The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 273 Everyone is very shrewd!

Chapter 273 Everyone is very shrewd!

Yu Shengjun was completely puzzled by the word "Little San", "Little San? I raised Xiao San? Which Xiao San? Is it a man or a woman? Is it a eunuch in the palace or a concubine in the harem?"

"Hmph," Tang Lin explained angrily, "It's the little lover you raised outside behind your wife's back."

Yu Shengjun frowned even more, "A little lover raised outside behind his wife's back? How do you explain this?"

Tang Lin was depressed for a while, and then reluctantly changed the words to explain, "You, Yu Shengjun, secretly raised a lot of concubines at home behind your future queen's back. In this way, do you understand? ?”

Yu Shengjun suddenly realized, "You, could it be that you are jealous of those concubines in the harem? It is true that I am raising them, but if I don't raise them, I..."

"No." After explaining and explaining, the pig actually thought of that, and Tang Lin looked frustrated. "It's not about those in the harem, I mean, the woman in purple that you keep in the bedroom, who comes and goes like a shadow, to be exact, the woman in purple wearing a butterfly mask."

"Uh..." Yu Shengjun immediately became stupid. This kind of reaction obviously knew about the woman in purple, but he didn't tell Tang Lin immediately. In order to reassure me, I passed it to the... dancer in my bedroom."

According to Xuanyu Palace's deployment, no one could enter Yu Shengjun's bedroom at all. If it wasn't for those guards who let the purple-clothed woman come and escape easily, there would be no one who survived.Therefore, this purple-clothed woman must be related to Yu Shengjun, but I don't know why it is so mysterious.Originally planned to get some news from Yu Shengjun's mouth, but he didn't expect him to be so perfunctory.

He even dared to confide to her his ten-year plan, how could he hide the matter of the woman in purple?Could it be that these things are related to something that other people should not know, including herself?

Since he doesn't want to say it, forget it, let's listen when he is willing to reveal it.She didn't want to disclose it, she didn't bother to inquire about it, so as to save another trouble.

"It's a dancer. I thought it was a female assassin. It made me worry for nothing." Tang Lin said jokingly, then hugged Yu Shengjun's hand, put her head on his arm, and walked , while admiring the moonlight.

He looked at her face intoxicated by the moonlight, and smiled slightly, "Linlin, has anyone ever told you that you look beautiful like this!"

Tang Lin looked up at him, the corners of her mouth curved into a charming arc, "Really? Someone said, what's his name? I forgot, he was a super villain, and he once expressed his appreciation for me in a text message." , Said that I am the special soldier with the best grades, and threatened to wait for me to catch him. Damn, this kind of person is arrogant. Unfortunately, even a special soldier like me has no chance to meet him. I thought I would wait until the military exercise is over. After that, I devoted myself to his case and found out his true face.” After a while, I became discouraged, “Unfortunately, I can’t go back, and I have no chance to fight him. "

Yu Shengjun couldn't help but look forward to it, "Even a master like you, Tang Lin, has enemies you can't surpass? I really want to see what that person looks like!"

Tang Lin said: "You may have to be happy for nothing, because that person is not here. In modern times, you can only see him in modern times. No, you probably won't be able to see him in modern times. That person is so mysterious. .I learned that he is a virgin demon."

"Huh?" Yu Shengjun couldn't understand Tang Lin's last sentence, "What is a virgin demon?"

Tang Lin thought about it before answering with some embarrassment, "That is, the kind of devil who specializes in picking virgin girls."

"Uh," Yu Shengjun was stunned, "There are such people? I haven't seen them before!"

Tang Lin looked at him with scrutiny, "You can try being a virgin!"

Instead, Yu Shengjun asked, "Can I?"

Tang Lin smiled deeply, "I've already made up my mind. I will set up a special operation team in the future to be responsible for cracking down on pornography among the people!"

Yu Shengjun frowned, "What is the anti-pornography group?" "Hehe," Tang Lin smiled treacherously, "I won't tell you for now."

Yu Shengjun insisted on knowing, and scratched her waist, "Say it?"

Tang Lin resisted, "Don't say it! Scratch it. Wearing this military uniform, I can stay motionless for a few days in any extremely harsh environment!"

Yu Shengjun immediately looked at her with admiration, "I can't tell, your endurance is more than mine."

Tang Lin smiled, and raised her chin arrogantly, "That is, otherwise, how could you be worthy of your Yu Shengjun!"

He pinched the bridge of her nose dotingly, and smiled like a spring breeze, "I just like your nature!" He took her hand, "Go, it's late at night, go back and have a good rest, tomorrow I will be lectured by your instructor Tang!"

"Then I, Instructor Tang, will not be merciful!"

In the early morning of the next day, after returning from a run in the imperial city, Fu Yushu did not go to the canteen like everyone else, but went to the storeroom. He was intercepted by the imperial guards guarding the gate and asked about Tang Lin's whereabouts before walking to the gate of Shanglin Garden.

Tang Lin is updating the data on the bulletin board, and today she will score a point for Yu Shengjun.

Fu Yushu ran over panting all the way, obviously he had something very important to mention to Tang Lin.He ran behind her and stopped. After taking a few breaths to calm his anxiety, he said, "Sir."

Tang Lin was finishing updating Yu Shengjun's personal data form. Hearing the sound, she looked back and saw that it was Fu Yushu, and asked, "What's the matter?"

"I..." He said that he wanted to ask for leave, but Fu Yushu murmured, but he didn't know how to speak.

Tang Lin had already learned from Yu Zichen that Fu Yushu was going to see Prime Minister Fu today, and she also knew what Fu Yushu wanted to say to her at this moment.But she didn't directly say what Fu Yushu was thinking, but pretended not to know, and asked again, "What's the matter?"

"I..." Fu Yushu groaned again, his heart was hardened, and he gave up.Raising his head, he looked firmly into Tang Lin's eyes, "Sir, I want to ask for a day off!" Originally, he only wanted to ask for half a day, but he wanted to use the afternoon to go home and see how his wife was doing.

A day off?Tang Lin was startled, and then rejected Fu Yushu, "No way!"

Fu Yushu panicked, "Why?"

In order to prevent Fu Yushu from going out and get the news that the Anti-Rebel Association was suppressed, Tang Lin had no choice but to cruelly refuse, "It is okay to ask for leave, but only for half a day. In the morning, you will conduct imaginary enemy hunting training, and in the afternoon, you will conduct sign language training. As the squad leader of the third squad, how can you?" Can you go away?"

Of course I want to participate in training, but my wife's illness is more important.At this moment, Fu Yushu could only leave the training behind, "Tang Lin, no one is here now, so let me tell you straight to the point, Yuan Yuan is sick, I want to go home and see her!"

Tang Lin said in a good voice: "But there are rules on the top. During the training period of the Ouchi Guard Training Camp, the students are not allowed to ask for leave to go out. Don't you know? Maybe Yuan Yuan is just suffering from a minor illness, which is not in the way. You Don't waste half a day going home for this!"

Fu Yushu said anxiously: "How can I not be worried? Even my father didn't go to court yesterday, it seems that Yuan Yuan is really ill!"

"That's it," Tang Lin lowered her head and thought for a while before she said, "How about this? I can criticize you if I leave it, but for the sake of safety, I have to find someone to go back with you. You know, the superiors treat you The whereabouts of the students are very important, if something goes wrong, it will cause a big disturbance, if you don't want our plan to be ruined, you have to do what I say."

At this juncture, Fu Yushu was so concerned about Du Yuanyuan that he couldn't care about other things, so he asked, "Who to send?"

Tang Lin scratched the back of her head and muttered, "Who should I send? Send the big internal guards, but they are all very smart. They will definitely know that you, Fu Tianze, are fake, and then know that you are Fu Yushu. Otherwise, I'll just send you A student will accompany you out."

Fu Yushu was apprehensive, "Is it feasible to let two students go out?"

Tang Lin said: "The emperor asked me to take full charge of the training camp. It shouldn't be a big problem. He gave me a token of internal access, and I can let you two go out. I didn't agree to grant you leave. It’s because I don’t want you to miss the training, and second, I’m afraid that if you go out of the palace, your superiors will be suspicious.”

Fu Yushu said: "It's only for one day, I will be careful."

Tang Lin said "Yes", "With your words, I feel more at ease. This morning Han Xueyan was very sick, it seems that yesterday's rain made her fall ill, I guess Shao Qi will definitely be sick later. Come to ask for leave to take care of her. How about this, I will let all the staff rest for a day today, and I will let my senior brother accompany you out. His martial arts are obvious to all. If there is any accident outside the palace, he will be there. It will definitely save the day.”

It doesn't matter to Fu Yushu who he sends to accompany him, as long as he can go home to see his wife.He nodded, "Okay, then I will trouble you senior brother."

Tang Lin said, "I'll ask him to meet you here after he finishes his breakfast."

Fu Yushu nodded, "Okay, I'll wait here."

After Tang Lin left, not long after, Yu Shengjun came to the gate of Shanglin Garden and met Fu Yushu.

Fu Yushu smiled at Yu Shengjun, "Have your junior sister told you?"

Yu Shengjun nodded his chin, "Say it! Then if there is nothing wrong, let's go now!"

After a while, the two arrived at the gate of the Nangong Palace, and Yu Shengjun showed the pass token to the gatekeeper, and then walked out of the palace with Fu Yushu openly.

Tang Lin stood on the wall of the imperial palace, watching the backs of the two men go further and further away...

Near the imperial city, Fu Yushu hired a carriage, got into the carriage with Yu Shengjun, gave the address to the driver, and the driver slowly drove the carriage.

After more than half an hour, the carriage stopped between the two big stone lions outside the gate of the Prime Minister's Mansion.

Fu Yushu raised the curtain, glanced at the door of the house, and then jumped out of the carriage, followed by Yu Shengjun.

After getting out of the car, Fu Yushu was facing the door of the house, and a hot stream came into his eyes. This feeling of home filled his heart for a while, making him feel happy, sad, and indescribably infatuated.

Seeing that Fu Yushu was only looking at the door of the house and did not pay the coachman, Yu Shengjun had no choice but to hand over a piece of broken silver on his body to the coachman, "Is that enough?"

The coachman took the silver with both hands, nodded and bowed, "That's enough, thank you, sir."

After the coachman left, Yu Shengjun stood beside Fu Yushu, looked sideways at Fu Yushu whose expression fluctuated abnormally, and then looked at the gate of the Prime Minister's Mansion, "Is this your adoptive father's home?"

When they left the palace today, both of them changed into their regular clothes. Fu Yushu was as elegant and elegant in white robes as he was when he entered the palace, with the aura of an outsider.And Yu Shengjun, wearing a set of black tights, looks like a knight in the rivers and lakes, and even more like a killer. He is handsome and free and easy, giving people a deep and sharp feeling.

Fu Yushu recovered from Yu Shengjun's words, and nodded sadly, "Yes." Even though he was just an adoptive father, he felt that he had returned to his real home, and the loving appearance of his adoptive mother in the past vaguely came to mind.

At this time, a sedan chair landed behind the two of them, and after it came to a complete stop, the old man dressed as a butler beside the sedan chair raised the curtain, "Master, we have arrived at the gate of the house."

(End of this chapter)

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