The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 271 Find a Cave or Tomb and Stupid!

Chapter 271 Find a Cave or Tomb and Stupid!

At this time, the two military dogs suddenly barked loudly.

The two imperial forest soldiers immediately stood guard, and then the military dogs pulled them to a nearby road, as if there was something wrong there.

Seeing that the difficult guy finally left, Fu Yushu and Yu Zichen both heaved a sigh of relief.Just when they were about to go down the tree, a person appeared and finally stood by the tree, picked up the roasted pheasant from the Royal Forest Army, and ate it with his mouth open.

Seeing that the roast chicken was just put into that guy's mouth, Fu Yushu's face turned cold, "You boy,"

Shao Qi looked up at the two people above, babbled and said, "Are your legs weak? Can't get down? Do you need me to go up and help?"

Fu Yushu jumped up, and easily stood in front of Shao Qi, "You boy, you just showed up now, you are not loyal enough!" He snatched the pheasant from Shao Qi's hand, opened his mouth and bit it, and handed it to Mikochen who jumped off the tree behind.

Yu Zichen casually took a big bite and threw it to Shao Qi.

Shao Qi caught it steadily, and then asked the two of them, "Haven't you ever fought a military dog?"

Yu Zichen said: "If there is, it is impossible for us to stay in the tree. It will be dark for half a day, and we have to find a cave to avoid it."

Shao Qi looked around, feeling dazed, "Let's look for it, maybe we won't be able to find it for a long time. But we can't retreat now, there are many military dogs ambushing behind. Try your luck and find a cave."

On the shore, a bonfire was burning.Yu Shengjun was holding a small wooden stick with fish in both hands, aiming the fish at the flames.After a lot of busy work, it took shape to look like grilled fish.

Sun Bailing sat across from him. Although he had already put on his clothes, he still hugged his hands tightly with his shoulders huddled.

Lu Yitang went to look for wild fruits, but has not returned yet.

Yu Shengjun glanced at Sun Bailing intentionally or unintentionally, and asked: "Hey, the sun is poisonous enough, and you cover yourself so tightly, you are not afraid of heatstroke? Go to the side and rest, and I will call you when it is done."

Sun Bailing said politely, "I'm not cold, I'll just sit like this, it's fine."

No return on a good deed.Yu Shengjun didn't say anything more, and continued to grill his own fish seriously.

Sun Bailing looked at the stunning face on the other side of the fireworks, and couldn't help but unconsciously couldn't take his eyes off it.This face was created by a miracle, like a thousand-year-old jade, flawless, and gave people a cold visual sense.

Until today, it was the first time she saw this face clearly, it turned out to be so peerless.How could I have the chance to meet such a beautiful man?
"Stop staring!" Yu Shengjun seemed to know that Sun Bailing was admiring his facial features, but he still broke the other party's mind, "I'm not interested in you, even if you just admire me, but such a thought, don't you Move lightly, or you will suffer."

Sun Bailing looked away, blushing, "No, I don't know what you're talking about."

Yu Shengjun sneered, "You know what I'm talking about. I promise you that I will not reveal that you are a woman to the higher authorities. But, don't think that I promised you because I care about you, it's not like that, we are For the students in class one, if there is one less person in the class, one point will be lost. I am not interested in whether you are male or female, but what I am interested in is the score, and I don’t want to ruin the class because of you.”

Sun Bailing smiled wryly, feeling sorry for himself.It turned out that the handsome man's thoughts were actually like this.She thought that her beauty could make the other party completely shut up, but it was almost the opposite.

At this time, Lu Yitang came back with a bunch of wild fruits.After sitting next to Sun Bailing, he put the wild fruit beside her, "There are only these wild fruits around here, Bailing, you can eat as much as you can, after all, you have to stay up until dark."

After the fish was roasted, Yu Shengjun gave a substitute to Lu Yitang, "Lord Lu, here it is."

Lu Yitang took it, "Thank you."

"That," Yu Shengjun acted a little impatient and indifferent when replacing Sun Bailing.

Sun Bailing didn't take it, and it didn't work if he didn't take it. He was struggling in his heart.

Yu Shengjun simply stuffed it into her hand, then sat down by the stream with his own, soaked his feet, and ate his fish with big mouthfuls. Occasionally, he looked back at Sun Bailing and saw her take a bite gracefully. Just turned around.

Lu Yitang knew that Sun Bailing still couldn't let go, so she shook her hand slightly, and said softly, "Don't think about it, you'll be fine, and I'll take care of it."

Sun Bailing looked at him with red eyes, but said half a word.Slowly, she fell into his arms.At this time, she realized that when she was helpless, it was Lu Yitang, not Cao Dan, who could comfort and embrace her.

Apart from questioning himself, Cao Dan doesn't care about his own feelings, unlike Lu Yitang...

Yu Shengjun turned his back to the couple behind him, he looked at himself on the water, he was indeed a peerless face, even he thought he was the most beautiful man in the imperial capital, if he stepped into the harem with this face, That……

"Isn't that Brother Yu and the others?" Not far away, Han Xueyan, who was carrying Cao Dan, saw Yu Shengjun and the others from a distance. He was so excited that he shouted from a distance, "Brother Yu!"

Hearing the sound, Sun Bailing immediately left Lu Yitang's arms and sat upright.

Cao Dan carried Han Xueyan on his back, and when he got to Sun Bailing's side, he put Han Xueyan down, "Your feet are not healed yet, please put them down lightly.

Sun Bailing looked at the two of them, seeing Cao Dan caring for Han Xueyan so delicately, his eyes turned red.After putting Han Xueyan down, Cao Dan saw that Sun Bailing was also here, and his expression darkened.

Yu Shengjun walked over barefoot with his unfinished fish, "Why did you come here?"

Cao Dan said helplessly: "I can't help it, I came here."

"Come, eat some!" Yu Shengjun handed over the fish to the two of them.

Han Xueyan took it happily, "Thank you Brother Yu, you are so kind."

Yu Shengjun smiled, "After you know that I am a good person, please speak well of me in front of your brother-in-law."

Han Xueyan was eager to bite the fish and nodded, "Got it."

Cao Dan put the fish on the ground aside, and he stroked his stomach, "I ate a lot of peaches along the way, and I can't hold on anymore." He put Yu Shengjun on the shoulder, "It's too hot , Brother Yu, let’s go, let’s go soak in the water.”

"Okay!" Yu Shengjun had exactly this intention.

Han Xueyan jumped excitedly and said, "I want to go down to soak in the water too!" She ran over and hugged Cao Dan's arms tenderly, "Whatever brother Xiao Cao is doing, Yan'er can do whatever!"

"I'm going into the water too!" Sun Bailing's attitude suddenly became tough.

Cao Dan laughed dryly, "But, you, you...are women." You are women, is this appropriate?Han Xueyan didn't seem to care at all, "Brother Cao, what's the matter? What's wrong with us being women? We don't feel anything if you are men. Wait," seemed to find something, "I seem to be the only woman, right? "

Yu Shengjun and Cao Dan looked at each other and shook their heads helplessly, feeling sad for a big girl like Han Xueyan.

"Han Xueyan, stop making trouble!" Cao Dan's tone was a bit harsh.

But Han Xueyan didn't like him, "Why are you being so cruel to me? He just wants to follow Brother Cao. If you leave, it's equivalent to throwing away Yan'er, but Yan'er doesn't want to leave you. "

Sun Bailing couldn't bear to listen to the conversation between the two, and wanted to run away.

There is a dark cloud on the top of the mountain in front. The sun is hot right now, but I am afraid that it will soon be covered with dark clouds.Yu Shengjun glanced at it unintentionally, and then realized, "Now, I don't think we can even soak in water!"

"Why?" Cao Dan didn't know.

Yu Shengjun picked up his shoes and walked down the side road, and said to the three people behind, "It will rain soon, if you don't want to be drenched for a long time, you'd better find a cave or a tomb to stay in."

"Tomb? Brother Yu is really humorous!" Han Xueyan smiled slightly, then let go of Cao Dan's arm and ran towards Yu Shengjun joyfully, "Brother Yu, wait for me!"

With just one sentence, Yu Shengjun seduced a beautiful little girl away. Since Cao Dan couldn't get angry, he said loudly to Han Xueyan's back: "Han Xueyan, don't let me carry you again next time, I don't feel guilty at all. !"

Han Xueyan had already wrapped her arms around Yu Shengjun's arm, turned her head and stuck out her tongue at Cao Dan, "Who told you that you are not humorous."

Cao Dan looked frustrated and said in a low voice: "Can humor be eaten?"

"Let's go, Xiao Cao!" Lu Yitang laughed, then patted Cao Dan who was looking frustrated, gave Sun Bailing a nod, and followed Yu Shengjun and the others.

Sun Bailing glanced at Cao Dan indifferently, and walked past.

Her indifference turned Cao Dan, who was like a ruffian, into a melancholy person in an instant. On his face, there was no trace of a ruffian, but an indescribable melancholy was condensed in his brows and eyes.Sun Bailing, are you going to face me like this?

And Sun Bailing was also asking him in his heart at this moment, Cao Dan, can you give me a gentle look and let me know that you still love me...

It was raining, and the two groups of people found a cave together, and this cave was near Gaopoyuan, and Cao Dan and Han Xueyan once stayed there.

When Yu Zichen and the others first found this cave, they didn't expect the rain to fall, and then Yu Shengjun and the others rushed over from the rain in the next second, and all of them huddled together all of a sudden, everyone was shocked by this.

After entering the cave one after another, Han Xueyan helped Shao Qi beat the raindrops off his body.Sun Bailing stood in the corner with his arms around him.

Lu Yitang, Yu Zichen, Fu Yushu, and Yu Shengjun will gather the firewood on the ground, start the fire, and break the firewood...

After a while, Yunlei also rushed in from the outside, and when he saw everyone, his face was filled with joy, "What a coincidence, everyone is here!"

Shao Qi said, "I thought you were captured alive by military dogs."

"Oh," Yunlei sighed, walked to the campfire and sat down, "It's hard to explain. If you didn't escape quickly, you would have been caught."

Shao Qi pushed Han Xueyan forward, "Go over and dry the clothes."

"Oh." Han Xueyan responded, then walked over and sat beside Cao Dan.

After a while, everyone sat down one after another, except for Sun Bailing.

Yu Zichen glanced at Sun Bailing in the corner, his eyes darkened for a moment, and then he shouted: "Master Sun, come and sit down, you are so tired from standing." After speaking, he said to Yu Shengjun next to him, "This rain probably It will take half a day."

Yu Shengjun said: "That's fine, so the military dogs won't be able to smell us."

Sun Bailing had obeyed Yu Zichen's words and walked over, because the campfire was relatively large, and everyone sat apart, and there were still many places for her to sit.She just went wherever she felt it was near, and finally sat beside Yu Shengjun.

On the left of Yu Shengjun is Yu Zichen, and on the right is Lu Yitang.

Yu Shengjun didn't look at Sun Bailing, he was chatting and laughing with Yu Zichen all the time, but Sun Bailing occasionally turned his head to look at his profile.This man is really not interested in her. She is a woman after all, so he doesn't take a second look.

After a while, the clothes dried, and Han Xueyan suddenly felt sleepy. Instead of lying on Cao Dan, she lay on Shao Qi's lap on the other side, "Brother-in-law, I'll sleep for a while."

(End of this chapter)

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