The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 274 The country cannot be without a king for one day

Chapter 274

Hearing the sound, Yu Shengjun and Fu Yushu turned around at the same time and looked at the sedan chair.

Although the sedan chair does not look very gorgeous, it is not very ordinary either.There are four bearers, each dressed as a servant, plus the old man, there are five people outside the sedan chair.

After the old man raised the curtain, a thin old man came out from the sedan chair with a bent waist.After getting out of the sedan chair, he raised his head. He was over fifty years old, and the wrinkles on his face were getting more and more, but his eyes were shining.

This is Prime Minister Zuo who is under Yu Xin alone and above ten thousand people.

When he met Fu Yushu's eyes, Fu Chengxiang's old pupils were instantly filled with mist.Although he knew everything about his adopted son, since he entered the palace, he rarely had the chance to see him.Seeing that his adopted son, who had been sick since he was a child, is now so tall and handsome, he couldn't help feeling relieved.

At this moment, Fu Yushu's eyes were already filled with tears. He knew that there was no one in this world who tolerated him unconditionally, so how could he not be moved.The one who took him away from the Chu Palace many years ago was still a tall and burly man, but now...he is thinner and older.

In these carefully calculated days, how could he forget that there is such a great person who cares about him all the time, but he is ignored by him.

The old man next to the sedan chair is the housekeeper of the prime minister's mansion, and he grew up watching Fu Yushu since he was a child.Now when he saw Fu Yushu, his eyes widened, and he exclaimed in surprise, "Master?" Immediately looking at the master, and then at Fu Yushu, he said excitedly, "Master, it's the son, the son is back."

Prime Minister Fu also felt gratified, but the old tears couldn't help wetting his eyes.

Fu Yushu looked at the wrinkled face of his adoptive father, couldn't help but feel his nose sore, and yelled a word hoarsely: "Father!"

This "Father" made the childless Fu Chengxiang deeply moved, and he replied with tears in his eyes and a smile on his face, "Hey." The son who was sickly in the past is now looking better and better. Royal blood.

Because Prime Minister Fu knew about Fu Yushu, he naturally knew Yu Shengjun's plan, so Yu Shengjun was on the scene at the moment, and Fu Chengxiang was not surprised by it. On the one hand, he also cooperated with Yu Shengjun very much.

After entering the mansion, a large number of maids and servants in the mansion saw Fu Yushu's return, and they all came out to greet him regardless of discipline. The smiles on their faces were as bright as blooming flowers, and they were even more excited.

Such a scene warmed Yu Shengjun's heart, at least he knew how much effort and affection Fu Cheng had put into this adopted son.

But the unexpected happened too fast, too fast for Yu Shengjun to expect.

At this time, Jiuzi rushed into the mansion covered in blood, and yelled at Fu Yushu, "Young Master!" Fu Yushu turned around when he heard the sound, and saw Jiuzi covered in blood, his pupils widened, and then he walked over in a single step. He supported the dying Jiuzi, "Jiuzi, what's wrong with you? How did you make yourself like this?"

The appearance of Jiuzi made Yu Shengjun's eyes flash a sharp light, but it was fleeting.Accompanied by Jiuzi, Xinrui found the headquarters of the Anti-Royal Society. It stands to reason that Jiuzi hadn't left when Xinrui left. At present, Zhang Xiangyang has led the bodyguards to wipe out the Anti-Royal Society. It should be that Jiuzi can't escape yes, but this will...

"Young master, my subordinate..." Jiu Zi wanted to say something to Fu Yushu, but he couldn't finish the sentence.

Yu Shengjun was worried behind them, really afraid that Jiuzi would say something important, if Fu Yushu knew about the suppression of the Yuhui now, it would be a loss for his wife and for his army.But on the surface, he was very calm.

Seeing his subordinate injured like this, Fu Yushu was filled with pain. After all, he was his most trusted subordinate. "Jiuzi, what do you want to say? I'm listening!"

Jiuzi's expression was very weak, and he wanted to say: "Young master, young master..."

Prime Minister Fu's expression became tense, he sometimes looked at Jiu Zi, and sometimes at Yu Shengjun's expression, caught in a dilemma.He knew that his son treated Jiu Zi as his own brother, if something happened to Jiu Zi, how could his son be better off, but right now, if Jiu Zi doesn't die, then His Majesty's plan will be...

Yu Shengjun took two steps back silently, put his back against a small tree, and took a leaf from the tree, held it between his fingers, as long as Jiu Zi opened his mouth and said two more words , he must be silenced on the spot.

But because the injury was too serious, although it was not fatal, it took all the strength of his whole body to escape back to the prime minister's mansion. Now, Jiuzi couldn't even utter a word, and fell unconscious in Fu Yushu's arms. past.

"Jiuzi! Jiuzi!" Fu Yushu thought that Jiuzi's fainting was death, and his expression was extremely painful. He shook Jiuzi a few times before reaching his hand, and only after shaking his hand, he probed Jiuzi's neck, and found that there was still temperature, and immediately yelled at the maids and servants behind him, "Hurry up, take him back to his room and lie down, and find a doctor!"

Not long after, Jiu Zi was lying on the bed, and the doctor was helping Jiu Zi to treat the wound.

Fu Yushu was walking back and forth by the bed full of worry.

Prime Minister Fu has gone to his room to change his official uniform.

Yu Shengjun waited quietly outside the door, occasionally looking sideways into the room for an observation.A maid came out of the room with a blood basin, and he called the maid, "Miss," he glanced at the basin, and then asked softly, "Is your young master treating Jiu Zi very well?"

The maid said softly: "Jiuzi is an orphan. When the master saw him as a child, he was pitiful, so he brought him into the mansion to take care of the young master who was sick in bed all year round. The young master and Jiuzi feel like brothers. It's like taking your son's life."

"Oh, I see, go ahead."

After the maid left, Yu Shengjun looked at Fu Yushu who was anxiously walking back and forth in the room, his eyes darkened a bit...

After a lot of work by the doctor, Jiuzi's several wounds on his body have been bandaged up, and he has been given soothing pills, his originally weak and pale look has improved a lot.When the doctor left, he told Fu Yushu, "It's not very life-threatening, but you can't get out of bed and walk easily when the wound is not healed, otherwise the wound will deteriorate and the second treatment will be difficult. Remember."

Fu Yushu was very grateful, "Thank you doctor," he called to the butler at the side, "Hu Bo, send the doctor for me, and send someone to the pharmacy to get the medicine."

For Steward Hu, Fu Yushu has been lying on the bed since he was a child, and he has never spoken a word to him. Today is the first time he heard the voice of the young master. It turned out to be so polite and elegant, "Yes, young master."

Butler Hu sent the doctor away.

Fu Yushu went to the bed and sat down, helping Jiu Zi cover the quilt, while one or two maids were busy in the room.

Fu Chengxiang changed his clothes and came to the door, instead of entering the room, he saluted Yu Shengjun, "Your Majesty."

Yu Shengjun gave Fu Chengxiang a look, then walked away, and Fu Chengxiang immediately followed.

At a corner of the house not far from Jiuzi's room, Yu Shengjun stopped, and after a long silence, he said to Fu Chengxiang next to him, "We will go back to the palace at night, and I will explain the affairs of Chu to your son later." .”

Prime Minister Fu nodded, "Yes, I know what to do."

"Also," Yu Shengjun glanced at Jiuzi's room with his indifferent gaze, "No matter how much Jiuzi shows Fu Yushu's kindness, or whether they are as close as brothers or not, Jiuzi... can't stay."

In the end, as expected, Jiuzi really died and continued to live in this world.Fu Chengxiang sighed silently, without any opinion, "Then I am looking for someone..."

"No," Yu Shengjun knew what Fu Chengxiang wanted to say, he interrupted Fu Chengxiang, "I will do it myself!"

"But," Fu Chengxiang had a worried look on his face, "If Yushu finds out in the future..."

Yu Shengjun said: "If you let him find out that it was his beloved adoptive father who did it, how can you make him feel bad? This matter is settled like this."

After a while, Fu Chengxiang and Fu Yushu, father and son, walked to the back garden one by one.At the door of Jiuzi's room, Yu Shengjun watched the backs of the two people go away behind the round door, and then turned his head to look at Jiuzi's room, his eyes darkened a lot...

On the gazebo in the back garden.

Fu Chengxiang stood with his hands crossed behind his back, facing the lotus pond, and his back to his son Fu Yushu. He had been silent since he came here.

Fu Yushu knew that his father was struggling with many things in his heart at the moment.

After a while, Fu Chengxiang said slowly, "When Dad took you away from the Chu Palace, you were already about eight or nine years old. An eight or nine-year-old boy has experienced the ruin of his country and his family, and it is inevitable that he will have a lot of thoughts in his heart." full of hatred."

Thinking of seeing Yu Xin's soldiers copying blood knives and occupying various places in the palace, Fu Yushu's eyes were bloodshot immediately. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, how could he be sure that it wasn't Yu Xin who invaded Chu?
But Yu Zichen's words made Fu Yushu feel at a loss again, "Father, I admit that I have faked my illness these years. From the moment you took me away from the Chu Palace, I had the idea of ​​revenge for the country. If I obey You can get information about Yu Xin, so why don’t I do it? But yesterday someone told me that Yu Xin had no enmity with Chu State at all. Was it not caused by Yu Xin?"

Slowly, Fu Chengxiang turned around, with a serious and aloof appearance, with a majesty that cannot be ignored. "Father knew your identity when he saw you in the palace, and taking you away is also helping Chu Guo protect a bloodline."

"Heh," Fu Yushu laughed at himself, "to keep a bloodline? You have exterminated all the members of our royal family in Chu, and you still have a bloodline? This is to raise me up, and let me see how the Chu State was captured. You wiped it out?"

Fu Chengxiang sighed silently, "Son, you have been poisoned too deeply by the remnants of Chu's anti-government. Dad really thought that you were frightened by the bloody events of the year, so you couldn't get sick, but dad didn't expect that you would To contact those remnants behind the scenes, and finally organized a counter-defense meeting, you are... this is a big treason, do you know?"

Fu Yushu retorted angrily, "This is forced out by you Yu Xin. If you dare to destroy our country of Chu and keep me, don't blame me for biting you back in the future. What is treason? Could it be that you invaded our country of Chu? Of course?"

Fu Chengxiang said: "Son, you have been poisoned too deeply by the courtiers of the Chu Kingdom, which makes you unable to tell right from wrong. In fact, the destruction of the Chu Kingdom was not caused by Yu Xin, but by you. His uncle...Chu Heng."

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Fu Yushu didn't believe it, and said coldly, "How could this be my uncle's fault?" If it was really the uncle's fault, why did he still cultivate disciples like Tang Lin and Yu Huangxuan today to retaliate? Yuxin?It doesn't make sense.

"Son, listen to me, the matter is like this..." Next, Fu Chengxiang revealed and explained the ins and outs of the matter to Fu Yushu in detail...

In a blink of an eye, it was already noon.

The wind in the back garden is warm and refreshing, but the atmosphere is not usually heavy.

After listening to his father's explanation, Fu Yushu finally understood the ins and outs of the matter. He couldn't believe it, and sat down on the stone bench all at once, with a face full of astonishment, "Why is this? How is this?"

His father stood by his side, stroking his shoulders, "Son, I will not lie to you as a husband, it is the truth. If you don't believe me, you can go back to Chu City and ask the survivors of Chu State. Over the years, settled in The people in Chu City are all descendants of the fallen Chu. Without the permission of the imperial court, people from other counties and cities were not allowed to settle there for a long time. The emperor's uncle was murdered, and there was no one to survive except you. At that time, there was no king, and most of the traitors fled to the north, and a small number stayed in Chu. The country cannot live without a king. The later state of Chu was too weak to withstand a single blow. It was the Yuxin court who allocated money and food to relieve the state of Chu, and later changed the state of Chu to Chu City, which was included in Yuxin's territory. Under the management of Yuxin, the city of Chu It quickly recovered, and the prosperity of Chu City today is no worse than that of Chu State back then. If the Yuxin court really wanted to invade, why did the small neighboring countries of Chu not invade? Why would they invade Chu? Because in order to attack the Northern Kingdom, you need to pass through the border of Chu State. After getting your father's consent, some of Yu Xin's troops successfully entered your country, but who would have thought that your uncle Chu Heng would collude with you? The country in the north also caused the tragedy that followed!"

(End of this chapter)

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