The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 281 Let's Go Fishing Tomorrow!

Chapter 281 Let's Go Fishing Tomorrow!
Tang Lin asked, "What else are you busy with?"

Yu Shengjun smiled wryly, and pointed to the pile of papers, "I still have to ask An Lin to implement some things."

Tang Lin understood, so she nodded and left with Yu Zichen.

After the two of them walked out of the bedroom, Yu Shengjun slowly turned and faced the inner door, "You can come out now."

At this time, a touch of purple appeared at the door of the inner room... In the afternoon theory class, Tang Lin had already explained it to the instructor.This will teach the students a lesson, it is a frost.

After the noon break, Xiao Xiong gathered everyone in the library of the academy. There are complete tables, chairs and benches, and they are arranged like a classroom. Moreover, there are several bookshelves on the side, which are neatly filled with books.

In such a place that is both a classroom and a library, it is very easy to teach students.

At the moment Tang Lin is not in the library, only Yitang and Yishuang are there.Yishuang was in charge of explaining to the students, while Yitang was in charge of randomly checking the notes of the students below. Tang Lin had said in advance that if anyone didn't take notes, he would be fined to recopy today's notes a hundred times.

Yu Shengjun sat on the farthest edge, seemed to be watching Yishuang's lecture seriously, his eyes seemed to be in a trance again, he kept staring at Yishuang, but the target was not Yishuang.

Yitang checked the students' notes, and then stood at the back of the classroom. He glanced at the students and saw that Yu Shengjun was staring intently at Yishuang who was seriously lecturing on the stage, and his eyes dimmed a little. point.

Although he is deeply infatuated with Yishuang, he is just a bodyguard. If the master wants to get something, he can only do his best to help him get it, and he cannot rob him.

Yu Shengjun withdrew his gaze, took a pen and wrote casually in the notebook, just now he was staring at the podium intently, not looking at Yishuang, but in a daze.Just now, his heart flew to the plague-stricken An County.

"Cough," Yitang coughed for no reason, and then walked out through the back door.Yishuang glanced casually, and saw him go out covering his mouth, his expression seemed to be in pain.

"The rest of the time, let's discuss with each other!" At the end of the lecture, Yishuang packed up the materials on the table and walked out of the classroom.

After Yishuang left, the students in the seats in the middle began to discuss lewdly, "Our instructor looks more and more beautiful, don't you think?"

A student reminded: "It's his business to be beautiful. He is a real Ouchi bodyguard. How can he like someone like you?"

The original student was very uncomfortable, "Sir, do I look ordinary?"

The conversations of these students were heard by the people in Yu Shengjun's room, but they only went in from the left ear and out from the right ear.But there is one caring person, and that is Yu Shengjun.

After Yitang left the classroom, he rushed to the corner of the yard and coughed violently. Yishuang walked over quickly, helping to soothe his back while worrying, "Coughing again, what's the matter? Is it important?"

He suddenly grabbed her hand, "I don't want...tight." When he grabbed her hand, she trembled violently.He noticed.He let go immediately without saying a word. "I... I'm fine, you don't have to worry."

But just as he finished speaking, he coughed violently again.

Yishuang looked anxious and angry, "How can I not be worried? We are partners, can I just watch you like this? Come on, I will accompany you to the imperial hospital for the imperial doctor to take a look at."

"Go back to class, I will go by myself." Yi Tang said lightly, with a kind of deliberate indifference.

This kind of deliberate indifference, Yishuang saw and felt it, her heart was sore for no reason, and she asked hoarsely: "Did I offend you for something? So that you hate me and face me with this kind of indifference?"

Yitang turned his face to the side, without looking at Yishuang, "I don't want to quarrel with you, and Ouchi's guards can't quarrel either." His voice was soft, but there was a sense of impatience and reminder.

"Good intentions are not rewarded!" Said this sentence angrily, Yishuang turned around and went back to the classroom.But the moment she turned around, her eyes suddenly became hot, and the heart in her body clenched even more fiercely.She didn't know what was wrong with herself.Angry?
Tang looked at her back with gloomy eyes, perhaps, being an imperial concubine is better than following him.

"Hello," Tang Lin appeared next to her without anyone noticing, and followed Yitang's gaze to watch Yishuang walk into the classroom.

Yitang was taken aback by Tang Lin's appearance. The melancholy expression on his face instantly disappeared, and he returned to normal, "Miss Tang."

Tang Lin glanced at the classroom over there, then pushed Yitang's arm, and said with a lewd smile: "Yifeng is right, you really have a crush on Yishuang. Since you like him, then chase him, look at you, It also drove people away."

"Subordinate..." Yitang was about to say something, but he was contradicted by Tang Lin's words.Since Tang Lin intended to make Yishuang the imperial concubine in front of her master, why did she ask him to chase after Yishuang?What is Tang Lin playing?
Tang Lin, "Just say what you have to say, don't hesitate."

Yitang wanted to say that he really liked Yishuang, but Yishuang would be the imperial concubine in the future, if Tang Lin knew that he liked the imperial concubine, how could he stay in the palace. "Subordinates... have nothing to mention."

Tang Lin asked inexplicably: "I was wondering, since I like Yishuang, why didn't I take action? Right now, do you know how many people like Yishuang? Have you counted them? Not only other Ouchi guards are interested in her , even the students are interested in her. If you don't act, I think you will regret it sooner or later. If An Leng and Princess Xinrui had a little episode outside the palace, maybe An Leng has confessed his love to Yishuang now. Is it your turn again?"

"Miss Tang," Yitang finally couldn't hold it any longer, feeling anxious and wronged in his heart at this moment, "Didn't you say that the master likes Yishuang? Didn't you say that in the future, Yishuang will be named imperial concubine? Yitang is just a bodyguard. A person who can steal the master. Even if he likes Yishuang, he can't do that."

Tang Lin was already stunned. What, what are you talking about in this class?How do you think Yu Shengjun likes Yishuang?How do you think Yishuang will be crowned as imperial concubine in the future?Where did he hear these rumors?Who said that?
"Where did you hear these rumors?" Tang Lin asked, "It's completely unfounded."

Yitang felt contemptuous in his heart, but Miss Tang had clearly said so, but still refused to admit it.

"Ah!" Tang Lin suddenly regained consciousness, "I remember, this seems to be what I said...?" That night in Shanglinyuan's room, she made a joke with Yishuang in order to tease Yu Shengjun , could it be that he...

"Which night did you eavesdrop on our conversation at the door?" Tang Lin stared coldly, her voice low.

Yitang lowered his head, "I'm sorry, this subordinate shouldn't be eavesdropping, this subordinate knows his mistake and is willing to be punished!"

"Oh," Tang Lin burst out laughing, patted Yitang's arm, and explained, "You're wrong, you're wrong. What happened that night was like this. In order to tease your master, I used Yishuang as a knife. Tell her that your master likes her and intends to make her an imperial concubine. Actually, there is no such thing. Yishuang doesn't like dignitaries, and besides, she has a master-servant relationship with your master. How could she have such an idea? That night, I was the one who joked a lot. I didn’t expect you to hear me, and I took it seriously. Don’t take it seriously. How could he let those women give way to Yishuang? Not only that, he never gave titles to women who had nothing to do with interests, and you know that. In his eyes, you and Yishuang He is the most worthy one. I wanted to give you a marriage, but you rejected it. From this point of view alone, is there something going on between your master and Yishuang? Think about it carefully."

After Tang Lin's explanation, a melancholy heart was relieved.It turned out that the master had nothing to do with Yishuang, he was so excited that he didn't know what to say. "Yishuang, Yishuang, she didn't..."

"So, go after her with confidence. You don't need to prove it with actions, how can she know your heart?" Tang Lin said earnestly to Yitang with the attitude of someone who has experienced it.

Yitang said gratefully: "Miss Tang, thank you. If there is no explanation from you today, I am afraid that Yitang will really not know how to live in the future."

Tang Lin smiled softly, "You're welcome, I can't help much."

"Oh, by the way," Yitang remembered to ask, "Miss Tang, what are you here to ask?"

"Almost forgot!" Tang Lin patted her forehead annoyed. "After the theory class is over, let everyone go back to Shanglinyuan to rest. You won't need to train for half an afternoon, so go back to Shanglinyuan to rest."

Yitang thought of something, "Is it tomorrow's training..."

"It's fun and exciting. It's still in the days to come. Let's look forward to it!" Tang Lin finished speaking with a smile, and then walked away, so mysterious that Yitang couldn't figure it out.

Yitang stood there racking his brains and thinking about it, "What will be the training tomorrow?" In the past, the content of the training will be told to the instructor in advance, but tomorrow's training content, why not tell the instructor today?
After class, the students were given breaks one by one. Immediately, the classroom exploded, and then one by one quickly ran out of the classroom.

Yu Shengjun and Fu Yushu walked at the back.

Fu Yushu had a bad premonition, "You can rest for no reason, is it groundless?"

Yu Shengjun smiled, with a calm and calm expression on his face, "There is a saying that is good: sweet first, then bitter. I guess Instructor Tang will let us eat the sweet now, and then when tomorrow comes, there will be some bitterness for us to taste."

At this moment, Fu Yushu suddenly realized, "There must be another cruel difficulty waiting for us!"

Yu Shengjun said: "Wait and see what happens, worrying too much will lead to nothing!"


Everyone came back from the bath one after another, and when they entered the room, they saw Tang Lin holding a sniper rifle on her body, aiming the red dot at the chests of those people.

Cao Dan was the first to be targeted. The red dot startled him. He thought he was bleeding. At first glance, it turned out that the light came from the thing in Tang Lin's hand. He felt very Xinqi, "Sister Tang, what are you talking about?"

Tang Lin put down the gun, and bluntly sent Cao Dan a few words, "Things for killing people."

Shao Qi, who followed behind, didn't believe it, "Try killing someone now!"

Tang Lin immediately raised the gun again, with a cold smile on her lips, "Okay!" "No, no, no, no." Seeing the sneer at the corner of Tang Lin's mouth, Shao Qi knew she was not joking. "This thing, let's use it when it's time to use it, and be careful not to hurt your own people!"

Tang Lin really wanted to say, who is your own person? One day, the bullet penetrated into your Shao Qi's chest.But now is not the time to kill, she put the gun away and put it back in place.

This time, Han Xueyan walked in happily. Every time after taking a bath, she was in a good mood.She looked at Tang Lin in the corner, and asked happily, "Sister Tang, why did you give us half a day off today?"

While spreading the quilt, Tang Lin said calmly, "I don't want you to be tired!"

When Yu Shengjun on the bed opposite her heard this, he almost wanted to "poof", but finally held back.

Cao Dan asked, "Will you let it go tomorrow?"

The bed was already made. Tang Lin sat down and took a look at the room. Everyone in the room would be in the room now. It just so happened that she could make an announcement.She smiled and said, "Tomorrow is also a holiday!"

(End of this chapter)

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