The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 278 Hostage Rescue Operation

Chapter 278 Hostage Rescue Operation
If Tang Lin was here, she only wanted to say two words, "Crap!"

After hearing Yu Shengjun's words, Fu Yushu was not as shocked as usual, "The thing turned out to be like this, it's unbelievable. No wonder I couldn't find out the background of you and Tang Lin. It turns out that you have been locked up in the mountains and can't get out. .”

Yu Shengjun said: "If it is true as you said, my master is an insidious villain, then I don't know what to do now. I have followed the master's plan to make my junior sister a celebrity in front of the emperor. After the guards are dimmed, they can assassinate the emperor. But after what you said tonight, I can’t kill the emperor, so what should I do? Let’s see, I’ll pack up with my junior sister and leave tomorrow.”

Fu Yushu stopped his thoughts, "As a man, how can you escape at this time? Our common enemy is Chu Heng and Beilinguo. If these two groups don't fall for a day, I, Fu Yushu, can hardly sleep or eat."

Yu Shengjun smiled wryly and said: "Don't forget, Yu Xin has been plotted by Beilin Kingdom, the "Miss Ling" that Shao Qi said is elusive, she will definitely overthrow Yu Xin without a single soldier, I think , I think it’s better to pack up and leave.”

"Here it goes again," Fu Yushu said angrily, "Why are you so unconfident at this time? Although the second prince doesn't know that he has been tricked, we know Shao Qi's plan. As long as we secretly assist the second prince Are you afraid that Beilin Kingdom's treacherous plan will succeed? I have already made up my mind tonight, pretending to cooperate with Beilin Kingdom. They want us to assist them in the Anti-Yuan Society, okay, I will assist them. When Mu Dongfang forces the palace, I will stand there The second prince is here. As long as Mu Dongfang dares to show up, I'm not afraid that my country and family will not be avenged."

Hearing these words, Yu Shengjun heaved a sigh of relief.After acting for a whole day, I finally got Fu Yushu done.Well, as long as Mu Dongfang dares to enter Yu Xin's palace, he will not be able to eat or leave.

Yu Shengjun smiled easily, and put Fu Yushu's shoulder like a buddy, "As long as I can do great things, I will follow the path that Fu Yushu pointed out to me. If you take refuge in the Second Prince, you can take refuge in the Second Prince. I want to see it too." Let's see if my mysterious master will show up on the day Mu Dongfang forced the palace. I want to see what the murderer of Tang Lin's family looks like. If he really did it, I have to wring his head off. "

Fu Yushu smiled helplessly, "Sure enough, you and Tang Lin have exactly the same temper. I used to think that you and Tang Lin were very different. It seems that I overestimated you."

Yu Shengjun said a meaningful sentence as if joking, "There are several layers of masks on the human face. In the future, you have to polish your eyes to see clearly." Otherwise, you will regret it in the future.

When they approached the imperial city, the expressions of Yu Shengjun and Fu Yushu changed, and they began to slow down.Because they always feel that someone is following them, and they are approaching them.

The two exchanged a look with their corners, and suddenly, Yu Shengjun turned around, wiped his heel, and a broken stone on the ground was replaced by him.

"Ah" came a low muffled shout, followed by the sound of a body falling to the ground.

Seeing the figure falling down in the distance, Fu Yushu and Yu Shengjun ran over immediately.

Fu Yushu squatted down quickly, grabbed the man's neck, and took a closer look, and found that it was the waiter serving them wine in a restaurant.He asked sharply, "Who are you and why are you following the two of us? Say it!"

However, the man just smiled sinisterly, then his eyes widened, his mouth opened involuntarily, and blood flowed out from inside.

Yu Shengjun's expression changed, "No, he ate the poison hidden in his teeth."

"Bastard!" Fu Yushu threw off the people on the ground angrily and got up.

Instead, Yu Shengjun squatted down and touched the man's body, and finally found a waist card with the word "Shao" engraved on it.His face darkened, "This is the badge held by the soldiers of the Shao family army. Could it be that..."

Fu Yushu gritted his teeth and said, "Sure enough, it's Shao Qi!"

Yu Shengjun put the waist card into his arms, searched the man's body again, and finally glanced at the man's palm unintentionally, and frowned, "Could this man kill your wife and nine sons?" murderer?"

Fu Yushu immediately squatted down, checked the man's palm, and then recalled the handprint on his wife's neck. Suddenly, his brows turned cold, "That's right, it was him who did it." After standing up, he stared at the corpse fiercely. Swear, "Shao Qi, I will never end with you."

Yu Shengjun stood up and analyzed: "Shao Qi knew that you were leaving the palace, so he sent his eyeliner to inform people outside to follow us. He killed your two favorite people, probably to relieve your worries and let you have nothing else to do. Help him."

"I will "help" him." Fu Yushu turned coldly and headed towards the palace gate after finishing grimly.

Yu Shengjun glanced at the corpse with a smile on his lips, and then followed Fu Yushu.

After the two walked away, the dead man miraculously stood up, and immediately tore off the human skin mask on his face... Tang Lin was walking up and down the entrance of Shanglin Garden, her expression was very anxious.She stayed here for half the night, but the two people who asked for leave did not come back, so she walked back and forth at the door anxiously.

When the two figures stretched in front of her, she finally got angry, walked over a few steps, and hit the two of them with the small stick in her hand, "You two bastards, are you willing to come back?" ? It really pissed me off!"

Yu Shengjun hurriedly hid to the side, while still not forgetting to answer back, "Junior Sister, are you sick?"

Tang Lin grabbed the small stick and swung it like him, "You are the only one who is sick, and you are the only one who is sick." On Yu Shengjun's ass, she hit the stick.

This time, Yu Shengjun jumped up in pain.

Tang Lin pointed at the two of them, then stared at the watch in her hand, and said to them with a frantic look, "Look, look, what time is it? What time is it? You didn't come back until two o'clock in the morning. Have you all gone to have a good time?"

Yu Shengjun stared, "How do you know?"

Afraid of Tang Lin's random speculation, Fu Yushu glared at Yu Shengjun, and quickly said to Tang Lin: "It's nothing, don't listen to your senior brother's nonsense. Tang Lin, today my family..." His face darkened, "Something went wrong. That's why I came back so late."

Tang Lin said angrily, "What's wrong? Do you have to delay returning to the palace?"

"You convinced me, but it's up to you whether you can convince my junior sister. Come on." Yu Shengjun stroked Fu Yushu's shoulder, then said something to Tang Lin and entered the door, "His wife was arrested today. Someone has been killed, and he is sad, so you comfort him. Senior brother is very tired, so go back to sleep first."

Tang Lin was startled, Du Yuanyuan was killed?She looked at Fu Yushu in astonishment, "What's going on?"

The next morning, after running back, everyone else went to the dining hall for breakfast, but Yu Shengjun went back to his room.But as soon as he stepped into the door of the room, he was immediately stared at by a pair of vicious eyes, "Stop."

When Yu Shengjun heard the sound, he immediately froze inside the door. He recognized the voice, "Linlin, what are you doing?"

Tang Lin walked up to him from a corner and asked, "Did you kill Yuan Yuan and Jiu Zi?"

Yu Shengjun didn't deny or admit it, but smiled, "Last night, Fu Yushu confessed everything to you? He also persuaded you to leave Chu Heng and seek refuge with the Second Prince's secret fight in Beilin Kingdom?"

Tang Lin nodded, "I've said it all, I've been listening to him talk about it all night, and I wasted all night's sleep." However, this question didn't distract her from what she wanted to know, "Honestly, yes no?"

Yu Shengjun pretended to be stupid on purpose, "What is it? His thoughts?"

Tang Lin said: "Of course I obeyed. I told him, I will do what my elder brother does. Anyway, I have never met my master. Yu Shengjun, don't change my topic. After all, Yuan Yuan Is He Jiuzi the one who killed you? Although Fu Yushu said that the murderer was found and died, I don’t think it’s that simple. I didn’t see him all day yesterday. I don’t know what he did. I guess, I must have been instigated by you to do bad things."

Yu Shengjun couldn't help laughing at these words, "It turns out that I am so bad in your eyes."

Tang Lin, "Hmph, you are a bad person in the first place."

He came over, kissed her on the forehead, then took her to the bedside and sat down, and told her the truth, "Linlin, yesterday I let a classmate follow me out of the palace in disguise, but I didn't expect that When I met Nine Sons, at that time, for the sake of the overall situation, I..."

After eating breakfast and resting for half an hour, all the people gathered on the training ground.

After the roll call was over, Tang Lin told everyone, "Today, everyone is concentrating on me. In the morning, we will carry out the fake hostage rescue training." The obstacles that should exist on the field have all been set up.

In the corner of the martial arts field, there is a temporary tall wooden building.The wooden plank building is scattered all over the place, which is easy to hide. Once the target is found, it is not easy to hit, just like a trench used in military training.

Tang Lin took something that Yifeng had brought over. It was a wooden board, [-] centimeters long, with a round top, pasted with a layer of paper, on which the letter "X" was written.At this moment, in front of the foot of Yifeng, there are many wooden boards like this piled up on the ground, some with a "person" written on it, and some with a "skeleton" painted on it.

Tang Lin said to everyone, "Listen well, the "X" drawn on the round board represents the good person, the one with the skull pattern represents the bad person, and the one with the word "person" represents the hostage. Wait a minute, someone takes these signs Now, I am lying in ambush in the wooden building built behind me, and I will let you train one by one. Because you don’t have live ammunition here, you use bows and arrows instead. When I start calling, whose turn is it? Whoever is smart enough to save people. Your mission is to defeat the bad guys and rescue the hostages. Take those skeletons as your imaginary enemies and shoot them one by one. If you shoot the good guys and the hostages, the mission will fail. Give you 5 Minutes of mental preparation."

During these 5 minutes, these students were still understanding what Tang Lin said about the task, and they still didn't fully understand the rules.

After 5 minutes, Tang Lin took out the list of students and selected them for assessment, "Lu Yitang."

Lu Yitang immediately lined up and took a step forward, "Yes."

Yitang brought a longbow and several arrows to him.

Lu Yitang put the quiver on his back, picked up the longbow, and walked to the main entrance of the wooden building, ready to fight at any time.

Tang Lin said: "Everyone has only 5 minutes to complete the task. If the bad guys have not been eliminated after 5 minutes, then your mission has failed. Also, if you finish the bad guys within the time limit, but put If the good guy and the hostage were shot, the mission failed. Do you understand? The current mission is to test your shooting ability, discrimination and speed. Although you have not trained in this kind of project before, this is a plus or minus point. Mission, give me a good performance."

Lu Yitang nodded heavily, "Sir, I'm ready to take on the task at any time."

"Very good." Tang Lin smiled with satisfaction, and then gave an order, "Start."

Immediately, there was movement in the wooden building.In less than a second, the target is exposed, a hostage, and a villain.Lu Yitang had sharp eyes and quick hands, and immediately put the arrow on the bow and tightened it, but when he shot it, the target was hidden again.

(End of this chapter)

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