The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 270 Which play is this singing today?

Chapter 270 Which play is this singing today?

"..." Marry home?Cao Dan was completely petrified, "Do you know what you are talking about?"

Han Xueyan raised her head, looked him in the eye, and nodded sharply, "Yan'er knows that Yan'er knows. Yan'er has identified Brother Cao in this life, so he will not marry unless Brother Cao, even if Brother Cao doesn't like Yan'er now, it doesn't matter. Long-term love, one day brother Cao will fall in love with Yan'er, just like brother Cao loved Yan'er like sister Yu Xinrui at the beginning!"

Yu Xinrui...

Han Xueyan didn't remind him, he almost forgot about this character.

At the beginning, Sun Bailing asked him to cooperate with the princess to go to a private restaurant for a period of time. During this period, he had to be very enthusiastic towards the princess...Since Sun Bailing wanted him to be her son-in-law, why did the princess ignore him today?

"Brother Cao?" Seeing Cao Dan shaking his head, Han Xueyan waved his hand in front of him.

Cao Dan came back to his senses, ignored Han Xueyan, and walked forward.He had to sort out the matter of Sun Bailing and Yu Xinrui.He felt like a fool, being led by the nose by these two people.

"Brother Cao!" Han Xueyan exhaustedly chased after him, "Wait for me."

However, Cao Dan was thinking about things, and when he thought about things, he walked extremely fast, and he didn't know the things around him at all.

Han Xueyan chased after her for a while, when she suddenly tilted her foot, she let out an "oops" and immediately fell to the ground.

This "ouch" sound finally brought back Cao Dan's spirit with "oops".He turned around and saw Han Xueyan sitting on the ground with an extremely painful expression on his face. He was so worried that he ran over and squatted down to help her, "What's wrong with you?"

Han Xueyan grumbled, "You walked too fast just now, I couldn't keep up, I sprained my ankle."

"Why are you so careless?" Cao Dan taught her a lesson, helped her take off her shoes, and then helped her gently rub her feet, "How do you feel?"

Han Xueyan looked at his feet and then at him, "It's okay, but it still hurts."

He turned around, "Come up, I'll carry you to the river and sit down to rest."

"Oh." Han Xueyan responded, and then climbed onto Cao Dan's back full of joy.

Cao Dan stood up and walked forward with her gently on his back. "Why so light?"

"I'm not heavy."

After a while, she suddenly printed a lip print on his neck.

Cao Dan said solemnly, "I've failed again!"

Han Xueyan put her arms around his neck and said coquettishly, "I like it. Brother Cao, do you like it?"

"I..." Cao Dan didn't answer at all, but when Han Xueyan couldn't see his expression, he smiled like a flower.

An Lin knocked on the bedroom door, and called out softly, "Miss Tang, it's time for lunch. Are you awake now?" After hearing no response, he called again, "Miss Tang? Miss Tang, are you awake?" Is it?"

"Heh—" A yawn came out, followed by an extremely lazy voice, "Got it, let me sleep for a while."

An Lin looked frustrated, okay, let's sleep again.

At this moment, Tang Lin was lying on Yu Shengjun's big bed with a pure yellow pillow in her arms. She had already taken off her trousers and coat. The rest of her clothes were almost all underwear, except for the long one that could cover her buttocks. Round neck T-shirt.

She turned over and continued to sleep like a lazy pig.

At this time, there were a few footsteps outside the door.

When An Lin was about to kneel down, the Empress Dowager waved her hand, "There is no need to be too polite. Is this new maid inside?"

An Lin nodded, "Here. Empress Dowager, do you want to see her?" At this moment, Tang Lin is resting. If the Empress Dowager sees her sleeping appearance, then it's okay. "Old servant, go and call the maid."

"No need." The Empress Dowager stopped An Lin, and went directly to open the door, "Aijia just came to see, nothing else, don't call her, just let her clean up inside."

People had already walked in, so An Lin had no choice but to turn around, face the door with a bitter face, and shouted in his heart: "Your Majesty, where are you now, the war between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law you mentioned seems inevitable now."

The empress dowager blocked other people outside, and after closing the door, no one could come in.She glanced around the bedroom, then walked over to the bed.After a while, she opened three layers of curtains and finally stood by the bed.

In Tang Lin's room over at Shanglin Garden, she always slept very well.But once this military uniform was taken off, she was completely out of shape.At this moment, her head was resting on the quilt, and the pillow was entangled between her legs.

When the Empress Dowager saw this look, she only showed surprise on her face, and then she shook her head helplessly and laughed.She sat down gently and looked at Tang Lin so quietly, the corners of her mouth kept a warm arc.

This is indeed a very presumptuous woman, moreover, she is very different, and she cannot be hated at all.

Tang Lin turned over, and her hand fell on the empress dowager's hand unconsciously. She gently held the empress dowager's fingers, and a word floated out of her mouth in a daze, "...Mom, I miss you , I really want to..."

The empress dowager caressed the back of her hand, "You child, what have you dreamed about?"

In the dream, Tang Lin dreamed of the scene of Yu Shengjun standing at the crossroads again. Her elder brother had just got off the police car, before he could finish his sentence, gunshots rang out from nowhere, and then, Yu Shengjun flamboyantly fall down...

"Junjun!" Tang Lin was startled awake again, and her forehead was sweating profusely from the nightmare.But she didn't expect that when she stood up and was about to take back her hand, she saw her hand being held by the empress dowager. Thinking of Yu Shengjun, whose life was hanging for a moment in her dream, she had a sore nose and slowly threw herself into the empress dowager's hand. In his arms, "The Queen Mother..."

The empress dowager stroked her back and comforted her: "It's just a dream, it's nothing serious, don't be sad."

After Tang Lin calmed down a lot, she let go of the empress dowager and asked, "Queen dowager, why are you here?"

The Empress Dowager smiled lowly, and said: "When the Ai family doesn't usually recite sutras, they just pass by the emperor to have a look. The Ai family seldom sees the emperor, so the Ai family can only come here to see things and think about others."

Tang Lin asked: "Is the emperor always busy?"

"Well." The Empress Dowager nodded and said, "He has a lot of affairs to deal with. He goes to the court at five o'clock, and after the next court, he has to approve a lot of papers. Sometimes he has to call many ministers to discuss important matters. Can you be busy? ?”

Tang Lin suggested: "Queen Mother, I can see that you are very lonely. If the emperor is not free, then you can go to the harem to talk to other concubines, so that you will not be lonely and boring."

The empress dowager sighed, "Aijia also thought about it, but Aijia really can't fit into the atmosphere of the harem. Aijia often thinks that if the emperor has a queen, it would be much better, at least he can talk to the queen. .But since what happened to Empress Cheng Huan, the Ai family has no expectations."

Tang Lin comforted: "Queen Mother, don't be too sad, maybe the future queen will chat with you soon."

If you are the queen, you will naturally have a good chat.But this sentence, the empress dowager did not say clearly, "I hope."

At this time, Tang Lin was glanced at by the empress dowager, and Tang Lin realized how "terrible" she was dressed. She immediately lowered her head and blushed to apologize: "I'm sorry, empress dowager, Xiao Tang didn't mean to... like this."

After the empress dowager smiled, she said instead: "It's okay, Aijia thinks you look good like this. The emperor should like it more."

Tang Lin smiled dryly, but didn't know what to say.

The empress dowager looked at her a few times, and actually asked some questions that made Tang Lin feel inexplicable, "Xiao Tang, have you learned this piano, chess, calligraphy and painting?" Perhaps, she really wanted Tang Lin to be the queen, but this mother The queen of Yitianxia must have enough qualifications to be the queen, not a little girl who doesn't understand anything can sit on the throne of queen.If there is something Tang Lin doesn't understand, she can start cultivating it now.

"Huh?" Tang Lin wondered, "Queen Mother, why do you ask such a question?"

The empress dowager pulled her down and walked out.

There was a Guqin in the corner. The Empress Dowager pulled Tang Lin over and asked Tang Lin to sit down before saying, "Play a piece for Aijia? Can you play the piano?" "No, no, I won't " Tang Lin sat up as if flattered, and waved her hand to indicate that she didn't know how to play the piano.This qin was a trivial matter to her, but why did the Empress Dowager want to test her like this, she had to find out before revealing her abilities.

The empress dowager was a little disappointed. She had a little fantasy at first, hoping that this maid would know something about it, but her expectations were finally shattered.But it doesn't matter, this maid can still be cultivated.

Afterwards, the Empress Dowager pulled Tang Lin to the Four Treasures of the Study, "Then, Xiao Tang, write a letter for Aijia to see?"

Tang Lin shook her head and waved her hands again, "Queen Mother, I, I can't read."

Can a woman who can't read can be the maid of today's emperor?Now, the empress dowager's face was a little embarrassed.The woman in front of me turned out to be just an empty vase without any ink.

Without connotation, it is difficult to sit on the queen's throne.

Seeing the Empress Dowager's complexion so bad, Tang Lin couldn't help feeling a little chilly. How could the Empress Dowager be unhappy sometimes?She just thought it was kind. "Queen, what's the matter with you? Are you all right?"

"It's okay. Xiao Tang, the Ai family will go back to the palace first, and the Ai family suddenly wants to chant scriptures." When leaving, the empress dowager did not forget to say, "By the way, Xiao Tang, the Ai family will take you to another place sometime later. place." Since this is the woman the emperor likes, and he likes it too, why not train her for a year or so.With the connotation, can't you mother the world?
After the empress dowager left, Tang Lin came back to her senses.She rubbed the back of her head, "Which play is this mother-in-law singing today? How can you ask me if I know how to play piano, chess, calligraphy and painting? I know, but why do I say yes? Is it because of An An?"

After a while Tang Lin was fully dressed and went out, and said to An Lin, "I'm going to eat."

"Miss Tang," An Lin called her, and asked cautiously, "Just now the queen mother... did you make things difficult for you?"

"Yes, there are many more!" After speaking, Tang Lin left.

An Lin stood there, with a worried face, "Oh, what to do. If the queen mother doesn't like such a daughter-in-law, Miss Tang will suffer in the future."

The smell of meat drifted over the tip of the nose, waking up Fu Yushu and Yu Zichen who were waiting in the tree from their sleepiness.

Yu Zichen looked up at the sky, it was already noon.He glanced at Fu Yushu on the tree next to him, and called out, "Hey, do you still have the strength to speak? I can smell the smell of meat, there must be someone nearby!"

Fu Yushu looked under the tree, his expression suddenly collapsed, "Well, I admit that I am really inferior to the Imperial Forest Army."

And those two imperial guards were roasting pheasants under the tree, and the smell was delicious.Sometimes they looked at the tree, and sometimes they tore off a piece and gave it to the military dogs nearby, and then they ate it with big mouthfuls.To do so is to recharge your batteries while besieging the enemy.

Yu Zichen said weakly, "Fu Yushu, find a way to leave."

Fu Yushu also said weakly: "You are a resourceful and good helper next to the Second Prince. Your brain is better than mine."

Yu Zichen said: "I have jumped so many trees, and I can't use any strength at this moment, let alone my brain. You, Fu Yushu, are the leader of the anti-imperial society. Compared with you, I am much inferior. You should think about it. "

(End of this chapter)

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