Chapter 279

Tang Lin looked at her watch and shook her head helplessly. Lu Yitang's performance disappointed her.

Immediately afterwards, another target appeared, Lu Yitang didn't care about anything, and shot the arrow directly, only to find out after passing through the sign that there was a "person" written on it, and he shot the hostage.

Although the task failed, the 5 minutes was not over yet. Lu Yitang went on to look for the bad guys. The students present all watched extremely nervously. They were both nervous and excited. For them, such a task was very fun.

Just 5 minutes passed, Lu Yitang put down his bow and arrow and returned to the team.

Yishuang went to the wooden building to check the data, and came back and told Tang Lin: "Ten bad guys were killed, one hostage was killed, and the good guys are fine."

This kind of achievement made Lu Yitang feel sad.He looked at his hands, how could his ability be so poor...

After Tang Lin recorded the grades in the notebook, she turned to the students and said in the most serious voice, "Lu Yitang, the mission failed. One point will be deducted for killing the hostage." Look at the list and call out the next student to come on stage, "Han Xueyan .”

"Ah?" Han Xueyan was taken aback.

Tang Lin said sharply, "Come out!"

Han Xueyan said "Oh" absent-mindedly, then stepped out and stood at the place where Lu Yitang had been standing. Now, the bow and arrow were ready on the table beside her.She took a look at the wooden building, and picked up the bow and arrow slowly. Because it was too heavy, it was difficult to carry the arrow on the back, and it was also difficult to hold the bow.

Seeing her like this, Cao Dan couldn't help wiping her cold sweat.This girl, who can't lift her shoulders or hands, is not bad if she can kill a bad guy.

Tang Lin looked at her watch and said immediately, "Start."

Immediately, targets on the wooden building were exposed and moved in a short time. It was very chaotic, and it was the easiest time to defeat the bad guys.However, after Han Xueyan put the arrow on the bowstring, she didn't pull the bow away for a long time.

Two minutes passed, and the villains on the plank floor exposed themselves one by one, waiting for Han Xueyan to hit them, but unfortunately, after another minute, they were still alive.

Tang Lin couldn't stand it anymore, she was unable to support her forehead, even she was embarrassed for Han Xueyan.

Not only she couldn't stand it anymore, even Cao Dan and Shao Qi couldn't stand it anymore, they were all embarrassed for Han Xueyan.At this moment, they can't wait to get rid of Han Xueyan completely, it's better not to know each other.How can there be such a bad person, it's too embarrassing.

It took a few seconds to arrive in 5 minutes, but Tang Lin waited for less than 5 minutes, and sternly said: "Han Xueyan, stop and return to the team!"

With a puffed face, Han Xueyan obediently put down the bow and arrow that had never been fired, and returned to the team slowly.

"Han Xueyan, please pay attention to me next time! One point will be deducted for you!" Because of Han Xueyan's extremely poor performance, Tang Lin's heart was also very bad, and she gave everyone a hard look.After he calmed down a lot, he called out the next student to enter the stage, "Yu Huangxuan, come out!"

After hearing the sound, Yu Shengjun quickly stepped out, put the arrow basket on his back quickly, and stood domineeringly with his long bow, his sharp eyes fixed on the wooden plank building unswervingly.

Tang Lin waited for him to get ready, and said, "Start!"

Immediately, several targets in the plank building were exposed at the same time. There were hostages, good guys, and bad guys. The targets were confusing, and it was difficult to identify the targets!

But Yu Shengjun quickly picked up ten arrows with one hand and put them on the string together.This move stunned everyone.Tang Lin admired Yu Shengjun's posture from the bottom of her heart.It is not surprising that a person who has a good plan for the situation in the world has such an astonishing move, but it is understandable that other people will be so shocked if they don't know the true identity of Yu Shengjun.

After the ten arrows were placed on the string, they were about to go off at the touch of a button, and they flew towards those targets quickly.

Shao Qi clearly saw an arrow flying towards the "hostage", but when he secretly rejoiced that Yu Shengjun must have failed the mission, the hostage suddenly moved away, and then a bad guy appeared, and the arrow was so impartial Moved past the bad guy.

Other arrows also hit other targets at the same time.

Ten arrows were fired at once, and none of the hostages and good people were hit.Many people breathed a sigh of relief for Yu Shengjun.

At the moment, the targets in the wooden building are moving rapidly. If there is no one with good archery skills, it is impossible to hit the targets that move so fast.However, these targets were hit one after another when Yu Shengjun turned sideways or raised his hands.

In less than 3 minutes, all the activities in the wooden building were good people and hostages, and there were no bad people.

From the beginning of the mission, Yishuang was in charge of collecting data on the spot. She used her brain to look over it, and finally got an astonishing result. She told Tang Lin: "Sir, all the bad guys have been shot, and there are no more!"

Her words shocked the audience: Yu Huangxuan, he is really... strong enough!
Tang Lin looked at the arrow basket on Yu Shengjun's back, there were no more arrows behind it.She looked at the time, and it hadn't been 3 minutes yet. Now, she couldn't help but look at this boyfriend even more with admiration.

When the 5 minutes were up, Tang Lin immediately ended the task, and then ordered Yishuang to clean up the data. After confirming the data for the last time, she said to Yu Shengjun: "The task is completed, congratulations, you can score one point!"

Yu Shengjun just nodded slightly, not very excited about the score.Return to the team and stand up.

Next, the mission of rescuing the hostages continues...

More than two hours later, the rescue mission was over. Tang Lin didn't let everyone rest, because except for Yu Shengjun, Yu Zichen, Fu Yushu and Shao Qi, none of them had completed the mission. They continued to train and could not rest until they completed the mission.

And those four who have completed any of them can move freely on the training ground.

Shao Qi sat on the audience steps beside the martial arts training ground, watching the people on the ground calmly busy with their own affairs.At this time, Fu Yushu walked towards him, while Yu Shengjun and Yu Zichen went to the iron frame to practice walking the iron chain.

Fu Yushu held back his anger, walked over with a smile on his face, and then sat down beside Shao Qi.He glanced at Yu Shengjun who was seriously walking the iron chain, "No wonder Yu Huangxuan can break through every time, it has something to do with his hard work!"

Shao Qi smiled contemptuously, "So what? If you put him on the battlefield, he might not be successful." There was a hint of jealousy.

Fu Yushu sneered secretly, he could see through Shao Qi's defiant person.Without Yu Huangxuan's ability and Zimo's character, how could he, Shao Qi, get into the position of Generalissimo?Really laughed out loud!
"Yesterday I heard that you asked for leave," Fu Yushu didn't expect that Shao Qi would open up such a topic.

This sentence also ignited Fu Yushu's anger, and he said abruptly, "Yes, I'm asking for leave."

Shao Qi hadn't noticed the anger in Fu Yushu's heart for a while, he said: "Yesterday, I heard from Tang Lin that you asked for leave to go home to visit your wife, how is she feeling much better?"

However, Fu Yushu not only didn't appreciate his kindness and concern, but also thought it was just pretending.

Fu Yushu pursed his lips, and said casually: "It's just a cold occasionally, it's okay."

Shao Qi said "hmm".

Fu Yushu clenched his fists secretly, Shao Qi, just pretend, sooner or later you will regret it.

After a while, Shao Qi was suddenly surprised, pushed Fu Yushu's arm, pointed to the iron frame and said, "That guy fell down. I thought he had three heads and six arms. It turned out that he also failed for a while."

When Yu Shengjun fell just now, Fu Yushu also saw it, but what he saw was that Yu Shengjun fell on purpose, just to experience the feeling of falling on a thick blanket. Unexpectedly, Shao Qi would do that think.

He said flatly: "Everyone makes mistakes, it's not surprising."

"That's right." Shao Qi stopped staring at that side, and seemed to remember something, his expression was a little serious, he looked around, no one was there, and then he said with confidence, "Our spy has sent a message, Yuzi Chen has already won over most of the officials of the imperial court, and as soon as the officials are gathered, he will start to win over the generals. He must be afraid of the soldiers and horses in my hands, and he will definitely want to find me soon."

Fu Yushu listened like a play, "Then?"

Shao Qi sneered and said, "He won't let Yu Shengjun know his plot, and naturally he won't know that Yu Shengjun hid me in the guard training camp in Da Nei. If Yu Zichen can't find me, he won't get it." Soldiers and horses. If he can’t find me, he will not rebel easily. Miss Ling sent someone a message yesterday, saying that the northern border country has already taken action. After a while, let our people take the palace During this period, didn’t Chu Heng cause chaos among the people? Just right, the guards in the palace can be dimmed bit by bit. I think, in less than four months, there will be only an empty shell left in the palace Son. When Yu Zichen rebels, we will raise the banner of justice to overthrow Yu Zichen, so that the people's hearts will not change much. If we use war to win, we will lose the people's hearts, which is not worthwhile."

It turned out that the plan was like this, and it can be described in one sentence: I want to be a bitch, but I also want to build a chastity archway for myself.

Fu Yushu praised Shao Qilai from heart to mouth, "As expected, he came from the country in the north. I think this plan is perfect. In my opinion, according to the current situation, there is no need for our anti-imperial meeting at all."

Shao Qi said: "Our emperor has sent someone to give Miss Ling a rest. She sent someone to send me a message. The key to the success of the plan between our two countries depends on the anti-imperial meeting."

"Oh?" Fu Yushu raised his eyebrows slightly, interested. "How to say?"

A trace of ruthlessness flashed across Shao Qi's eyes, but it was fleeting. "On the day Yu Zichen let Yu Shengjun step down, our emperor hopes that the rebels will surround Yu Zichen. After all, our army is stationed in the north. Once our emperor enters Yuxin's palace with a righteous army, his safety will be guaranteed." , I will leave it to you for the protection of the Anti-Royal Society. Don’t worry, our emperor has promised that he will return the land of Chu State and give you half of Yuxin’s country.” Oh, how is it possible.Letting all your members of the Anti-Royal Society enter the palace is just to trap the Anti-Royal Society in the palace and annihilate them in one fell swoop.

"Hehe," Fu Yushu smiled, and his chest trembled. "It's such an attractive condition. It seems that I'm going too far if I don't agree. Okay, then we will be responsible for protecting your master. I'm looking forward to that day coming soon." Shao Qi, Shao Qi, if the Northern Guard Integrity, how could it invade Yuxin back then.Do you think I, Fu Yushu, are stupid?Let my people be sent for nothing to let you destroy?too naive!

At noon, everyone else went to the dining hall. Yu Shengjun and Yu Zichen walked out of Shanglin Garden and walked towards the main palace.

On the way back to the main palace, Yu Zichen said, "The fishing net has been thrown out, whether Mu Dongfang will be fooled depends on whether our spies can persuade him."

Yu Shengjun said: "He will come. This move was played early in the morning. From the moment Mu Lingxuan was imprisoned, I paved this road, waiting for him to come, until he walked into our Among the traps. The one who has been going back to the north to report to Mu Dongfang is our spy. The one who has been giving Mu Lingxuan the false impression is also ours. The news they both received was sent by us. I don’t know that they are already controlled by us. In addition, Shao Qi gave him soldiers and horses in name, making Mu Dongfang think that he is really in power, but the actual soldiers and horses are still ours. Using our people to pretend to be theirs to monitor them, Do they have a chance to find a loophole?"

(End of this chapter)

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