Chapter 266
Tang Lin was not a good person, so he took precautions, guessing that there was some assassin waiting for him in this room.

However, when he took a step into the door with extreme vigilance, he looked over and saw Mu Lingxuan curled up in the corner and sobbing with her legs wrapped around her—his imperial sister.Immediately, all his vigilance disappeared, and then his heart tightened violently, and his throat was involuntarily sour, which made his voice hoarse, "Xuan'er?"

Hearing the sound, Mu Lingxuan raised her eyes and looked over with tears streaming down her eyes. The moment she saw Shao Qi, the tears finally flowed like a broken dam, and her voice was extremely aggrieved, almost crying, "...Second Brother, Woohoo."

Shao Qi quickly closed the door, then stepped over in a few steps, squatted down, hugged her sister fiercely in her arms, and cried in distress, "It's okay, it's okay, the second emperor brother is here. Good sister, what's the matter ? Tell Brother Huang, what happened? Why are you crying like this? Do you know how worried Brother Huang is?"

Mu Lingxuan hugged him tightly, crying heartbreakingly, even Tang Lin who was guarding the door could hear the crying.

Tang Lin curled up to the corner of the door, feeling sad.Mu Lingxuan will finally be able to get her brother's love, which makes her suddenly think of her brother.She will never forget that her brother has a stalwart heart, every time she is trained by the army to cry, every time her brother comes to the army to hold her tightly, care about her, comfort her, give her confidence, and give her motivation , cheer her up... In short, when she is not happy, as long as her brother is by her side, she can be happy...

Shao Qi helped Mu Lingxuan to sit down at the dining table, and wiped the tears from her face distressedly.Although this face was unfamiliar, he would never forget the aura that belonged to his younger sister. "You never cry, why?"

Mu Lingxuan burst into tears again, choked with sobs and said: "I don't know, but can... maybe I really have feelings for him, for him!"

Shao Qi's expression changed, "Emotionally moved? To a man?"

Mu Lingxuan sniffed, nodded and said, "Yes."

"Who is he?" Shao Qi immediately asked, he felt that this was a very serious matter.If the younger sister disrupted their plans because of a man or because of feelings, then the efforts of the past ten years will be in vain.

Mu Lingxuan cried out three words, "Yu Zichen."

Shao Qi's expression changed again, "It's him? Yu Xin's second prince?"

Mu Lingxuan responded, "Yes."

"Xuan'er, what's the matter with you?" Shao Qi flicked his hair agitatedly, "You asked Yu Yu to tell me that you were easy to do things by hanging around Yu Zichen, but what did you do? You fell in love with someone who is not The one you should love, do you know?"

"Brother Huang..." When I saw him this time, I wanted to comfort him, but I didn't expect to be scolded instead.

Shao Qi's stern expression immediately changed a lot, and he comforted Mu Lingxuan, "I'm sorry, Brother Huang shouldn't have said that about you. But Brother Huang didn't mean to criticize you, but to analyze the interests and disadvantages with you."

Mu Lingxuan choked up and said, "Brother Emperor, I won't spoil the great affairs of Brother Emperor, I'm just, just a little sad. I think, if Yu Zichen doesn't like me, he won't leave like that."

Shao Qi wiped away her tears, and said distressedly: "Since coming to Yuxin for the past five years, Brother Huang has rarely been alone with you. Except for correspondence, we seldom see each other. It is Brother Huang who delays you. Xuan'er, Be patient, as long as these few months pass, we will win. At that time, whoever you want to surrender to you, whether it is Yu Zichen or Fu Yushu, they will not dare to refuse you. We must be patient."

Mu Lingxuan nodded, "Well, I know Brother Huang. Don't worry, I will handle the matter between me and Yu Zichen well, so that he won't find out. We will formally force the palace on the day he ascends the throne."

Shao Qi smiled, "This is the emperor's good sister. By the way, Xuan'er, Tang Lin's elder brother, Yu Huangxuan, is now in our training camp. You have also seen the dog emperor, this Yu Huangxuan and the dog The emperor and the others..." "Well," at this moment, Tang Lin's serious cough came from the door, "It's time for your tryst, Qilin, follow me back immediately."

Shao Qi was reluctant to leave now, and begged Tang Lin, "Let's stay a little longer? I promise I won't cause any trouble for you, sir. We just want to say a few more words, nothing else. "

Tang Lin coldly refused, "No, follow me right away." After finishing speaking, she turned around coldly, "I don't want to be demerited, come out right away."

Mu Lingxuan didn't want Shao Qi to be demerited, so she urged Shao Qi softly, "Go, brother, if there is something important, you tell Yu Yu, and he will let me know as soon as possible. We still try our best Don't meet each other less, I'm afraid things will be exposed."

Even if there are more things to talk about face to face, but for the sake of the overall situation, Shao Qi gave up the idea of ​​staying.He nodded, "Okay, Brother Huang understands." After getting up, he stroked the back of Mu Lingxuan's hand, and said a few words: "Xuan'er, listen to Brother Huang, don't put too much affection on Yu Zichen."

Mu Lingxuan nodded, "I know Brother Huang, hurry up, don't annoy Tang Lin, she can really do anything on impulse."

"That's fine, take care." After speaking, Shao Qi turned and left.

When Mu Lingxuan walked to the door, she saw Shao Qi walking out of the courtyard gate behind Tang Lin.She sighed, then gently closed the door, turned around, put her back against her back, and looked blankly at the room where there was no one in front of her.For some reason, the image of Yu Zichen leaving in pain resurfaced in her mind.

Back at Shanglinyuan's residence, Tang Lin seriously called the class monitor of the third class to her. After a serious cough, she straightened her back and looked at it firmly, but her eyes were firmly fixed on the three people standing in a row in front of her, " Do you know why I called you three to gather?"

Everyone else would be lying or sitting on the bed, watching this scene eagerly.What exactly does the officer want to gather three squad leaders for?It's already this night, and it's impossible to punish them for anything.

The three of you looked at me one by one, and I looked at you, and finally they all cast doubtful gazes on Tang Lin's face.

Shao Qi asked depressedly: "Sir, what's the matter?"

Tang Lin raised the corner of her mouth, showing an elegant and charming smile, "It's nothing." After she finished speaking, she stretched her hand back in front of her, and a red flag of labor came into everyone's eyes. If the class is cleaned well, the labor red flag will belong to which class, and a point will be added to the class.”

Shao Qi's eyes lit up, "Which class cleans the best?" He thought, it should be their second class. After all, their second class cleaned Shanglin Garden, which was like a courtyard. It should be in their class.

Tang Lin was still smiling, "Guess, who will the red flag fall in the end?"

Yu Shengjun looked at Fu Yushu, then at Shao Qi, finally shook his head and said, "I can't guess."

Fu Yushu also echoed, "I can't guess either."

Tang Lin's expression was immediately frustrated, "It's really boring."

"Could it be our class?" Shao Qi asked expectantly.

The corner of Tang Lin's mouth raised an elegant and charming arc again, but after a while, the smile on her face disappeared instantly, replaced by a cold expression on her face, "No way, don't even think about it, daydream, go to hell!" In a word, he took a breath, then turned his gaze to Yu Shengjun, and said a word lightly, "Your class."

Yu Shengjun couldn't react, he opened his mouth wide, "Huh?"

Tang Lin immediately shouted at him in a bad tone, "Ah, what?" Immediately, the Labor Red Flag slammed into Yu Shengjun's hand, "Hold it."

Shao Qi looked at the red flag of labor with a very bad expression, then at Yu Shengjun, and finally said to Tang Lin unconvinced: "Why?"

Tang Lin glared at him angrily, "Why?"

Shao Qi pointed to the labor red flag in Yu Shengjun's hand, and said angrily: "Why is the first class getting the labor red flag? Why is the second class winning points? Where are we in the martial arts training ground and Nangong Square that their first class cleaned?" Is the Shanglin Court complicated?"

Tang Lin raised her chin, "So, you're not convinced, are you?"

"What I said is the truth." Shao Qi turned his face away after saying this sentence, using this attitude to prove his opinion.

Tang Lin pulled her lips and said with a contemptuous smile: "Oh, the fact? The fact is that the efficiency is low? The first class can clean up the training ground and Nangong Square before evening, but your second class is only so-so when it gets dark. I cleaned up the inside and outside of Shanglin Garden. Excuse me, who dares to praise your work efficiency in the second class?"

"I," Tang Lin seemed to be right. For a while, Shao Qi couldn't refute confidently, but he was still very angry.He glanced at Fu Yushu inadvertently, and immediately made an excuse for Fu Yushu, "At least three classes are better than one class. Why did the labor red flag fall into the hands of one class? I don't accept it!"

Tang Lin looked at Fu Yushu, who lowered his head in shame.She turned her gaze to Shao Qi's face, and her expression changed a lot at this moment, "How is the third class? Are you sure? Are you sure that the time concept, work efficiency and quality of the third class are better than those of the first class?"

Shao Qi added the word "I" again. Just as he was about to say it, he suddenly remembered that when he passed by the Nangong kitchen just now, he found that many things were placed in a mess, as if they had been moved.It was moved and not put back in place.

Class [-] was in charge of cleaning that place today, so the decorations should have been moved by people from Class [-], but in the end they didn't...put them back to their original places.

Thinking of this, Shao Qi lowered his head in shame and was speechless.

"Go," Tang Lin said to Yu Shengjun as if she glanced at the wall behind Yu Shengjun's bed, "hang the labor red flag on your bedside for a week, and let some people see how good your class is!" Excellent!" When she said that, Yu Jiao glanced at someone.

Shao Qi knew that the other party was talking about her, so she lowered her head even more in embarrassment. At this moment, she really had the urge to run away, and she was really ashamed.

"Okay," Tang Lin breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately said to everyone: "It's very late, everyone, go to rest, and you have to train tomorrow. The commander promises that tomorrow's training will be very interesting, so let's get enough energy and look forward to it."

Everyone lay down on the bed one after another, but Tang Lin's words just now were still lingering in their ears.Interesting training tomorrow?What kind of training is it?

In a blink of an eye, it was dawn.

After an hour of running around the imperial city, the students can have a "rich" breakfast.

Today's breakfast is very special, there are porridge, steamed buns, and...

"Huh," Cao Dan was the first to cook, and when he saw the delicious bones, his eyes lit up and his saliva overflowed. He immediately asked Mu Lingxuan, who was dividing the dishes, "Sister Wu, is today an important day? You actually broke my bones!"

Mu Lingxuan smiled and said: "The menu is given by the Ouchi guards. Our kitchen only cooks according to the menu. I don't know why we boil this bone for you today."

Cao Dan didn't want to inquire further, so he walked away with his plate of bones and sat at a table for four in the corner.

Tang Lin was walking in from the outside and looked this way, just in time to see Cao Dan sitting down anyway.She evoked an unfathomable arc, but it was fleeting.She came over, "Are you satisfied with today's breakfast?"

Cao Dan was about to answer excitedly, but Shao Qi, who was sitting next to him, replied, "Very satisfied, very satisfied. Three meals a day should have such side dishes. Sir, you should call The kitchen should make more delicacies like this, I like this bone, by the way, is this a dog bone?"

(End of this chapter)

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