The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 276 I Can't Spare You!

Chapter 276 I Can't Spare You!
When Fu Yushu was out of breath, Yu Shengjun was willing to come over to make a rescue. "Mom, Mom," said the words very mellowly.When he came over, he put his hands on the old bustard's shoulders kindly, and then said to the girls, "My brother has plenty of gold and silver tickets. He is here today because he wants to meet every girl. Don't worry, come one by one. , go to the door first and wait. Now, Mom, this is for you first, and there will be twice as much after this.”

While speaking, Yu Shengjun had already taken out a stack of bank notes and showed it in front of the old bustard.

Seeing the banknote, the old bustard's eyes lit up, and his eyes were full of gold ingots.She quickly snatched the bank note from Yu Shengjun's hand, fearing that Yu Shengjun would regret it, and then put on a stiff smile, "You two guests, you have come to the right place tonight, don't worry, our Girl, you can dance as you like. You can dance as you like."

"Go," Yu Shengjun said with a good temper, "call your most beautiful girl here first. After seeing the top card, we will consider whether to meet other girls. But in the meantime, don't let extra people come in and disturb you."

The old bustard replied again and again, "It's natural, don't disturb, don't disturb." While stepping back towards the door, she smiled apologetically, "You two young masters, please wait for a while, I'll go and get our most beautiful girl Please come, I guarantee you will be satisfied."

Yu Shengjun wished to throw the person away and disappear from his eyes immediately, "Hurry up and pass it on, we'll just wait!"

When the bustard closed the door, Yu Shengjun exhaled fiercely, "My God, this place is really not for people." Looking down, Fu Yushu was staring at him fiercely, and he immediately apologized, "I'm sorry I'm sorry to drag you to this kind of place. But don't underestimate this kind of place, it's often the best place for conversation, and it's also suitable for people like relax."

Thinking of his wife's death, how could Fu Yushu be happy, and his face was sad again, "At this moment, what can make me feel better is that the king of hell will send Yuanyuan and Jiuzi back, and I will feel better when I see them .”

Yu Shengjun sat down and complained to Fu Yushu, "Don't spoil the fun, don't look at this place, don't be happy, I want it."

Fu Yushu turned his face away, "Be happy, I won't stop you." Then, he calmed down by himself and thought about today's events.

"Then you are bored," Yu Shengjun didn't comfort Fu Yushu much, seeing that Fu Yushu ignored him, he got up and admired the makeup room.Fu Yushu sighed, and unconsciously picked up the teapot and cups on the table,

"That," Yu Shengjun said when Fu Yushu was about to drink tea, but he didn't speak.

Fu Yushu looked at him with a wine glass and frowned, "What's wrong?"

Yu Shengjun hesitated for a moment, and finally his expression relaxed, "No, it's nothing, you can drink." Just now, he just wanted to say that this is a brothel, and Yu Shengjun never uses the things in the brothel, which feels strange.

Fu Yushu was about to drink the tea in his cup, when the door rang, and the old bustard's voice came out, "You two young masters, we have brought you the number one girl here, and now we want to see her." ?"

As soon as he saw this woman from the technical academy, Fu Yushu became irritable, and he was in no mood to drink tea. After putting it down, he got up and walked to the side to stand with his back to the door.

Yu Shengjun took a look at Fu Yushu's exasperated look, and couldn't help smiling playfully. Because his face was too dark, he laughed very funny.On his own initiative, he called the number one in, "Let her in alone."

After hearing the sound, the people outside the door hesitated for a while, but soon calmed down, and then, the door was gently opened.

When Yu Shengjun looked over, a woman in pink clothes walked in with lotus steps.As expected of the number one card, not to mention good-looking, this temperament is even more rare.

The woman walked over with lotus steps, and slightly bowed to Yu Shengjun, "Hello, young master."

Yu Shengjun waved his hand rudely, "These etiquettes are waived."

The woman's eyes turned to Fu Yushu, whose back was facing her. Originally, her eyes were a little indifferent, but when she saw Fu Yushu's back, she couldn't help feeling a little affectionate.This back figure is elegant and elegant, so elegant.

Yu Shengjun saw that the woman almost rolled her eyes when she looked at Fu Yushu, so she glanced at Fu Yushu, "Hey,"

Fu Yushu gave him a cold look, "What are you doing?"

Yu Shengjun raised his chin and motioned Fu Yushu to look behind him.

Fu Yushu didn't know what Yu Shengjun was going to do, but he obediently glanced behind him, and a beautiful and delicate girl came into his eyes.But he was just stunned for a while, and there was no reaction.

But when the woman saw his appearance, she covered her mouth, slightly surprised.What a handsome man, so handsome.

Fu Yushu just glanced at the woman, then turned his eyes impatiently to Yu Shengjun, "I said you, can't you let me be quiet?"

Yu Shengjun asked back: "You asked me to leave Master one by one before, why don't you mention it now?"

Fu Yushu's expression tightened, and he gave Yu Shengjun a hard look, then turned to the woman, and said with a dry smile: "That... girl, we brothers have something to say, you go out to the meeting first, and we will call you after the talk is over."

The woman lowered her affectionate eyes and said in a low voice: "Young master, although Xiaoshi is a man in the world, she will never interfere with the affairs of the world. The two young masters can treat Xiaoshi as if it doesn't exist. Don't worry that Xiaoshi will be damaged by both of you." It's about the young master. It's just that our mother told me that the two young masters are so generous that Xiaoshi will serve you every step of the way tonight, so..." At this point, the little face couldn't help but blush, "please two young masters Tell me, Xiaoshi will serve the two of you at any time."

There was a flash of color in Yu Shengjun's eyes, and he asked the woman in an interrogating tone, "No matter what we ask you to do, you will do it?"

"Yes, young master." Xiaoshi lowered her head and responded shallowly, so well-behaved that people wanted to get close.

Yu Shengjun gave a smirk and rubbed his hands, "Then we won't be polite." Looking around the room, finally, he said to Xiaoshi in a begging tone: "Please help me get that bed sheet to the floor. .”

Originally thought that Yu Shengjun would tell her to lie down on the bed, but he did not expect that he would give such an order, Xiaoshi was surprised, but she did it anyway.

Next, she acted as a low-class girl in the technical academy, and was driven by Yu Shengjun like a dog. She threw the sheets and bedding on the ground, opened and hung all the curtains, and then cleaned the shower room. The women's clothes were picked up and put away.

When she was sweating profusely, Fu Yushu glared at Yu Shengjun, "What are you doing?"

Yu Shengjun smiled innocently, "I'm sorry, when I saw those powder-like things, I...I felt uncomfortable all over. I spent so much money here, if I don't do anything, wouldn't it be a waste?"

"Boring." Fu Yushu threw two words to Yu Shengjun, then went to pull Xiaoshi who was carrying a lot of clothes, put down the clothes in her hand, and said to her: "That person is sick, don't listen His. You should go back and rest, you are not needed here."

Tears welled up in Xiaoshi's eyes immediately, and she looked pitiful, "Master, did Xiaoshi do something wrong?"

Fu Yushu said: "It's not that you did something wrong, it's him." He pointed at Yu Shengjun with a bad face.

Xiaoshi knelt down and begged: "Young master, please don't drive Xiaoshi out of this room tonight, okay? Mom said, if I serve you well tonight, you won't order other girls. Then, other girls can go pick up customers and help mom earn another share of money."

At this time, there was a sound of knuckles. Fu Yushu and Xiaoshi looked over together, and saw Yu Shengjun clenched his fist with one hand, grinning his teeth, "It makes no sense. Is it easy to get my money like this?"

Fu Yushu turned his head and said to Xiaoshi: "Don't leave, we will leave in a while, so that mom won't embarrass you."

Xiaoshi was grateful, "Thank you son." After Fu Yushu helped her up, she felt sorry for him, "So much money was spent in vain."

Fu Yushu smiled gently, "It's okay, money is something outside of the body, if it's gone, it's gone."

Xiaoshi was about to praise her from the bottom of her heart, when an embarrassing voice from the bustard came from outside the door, "I said, Lord Guan, someone has packed this little poem tonight, why don't you come back tomorrow night? You keep it!"

It seems that Lord Guan has a very tough attitude, "I just want Xiaoshi tonight, no matter how much money he spent. Could it be that they can beat so many people?"

Hearing this, Xiaoshi didn't dare to listen anymore, and hurriedly pulled Fu Yushu and Yu Shengjun to go behind the screen, "You two young masters, Lord Guan can't be offended, I wronged you two to hide behind, really very sorry."

Let the Lord of the Ninth Five-Year Period hide in the place where women bathe, and Yu Shengjun is furious, "I won't hide! I will chop up that surnamed Guan now!" Fu Yushu pulled down the fiery Yu Shengjun, "Why do you have the same personality as Tang Lin? One more thing is better than one less thing!"

"Yes," Xiaoshi agreed with Fu Yushu's words, and said to Yu Shengjun, "Young Master, this Lord Guan is a very rich master in our neighborhood. If you offend him, the bustards and I will go out to beg. .”

Yu Shengjun said unhappily: "Are you just letting this bastard go?"

Xiaoshi smiled wryly, with some bitterness and self-deprecating meaning, "Young master, there is no way, we also have to live in such a humble way in front of others in order to survive and get a bite of food. I don't want to say more Daya's words are over, I have wronged the Second Young Master to hide here for the time being, I will send that Guan Ye away."

When Xiaoshi came out of the screen, the fat-headed Guan Ye walked in swaggeringly under the forceful push of the door by his subordinates. He was about in his early thirties, but his figure was heavy.When he came in, he saw Xiaoshi coming out of the screen, and immediately greeted him with a lewd smile, "Xiao Shishi, you have been looking forward to your master so hard that he finally appeared. Don't be sad, my grandpa tonight Accompanying you will definitely take good care of you."

At this moment, a perfunctory smirk appeared on Xiaoshi's face. As soon as she came over, she put her arms around Guan Ye's waist, and then walked towards the door, "Guan Ye, Xiao Shi is very happy. Come to see Xiaoshi when you have time. Xiaoshi wants to change rooms, how about Master Guan coming with Xiaoshi?"

Guan Ye pinched Xiaoshi's buttocks hard, with a lecherous expression on his face, "It's fine if you say yes."

Yu Shengjun, who was staying behind the screen, heard these words, and couldn't help but burst out angrily, "Dirty, I'm yuck!"

Hearing the sound, Guan Ye immediately stopped in his tracks with a sharp expression on his face.He immediately turned around and looked around.

Xiaoshi asked anxiously, "Guan, Lord Guan, what's wrong?"

Guan Ye looked solemn, "Master, I seem to hear someone in this room." Turning his mind, he immediately remembered the old bustard's obstruction when he entered the door.Immediately yelled at those who started, "Everyone, please search the room carefully!"

Now, Xiaoshi's expression was abnormally terrified, "Guan Ye!"

She wanted to stop her, but was severely stopped by Guan Ye, "Shut up. If you dare to hide a man in front of you, I will not spare you."

Xiaoshi panicked, she didn't dare to talk to Guan Ye, and right now, she was very worried about those two young masters.At this moment, she saw that one or two people had already searched inside the screen, she immediately closed her eyes, and said to herself, "What should I do now?"

It's just that a few hands searched the room several times, but they all said there was nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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