The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 265 I Shot You 1

Chapter 265 I shot you dead
Tang Lin looked at him with a smile, "Why don't you continue talking?"

There was a fire behind her smile, he saw it, and dared not speak further, for fear of getting burned.He immediately waved his hands and explained: "Linlin, that's the queen mother's decision, not me, so don't think about it. I won't touch those women, I only touch you,"

As soon as he said this, Tang Lin immediately raised her head to face him, and said pitifully, "Then touch me, I'm here, ready for you to touch me anytime, please touch me, please touch me I beg you,"

Yu Shengjun looked around, no one was there, and immediately rolled up his sleeves in front of Tang Lin, with a menacing look, "Woman, you are too presumptuous! Believe it or not, what have I done to you?"

Now, Tang Lin grinned and smiled sweetly, "I don't believe I failed to break your self-control."

Yu Shengjun immediately pulled her to the corner, held her smiling face, and covered her sharp mouth fiercely, until she was almost out of breath, and then reluctantly left, "This tastes good!"

Tang Lin gritted her teeth and stared at him, "You're so tall."

Furious, he immediately put her hands on the wall, moved her body towards her, and she was completely pressed against the wall by him, squinting at her shy face with a smile at the corner of her mouth, "try to curse again." ?”

At this moment, this posture gave Tang Lin a feeling of "the policewoman was captured by the bandit leader". This feeling made her feel novel and full of expectations. At the same time, she also wanted to capture the opponent forcefully.

She punched his arm, then turned her face away haughtily, "Dirty."

Yu Shengjun sneered, he lowered his head and touched her cheek intentionally or unintentionally.This feeling of occasional disconnection and occasional reconnection made him feel very interesting.

A group of footsteps were getting closer, accompanied by Lu Yitang's voice, "Finally the cleaning is finished, it's really exhausting work."

Tang Lin immediately regained her composure, lowered her voice and said, "Oops, someone is here." It felt like she couldn't see the light.

Yu Shengjun clenched his fists and cursed secretly: "Damn it, you are interrupting my good business again!"

"We should be more careful about cheating in the future. I'll go first, and you'll finish later." After speaking, Tang Lin tiptoed forward.

Looking at her funny back, Yu Shengjun stood there with a pale face, and the corner of his mouth twitched for a while before he could say two words, "Cheating?!" His majestic emperor kissed her here, but she said it was Cheating?This woman... is really uneducated.

"Huangxuan?" Passing by, seeing Yu Shengjun's livid face, Fu Yushu thought something was wrong.

Yu Shengjun laughed dryly, "Are you all done? Let's go back to Shanglin Garden together!"

After dinner in the evening, Tang Lin went to various places to check to see how well the three teams had cleaned Nangong.When I was about to leave after checking at the Nangong kitchen, Mu Lingxuan stopped me, "Xiao Tang."

Tang Lin looked back and saw Mu Lingxuan's eyes were swollen and tear-stained. She was surprised, "What's the matter?"

Mu Lingxuan ran over a few steps, crying and pleading: "I didn't see a single person in the canteen of Shanglinyuan. Now I suddenly want to see him, can you help me find him?"

"Who do you want to see?"


"Oh!" Tang Lin made a long sound, after thinking about it, she finally knew why Mu Lingxuan wanted to meet Shao Qi.These two are brother and sister, and Mu Lingxuan seduced Fu Yushu today, and was seen by Yu Zichen, and she was suffering from Yu Zichen's departure.At this time, relatives can soothe her soul. "But... this is against the rules. Those bastards can't leave Shanglin Garden at this point, so... I'm sorry. I can't break the rules because of you. If others see it, they will think I'm playing favoritism."

"Xiao Tang," Mu Lingxuan cried and begged, "You are the instructor, and they will listen to you. As long as you allow, they will not tell the guards in the palace. Please, please let me see him ?”

Tang Lin stroked her hand and asked in a good voice, "What happened? Why are you crying like this? If you have any difficulties, just tell me and I can help you." Now, Mu Lingxuan and Shao Qi thought To convey any information, one must go through the dark swamp.These two are now in control.But if Shao Qi had the opportunity to be alone with Mu Lingxuan, then the fact that Yu Shengjun and Yu Zichen were students could not be hidden, and they must not be given the opportunity to meet alone, just in case.

Mu Lingxuan suffered this pain for Yu Zichen, it seems that Mu Lingxuan has real feelings for Yu Zichen.

"I just want to see Qilin," Mu Lingxuan simply knelt down, grabbed Tang Lin's hand and begged, "Xiao Tang, please, can you just do me this favor? Can you? I beg you, please Please, woo hoo!"

After thinking for a while, Tang Lin helped Mu Lingxuan up, and reluctantly agreed, "Okay, then I'll go find him right away. I see you pick and choose, and finally think that he is the sweetheart you are looking for right?"

Mu Lingxuan froze for a moment, but originally wanted to explain, but thinking about it now, it's better not to let other people know that Shao Qi is her elder brother. "Thank you, thank you little Tang."

Tang Lin said, "You stay in the room, I'll go find him right away." After speaking, she turned around and left quickly.

Mu Lingxuan looked at the night, couldn't control herself for a while, and thought of Yu Zichen's back and expression when she left, she cried again and again...

Tang Lin returned to Shanglin Garden, and when she entered the room, she reached out and grabbed Shao Qi who was lying on the bed tiredly, "Qilin, get up!" Shao Qi was so sleepy that he couldn't open his eyes, and fell asleep snoring on the quilt. Impatiently, she shook off Tang Lin's hand and complained: "Oh, don't bother me, I'm sleepy, give me a shoulder and a back beat, hurry up!"

No one knew why Tang Lin suddenly asked Shao Qi to go out, and everyone looked at them eagerly.

Tang Lin was so angry that she glared at everyone and said sharply: "What are you looking at? Play with you, and then watch me gouging your eyes for appetizers, hum!" On Shao Qi's back, he held his collar with one hand, "Can't you get up? I said three, two, one, and I won't be polite if I'm sorry. Three, two, two and a half,"

"Uh..." All the people in the room dropped their jaws.

Tang Lin counted to one, but Shao Qi was still indifferent. Now, sleeping is the big thing for him.After a busy afternoon, he finally finished cleaning the Shanglin Garden, so he will have a good night's rest.

"It's really helpless," Tang Lin looked around with itchy teeth, and when she saw Cao Dan looking at a pot of cactus, her eyes immediately flashed cruelty.

Cao Dan looked at the cactus in his hand, with a satisfied expression on his face, "I'm so lucky, cleaning the martial arts field, I found this..."

"Give it to me!" Tang Lin stepped over and reached out for the cactus.

Cao Dan was startled, "Huh?"

Tang Lin ignored his "ah", and when he was in a daze, she grabbed the cactus directly, then returned to Shao Qi's bed, raised her hand——

Everyone's pupils soared at this moment!

Han Xueyan was sitting by the bed, and when she saw Tang Lin's actions, her face turned pale with fright, and she hurriedly said, "Sister Tang, don't—"

But it was too late, the cactus in Tang Lin's hand had already stabbed fiercely at the back of Shao Qi's neck.The instant stabbing pain caused Shao Qi to jump up from the bed, then slapped his back and shouted, "Ah——who did it——"

"Oh," Tang Lin sneered, and then threw the cactus in her hand towards Cao Dan without looking at it.
Cao Dan hurriedly caught the end of the pelvic floor to avoid being stabbed by the cactus.

Shao Qi spun around on the spot a few times, and when she stopped, she was facing Tang Lin, and she was looking at him with a stiff smile, and asked almost softly: "Master, sleep, enough, is it?" ?”

Shao Qi immediately saluted, "Yes, sir!" But when he thought of the word "Ye", he scratched the back of his head and smiled innocently, "It's really..."

Tang Lin's face suddenly turned cold, "Xiu wants to talk more nonsense, come out with me!" After finishing speaking, she turned and walked out of the room coldly.

Shao Qi was puzzled, and when he was about to follow, Han Xueyan came over and hugged his hand, worried: "Brother-in-law, brother-in-law, did Miss Tang come back from the inspection and found that we did not clean well, and I will punish you, the class monitor. ?”

What Han Xueyan said made Shao Qi wake up. Could it be true?

Yu Shengjun gloated and laughed, "Who gets to clean the Shanglin Garden today is going to be crazy? Why would he be punished?"

"Hmph, what's the matter?" Shao Qi gave Yu Shengjun a cold look, then snorted coldly, pushed Han Xueyan's hand away, and hurried out.

Tang Lin didn't stop at the door, Shao Qi trotted a few steps to keep up, and asked anxiously, "Sir, where are you taking me?"

Tang Lin walked unhurriedly, and said flatly, "Just keep up."

Shao Qi trotted all the way, explaining anxiously all the way: "Report sir, our second squad has cleaned up the inside and outside of Shanglin Garden in the evening, why should I be punished as the squad leader? I don't accept it!"

Tang Lin stopped suddenly, and sternly shouted with a cold face, "Stand at attention."

Immediately, Shao Qi stood up, maintaining a military posture.

Tang Lin continued to sternly said: "The officer told you to follow up, so you just follow up. Why are you talking so much nonsense? Like a bitch, I'm yuck!"

Shao Qi replied feebly, "Oh, I see."

Tang Lin turned around and continued to walk unhurriedly. She said neatly, "I'll take you to meet someone. Don't ask who it is. If you ask again, I'll shut your mouth."

"Shut my mouth?" Shao Qi was unresponsive for a moment, and when he understood, he immediately covered his mouth. "Then it's fine if I don't speak, and the officer doesn't have to shut me up. In this way, I won't take advantage of the officer!"

At this moment, Tang Lin's footsteps stopped suddenly again, and Shao Qi who was behind clearly saw her shrinking neck, obviously inhaling fiercely.Yes, Tang Lin was inhaling, gasping for air.She turned around mechanically, stared at him with stern eyes, gritted her teeth and asked, "What did you just say?"

Shao Qi immediately covered his mouth, but the words still slipped out, "I can't speak now."

Tang Lin kicked his foot fiercely, and said angrily: "Who said that I will seal your mouth with your mouth? Are you going to die if you don't want to be crooked? If you dare to say one more word, I will shoot you!" Give your bones to the dog!" After finishing speaking, he turned around angrily and walked away quickly.

Shao Qi froze in place, still recalling what Tang Lin said just now, "You use your mouth..." Now, he finally realized the reason for the officer's anger.His face also turned red at this moment, and then he trotted towards Tang Lin, "Sir, wait for me, listen to my explanation!"

The sky has darkened.In many places in the palace, palace lanterns have been lit.

Not long after, Tang Lin brought Shao Qi to the backyard of Nangong's kitchen, and brought him to the door of Mu Lingxuan's room.The lights in Mu Lingxuan's room were brightly lit, but the door was closed tightly.

Tang Lin said to Shao Qi: "There is someone in this room who wants to see you, probably because he likes you. I have a little time to deal with it. When the time is up, come out for me immediately. I will go to the door to watch out for you."

Before Shao Qi asked who wanted to see him, Tang Lin turned and walked out.He turned around and looked at the closed door, a little dazed, who would want to see him?
He looked back at Tang Lin who was standing at the gate of the yard, and then at the closed door. He hesitated for a moment, then approached the door and knocked twice. Unexpectedly, the door was not latched, and it opened as soon as he knocked. There is a gap.

(End of this chapter)

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