The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 280 A woman's lack of talent is virtue?

Chapter 280 A woman's lack of talent is virtue?
Yu Zichen let go of the worries in his heart, "It's indeed a good strategy to control the three brothers and sisters like this."

Yu Shengjun said, "When there is any movement from Mu Dongfang, we will do it again. Right now, as long as the news does not leak out, we will be safe."

At this moment, Tang Lin ran up and panted, "You two really have no conscience, don't wait for me."

Yu Zichen chuckled, "I thought you were eating at the canteen of Shanglinyuan."

"I don't want it," Tang Lin thought of Mu Lingxuan's face when she mentioned the dining hall, and she became angry, "Why are you staying there? Are you trying to grab a man from Mu Lingxuan? I don't have that kind of energy! "

Then, she walked in the middle, took the arms of their brothers with both hands, and smiled, "I will eat whatever you eat."

Yu Shengjun gave the sky a blank look, and said coldly: "Look, someone is addicted to eating the food in the imperial dining room. A certain person actually likes to rob men from others, but he is tempted by delicious food."

"Yu Shengjun," Tang Lin shook off Yu Shengjun's hand and wanted to hit him.
Yu Shengjun ran away,
Yu Zichen also asked stupidly: "Little Tang, you really like to fight with Mu Lingxuan..." Tang Lin stared at him before he could finish his sentence. "When I didn't say anything," he ran away, "Brother Huang, wait for me!"

Tang Lin chased after her, "Don't run away, you two, I'm a policeman!"

Yu Shengjun had already run away, turned around and glared at Tang Lin arrogantly, "I'm still the emperor!"

Yu Zichen's wings stiffened, and he said, "I'm still the prince."

This time, Tang Lin became mad with anger, "I owe you two brothers!"

The three of them fought all the way to Xuanyu Palace, completely disregarding their image.They rushed into the bedroom without seeing how pale An Lin's face was. As a result, in less than a second, the three of them stood motionless inside the door like a statue, with exaggerated expressions!Seems like I saw something I shouldn't have seen!
An Lin let out a weak breath, and now, it's making a big fuss again!Looking around, I saw a lot of memorials, books, and files scattered all over the room.But at this moment, what stunned Tang Lin and the other three was that An Leng and Yu Xinrui were performing on the files all over the floor...

"Uh," Tang Lin was the first to react. She didn't expect to see a man and a woman kissing as soon as she entered the door. One is handsome and the other is beautiful, which is enough to attract attention.

Upon discovering Tang Lin and the three of them, An Leng immediately stopped all movements and helped Yu Xinrui, who was limp.

When Yu Xinrui found Yu Shengjun, she gasped, "Emperor, Brother Emperor!" Immediately, she lowered her head, together with An Leng, as if she knew she had done something wrong.

Yu Xinrui was a little annoyed, how did An Lin handle things, she said that someone would come to inform her, but this time... now it's all right, the good thing with the son-in-law was seen, how could she step down in front of the emperor.

After Tang Lin came to his senses, Yu Shengjun and Yu Zichen also came to his senses, looking at Yu Xinrui and An Leng with no longer shocked expressions.

Yu Shengjun glanced coldly at the ground, and finally when his eyes fell on Yu Xinrui's face, he wanted to kill someone immediately, and asked in a low voice: "What's going on?"

Afraid that the two would quarrel, Yu Zichen immediately came over and gave Yu Xinrui a push, "Hurry up and explain to brother Huang, don't go too far." He intentionally reminded Yu Xinrui to wait and watch, because she Brother Dahuang is angry.

Yu Xinrui said weakly: "Brother Emperor, the thing is like this. Prime Minister Fu is on leave today, and Prime Minister Shen is also out of town due to state affairs. He has left behind a lot of state affairs in the past two days. He originally wanted to help Brother Emperor. In the end, I couldn't make up my mind on any major event, so I brought these memorials here to show the emperor's brother. The emperor knows that you will be in the bedroom every day when you are having meals, so today..."

"Why don't you continue?" Yu Shengjun still wanted to know how the imperial sister planned to make up the matter between her and An Leng.

An Leng immediately apologized, "Master, the marriage is not yet done, and this subordinate knows that we cannot do this. This is the fault of this subordinate, and this subordinate will not do it again in the future."

Yu Shengjun became anxious instead, "Who told you not to commit crimes? Did I criticize you for that...?"

"Ah?" The master beat around the bush, making An Leng seem to understand.

"Okay," Yu Shengjun waved his hands impatiently, "Go back, I've dealt with these important matters and let An Lin tell you to carry them out. Seeing that you can't be separated for a while, what do you love? Just why go."

"Thank you brother emperor, thank you brother two emperors." Yu Xinrui blushed and thanked her a few words, then ran out of the bedroom pulling An Leng.

Tang Lin clicked her tongue twice, "Sure enough, if you have a brother, you must have a brother..." At this moment, both pairs of scrutinizing eyes fell on her.Immediately laughed dryly, changed his words, "Don't think about it, you two, I don't mean anything else!"

No wonder!

This Yu Shengjun usually likes to attack her sneakily, and this Yu Xinrui likes to sneak attack An Leng, it makes sense!
Yu Zichen looked at the memorial that filled the room, and couldn't help but sighed, "Brother Huang, you will be busy for a long time now."

Tang Lin was dumbfounded. She looked at the papers on the ground and then at Yu Shengjun's calm face, "It will be done in half a day? Is it true? Can I read all the papers on the ground in half a day? Don't talk nonsense, okay? It can fill up Jiuzhaigou."

Yu Shengjun glanced at her, did not speak, picked up a booklet from the ground and opened it to look. The contents of the booklet were related to the plague.The plague has not yet been eradicated.For this reason, his face couldn't help but darken.

Seeing that his expression was not right, Tang Lin's heart tightened. Without asking, she approached him and took a look at the booklet in his hand. Although it was all in traditional Chinese characters, she could still understand everything except a few characters.After reading it, his expression was the same as Yu Shengjun's, and he was also very worried, "What kind of plague is it? It has been two or three months, and it has not been eradicated. If it spreads to the nearby military camps, the consequences will be disastrous."

At this time, Yu Zichen was much calmer. He lowered his eyes and thought for a while, and said, "Brother Huang, could someone be behind this? Otherwise, this plague cannot be eradicated. There must be crooked methods against the court. "

Yu Shengjun pondered for a while, wondering if he had thought of a solution, and said to the other two indifferently: "I will deal with this matter myself, let's discuss it here."

At this time, An Lin walked in, "Your Majesty, the lunch has been delivered, should it be delivered to the dining hall, or..."

"Put it here," Tang Lin pointed to the dining table in the bedroom, and drew attention for Yu Shengjun.

An Lin glanced at Yu Shengjun and saw that Yu Shengjun didn't respond, so he followed Tang Lin's arrangement.

After the food was served, An Lin and the guard who served the food retreated together, and gently closed the door.

Tang Lin didn't say hello to Yu Shengjun and the others, she directly copied a few notebooks and papers from the ground, then took them to the dining table and sat down, reviewed them while eating, and asked Yu Shengjun after reading them, "What is the name of the notebook?" It is described that the flood in Xianlu County the day before yesterday caused two mountain collapses, which not only blocked the passage to the next county, but also caused a large number of passing business travelers and passenger carriages to be trapped in the middle of the two collapses. If not in time Rescue, the flood will flood again, those trapped people and vehicles will be washed down the cliff, and it will be too late to regret."

After the narration, she asked: "What does the emperor plan to do with this natural disaster?" Immediately, she picked up the map from the ground, and guessed that Yu Xinrui and the others had already read it, and they didn't know where Xianlu County was before they got the map.

She scanned the map and finally found that Xianlu County was very close to Dijing.In the past two weeks, there have been two heavy rains in the imperial capital, so it is understandable that there will be floods in the nearby counties.

Yu Shengjun was about to give a solution, Tang Lin said again, looking at the map again, "From this map, the mountain that collapsed is not connected with other mountains. If you want to save people, there is a cliff below, and there is definitely no way to come up to rescue them." People. The roads on both sides have been blocked and impassable. The only way to be safe is to climb up to the high end of the collapsed mountain and come down from the other side. Because this mountain is independent, standing in a cone shape, there are two There is a landslide. But as long as you reach the top of the mountain, you can go down the mountain to other places, and after you go down the mountain, you can leave from other forks.”

She put down the map and smiled charmingly at Yu Shengjun, "Of course, whether my plan works or not depends on the emperor."

Yu Shengjun looked at Tang Lin expressionlessly for a while, and finally applauded and praised, "Yes, it is true, An Lin is right, you are indeed suitable to share these trivial state affairs for me."

Tang Lin smiled, "Thank you for the compliment, it's so-so."

Yu Shengjun looked sideways at Yu Zichen, and said, "I have an hour free at noon, and I plan to deal with these state affairs at noon today. Second brother, Tang Lin and I read through and found a solution, and you implement it for me."

Yu Zichen nodded firmly, "Understood."

So, today's noon is a bit different, but very fulfilling.

In the next hour or so, Tang Lin and the three of them looked at the papers while eating.Tang Lin and Yu Shengjun were in charge of reviewing, and after finally coming up with a solution, Yu Zichen used a red pen to implement the content of the plan on the booklet.

Occasionally, Yu Zichen was busy taking notes and forgot to eat, so Yu Shengjun stuffed a piece of pastry into Yu Zichen's mouth. In the end, Yu Zichen smiled back and choked the pastry down his throat.

Seeing this, Tang Lin immediately sent a glass of water to Yu Zichen's mouth, and fed him.

And Yu Shengjun stroked Yu Zichen's back to help him soothe.

Occasionally, Tang Lin would see traditional characters that she didn't understand while flipping through, and Yu Zichen patiently helped her explain, but was despised by Yu Shengjun, "You are such a big man, and there are so many characters that you don't know all the way. How did I teach you?"

Tang Lin stuck out her tongue at him, "There's a saying that doesn't mean it's very good. A woman's talent is virtue."

Yu Shengjun retorted, "What I want is a literate queen!"

Tang Lin turned to the side proudly, "I haven't promised to be your queen yet!"

In such a bickering, the three quickly spent an hour.And this time, there were no more notebooks scattered all over the floor. Those notebooks, after being approved by Yu Zichen, were all neatly folded and placed in a corner.

Tang Lin put down the last paperwork and stretched fiercely, "I'm exhausted, and I don't know how Junjun you persisted in reviewing paperwork every day."

Yu Shengjun stood up from the floor, and leaned over to pull Tang Lin up, "I'm used to it, I'm used to it, so I don't feel tired." After saying that, he took the folder in her hand and threw it to Yu Zichen.

Yu Zichen looked at it, and it was still the content of the plague, "Brother Huang, the matter of the plague..."

"Why," Yu Shengjun stared at Tang Lin in surprise, "I just put away this booklet, when will it be in your hands again?"

Tang smiled and said: "Don't be angry, I just want to see if I can help you. After reading the scriptures, I think what Zichen said is quite right. There must be some evil spirits against the court. To do such a rampant thing! Generally, the local government cannot stop such incidents. Even if all the imperial doctors are called to An County, they cannot stop those people from continuing to spread the plague behind their backs. The best way right now is to find out who A group of people who are waiting for an opportunity to cause chaos."

Yu Shengjun said: "I have already figured out how to solve this matter. The time for training is coming soon, Linlin, you and Zichen will go back to Shanglin Garden first, and I will be there soon."

(End of this chapter)

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