The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 283 Who Knows Medicine?stand out!

Chapter 283 Who Knows Medicine?stand out!

At this time, Yu Shengjun had already swam to the bottom of the water.In the water, he was still quick-sighted, and quickly found the reason for the sinking of the boat. After finding it, he swam out of the bottom of the boat.When he floated up on the empty sea, Yu Zichen breathed a sigh of relief.

Yu Shengjun grabbed the rope and got on the boat in two or three strokes. Finally, he grabbed Yu Zichen's hand and stood on the boat successfully.

Xiao Xiong immediately asked him, "What's the situation?"

Yu Shengjun wiped the water from his face, with a helpless expression on his face, he said: "I see, we are going to swim back to the palace. There is already a big hole in the bottom of the boat. It will be broken by water, and there is no extra hard board to repair on the ship. Now that the ship has lost the cabin, it will sink completely to the bottom of the sea in a short while, we still have to think about how to get back."

Yun Lei looked at the bow of the ship, but there was not a single Imperial Forest Army, "We have been out for a long time, just playing, and didn't know the direction to go back at all. Now that the Imperial Forest Army is nowhere to be found, how do we know where is the way back?"

"It's not good!" a student yelled, just because the water didn't reach the side of the boat.

At this time, everyone's feet stepped on the water.

Cao Dan said anxiously: "Platoon leader, think of a way!"

Xiao Xiong was thinking hard, but the students shouted one by one, his head was about to explode!

At this moment when everyone was anxious, Yu Zichen pulled Sun Bailing aside, but was caught by Lu Yitang.

"Shen Dan's water skills are excellent, you have to follow him to save your life, remember!" Yu Zichen said to Sun Bailing.

Sun Bailing wanted to say, "But master, then you..."

"I don't need you to worry about it!" After speaking, Yu Zichen returned to Yu Shengjun.

Sun Bailing was a little sad. At this moment, Lu Yitang patted her shoulder lightly, "It's okay!"

She smiled softly, but a little bit bitterly.

When the water was half a foot below, Yu Shengjun saw the rope on the boat and had a plan.He went over and took the rope that had been soaked in the water, and threw one end to Xiao Xiong, saying to everyone: "The water around here is a bit unstable, even if you can swim, it may be washed away. Everyone hurry up and put the rope in the water." A rope is tied around your waist, and everyone is tied one by one. You will pass the underwater kung fu test in the trials, and everyone should be able to swim. As long as we are connected with a rope, we will not be separated. Good water skills are on the side Go up, the bad ones are in the middle, everyone quickly tie them up, the boat is about to go down."

At such an urgent moment, no one objected to Yu Shengjun's suggestion, so they could only quickly tie their own waists with ropes one by one.

Yu Shengjun tied three ropes together to form a rope, and this rope, in a short period of time, has tied up the waists of all the students, one by one.Xiao Xiong and Yu Shengjun are on the far side.

Soon, the boat sank, taking the sails out of the water.

Everyone was completely submerged in the water at this moment.

Xiao Xiong was used to identify the direction. While directing, he worked hard with everyone to swim in the direction they were going.Everyone, line up on the sea.

After an unknown amount of time, Han Xueyan and Sun Bailing slowed down due to exhaustion.The team that originally advanced in a straight line has now become a "V" shape.Cao Dan and Shao Qi can swim, they will be on the side, not in the middle, no one can support them.

Yu Shengjun glanced at the team and found that Han Xueyan and Sun Bailing were already behind, and the other students in the middle couldn't help being dragged behind.He and Xiao Xiong discovered this, untied the rope around their waists, and swam to the back.

Xiao Xiong supported Sun Bailing and continued to swim forward.

Yu Shengjun supported Han Xueyan and encouraged her, "Han Xueyan, work hard, you are talented, do you want to give up your life like this? Use all your strength, do you hear me?"

Han Xueyan's tears of gratitude were wet by the sea water, "Well, I know Brother Yu."

At this time, a wave of water swept over, and no one expected it.This wave of water was so powerful that it rushed over and threw all the students back into the water, while Yu Shengjun and Xiao Xiong were slammed into the sea water behind because they were not tied by ropes .

After the waves passed, everyone came out of the water, because they were tied with ropes, and they were heavy enough to withstand the waves without being swept away.

However, when Han Xueyan realized that something was missing from her waist, she yelled in horror, "Ah!"

Everyone immediately looked at her.

Sun Bailing also felt something at this moment, his eyes widened suddenly, and he said hoarsely, "Where's the platoon leader?"

Han Xueyan began to cry, "Brother Yu is gone too!"

When Han Xueyan said that Yu Shengjun was missing, Yu Zichen's heart shrank suddenly.He immediately looked around, put his hands to his mouth, and shouted sharply: "Yu Huangxuan!" He didn't hear a response, and then shouted, "Yu Huangxuan!"

The others also hurriedly called Platoon Leader Xiao!

After a while, everyone was exhausted!

Yu Zichen was flustered, and when he was about to let go of the rope, he was stopped by Fu Yushu, "What are you doing? Do you want to die?"

"I'm going to find them!" Yu Zichen said in a voice almost choked up.

Yu Shengjun just disappeared, and Fu Yushu was very sad, but at this moment, he felt that it was not the time to be impulsive. "At this moment, where do you go to find them? Two people have already been lost, should we just watch you go missing?"

Now, the platoon leader is gone, only Fu Yushu and Shao Qi can give orders.

Fu Yushu said to everyone: "Everyone continue to swim forward, no matter whether we can see land or not, we must persist until the last moment, especially Han Xueyan and Sun Bailing, platoon leader Xiao and squad leader Yu are because of you, you must need to help us." Persevere, get out of this sea alive!"

Sun Bailing and Han Xueyan were still sobbing.

Next, under Fu Yushu's command, all the students continued to swim forward, and they didn't know where they would end up swimming.

In a blink of an eye, it was already evening.The colorful clouds reflected on the sea showed a vivid watercolor painting.The setting sun hangs on the horizon.

The two students carried Sun Bailing and Han Xueyan who had fainted, and together with other students, wearily landed on an unnamed island.

On the edge of the island, there are mostly stones and sand, but on the mountain, there is a dense forest, so dense that it looks gloomy.

Fu Yushu quickly untied the rope on his body, and then counted.He didn't ask everyone to gather, because everyone was already so tired that they fell to the ground and gasped for breath, so he could only count silently one by one.

Including Xiao Xiong, there were originally 29 people, but now, there are only 27 people left.

Cao Dan stood up slowly and looked around. The light of the setting sun dazzled his eyes. As soon as he left his sight, other places were much darker.He was a little confused, "Where is this?"

"Are you all right?" Fu Yushu walked to the side and asked Yu Zichen who was standing on the beach as soon as he landed.

Yu Zichen looked at the sea blankly, and replied to Fu Yushu lightly, "It's okay."

Fu Yushu didn't ask any more questions, and turned to face the crowd and asked loudly, "Is everyone okay?"

Shaking their heads one by one.

When Cao Dan was going to see what was going on with Han Xueyan, Yun Lei helped Han Xueyan up and called softly, "Miss Xueyan?"

Han Xueyan slowly opened her eyes, and said weakly, "I'm fine."

At this time, Sun Bailing also woke up under Lu Yitang's call.

Cao Dan felt heavy when he thought of Yu Shengjun who was washed away by the water in the sea.

At this time, a student discovered something and exclaimed, "Look!" Everyone followed the student's gaze and saw a dead body swept to the shore by the sea.

Yu Zichen thought it was Yu Shengjun, so he was the first to run over and turn over the corpse to have a look, "Huang..." brother.Turning it over, it turned out that it was not Yu Shengjun, but Xiao Xiong, and his mood suddenly fell to the bottom.

They ran over one by one, and Yu Zichen was slowly pushed aside.

Fu Yushu and Shao Qi helped Xiao Xiong to lay down on the sandy ground inside, then squatted down and probed Xiao Xiong's neck.

Cao Dan held his breath and asked, "How is it? Is Platoon Leader Xiao okay?"

Fu Yushu continued to explore, his brows gradually frowned, and he said puzzledly: "I don't know how to judge the symptoms of this platoon leader." He withdrew his hand and asked everyone: "Who among you knows medical skills? Give it to platoon leader Xiao." have a look!"

Sun Bailing squatted down without saying a word, and took Xiao Xiong's pulse with an extremely serious expression. First he felt the pulse, and then he probed his mouth and nose. His movements were so skillful, and his expression was serious.Lu Yitang especially appreciates her charm.

Lu Yitang did not expect that Sun Bailing knew medical skills, and only now did he realize that he was also curious about her identity. Why did she risk her life to participate in the scientific examination and become the number one female scholar?

"How?" Seeing Sun Bailing standing up with a solemn expression, Fu Yushu asked.

Sun Bailing said: "Platoon Leader Xiao's pulse condition is very chaotic, and it seems to be absent. I think he has been planted with snake venom. This kind of snake venom will not kill people immediately. Those who are poisoned will enter a state of suspended animation within five days. It seems that there is no more. There are signs of life, but the person is still alive. However, after five days, the poison will spread to Paichang Xiao's internal organs and cause death. If Paichang Xiao refuses to take the antidote within five days, the Immortal Daluo may also save him. I can't see him anymore. When I came out, I didn't bring the antidote with me, and I couldn't take the antidote for Platoon Leader Xiao either."

Shao Qi said: "As long as we leave within five days, Platoon Leader Xiao can still be saved."

Sun Bailing looked at the boundless sea in front of him, and said in a daze, "The question is, how do we go back? We have been swimming for a long time, and what we returned was not the palace, but an unnamed island. It is easier said than done to leave!"

Fu Yushu looked at the dense forest on the mountain and thought for a while, "Master Sun, how can we find the antidote?"

Sun Bailing lowered his head and looked at Xiao Xiong. Anyway, Xiao Xiong was poisoned because of himself. If he was not helping himself at sea, he would not be swept away by the sea, and he would not be poisoned in the end. No matter how difficult it is, he must Find the antidote and save Xiao Xiong. "As long as I find this poisonous snake in Paichang Xiao's body, I can save him. It's just that this kind of poisonous snake is active in a wide range, both in the water and in the mountains. But it is not easy to find this poisonous snake , This kind of poisonous snake is very rare. It is a miracle to find one out of ten thousand poisonous snakes. For those who study medicine and poison, this kind of poisonous snake is the best medicine."

Cao Dan said: "This is a life anyway, no matter what, we must find the antidote as soon as possible. We don't know when we will leave this island, so why don't we use this time to help Platoon Leader Xiao find the antidote!"

Sun Bailing reminded: "This kind of snake is very dangerous. If you look for it, you must be careful. Its attack power is no less than that of other snakes."

They nodded one by one, as if they understood.

Fu Yushu looked at the sky, "It will be dark soon, and it will be inconvenient to find snakes at night. If we are not afraid of [-], we are afraid of [-]. If we are bitten by a snake, not only will we not be able to save Platoon Leader Xiao, but we will also give away the extra people Let's go. If we can't get off the island at dawn tomorrow, we'll go find the snake."

At this time, I don't know who's stomach was not up to date, and thunder came.Immediately afterwards, the stomachs of the others were also thundering.

Han Xueyan stroked her stomach, remembered the bag of dry food on the boat, pursed her lips, "I knew it would be good to carry the bag with me, now I have something to eat."

(End of this chapter)

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