately, grabbed the sweat towel in Mu Lingxuan's hand, moved a few steps aside, and said with a dry smile, "I'll do it myself. Die Wu, if you have anything to do, just go, don't worry about me of."

Mu Lingxuan just looked at him with such a stiff expression, why should he not be moved by her?
Seeing her standing still and staring at him, Fu Yushu asked in a daze, "What's wrong?"

Mu Lingxuan swallowed her throat, swallowing a sour breath, "It's nothing." After finishing speaking, she turned around lightly.

Fu Yushu noticed her sudden indifference, and asked with concern, "Are you all right, Die Wu?"

Mu Lingxuan turned around suddenly, her face was covered with tears, suddenly, she threw herself into his arms, sobbing, "Brother Fu..."

Fu Yushu's body and hands froze for a moment. Seeing her crying so sadly in his arms, he kindly comforted her back, "What's wrong? Tell Brother Fu, what happened? Why are you crying all of a sudden?"

She hugged his waist tightly and buried her face in his arms.This was the first time she hugged this man, she never thought that this man's arms would give her a sense of security, which made her a little reluctant to let go.

Suddenly, she had an urge.If this man listens to her for the rest of her life, she can consider persuading the emperor to return Chu's land to him.

"Okay, don't cry." He released her, lovingly wiped away the tears on her face, caring for her like he cared for the little girl next door. "If you have any grievances, you might as well tell Brother Fu. If Brother Fu can help, he will definitely help. You are the eldest daughter of the Feng Mansion. You are not a good young lady, but you come here to be a cook. Now you are suffering, and you are wronged." ?”

This kind of concern moved Mu Lingxuan for a while. Fu Yushu didn't know that he was "Miss Ling". He only regarded her as a girl he met in Jundiexuan, so he treated her with such kindness, didn't he? ?

He is the leader of the anti-imperial society. Since he is so ruthless as to assassinate the current emperor, he is also ruthless, but she did not expect that his ruthlessness is not reflected in this aspect.

"Brother Fu..." Mu Lingxuan looked at him with teary eyes, but couldn't say a complete sentence.

He comforted her shoulder, "What's wrong with you? Let go of your heart, don't wrong yourself!"

Mu Lingxuan nodded with tears in her eyes, "Yes, I see." After finishing speaking, she threw herself into his arms again, hugging him tightly, "Thank you Brother Fu."

Tang Lin was outside the window, holding up her mobile phone, and kept taking pictures of this scene, with a smirk on her lips all the time.

Gradually, Mu Lingxuan stopped crying, and when Fu Yushu was about to let go of her, she suddenly sniffed in his arms, "Mmm...Brother Fu really smells so good!"

This kind of praise made Fu Yushu's expression suddenly change!

Mu Lingxuan's hand slowly slid down from his waist, Fu Yushu felt something was wrong, and his brows became closer and closer.Phoenix butterfly dance, what is she going to do?
Tang Lin immediately urged Yu Zichen who was standing aside, "Second prince, hurry up, it's your turn to appear." Yu Zichen immediately ran to the door, looking at the two hugging people inside with a painful expression on his face, "You guys ..."

Seeing Yu Zichen, Mu Lingxuan pushed Fu Yushu away violently.

Fu Yushu was pushed away inexplicably.

The sudden appearance of Yu Zichen shocked Mu Lingxuan. She looked closely at Yu Zichen who was at the door with a face full of pain, her throat was so hoarse that she couldn't say a word.

Yu Zichen laughed at himself, then turned and walked away.

Fu Yushu looked at Mu Lingxuan, and then at the back of Yu Zichen's leaving. Did the two of them misunderstand?Immediately, he ran towards the door, “Brother, brother, you wait for me, you misunderstood us!”

Mu Lingxuan was completely paralyzed on the ground, patting her chest lightly with her hand, her expression was extremely tangled, "Why does my heart hurt?"

Fu Yushu stopped Yu Zichen's way when he ran to the gate of the backyard, took a breath and explained the matter between him and Mu Lingxuan, "Zimo, listen to me, Die Wu and I didn't mean that, you misunderstood us, we really It doesn't mean that. You also saw it at Jun Die Xuan, and she and I usually have nothing to do with each other."

The corners of Yu Zichen's lips curled up lazily, "It was just a little surprise just now, there is no need to misunderstand anything. Anyway, I'm married, and it's not that you and Die Wu don't know who my wife is, I can misunderstand What?"

"It's good that there is no misunderstanding," Fu Yushu heaved a sigh of relief, "Just now Diewu was very sad for some reason, so after caring about her for a while, I happened to meet you." Suddenly, he stared at Yu Zichen with scrutiny, " Could it be that you are interested in Die Wu and want to be the second wife?"

"You," Yu Zichen cast a sharp glance at Fu Yushu, and said angrily, "Why did you think of such a thing?"

Fu Yushu was puzzled and said, "Otherwise, why would you appear outside Die Wu's room? Today, your team is responsible for cleaning Nangong Square and the martial arts field. It should have nothing to do with the kitchen, right?"

Yu Zichen said: "When the person in charge of Xiao Tang passed by Nangong Square, he saw that I was idle, so he asked me to come to the kitchen to find Die Wu. The person in charge wanted to see Die Wu. I asked the people in the kitchen and found out Where Die Wu lives, I didn't expect to find you..."

"Don't, don't, don't go on, the following things are nothing." Afraid that Yu Zichen would think wrong again, Fu Yushu hurriedly stopped what Yu Zichen was about to say.

Yu Zichen walked out, and said with a funny smile as he walked: "Die Wu is a good girl, and she is also the eldest daughter of the wealthy Fengfu. Brother Tianze, it's time for you to start a family and start a business. Why don't you consider Die Wu? After leaving her, you don’t have to worry about running out of money in the future!”

Fu Yushu gave her a fierce contemptuous look, and it was rare for a moment to be gentle, "Is Fu Tianze the kind of person who is greedy for vanity? If you want to marry, you marry her. It's not that Diewu is not good, but that she is not the one I like in my heart." kind of woman."

(End of this chapter)

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