The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 269 Do You Know All About Qin, Chess, Calligraphy and Painting?

Chapter 269 Do You Know All About Qin, Chess, Calligraphy and Painting?

After Yu Shengjun lifted Sun Bailing out of the water, he hugged her horizontally and laid her down on the ground full of small stones. However, she almost lost consciousness. There was no movement.

Yu Shengjun wiped the water from his face, looked down at Sun Bailing, then squatted down, and patted Sun Bailing's pale and bloodless cheek, "Hello, Master Sun?"

Sun Bailing didn't respond at all, at least not even spitting water.

Yu Shengjun secretly thought that it was not good, this Sun Bailing only had half a breath left now, if she didn't give her a breath, she would...

When he was about to lower his head to save someone with artificial respiration, he suddenly calmed down.He couldn't do it, he couldn't do it, and he couldn't do it.He looked around and happened to see Lu Yitang, so he didn't care, just opened his mouth, "Lord Lu."

Hearing the sound, Lu Yitang looked over and saw the disheveled Sun Bailing lying on the ground, his face darkened, he rushed over a few steps, and pushed Yu Shengjun away, "What did you do to her?"

Yu Shengjun was pushed very inexplicably, "What can I do to her? I just fished her out of the water. Don't talk nonsense, quickly, give her a breath to wake her up, otherwise she won't survive."

Lu Yitang still didn't understand what Yu Shengjun said, so he swept the transparent undershirt on Sun Bailing's body distressedly, and then slapped Sun Bailing's face, "Bai Ling! Bai Ling! I'm Lu Yitang, wake up!"

Yu Shengjun cast a speechless look, and said impatiently: "I said, she is only half breathed, you have to give her a breath before she can breathe, it is useless for you to shake like this."

At this moment, Lu Yitang finally understood, and immediately wanted to give Sun Bailing artificial respiration, but when his mouth almost met his mouth, he suddenly glanced at Yu Shengjun and asked very seriously: "Since you know, why didn't you Do?"

Yu Shengjun pulled his lips, "She's not my mother-in-law, I'm sorry, I, Yu Huangxuan, don't have that hobby!"

On the one hand, Lu Yitang was glad that Yu Shengjun didn't have such thoughts, but on the other hand, he hated Yu Shengjun very much, "You're just dying!"

Yu Shengjun retorted, "Didn't I happen to see you coming? I don't have any feelings for this Mrs. Sun who is disguised as a man, so I can only trouble Mrs. Lu!"

"You," Lu Yitang looked at Sun Bailing's upper body, the protruding part is so obvious, can people see that she is a woman at first glance?But he didn't bother to pay attention to these things at this moment, he lowered his head, covered Sun Bailing's mouth, and let out a deep breath.

After several times, Sun Bailing coughed violently, and mouthfuls of water flowed out of her mouth.After spitting out the water, the person gradually woke up.With Lu Yitang's support, she sat up, frowned and looked around, "Where is this?"

Yu Shengjun replied weakly, "By the stream."

While soothing her back, Lu Yitang asked worriedly, "Is it much better now? It's all right, why did you run into the water?"

Sun Bailing saw his face clearly, and threw himself into his arms, not paying attention to Yu Shengjun's side, "I was scared to death just now, I thought I would never see you again, I really wish I could just leave like this gone."

He patted her on the back and comforted her softly: "It's okay, it's okay now, don't think too much."

Sun Bailing let go of him and said, "If you hadn't appeared in time to save me, I..." No, she didn't see that Lu Yitang's clothes were wet. "How long have I been unconscious?"

Lu Yitang said: "It's only been a while. And..." His eyes fell on Yu Shengjun with some reluctance, "It was he who saved you, not me, I just arrived."

Sun Bailing turned her head, and only then did she wake up completely, and only then did she fully realize that there was another person at the scene, "Yu Huangxuan? You..." Before she lost consciousness in the water, she felt someone grabbing her waist and dragging her out of the water...

It just so happened that Yu Huangxuan's clothes were soaked and his hair was wet, but his appearance gave him a wild and handsome look.

Yu Shengjun waved his hand and said casually: "You don't need to thank me. I just happened to pass by. I didn't expect to see you jumping into the water. I didn't see you coming out, so I had to go into the water to see what happened. That's the way it is. But... She glanced at Sun Bailing's chest with some embarrassment, "I didn't expect Mrs. Sun to be a... woman. Please forgive me for any offense!"

"Drink!" Sun Bailing yelled out in horror when his daughter's body was discovered, and immediately covered his chest with his hands.Such a situation made her helpless, not knowing what to do.

Lu Yitang rescued her, and immediately warned Yu Shengjun, "Yu Huangxuan, you must not speak out."

Yu Shengjun didn't look good, "Why, threaten me?"

Lu Yitang found that his voice was not good, so he immediately became a little more easy-going, "No, what I mean is, I hope you don't tell about Mr. Sun. As long as you don't tell, I can do whatever you want me to do."

"No," Sun Bailing stopped Lu Yitang, "I can't let you do this, what if he leads you by the nose?" Immediately, his cold eyes fell on Yu Shengjun, "Today, we can't let you go. "

Yu Shengjun said contemptuously: "You plan to solve me here?"

"Yes." Sun Bailing said clearly, "I'm sorry who asked you to save me."

Yu Shengjun said sadly: "I saved you, but you want my life. Is this how you treat your savior?"

These words hit Sun Bailing's weakness, and instantly broke the indifference she had hard-fought to strengthen.Yes, Yu Huangxuan saved him, but he wants to kill him, is this right?Why did the second princess save me, so I could go through fire and water for the second princess, but Yu Huangxuan couldn't?

When did her heart become so insensitive?
Lu Yitang said: "Bai Ling, if you have something to discuss, Yu Huangxuan didn't deliberately expose that you belong to his daughter's family. He only found out just now to save you. The three of us sit down and discuss it, okay?"

At this time, Sun Bailing no longer had the intention to kill Yu Shengjun, because she thought of the second princess.Since he is a benefactor, he cannot do anything to the benefactor.

Yu Shengjun went to lift up Sun Bailing's coat, took it over and threw it into Sun Bailing's hands, "Kill, kill, die, kill, kill, kill, die, die, can you live a normal life?"

Lu Yitang helped her put on her clothes, "Okay, don't think about it, just understand what you have to say."

Yu Shengjun turned and walked away, Lu Yitang saw him go away, and asked, "Yu Huangxuan, where are you going?"

Yu Shengjun did not turn around, and continued to walk forward, only throwing a sentence behind him, "Go into the water, catch fish. Grilled fish for lunch."

"I'm so tired." Han Xueyan walked for a long time, only knowing that the forest around her became denser as she walked, and when she turned around, she didn't know where to go back.She already felt that she had entered a maze.

This royal forest is full of mazes, if you are not careful, you can go wrong at any time.This time, I really went wrong.

"Is anyone there?" Han Xueyan shouted while dragging her tired body forward. "Is there anyone? Is there anyone alive?"

After calling for a while, there was still no answer, so Han Xueyan had to go to a big tree and sit down, then took off her shoes and began to rub her feet.However, at this time, my stomach began to rumble.She stroked her abdomen, then looked around blankly.

At this time, a walnut fell from the tree and hit the ground at her feet.

"Huh?" Seeing the walnuts, Han Xueyan frowned.She reached out to pick up the walnut. The walnut still had peach flesh, as if it had just been eaten and thrown away.She subconsciously looked up the tree.I don't know if I don't see it, but I was startled when I saw it, "Brother Cao?"

It turned out that the walnuts were dropped by Cao Dan. He was sitting on a tree with a small bundle on his back, probably full of walnuts.He looked down and was surprised to see Han Xueyan, but pretended to be indifferent, "Why are you?"

Suddenly, he jumped from the tree.

But before he could stand still, Han Xueyan rushed over, hugged him tightly, and wept with joy, "I knew, I knew Brother Xiao Cao wouldn't leave Yan'er behind, woo woo, I'm so happy, I'm so happy Happy!"

"Hey hey," Cao Dan pushed Han Xueyan away inexplicably, "What do you mean I won't leave you behind? I've already been here, okay?"

Han Xueyan was about to say something, but his stomach started to thump.She smiled awkwardly, and then asked weakly, "Brother Cao, do you still have peaches?"

Cao Dan squinted at her, "What, are you starving?"

Han Xueyan rubbed her stomach, her face full of embarrassment, "A little bit."

Cao Dan glanced at his baggage, and said bluntly: "I only have these few left, and I gave it to you, so what should I eat?"

Han Xueyan pursed her lips, "Can't you let the girl go?"

Cao Dan raised his eyebrows and said, "It's fine, but what good is it for me?"

"...What's the advantage..." Han Xueyan bit her finger and thought for a while, "Why don't I just..." Suddenly, taking advantage of Cao Dan's inattention, she put her lips on tiptoe and tapped Cao Dan's lips, "I'll kiss you, and you give me a peach, okay?" "No!" Cao Dan said directly.

"Ah?" Han Xueyan was dumbfounded, "Not good? Why not? A girl kissed you, and you took advantage of it, isn't it good?"

Cao Dan raised his burden and left, "If it's not good, it's not good, there's not so many reasons."

Han Xueyan immediately ran up to him, then pouted her lips, "Look, how pretty, you don't want to kiss? Brother Cao, are you sick?"

He tried his best to ignore those lips that made him want to pick them several times, and then tapped Han Xueyan's forehead, "You are the only one who is sick, and it is the kind of disease that has no cure. You little girl, where did you come from?" So much nonsense? If you want to eat, take it yourself!" He simply stuffed the bag into Han Xueyan's arms.

Han Xueyan was stunned, and after Cao Dan walked a few steps away, she picked up her burden and chased after her, "But you won't get paid for nothing, and if you don't kiss me, how dare I eat it!"

Cao Dan said as he walked, "You just want to kiss me in a different way."

Her mind was exposed, Han Xueyan blushed a little, but she didn't feel embarrassed, instead she said what was in her heart, "Since Xiao Cao knows, then Xiao Cao should let Yan'er kiss more!"

"Why?" Cao Dan glared at her and continued walking. "You're still a yellow-haired girl!"

Han Xueyan was not convinced, "But I'm only one year younger than you."

Cao Dan said bluntly: "But I will soon be twenty, I am two years older than you, but you are still very young!"

Han Xueyan said: "My age is too young, but I have fully grown up and matured. Brother Cao, you can't always use your age to perfuse Yan'er. If you do this, Yan'er will think that you dare not Love Yaner!"

Cao Dan's footsteps stopped suddenly, and then he turned sideways to face Han Xueyan's clear and pure eyes, and glanced at her all over his body, "How did you grow up?"

Han Xueyan was about to say something, but when she saw that he was referring to the body, she immediately lowered her head in embarrassment, and replied shyly: "In short, I have grown up everywhere, Brother Xiao Cao can safely marry Yan'er back home. "

(End of this chapter)

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