Chapter 277

Guan Ye believed in the ability of his men, so many people searched the room all over, and there was no one, so there must be no one.Immediately, a wretched smile appeared on his face again, and he put Xiaoshi's shoulders, "My little Shishi, don't be angry, this is for your own good, I'm not afraid that you will fall into the hands of those vile people. "

Xiaoshi secretly breathed a sigh of relief, it was good that no one was found, but she felt very strange, why did those two people disappear in the room?She glared at Guan Ye fiercely with her almond eyes, "Huh, Guan Ye really doesn't know how to be sympathetic and cherish jade." With a coquettish sound, she went to the door.

Master Guan urged his subordinates to go out, and then chased after Xiaoshi, "Xiao Shishi, don't be angry, wait for Master."

Before the door closed, the old bustard poked his head in and took a look, his face was full of horror.Seeing that the room was empty, she was both puzzled and terrified, "It's so good, why did two people evaporate?" She thought that something was wrong, so she quickly closed the door.

Behind the screen, Yu Shengjun jumped down from the beam, and when Fu Yushu jumped down, he had already stepped out of the screen, "Now, we can have a good talk."

Stepping out of the screen, Yu Shengjun sat down at the dining table.

Fu Yushu didn't sit down, but walked slowly around the room, as if wandering.

Yu Shengjun said: "Since you were not overwhelmed by the death of your wife, then what you said tonight cannot be groundless. What's going on? My master... how could he be the one who caused the Chu Kingdom to perish? "

After wandering for a while, Fu Yushu stopped, facing Yu Shengjun with a serious look, "I will tell you exactly what my father told me, and then you can judge for yourself whether it is groundless or not... ..."

late at night.The moonlight is soft.

When they walked out of the gate of the technical academy, Yu Shengjun and Fu Yushu were called out by the little poem behind, "You two young masters."

The two turned their heads, and Fu Yushu asked, "Miss Xiaoshi, is there anything else?"

"I..." Xiaoshi's eyes flickered, and she was about to say something.

Yu Shengjun seemed to think of something suddenly, his expression was exaggerated, "Oh, I know." Immediately, he took out a stack of bank notes from his pocket, and gave Xiaoshi instead, "I will give you the money when I agree to leave, Almost forgot about it."

I didn't expect these two people to spend so much money, which Xiaoshi didn't expect.When she saw the money in Yu Shengjun's hand, she was shocked for a while, but finally returned the money, "Young master, I can't let you have fun tonight, Xiaoshi is already very sorry for you, I can't accept this money. Xiao Shi summoned the two sons, not to ask for money."

Yu Shengjun didn't put away the money, he asked: "I don't want money, so what do you want? Isn't money the most important thing to you?"

His words hurt Xiaoshi, but Xiaoshi just felt a little uncomfortable in her heart. On the surface, she was not angry because of Yu Shengjun's words. She was used to this kind of insult.She smiled wryly, and said sadly: "Yes, money is very important to Xiaoshi, but Xiaoshi also has her own principles. If she has not paid, Xiaoshi can't take this money."

Unexpectedly, this woman has quite a backbone, and Yu Shengjun admired it secretly.

"Xiaoshi, he didn't mean that, don't be sad about it." Fu Yushu said. "It's already late at night, the two of us should go back. Tonight, it's a great honor to meet Miss Xiaoshi."

Xiaoshi smiled lightly, and no longer cared about what she said just now, "Xiaoshi is also very honored to know you, young master. Xiaoshi called the two young masters, just wanted to apologize for the matter of Guan Ye tonight, and let the two young masters tonight It's a disappointment. If the two sons are free in the future, come to Xiaoshi more often, Xiaoshi will try her best to serve you..."

Fu Yushu said: "Miss Shi, you don't have to do this. Really, the two of us are very happy tonight. It's getting late, the two of us will leave first, Miss Shi, we will meet later." After finishing speaking, he gave Yu Shengjun a Nod, then turn and walk away.

Yu Shengjun forced the money into Xiaoshi's arms, "For the sake of being a good girl, use this money to redeem yourself, don't stay in this kind of place, otherwise, your last bit of dignity will be trampled on Drop." After finishing speaking, he turned around and left.

Xiaoshi looked at the banknote in her hand, then at the backs of Yu Shengjun and the others, and then recalled what Yu Shengjun said just now, tears filled her eyes, but a warm smile rose from the corner of her mouth, "Thank you both Young master."

On the way back to the palace, Yu Shengjun felt melancholy, "How could this happen? My master..."

Fu Yushu smiled wryly, "Knowing people, knowing the face but not knowing the heart, painting skin and bones is difficult to paint the heart. I have a vague impression of my emperor uncle. I only know that he was a brave and skilled general in our Chu country back then, and was highly valued by my father. But Who would have thought that for the sake of the throne, he colluded with the North Border Kingdom and killed all the members of my royal family, leaving none behind."

Yu Shengjun asked him, "You just believe the words of the Second Prince and Prime Minister Fu? Maybe they deliberately set a trap to harm you!"

"I don't think they have the heart to frame me," Fu Yushu said lightly, "Although I have been surrounded by the remnants of the anti-Chu state all these years, the good side of Yu Xin made me less and less believe in what happened back then Yes. I have been to Chu City many times, and every time I go, it is to contact the courtiers of the previous court. However, the Chu State I saw was full of corpses, and now it is a prosperous Chu City. Start a war. Yuxin is so powerful, I can't start it. I heard from my father today that the current Chu City is full of people from the Chu Kingdom. This made me completely give up my hatred for Yuxin. My father Since I was young, I thought I was sick, and he looked for famous doctors for me all the year round. This love alone, he is a well-deserved prime minister of a great country. There is such a prime minister, there is such a king, so now I believe that what my father said is true , I believe that Yu Xin never invaded Chu State, but helped Chu State a lot!"

Yu Shengjun wondered: "Even if what you said is true, but my master, he has caused several chaos among the people now. He believes that the Ouchi guards will be dimmed soon, so why don't we Can……"

"You can't do this!" Fu Yushu panicked, "Chu Heng is unbelievable. Tell me where he is, and where is the mountain that secretly cultivated you? I'm going to destroy him, and I can't let him harm the people anymore! "

Yu Shengjun pulled his lips, and suddenly felt that Fu Yushu's words were ridiculous, "I think you were tricked by the second prince's spy who planted in our training camp. You said that Zimo is from the second prince, who knows Yes or no."

Fu Yushu said: "Today, my father knew that I wanted to see him. If Zimo hadn't asked the Second Prince to inform me, how would my father know?"

"This..." Yu Shengjun was speechless.

"Really, you and Tang Lin really don't want to rely on that bastard Chu Heng anymore," Fu Yushu persuaded patiently, "We are all for the good of the people of Chu State. What are you fighting with Yu Xin? Besides, it's not Yu Xin's fault, it's the fault of Beilin Country. If you want revenge, find Chu Heng and Beilin Country."

Yu Shengjun was very irritated, "I, Yu Huangxuan, just want to do something big. If you say that, Master can't follow me, and Beilin Kingdom can't cooperate anymore. Who are they? When will my big cause come out?" ?”

Fu Yushu pondered for a long time, and firmly expressed his thoughts, "I want to seek refuge with the Second Prince, and I hope you join!" Yu Shengjun was very surprised, "You're not kidding me, are you?"

Fu Yushu looked very serious, "I'm not joking. Huangxuan, think about it, what was Yuxin like more than ten years ago? If he didn't have the ability, how could he suppress the formerly powerful Northern Kingdom? Yuxin is so powerful, Will it embarrass a small country like our Chu Kingdom? Also, think about it, in the past, Yuxin was almost completely attacked by the Northern Kingdom. If it weren't for the power of the second prince to turn the world around, how could Yuxin turn defeat into victory? "

"Heh," Yu Shengjun pulled his lips and smiled ironically. "In these years, who doesn't say that this is the masterpiece of the current sage, why do you think it is the second prince? Is it true that, as you said, the person in power behind the scenes is the second prince?"

Fu Yushu said: "Zimo told me that Yu Shengjun was hit hard because of the death of the first emperor, and then he seemed to be a different person, silent all day long. The second prince was born in the same month as Yu Shengjun. There has not been much change in age. However, due to his late birth, Yu Shengjun was raised as the young prince. After the first emperor died in battle, only the young prince can take the throne. The second prince is sensible since he was very young, and he is no less mature than an adult .He has insight into all affairs in the world and devises strategies. Maybe he doesn't think about civil strife, so he is willing to stand behind, assist the little prince, and take Yuxin back from the hands of Beilin Kingdom for the little prince."

Yu Shengjun smiled wryly, "You believe this?"

Fu Yushu lowered his head and smiled, and said with emotion: "Although I am curious about the two of them, as long as the people of Chu State live well, I will have no enmity with them. But I will definitely avenge the enmity of my family."

Yu Shengjun frowned, and said: "You want to secretly assist the Second Prince to fight Shao Qi and other people from the northern kingdom?"

"Yes!" Fu Yushu said the answer in his heart, and his eyes became sharp and cold at this moment. "Shao Qi mentioned to me in private that their troops are now ambushing everywhere outside the palace. Seeing us leave the palace, their troops must have joined forces. I think my wife and nine sons were killed by them .”

This time, Yu Shengjun couldn't speak, his hands tightened and loosened unconsciously, loosened and tightened again.

Fu Yushu asked him, "How, are you interested in joining the powerful team of the Second Prince with me? I believe that with the Second Prince, your future is limitless. A strong country cannot tolerate a strong country. I think that Beilin Kingdom will not be obedient." Let Yu Xin step on their heads, and they have already carried out the act of snatching. If we report and help the Second Prince to control the enemy, we will definitely be the people who will be reused by the Second Prince in the future. If Beilin Kingdom dares to make progress, Yu Xin will definitely I want to take down the Beilin Kingdom. If we join the attack on the Beilin Kingdom, I believe that the world will belong to Yuxin in the future. Naturally, we have achieved a great cause. Rather than squatting on the small Chu Kingdom, it is better to be an official of this big country Will!"

These words were spoken in a majestic manner, which moved Yu Shengjun.He calmed down for a while before answering Fu Yushu: "Let me go back and think about it."

Fu Yushu asked: "Where are your master's troops mainly concentrated?"

Unexpectedly, what Fu Yushu got was Yu Shengjun shaking his head, "I don't know, I haven't even seen Master's face."

"What?" Fu Yushu was shocked. "what happened?"

Yu Shengjun said: "My master has more than 500 apprentices. Although I am a senior brother, I have never seen the face of the master since I was a child. It is a big mountain. I don't know where it is. Tang Lin and I, Every time we brothers and sisters go in and out of the mountain, we have to be fainted to get in and out, and we don’t know what the terrain is like. When we wake up, we are either on the mountain or in the folk. How do we know how to go back or how to get out? Since we were young, we were forced to train, and they were very strict. There were no less than a hundred people who taught us kung fu and knowledge, and each one taught us different skills."

"No wonder," Fu Yushu sighed, "Could it be that you and Tang Lin can do anything."

Yu Shengjun went on to say: "Among our disciples, every one of us is a master of masters. Everything the master asks us to do requires one person to complete it. And my master, he has never been with us. He has shown his true face in front of him. He has been wearing an ice mask all year round, so he cannot see his face. But he often tells us that we are all the people of the dead Chu, and we want to avenge Chu and our family Revenge. It is these hatreds that allow us to grit our teeth and survive, otherwise, we would have died in training. Master said, either do not appear, or become a blockbuster, so in the past, neither the master nor us have been out of the mountain until we felt that we should It's time to deal with Yu Xin, so we let us go out of the mountain one after another. But even in this situation, we still have to come out of the mountain unconscious. Master said, he can find us at any time, but we can't find him. We disciples All I know is that his name is Chu Heng, he was the former prince of Chu, he wants to restore the country and lead us to restore the country."

(End of this chapter)

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