The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 275 Old Yu, don't be impulsive!

Chapter 275 Old Yu, don't be impulsive!

After Fu Yushu finished listening, he wanted to say something, but a servant girl's voice approached, "Master, son, it's not good, the ninth son and the young lady... something happened!" The words sent by the maid gave Fu Yushu's brain a brief shock Well then.

Ignoring what his father said, Fu Yushu immediately ran down the gazebo.

Prime Minister Fu followed closely.

After a while, Fu Yushu stood outside Du Yuanyuan's room with weak feet.It's been a while since he saw her. In his eyes, she has always been a strong, independent woman who can take care of herself.

No matter what happens, something happens, he doesn't believe it...

At this moment, a group of maids and servants knelt by the bed and wept, none of them had red eyes.

Fu Yushu propped up the door, and slowly walked in with his heavy feet.After finally standing by the bed, looking up, Du Yuanyuan's face as pale as paper made him take a painful breath.

The servant girl who was taking care of the young lady next to her cried, "Master, the young lady fell ill the night before yesterday. I don't know what happened to her, and she hasn't woken up until today. Just now, the old lady asked the doctor to come and take a look, but the doctor said...Young lady, she , She was out of breath. The old lady, she, seeing that the young lady was hopeless, passed out. Now the old lady has been sent back to her room."

"Ma'am," Fu Yushu sat down and shook Du Yuanyuan's hand vigorously. He looked extremely painful and burst into tears, "Ma'am! Ma'am! Don't scare me! Wake up! Don't make trouble with Yuanyuan!"

The servants wept bitterly one by one.

At this moment, Fu Chengxiang was in Jiuzi's room, looking at Jiuzi who was lying on the bed like ashes with dull eyes.The Holy Majesty's words are really golden words, if you say it, you can do it, but why don't you even let Yuan Yuan go...

Butler Hu brought two guards in, kowtowed to Prime Minister Fu with a dejected expression, "Master, the bodies of these nine sons..."

Fu Chengxiang waved his hand feebly, "Let the young master take a look at it before taking care of it." After speaking, he turned around with a dull gaze, and walked out of the room.

When Fu Chengxiang was standing outside the door of his daughter-in-law Du Yuanyuan, he heard his son's scream, "God, I hate you—"

The atmosphere in the Prime Minister's Mansion was unusually heavy, there was a lot of crying up and down in the mansion.

Yu Shengjun stood alone by the lotus pond in the back garden, looking at himself on the water with dim eyes.After a while, slowly, he stretched out his hands, looked and looked, looked and looked, and there was a look of grief in his eyes...

In the evening, the remains of Du Yuanyuan and the nine sons were displayed in the mourning hall in the mansion.

Everyone else was dressed in sackcloth and filial piety, but Fu Yushu was still dressed as he was when he entered the mansion in the morning.He stood fixedly beside the coffin where Du Yuanyuan's body was placed, staring blankly at Du Yuanyuan's face inside the coffin, his expression dull.

Mrs. Fu fainted from noon, until now, Prime Minister Fu is still guarding her bedside.Although he was saddened by what happened today, he was not depressed by it.If this can bring Fu Yushu's safety in the future, then Yuan Yuan and Jiu Zi's death is... worth it.

Yu Shengjun stood beside the entrance of the mourning hall, looking at the ground with his arms folded, thinking about things.

A servant nervously walked up to Fu Yushu and asked, "My lord, can this coffin lid be closed? The master has ordered that you can't let your lord watch it all the time, it will make you even more sad."

Fu Yushu still stared blankly at Du Yuanyuan's pale face, without any reaction.

The servant didn't know what to do and was very embarrassed.

Yu Shengjun walked in and answered the servant for Fu Yushu, "Cover it, immediately!"

"Yes." Since he was a friend of Fu Yushu, the servant obeyed Yu Shengjun's words, and immediately called several servants, and they stood beside the two coffins together, and began to close the coffin lids.

When the cover was closed, a servant took a special look at the two deceased, and couldn't help but said in wonder, "It's strange, how come the young lady and Jiuzi have the same scars on their necks?"

This sentence made Fu Yushu sober up instantly, and a sharp light flashed across his eyes that were originally without a trace of energy.He came over immediately, pushed aside the two coffin lids and fell to the ground, and carefully inspected the scars on the necks of Du Yuanyuan and Jiuzi, which seemed to be finger marks left by someone's hand.

Fu Yushu's discovery made Yu Shengjun's eyes tighten a little bit.

After some inspection, Fu Yushu concluded in his heart that Du Yuanyuan and the nine sons were killed by others.He immediately glared at the servants with extremely sharp eyes, and said sternly: "Order, close the back door of the main gate of the mansion tightly, and don't let anyone out!"

Just like that, Fu Yushu's words plunged the Prime Minister's Mansion into chaos for a while.

Dusk is approaching.

All the people in the mansion have gathered in the front yard.Men left and women right, stand in two groups.

Fu Yushu looked cold, and walked past every maid, servant, and courtyard guard with cold eyes.After walking around, he returned to the middle and stood up, "Everyone, put your hands out and spread your palms."

Fu Chengxiang supported his wife and stood beside him, watching their son looking for the murderer.

It was confirmed earlier that Du Yuanyuan and the nine sons did not die from the poison, and the cause of death was not unknown.The cause of death was the handprint on the neck. The handprint was deep. It was obvious that the deceased was strangled to death by hand.

If it was done by people in the mansion, then you only need to check their hands and compare the fingerprints to know who the murderer is.

Yu Shengjun stood opposite Fu Cheng, and Fu Cheng looked at Yu Shengjun with a worried expression.Seeing that his son was about to finish checking the hands of those servants, the next one would be the Holy One. If the son found out that the Holy One had killed his beloved woman and brother, the consequences would be disastrous.

Soon, all the maids and servants, as well as the hands of the nurses, were inspected by Fu Yushu.He was very disappointed, because among these people, he did not find that the palms of both hands were the same as the fingerprints on the necks of Du Yuanyuan and Jiuzi. Could it be that the murderer had already escaped?Why did the murderer attack Du Yuanyuan and Jiuzi?Is it against him, Fu Yushu, or against Du Yuanyuan and the Nine Sons?Or is there a grudge against the prime minister's mansion?
At this moment, Fu Yushu was at a loss. He didn't know how to find out the murderer, but he must avenge his wife and nine sons!

Fu Chengxiang waved to those servants, "Go down, do what you should do."

Soon, the servants dispersed.

Fu Chengxiang helped his wife walk towards his son.

Mrs. Fu took Fu Yushu's hand with tears in her eyes, her face was full of tears, "Shu'er, mother's good book, mother feels very sad when something like this happens, Yuan Yuan is a good girl, mother is very reluctant to bear her, But..." As he spoke, he couldn't hold his breath anymore.

"Mom!" Fu Yushu comforted his mother's hand, his voice choked up, "It's all my fault, if I don't come back, nothing will happen to them."

A family of three hugged each other and wept bitterly.

Yu Shengjun looked at this picture with indifferent eyes.The hand behind the back is tight and loose, loose and tight.

In a blink of an eye, it was dark.

Fu Yushu was miraculously normal.He seriously explained to his parents how to handle the funeral affairs for his wife and nine sons, and chatted with his father in private for a while, before saying goodbye to his parents, and walked out of the Prime Minister's Mansion with Yu Shengjun.

On the way back to the palace, Fu Yushu didn't hire a carriage, and Yu Shengjun didn't mention it, and just followed Fu Yushu.

Fu Yushu didn't want his parents to worry about him, so he was very strong when he was in the mansion.If he is not strong, his parents think he will do stupid things. If he wants to be strong, he must be strong. The revenge for killing his wife and nine sons has not yet been avenged.

Yu Shengjun walked up step by step, "I heard from Tang Lin that you love your wife very much. When something like this happened, you left on time instead of staying for a few more days. What do you think?"

Fu Yushu looked at the road ahead and said calmly: "I don't think my father lied to me. What he told me is true. I will definitely find out the murderer who killed Yuanyuan and Jiuzi, but the national enmity... ... also reported."

"National enmity?" Yu Shengjun was stunned, "Are you talking about our country of Chu?" It seems that Prime Minister Fu convinced Fu Yushu.

Fu Yushu stopped, looked at Yu Shengjun seriously, and said something that shocked Yu Shengjun, "You and Tang Lin, stop doing things for my uncle Chu Heng. Get out of Chu Heng's organization immediately! "

Yu Shengjun's eyes widened in an instant, "Fu Yushu, do you know what you are talking about? Our goal is to restore the country, why do you say such things at this juncture? Without my master and your uncle, we can successfully overthrow Yu Xin? The death of your wife and nine sons made you stupid?"

"I'm telling the truth." Yu Shengjun didn't believe it, and Fu Yushu was a little anxious, "You really don't want to do things for your master. He is a bastard. The reason why Chu State died is thanks to him." !"

"Stop," Yu Shengjun stopped Fu Yushu impatiently, "You have been dazzled by your wife's death, you need to calm down now and stop talking. Do you know how terrifying what you are saying now is? How could my master be the one who caused Chu to perish? Don’t talk nonsense. I’ll talk to you after you wake up from your wife’s death. What about you now, don’t think about anything and come back to the palace with me.”

"I'm very calm now, calmer than ever before," Fu Yushu saw that he wouldn't move Yu Shengjun, so he simply pulled Yu Shengjun's sleeve and pulled him into a nearby restaurant.

After opening the private room, the two sat down solemnly facing each other.

The waiter came up to serve the wine, seeing the faces of the two were ashen, he didn't dare to speak, and withdrew after serving the wine.

Just as Fu Yushu was about to say something, Yu Shengjun stopped him with his eyes, and he glanced somewhere, "Shhh, we seem to be being followed! We have to talk in another place!"

With that said, the two moved quickly.After paying the money, I left the restaurant.

When Xiao Er went to tidy up in the private room, she looked down the street through the window, watched the figures of Yu Shengjun and Fu Yushu leave, the corners of her mouth curved sinisterly...

After a while, we finally found a safe place to talk.

A disheveled girl passed between the two of them, Fu Yushu's eyes widened, "Where did this change?"

Yu Shengjun raised the corners of his lips and smiled wickedly, "Brothhouse!" Before Fu Yushu had time to complain, all the girls from the All Technical Academy rushed over because they saw two of the most handsome men they had ever seen in this industry. Such beautiful men, how could they not all come to grab business.

Yu Shengjun quickly took out a black cloth from his arms, wiped it on his face, and instantly turned into Bao Gong.

"You," Fu Yushu was dumbfounded when he saw Yu Shengjun doing this. "What are you doing?" After he finished speaking, he found that the girls were all running towards him, and he immediately understood why Yu Shengjun did this.

"You," it's just that before Fu Yushu scolded Yu Shengjun for being dishonest, he was immediately surrounded by the girls out of breath.

Yu Shengjun applauded happily, "Enjoy it, brother."

Next, Yu Shengjun watched Fu Yushu being dragged up to the second floor by the old bustard and dragged into a large room by the girls.The air of makeup and powder all over the room rushed to his face, and Fu Yushu could be snatched away.

Yu Shengjun stood next to the door, watching leisurely.Because of his dark face, no girl dared to patronize him, but Fu Yushu, who had a pink face and a white robe, was very popular.

The old bustard was still at the side, urging the girls to take good care of Fu Yushu, "Girls, take care of the young master!"

(End of this chapter)

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