The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 267 Opening the Mountain!Let the dogs go!Bite it!

Chapter 267 Opening the Mountain!Let the dogs go!Bite it!
Tang Lin was surprised, "You know him?"

Shao Qi stared at the bone for a long time, then shook his head, "It's a bit like it." Then, he lowered his head and smelled it, "It smells like dog meat."

Tang Lin smiled in satisfaction, "Your nose is useful. Qilin, let me ask you, are you afraid of dogs?"

"Dog?" Shao Qi was stunned for a moment, then said disdainfully: "What's so scary about dogs? I'm a big man, and I'm still afraid of dogs? Wouldn't it be ridiculous to spread the word?"

"But I'm afraid." At this time, Han Xueyan sat down and sat opposite Cao Dan.With a pale face, she said to Tang Lin pitifully, "Sir, I'm afraid of dogs. When I see a dog, I tremble all over."

Tang Lin smiled, with a sinister smile on the corner of her mouth, "It's okay, as long as you don't see the dog, you won't be afraid."

At this time, another person sat down at the square table, this person was Fu Yushu, and he heard the content of these people's conversation from a distance.After sitting down, he said, "Dogs are not scary, but wolves are."

"Oh?" Tang Lin raised her eyebrows with interest, "How do you say?"

Everyone also became interested for a while, looked at Fu Yushu together, and listened to what he continued.

Fu Yushu said: "This dog at least guards the door for its master and is very loyal, but wolves are by no means kind. It is impossible to see wolves in our place. I don't think you should. Have you ever seen a wolf?"

Shao Qi added, "I have seen them, but they were all killed by..." Surrounded by his army.

Fu Yushu went on to say: "This wolf is extremely ferocious, unlike a dog that stays with people for a long time and has feelings. Don't go to places with wolves in the future. Once you are spotted by wolves, you will all line up at the King of Hades to eat oil. "

"Ah?" Han Xueyan was so frightened that her little face turned even paler. "Brother Fu, have you ever fought a wolf?"

Fu Yushu shrugged, "I just listened to folklore, and I haven't really seen a wolf."

Han Xueyan looked at Tang Lin who was listening quietly, "Then sir, have you ever seen a real wolf?"

"I..." Tang Lin thought for a while, and answered sloppily, "Maybe, maybe. You eat slowly, especially this dog bone. There is no rush." ​​I will make you regret it when the training is over. Gnaw these bones...

The breakfast was quickly used up, and the half-hour rest was also over.After the students gathered at the martial arts training ground, they finally knew why they were able to gnaw their bones today...As soon as the rest time came, Xiao Xiong immediately gathered all the students to the martial arts training ground, and then conducted a queue training for more than ten minutes. After that, a wave of unexpected events came.

Yifeng, Yitang, Yishuang and the other three followed Tang Lin to the martial arts training ground, and behind them were 28 imperial guards, each of whom held a...hemp or cloth rope in their hands.

At this time, all the students stared wide-eyed in horror. Their horrified gazes were not on Tang Lin, but on... those... dogs next to those... of the Royal Forest Army? !body!

At this moment, all the students stared wide-eyed and looked at the dogs that looked like wolves and dogs brought by each Imperial Forest Army... wolf dogs!
Tang Lin stopped in front of everyone, and she glanced so clearly that everyone's fearful expressions could be seen immediately.It seems that this group of people is still very afraid of the cruel...friends behind her. "Hi, students, good morning."

No one responded, all of them were still staring at the wolf dogs who were scanning the scene with their tongues sticking out and their heads shaking their sharp eyes. These things that looked like wolves and dogs made the students feel chills when they looked at them. It's cruel, and I don't know what the consequences will be if I touch it.

Xiao Xiong roared angrily: "Why are you so dazed? Didn't you hear the officer's lecture?"

Immediately, everyone came back to their senses and looked at Tang Lin, only Han Xueyan was still staring at those wolfhounds in fear.She subconsciously grabbed the corner of the student's clothes and hid behind the student, fearing that the wolfhound would come and bite her.

Tang Lin threw back a stern sentence, "Han Xueyan, come to my senses!"

Immediately, Han Xueyan stood up and turned her head, "Understood, sir." But just for a moment, she returned to her original state, and continued to stare at those wolf dogs, in case they would suddenly become wild and pounce on them...

The corners of Tang Lin's lips curled up charmingly, "Look, what are those things behind me?"

Yu Shengjun raised his hand.

Tang Lin nodded her chin at him, "Say." She thought, Yu Shengjun has always been pampered and pampered, it is impossible to pay attention to wolf dogs, and he probably has no chance to touch them.Now, he shouldn't be able to see what these animals are behind her.

Yu Shengjun glanced at those wolf dogs, and answered seriously: "This is a dog!"

"Pfft." Immediately someone laughed, still mocking, and this person was Shao Qi.He looked at Yu Shengjun's back with contempt, and said contemptuously: "I thought you Yu Huangxuan knew everything well, it seems that I overestimated."

Yu Shengjun twitched his lips, too lazy to know the people behind him.

At this time, Fu Yushu raised his hand, which was the first time he raised his hand in this situation.

Tang Lin nodded her chin, "Fu Tianze, tell me."

Fu Yushu looked at those wolf dogs calmly, then looked back at Tang Lin, and said calmly, "It should be wolf dogs."

"Well," Tang Lin nodded slightly satisfied, and then added: "It's a wolf dog, but it can also be called a wolf dog, a military dog ​​or a police dog. Don't underestimate them, a military dog ​​with a high degree of As an animal with neural activity function, its ability to distinguish smells is tens of thousands of times higher than that of humans, and its hearing is 16 times that of humans. It has a wide field of vision, low-light ability, and is good at observing things at night. After training, military dogs can be responsible for tracking , identification, security, guarding, patrolling, hunting, communication, carrying ammunition, detecting, searching for drugs, explosives and other tasks. In our era, dogs can be used for hunting, guarding and attacking the enemy. But in our ..." After a pause, he changed his words, "In short, after training, dogs can be used in many ways. The purpose of bringing these dogs to you right now is not to ask you to train them!"

Cao Dan raised his hand,

Tang Lin motioned, "Say."

Cao Dan looked at the wolf dogs and asked, "It's not training them, but bringing them here..."

Tang Lin said: "I spent a lot of effort to obtain these babies. As early as the beginning of the training class, Youbang suddenly sent such a batch of wolf dogs. I didn't expect that I heard about it, so I begged the emperor to send these dogs to the emperor." Leave it to me and use it for training." At this point, the corners of her mouth slightly raised a charming arc, and every time this smile came out, her mind must be sinister, "Student Cao, good question , since they are not here for you to train them, then why are you here? It is conceivable that it is useful. I will not let you do queue training today, let alone clean up the Nangong. Of course, the iron chains There is no need to go, but, "

As soon as she said "but", a group of people were immediately frustrated, and they knew that she had something to say later.

Tang Lin continued with a smile, "Now the dogs behind me have been trained, and now they can do many things with their scent. Did you all gnaw that bone in the morning?"

One by one whispered yes.

Tang Lin smiled with satisfaction, "Okay, very good."

What she said was good, it made Yu Shengjun feel chills, wouldn't it have any direct or indirect relationship with today's training, right?

Tang Lin explained with a dark smile: "Today, I want to train the scent recognition ability of the military dogs behind me, so... Let each of you 28 be prey for the day. Among the bones you ate in the morning, I asked the kitchen to put a special seasoning. As long as the military dogs behind me smell the seasoning, they will try their best to track down the seasoning and capture you alive. The content of your training today is very simple , wait for the order, everyone will disperse into the royal forest, and give you enough time to hide and run away. When the time is up, the Imperial Forest Army will lead the military dogs to follow you. Because you have gnawed today's bones, every breath, They are all mixed with that smell, so the military dogs will desperately find you through the smell. This training is also considered as an assessment. If anyone can not be caught or discovered by the military dogs before dark, then he wins, plus one Points. If caught before dark, zero points. Now, do you understand? You are given half an hour to hide and escape. After half an hour, we will let the army dogs into the mountains. Win or lose. You can figure it out! Also, you can settle your own lunch in the forest. In the end, the students who were captured alive by military dogs didn’t have dinner. You can decide for yourself.”

Han Xueyan stared at the wolf dog and muttered, "These guys don't know how to bite, do they?"

Tang Lin heard it, and said with a smile: "They only bite the enemy, and you... you will be their enemy later."

When Han Xueyan heard it, he almost fainted again!God!This is how to do!
In half an hour, all the students dispersed into the royal forest.

Tang Lin stood outside the east entrance of the Royal Forest. She smiled and glanced at the misty forest in front of her, then turned her head and said to the Imperial Forest Army: "Okay, you can go in and hunt, and it's your ability to capture the students alive. Look. Yours."

The leader said confidently, "Leave it to us, we will never let you down."

Soon, the Royal Forest Army and the group of military dogs disappeared from sight.Tang Lin turned around and went to the gazebo to rest.Yishuang walked up to her and stood up, then nodded politely, and asked, "Miss Tang, can these students do it? My subordinates are so scared to death, how dare they confront the military dogs?"

Tang Lin looked lazily, "Don't worry about them, let them mess around on their own. As long as they don't get touched by military dogs when it gets dark, they will be considered as capable."

Yishuang said worriedly: "I hope that nothing will happen to the master,"

Tang Lin said: "You should worry about other people. Your master is the last one to worry about. If you really want to worry about him, it's not at this time, when he..." loses his relatives.

"Huh?" Yishuang didn't quite understand.

Tang Lin waved her hand, "It's okay, it's fine if you don't listen." She stood up, looked at the way back, then stretched and yawned, "I'm so sleepy, I miss your master's dragon bed at this time, go, go back and sleep .”

Yishuang blushed, it was for Tang Linhong, "Miss Tang, I didn't expect you to speak so..."

"Aren't you ashamed?" Tang Lin could see the reason for Yishuang's blushing. "Yi Shuang, we are not from a... place, so we speak differently. I say whatever I want, but there is nothing taboo about it. I just like your master's bed. It is big and comfortable. Don't worry about it." I feel embarrassed."

Yishuang stopped blushing and said with a chuckle, "Miss Tang's style, Yishuang likes it. Dare to act."

Tang Lin smiled, "I love this sentence."

After walking back a few steps, Tang Lin asked Yishuang who was following behind her, "Yishuang, have you made those things that I told you to take my manuscript paper for the Ministry of Industry to make?"

Yishuang thought about it for a while, and then said: "Oh, I remembered. Those things are quite troublesome to make. The Ministry of Industry sent a message that the work will be completed in two days." Recalling the manuscript paper, there are many doubts. "Miss Tang, my subordinates don't understand. What are the mahjong and playing cards you want the Ministry of Industry to make? What's the use of these things?"

Tang Lin laughed as she walked, "It's for entertainment. As for me, in order to pass the long three or four months, I decided to make some things. If I have something to do, I will go to those bastards to gamble a few times. Occasionally earn some money." The outer block is also good."

(End of this chapter)

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