Chapter 264

Yu Zichen chuckled, "This is your sincere words, I'm sure."

When passing by outside the kitchen, Fu Yushu couldn't figure out something, "Brother Zimo, is your surname Yu or not? I remember that at Jundiexuan, you Yu Zichen..."

Yu Zichen smiled perfunctorily again, "Is my name important?"

Fu Yushu stopped suddenly, looked sideways at Yu Zichen, "You are not a spy, are you?"

Yu Zichen laughed, "If you say this, you won't be afraid of being heard by others, and then treat us as spies? To tell you the truth," let Fu Yushu listen to him, and he whispered a few words.

Finally, Yu Zichen smiled, "Now, do you understand?"

Fu Yushu paled, "Why did you tell me? Are you not afraid that I will expose you?"

"Hehe," Yu Zichen smiled heartlessly, "Exposing me? Just you? Fu Tianze, you are not a good person. Who is easier to expose? I am helping the second prince, but at present the second prince is still He is the most trusted person of the emperor, you say, if you expose me, will the emperor believe it? I don’t think you even have a chance to meet the emperor, so how can you expose me and the conspiracy of the second prince?”

Fu Yushu snorted softly, "Do you think your master will definitely become the emperor?"

Yu Zichen sneered, "It's up to people."

Fu Yushu was puzzled, "A person like you would definitely not tell outsiders about this kind of thing, but you just told me, and you trust me so much? Are you not afraid that I am really not a good person?"

"You are not a good person," Yu Zichen said frankly in front of Fu Yushu.

Fu Yushu's expression changed, "What do you mean?"

Yu Zichen said: "Do you still remember the first round of the Ouchi bodyguard selection competition? I caught an assassin in the palace, a female assassin, and I used all means to get some shocking secrets out of her mouth!"

Fu Yushu subconsciously thought of the matchmaker. That's right, the matchmaker disappeared on the night of the first round of the Ouchi bodyguard selection competition. Could it be that she was not captured by the emperor, but by the second prince? "Matchmaker? What kind of joke are you talking about? This person... has nothing to do with me."

"You don't have a sense of crisis!" Yu Zichen criticized coldly, "The matchmaker attacked the imperial study room, and I caught him right away, and then let me get the young master's secret out of her mouth. Oh, I I thought how mysterious and powerful the Anti-Royal Society is, but it’s just a group of young people. These years, the assassins of your Anti-Royal Society have attacked the emperor not only without casualties, but have escaped. You think this is the skill of your assassins Is it wrong!"

Hearing this sentence, Fu Yushu's back broke out in a layer of cold sweat. Now, it is not Yu Shengjun who makes him feel terrible, but the second prince who he always thought would not become a great weapon. "You mean, these assassins..."

Yu Zichen said coldly: "It was our master who let you go against the Imperial Council. In recent years, the person who controls the Imperial Forest Army and Ouchi guards in the palace is none other than the Second Prince."

Fu Yushu smiled bitterly, "I don't understand, I don't understand why the Second Prince let us go, he is clearly capable of annihilating our assassins against the Royal Society."

Yu Zichen said: "That's because there is no hatred between Yuxin Dynasty and Chu State at all."

As soon as Fu Yushu heard this, he immediately laughed "hahaha", laughing wildly.After the laughter gradually stopped, his expression gradually became colder, and a lot of hatred grew in his eyes, "If you say nothing, you don't have it? Who are you lying to? If Yuxin hadn't invaded our country of Chu, our Chu country Will the Congress perish? If it wasn’t for Yu Xin, how could I be the only one left in our royal family? Hehe, there is no hatred, it’s so funny!”

Yu Zichen said indifferently: "You don't know the whole story at all. You were deceived by the courtiers of Chu. The matchmaker is your right-hand man. I'm sorry. When she fell into our hands, she originally wanted to take poison and commit suicide, but was killed We stopped it in time, and thus got everything out of you. Don't blame her, it's because your abilities are far less powerful than our Second Prince's. From the matchmaker's mouth, your name, Fu Yushu, finally surfaced. The second prince has never made things difficult for Fan Yuhui. It is because Fan Yuhui and Yu Xin have no hatred, and the people of Chu should be more grateful to Yu Xin. If you want to know the root cause, go to your father and ask To be clear, he took you away from the palace of Chu State. He knows more than you. I don't care what kind of plan you are planning now, but with the second prince here, you will not succeed If you want to ask Yu Xin why he wanted to destroy Chu, first find out about the affairs of the two countries, and then don’t blame Yu Xin for everything, and don’t be wronged.”

Fu Yushu gradually calmed down, but his heart was still in a mess, "Is it really as you said?"

Yu Zichen said, "Don't ask me, ask your father."

"But," Fu Yushu said, "students are not allowed to go out of the palace, and they can go to other palaces. I can't see my father. In the eyes of my father, I have always been a sick son. He has visited famous doctors since he was a child." Heal me, if let him know that his adopted son is so..."

Yu Zichen stroked his shoulder, and said earnestly: "There are some things that you have to face, and running away can't solve the problem. I can ask the second prince for help when you meet with Prime Minister Fu."

Fu Yushu couldn't wait to ask his father about the destruction of the Chu Kingdom. He needed to know whether it was Yu Xin's fault, or... "When can I see him?"

Yu Zichen said: "The ministers of the court go to court every day. How about this, after he comes down tomorrow, I will take Prime Minister Fu to the abandoned palace. No one goes there now, so you can have a good talk. Also, to avoid suspicion of your disappearance, you have to ask the person in charge Xiao Tang for half a day off."

Fu Yushu nodded, "I see, thank you for your help."

Yu Zichen smiled lightly and said, "You're welcome."

After a while, Fu Yushu left first.

Looking at the handsome back, Yu Zichen shook his head helplessly, "If it wasn't for the fact that Brother Huang didn't argue with the Anti-Yu Society, I'm afraid your Anti-Yu Society would have disappeared ten years ago."

"Have you said everything?" At this moment, Tang Lin moved closer to Yu Zichen, staring at Fu Yushu's back as he went away.

Yu Zichen nodded, "Yes, I said it."

Tang Lin said: "It's okay to say it, at least this person still has the possibility of getting back on track. Apart from him, no one else will be allowed to stay in the anti-defense society. If it wasn't for those people who fanned him, how could he have missed knowing what happened back then?" The thing. It wasn't Yu Xin's attack on Chu State at all, but the tragedy caused by his uncle Chu Heng's collusion with Beilin State. The emperor promised Fu Yushu to keep Fu Yushu. If Fu Yushu can change his ways, it will be a good thing. Help the emperor recruit such a good talent. He is not bad in nature, he values ​​love and righteousness, and is worthy of our use. After I become a queen in the future, I plan to form a special operation team to do business for me in the private sector. I think Fu Yushu is very suitable to go... against pornography!"

Yu Zichen, "...sweeping pornography?!" The second class was in charge of cleaning Shanglin Garden. Seeing that the people from the first class came back after cleaning one by one, their second class hadn't finished cleaning half of the Shanglin Garden.This Shanglin Garden doesn't look as big as the martial arts training ground, but there are many yards, and each yard has countless trees, and the leaves and petals are all over the ground...

After cleaning for a long time, Shao Qi only cleaned the yard where they lived.

Standing on the yard outside the room, looking at the dead leaves all over the ground, a gust of bleak wind blew past Shao Qi.Everyone else cleaned the other yards, so he picked the yard where they lived to clean.

Unexpectedly, the yard turned out to be so big.Compared with the bright martial arts training ground and Nangong Square, it is much easier to clean there than here.

"Alas," Shao Qi sighed, regretting his mistakes.If you don't draw lots, you won't end up like this.

"Hey, haven't you finished cleaning yet?" Yu Shengjun returned to the room, passed by the yard, couldn't help showing off his mouth, seeing Shao Qi like that, couldn't help but say a few sarcastic remarks. "I thought your second class had already completed the task."

Shao Qi said angrily, "Go and play, don't disturb me."

Yu Shengjun shrugged his shoulders, "Okay, as you wish, don't disturb, then you sweep slowly, I'll take a nap first." After gloating, he walked into the room, ignoring Shao Qi's black hair. A face full of threads.

After a while, Cao Dan passed by dragging his tired body, and was surprised to see Shao Qi still cleaning, "Brother Qilin, are you still cleaning?"

Shao Qi didn't say a word, just continued to clean vigorously, keeping himself bored.

With his appearance like this, Cao Dan was not easy to offend, so he returned to his room with a few dry laughs, "Then don't bother Brother Qilin, you are busy."

After sweeping for a while, his back was tired, Shao Qi dragged the broom to a flower bed and sat down, thinking of how proud all the people in the first class were, he became angry and beat him hard The flowers and plants next to it, as a result, a jade pendant fell from the branches, and there was a bang.

Shao Qi lowered his head when he heard the sound, and saw the jade pendant on the ground, so he picked it up and looked at it. The surface of the jade pendant was transparent and smooth, it must not be an ordinary item, and its shape was also very strange.Who dropped it?He looked around, no one was there.

He originally wanted to throw the jade pendant back to its original place, but then he thought of something, and put the jade pendant back in his arms, the corners of his mouth curled up obviously.When Lingying comes out, give her this well-crafted jade pendant, she must like it very much.

Tang Lin and Yu Shengjun were walking back to Shanglinyuan. Tang Lin told Yu Shengjun about her and Yu Zichen, "Junjun, that's how things are. Anyway, the rebellion against the imperial court is doomed, so why not get rid of it as soon as possible?" Transform Fu Yushu."

"Well," Yu Shengjun nodded sympathetically, "I also think he is a good person, and it would be a pity to kill him. Then I listened to your suggestion, and tomorrow I will ask Prime Minister Fu to confess to Fu Yushu. Things. Fu Yushu is a reasonable person, and he was also blinded by hatred to attack the palace repeatedly. If he knew that things were not the same, I think he should be a very good person."

"But," Tang Lin worried, "if he finds out that his royal uncle Chu Heng killed his royal family members, won't he then know that I am not Chu Heng's apprentice?"

Yu Shengjun said: "Just tell him that Chu Heng is not dead. If he knows that Chu Heng lost the state of Chu, then he will definitely persuade you and me to leave his uncle and stop listening to Chu Heng."

Tang Lin suddenly realized, "Junjun, you really woke me up. As long as Fu Yushu knows that Chu Heng is at fault for everything, then he should hate Chu Heng, not Yu Xin. He prevents us from becoming Chu Heng's lackeys. He will definitely persuade us to leave Chu Heng, so that we don’t have to face Chu Heng’s apprentice behind our backs. Junjun, you still have a better brain, which reminds you.”

Yu Shengjun patted her head lovingly, "Your future husband is not smart, how can he take care of you?"

Tang Lin giggled, "I'm so happy."

After a while, Tang Lin asked: "By the way, Junjun, has the Ministry of Justice found out about the death of your concubine?"

Yu Shengjun said: "The investigation is still underway, so as not to scare the snake away, I asked the people from the Ministry of Punishment to secretly investigate Xiao Meiren's death."

Tang Lin frowned, "Beauty Xiao?"

Yu Shengjun explained: "The concubine was selected by the mother through a draft. The mother thinks that the country is big, and if there are more children, it may be a benefit. She chooses more concubines, and can also add more to the royal family..."

(End of this chapter)

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