The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 272 According to Reliable Information

Chapter 272 According to Reliable Information

Shao Qi caressed her hair lovingly, "Sleep, my brother-in-law is here, sleep peacefully."

Cao Dan looked at Han Xueyan and then at Shao Qi, his eyes were full of envy, and he felt warm because Han Xueyan had a good brother-in-law.His gaze slowly turned to behind Sun Bailing, just in time to see Sun Bailing yawn.

He wanted to care, but Sun Bailing's indifference, which kept people thousands of miles away, prevented him from getting close.Is it necessary for this woman to be stubborn to the point of self-pity?
It's still raining, and it's still rainstorm level.

Before they knew it, Yunlei and Fu Yushu had already gone to sleep in the grass in the corner.Shao Qi also dozed off for a while.Yu Zichen and Yu Shengjun talked a few more words, and finally Yu Zichen also left the campfire and fell asleep next to the wall in the corner.

Yu Shengjun looked at the firewood, and threw the firewood next to him into the fire one by one, his expression was as calm as water, without any waves.

At this moment, Cao Dan got up and walked towards the cave entrance.Seeing this, Lu Yitang followed him out.At this moment, only Yu Shengjun and Sun Bailing, who curled up his shoulders and hugged his legs, were the only ones who were fully awake in the cave.

Sun Bailing looked at Yu Shengjun's handsome profile, seeing that he was silent, how could she have the courage to speak up, and she didn't have the guts to speak up, let alone speak up.This kind of man has an attraction that makes all women want to find out.

This kind of man can often only hide in his heart, but can't take any action, otherwise, he will be done with himself.

At this time, Yu Shengjun was very sure that there was a pair of eyes beside him spying on who he was. Not only that, it seemed that Fangxin had also fallen unconsciously, but the other party also knew that this was dangerous, so he did not dare to let it go easily. Own.

A troublesome woman, now she has become a troublesome woman.

To prevent Sun Bailing from falling into it again, Yu Shengjun got up, walked towards Yu Zichen, sat next to Yu Zichen, and fell asleep leaning against the wall.

Sun Bailing was a little disappointed. Yu Shengjun had never looked at her since entering the door. Not only that, she seemed to be completely transparent.He completely ignored her presence.

Cao Dan leaned against the wall of the cave, turned his corner, and couldn't help but smiled wryly, "Lord Lu, if you have anything to say, just say it."

Lu Yitang didn't expect that Cao Dan, who was usually idle, turned out to be so mature in a blink of an eye, and seemed a little unfathomable.But even so, what he wants to say has nothing to do with Cao Dan's personality, "I want Sun Bailing!"

These words are full of strength.Cao Dan turned around, and the corners of his lips curled into a cold and arrogant arc, "Yes? Which one do you want? For a lifetime? Or for a while?"

Lu Yitang said clearly, "One life."

Cao Dan smiled wryly, "It's a very touching word." After a pause, he continued: "However, Mr. Lu, Sun Bailing and I...although we don't have the name of husband and wife, we already have the reality of husband and wife. You , still want her?"

Sun Bailing had just walked behind these two people, but he didn't expect to hear these words.She was about to go up to correct her, but he wanted to know what expression Lu Yitang would have, so he held back.

Lu Yitang bit his lower lip, the fire in his eyes wanted to burn Cao Dan into charcoal, but his clenched fists gradually relaxed, and then an elegant smile appeared on the corner of his lips, "It's okay, I prefer her after being hurt by you , this kind of her is strong and the most attractive!"

Surprise appeared in Cao Dan's eyes, he really didn't expect Lu Yitang to answer like this.She raised her eyebrows, "Oh? Master Lu doesn't mind?"

Lu Yitang's face turned cold, and he said harsh words, "But if I see you bullying her and hurting her again in the future, I, Lu Yitang, will never let you go."

Cao Dan asked, " her very much?"

Lu Yitang nodded firmly, "Yes!"

Cao Dan nodded with a smile. Although the smile was stiff and bitter, it was not unfriendly at all. "It's good to love, it's good to love. There is someone who loves her, and someone she loves, this is a very complete thing."

"Are you willing to let her go?" Lu Yitang asked.

Cao Dan smiled wryly, if he was willing to let go, he wouldn't still feel heartbroken facing her now.If she hadn't given up on herself back then, how could she have come to where she is today.

Lu Yitang said: "If you don't answer, it means that you acquiesce."

Cao Dan was silent for a long time, and at the end there was only one sentence, and with his blessing, "I hope you can treat her well, and I hope that what you said just now is true. She wants her for a lifetime, not just for a while."

Lu Yitang nodded, "I will do it, but I can't figure out why you let it go so thoroughly?"

Cao Dan breathed a sigh of relief, looked outside at the rainy scene, and the appearance of Japan and Han Xueyan's injury appeared in front of his eyes again. "I think I've found someone who doesn't tire me out. I'm not sure, but I'll try to get her."

Lu Yitang could imagine that the person Cao Dan was talking about was Han Xueyan.He nodded, "Well, I hope that your lovers will get married in the end."

Sun Bailing turned around, her face covered with tears.She walked back, sat back where she was, and wiped away her tears.At this time, Yu Zichen and Yu Shengjun narrowed one eye to look at Sun Bailing, looked at it, and closed their eyes again...

In a blink of an eye, it was already evening.Shao Qi and others woke up one after another, but there was no figure of Yu Shengjun in the cave.

At this moment, there was an earth-shattering... barking sound outside the door.

Cao Dan was dumbfounded, "Isn't it?" Tang Lin walked leisurely on the courtyard of Shanglinyuan after dinner. They were as transparent as they were, and they said sarcastic remarks, "Well, today's dinner is delicious. There are roast chicken, roast goose, roast pig, roast duck..."

At this time, everyone chewed their mouths.

Tang Lin glanced at everyone, and then stood in the middle.A royal guard came up and said, "These people are all here."

"Well," Tang Lin replied in satisfaction, "You guys go down first with the military dogs in hand." Then, facing the crowd, she glanced at them, feeling a little weird about the team, "Next, let's report the number first!"

Next, the three classes reported the number, and the result was that one class was short of one person.Shao Qi and the others knew that the missing person was none other than Yu Shengjun.When they woke up in the evening, Yu Shengjun was no longer in the cave.

Because the entrance was already surrounded by military dogs, everyone in the cave had no choice but to surrender.

When they came back, they found that, except Yu Shengjun, all the students had been captured alive by military dogs.

When Sun Bailing, who was at the bottom of the group, reported that there were only seven people in their team, Tang Lin's expression changed immediately, and she immediately became strict, "First group check your personnel, who is missing?"

Cao Dan and the others looked at me one by one, and I looked at you one by one. In the end, everyone threw themselves in front of Yu Zichen. Now, they all knew the missing players.

Tang Lin glanced at Yu Zichen's side, and couldn't help but smile, "It seems that Yu Huangxuan really has the ability to beat generals and win repeated battles. You should learn more from him and improve your own abilities. Look, he won another point. "

Shao Qi twitched the corner of his mouth, hum, what a big deal.

Tang Lin went on to say: "I mentioned it in the morning. If you lose, you are not allowed to eat. Now, let's disband, go and do what you should do, and behave yourself. If I find out that you are not disciplined in Shanglinyuan, I will take it for you." You start brushing."

One by one, they scattered.

Tang Lin called Yu Zichen to stop, "Zimo, come here."

Fu Yushu glanced at Yu Zichen, then walked away with the others.

Yu Zichen walked up to Tang Lin. He knew what Tang Lin was going to ask him, so he shook his head and said truthfully, "I don't know where my royal brother went. When I woke up, the rain stopped, but no one else was in the cave." .”

Tang Lin looked at the sky, it was almost dark, Yu Shengjun should be back in a while, right?However, he is alone in the royal forest, is he afraid?Alone or not?It was dark at night, and I was scared by military dogs for another day. I must be very scared, right?

"I'm worried about him, I'd better look for him." After speaking, Tang Lin turned around and left.

Yu Zichen watched her receding figure gradually disappear into the night, and couldn't help but smile warmly. He was really relieved for Brother Huang, because there was a woman who cared so much about him and was always worried about his safety.

It was dark, but as soon as the clouds and mists moved away, the bright moonlight shone everywhere in the palace.

Tang Lin quickly ran to the gazebo at the east entrance of the Royal Forest, and shouted to everyone, "Yuhuangxuan!"

Hearing no reply, Tang Lin simply searched along the river, "Yu Huangxuan, squeak if you hear it!" Soon, she passed the place where they tug-of-war last time.She stopped by the river and yelled towards the river, "Yu Huangxuan,"

Suddenly, a head emerged from the bottom of the water, accompanied by a voice, "Who is calling?"

Tang Lin looked over, but she couldn't see very clearly, but she recognized the voice immediately. That person was Yu Shengjun, and she couldn't help crying with joy, "Then who, are you dead? Come up if you are not dead!"

Not long after, Yu Shengjun climbed onto the shore and walked in front of Tang Lin wetly.Seeing the tears on her face, he felt distressed, "I'm sorry for making you worry."

Tang Lin wiped away tears by herself, and smiled stubbornly, "Smelly, who is worried about you?" But her attitude was stubborn for a while, and finally she was embarrassed by his stare, and she touched his handsome face, "It's full of water, Is it cold?"

Yu Shengjun shook his head, "It's not cold!"

She used her sleeve to help him wipe off the excess water droplets on his body, complaining: "Are you out of your mind? It just rained in the afternoon, and the weather has turned cold. Why did you go into the water? Don't you know that you will get sick?" ? Honestly, what are you doing?"

Yu Shengjun said truthfully, "I just want to personally investigate Xiao Meiren's death when I have time."

Tang Lin finally understood, "So that's what happened, but what did you find out?"

Yu Shengjun shook his head, "I have no clue at all."

"Okay, I will leave the affairs of Miss Xiao to me in the future. As for you, you can concentrate on your national affairs." While speaking, Tang Lin took Yu Shengjun's body no matter how wet he was. Arm, go back. "Congratulations, Junjun, you won another point. By the way, are you really not afraid of military dogs?"

Yu Shengjun chuckled and said, "I'm not even afraid of wolves anymore, are I still afraid of dogs?"

Tang Lin looked at him with contempt, "Yes, you are the Ninth Five-Year Lord, the future overlord of this world, how could you be afraid of those wolf dogs. However, I think there is a certain animal that you must be afraid of when you see it?"

"Huh?" Yu Shengjun raised his eyebrows, expressing his interest, "Tell me, which one?"

Tang Lin changed ways to open up some topics, "Fox..." Fine.

"Fox?" Yu Shengjun frowned, unable to react to this kind of animal for a while. "Foxes are scary? But then again, I have never seen a fox before."

Tang Lin looked at him with a smile, "I haven't seen a fox, but it doesn't mean I haven't seen a fox..." Jing.

Yu Shengjun noticed something was wrong, and always felt that Tang Lin was a little weird tonight, "You are also honest, what did I offend you today? I always feel that there is a fire between the lines in your words, and you want to burn me."

Tang Lin finally couldn't continue acting, she immediately pouted and complained, "Well, Yu Shengjun, you actually raise a mistress."

(End of this chapter)

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