Chapter 284

Seeing everyone's listless look, Cao Dan immediately shouted, "It's not dark yet, cheer up, everyone, go to the water before dark and catch a few fish, so that dinner can be settled. "

Next, in order to satisfy their hunger, most of the people went into the water with Cao Dan to catch fish.

For a small number of people, Fu Yushu arranged for them to collect firewood so that they could be used to make a fire later.

One by one went to work, Han Xueyan also went to collect firewood, leaving Sun Bailing and Yu Zichen on the beach.

Sun Bailing took the black face towel that he carried with him to the beach and wet it with water, wrung it dry, and then helped Xiao Xiong wipe the water off his face.Platoon Leader Xiao had an accident because of her, she had to stay and take care of him.

Yu Zichen came over, looked at her busy, and didn't speak.

When Sun Bailing noticed it, he got up and called out politely and a little timidly, "Master."

Yu Zichen took a look at Xiao Xiong who was lying on the ground. This student was the favorite of Yu Shengjun and Tang Lin. He met the standards of being a bodyguard in every aspect. It is indeed a pity that he died like this. "It can be saved, try to save him as much as possible, after all, it is a human life!"

Sun Bailing nodded and said, "This subordinate will try his best."

Lu Yitang collected firewood and returned to the nearby area, unexpectedly seeing Yu Zichen and Sun Bailing talking at close range again.These two people, it should be said that they didn't have any intersection, but why did they give him a feeling of familiarity?

"You're busy, I won't bother you anymore!" After saying that, Yu Zichen went to other places.Dahai sent Xiao Xiong back, but Dahai, the future overlord of the world, has not sent him back yet.Since you are the overlord of the world, you cannot let the sea take it away so selfishly.Yu Shengjun's life is not so thin.

Sun Bailing continued to wipe Xiao Xiong.

Lu Yitang put down the firewood, broke the firewood, and occasionally glanced sideways at Sun Bailing.If this kind of care for Xiao Xiong is placed on himself, maybe he is the happiest person in the world.

How could an independent and charming woman like her lose her heart on Cao Dan, who is fooling around?How could he commit himself to Cao Dan?

After a while, Lu Yitang brought two stones. In this case, if you want to think of fire, you can only use the stones to create sparks to ignite the grass.

I just heard him knocking on the stone again and again, and I didn't feel impatient.Sun Bailing glanced over occasionally, and when she took care of Xiao Xiong, she came over, naturally took the two stones from his hand, and struck them herself.

He looked at her with a gentle expression and didn't say anything.

After a while, the firewood ignited, and Sun Bailing sat on a rock beside him.The surrounding atmosphere was a bit oppressive, she wrung her fingers, feeling a little nervous, "Master Lu, actually I..."

Is he still thinking about what Shen Dan said?She didn't lose herself to Shen Dan, it was just Shen Dan's nonsense!
Lu Yitang gently shook her hand, and interrupted what she was about to say with a gentle smile. "I know what you're going to say, and I understand everything. There are some things that I don't know, but it's better, so you won't be embarrassed."

Cao Dan came over with some fish, and the two sat down solemnly as soon as they saw him.He sat down, couldn't help but licked his lips, and smiled wryly, "I'm sorry, my lords, you can just pretend that I don't exist."

Sun Bailing was very uncomfortable with his attitude.Where did that gentle, refined and independent Shen Dan go?She wanted to talk several times, but because of Lu Yitang's presence, she had to hold back.

Han Xueyan came back holding firewood, and as soon as he put it down, he clung to Cao Dan's side, "Brother Cao, is the fish ready?"

Cao Dan was busy threading the fish on the branches, and said to Han Xueyan indifferently: "Isn't this just for roasting? Waiting, I'll call you when I'm done."

Han Xueyan giggled, then obediently sat aside, no longer clinging to Cao Dan.Her bright smile made Sun Bailing who was sitting across from her envious. Why couldn't she be like this when she was with Cao Dan?

After a while, everyone came back one after another and started grilling fish on fire.

Night, dark down.

While everyone was grilling fish, Fu Yushu glanced around, but he didn't see Yu Zichen, so he was a little puzzled.

At this moment, Yu Zichen came back with a sad face.Cao Dan had already grilled the fish, and when he saw Yu Zichen, he hurriedly replaced it, "Brother Zimo, come on, the grilling is done, let's fill your stomach first!"

Yu Zichen declined, "You eat, I'm not hungry!"

Cao Dan asked concerned: "Brother Zimo, you look very bad, are you okay?"

"It's okay." After finishing speaking, Yu Zichen walked to the lawn above the beach and lay down.Looking at the sparse stars in the sky, mist swirls in the eye sockets.If something really happened to the emperor brother, then who can control the current situation?

After eating a meal of fish, everyone fell asleep on the beach one after another.The wind by the sea is very cool, but this does not hinder everyone's sleep.

One night passed quietly.Yu Zichen looked at the stars all night without closing his eyes.This night, on the one hand, besides worrying about Yu Shengjun's life and death, on the other hand, he thought about many things, such as Yu Shengjun is gone, what should he do?
At dawn, everyone woke up one after another, and went to the beach to wash their faces and they were awake.

Fu Yushu took a look at the surface of the sea and found no boats, so he ordered everyone to go into the water to catch fish, and after finishing breakfast, he went to look for snakes, so as to rescue Xiao Xiong.

The sun came out soon, and the ground was no longer so humid. The sun shone on the dense forest, adding warmth.

Cao Dan led other students into the water to catch fish, and many of them landed.

Yu Zichen made a fire by himself and roasted the fish silently.

After more than an hour of busy work, the fish was finally grilled, and everyone gathered in a circle. However, everyone saw that these fish were neither seasoned nor accompanied by rice and wine. They looked at them and reacted with disgust.

When Shao Qi handed the grilled fish to Han Xueyan, Han Xueyan curled her lips and shook her head, "No!"

A student said, "It would be great if there was wine!"

At this time, a figure approached everyone from behind, and finally, put a lot of things in front of everyone. "It's all delicious, just use it!"

When everyone looked up, they couldn't help but burst into tears! "Brother Yu!" Han Xueyan got up quickly, ran to hug Yu Shengjun's waist, and cried into tears. "I thought I'd never see you again, woo woo, we've all been sad for you for a long time."

Seeing his sister-in-law throwing himself into someone else's arms, Shao Qi looked very uncomfortable. This Yu Huangxuan, why didn't he drown in the sea?What will this come back for?This kid is really lucky, even the sea can't do anything to him!
Yu Shengjun caressed Han Xueyan's back, and said softly: "I'm back, don't be sad."

At this time, everyone else stood up, and it was a happy thing for them that Yu Shengjun could come back.Yu Shengjun also deserves their respect, for this reason, everyone stood up and greeted him in this way.

Yu Zichen sat in the corner, wiping away tears silently, but with a gratified smile on his face.

"Isn't it that you can't eat fish? Brother Yu brought something good, go and look through it yourself!" Saying this, Yu Shengjun let go of Han Xueyan, and then sat down with her.

"What did you bring?" Han Xueyan fiddled with the pile of baggage that Yu Shengjun put down by himself. After fumbling for a while, he even took out dry food and poached chicken. After looking through it again, there were still several jars of wine.

Everyone was stunned to see so many foods that were not available on the island.

Cao Dan asked, "Brother Yu, where did you get these things? After you were washed away by the sea yesterday, how did you survive?"

Yu Shengjun glanced at everyone, smiled, and then explained: "Yesterday, I was washed back to the place where the ship sank by the sea. Don't underestimate my water quality, I can stay underwater for a long time. I A lot of things were smashed out at the bottom of the boat. When I got on the boat, I noticed that there was a lot of food prepared on the boat. So I took some out and swam to the place where the shipwreck was. I guess I took a shortcut, which is better than yours. Go to the island first. I arrived on the island yesterday afternoon, slept until dawn, and then walked along the coast with these food, unexpectedly, let me see you on this side of the island!"

After listening to it, many people sighed and sighed in amazement.

"This chicken is mine!" Cao Dan leaned forward and snatched the pouch chicken while everyone was still sighing.

Other students also ran over to grab things.

Han Xueyan only wanted her dry food.

Shao Qi seemed to disdain these foods, but his mouth was still secretly smacking.

Yu Shengjun took a jar of wine and walked between Fu Yushu and Yu Zichen, who were originally sitting together.After he sat down, he filled himself with a sip of wine, and then handed it to Fu Yushu, "To meet again, I did it!"

Fu Yushu was also straightforward, without saying a word, he took the wine jar and gulped himself down, and then gave it back to Yu Shengjun.

Yu Shengjun took it, turned sideways, and gave it to Yu Zichen. Unexpectedly, he met Yu Zichen with red eyes.Without saying anything, he leaned over directly, hugged Yu Zichen with one hand, stroked Yu Zichen's back, and whispered in Yu Zichen's ear, "It's okay." Then he let go of Yu Zichen , Come up for the wine jar.

Yu Zichen pursed his lips and smiled, then readily took the wine jar and poured himself hard.

After a while, Yu Shengjun glanced at everyone, but he couldn't see Xiao Xiong, he asked: "Where's our platoon leader Xiao?"

As soon as Xiao Xiong's matter was mentioned, everyone's faces darkened. At this moment, they even forgot to eat.

Holding the drumstick, Cao Dan said with a gloomy expression, "Platoon Leader Xiao, he was washed away by the sea just like Brother Yu and you yesterday. But the sea brought him back again, but... he was poisoned, very serious! "

At this moment, Yu Shengjun followed everyone's line of sight and looked at a corner of the lawn, where Xiao Xiong was lying on the lawn, wearing the coats that Shao Qi and Fu Yushu had taken off.

Yu Shengjun got up, walked over, knelt down, picked up Xiao Xiong's hand and felt for a pulse.He checked Xiao Xiong's face, and then opened Xiao Xiong's mouth and eyes to look in turn. Sun Bailing was about to explain that Xiao Xiong had been poisoned by a snake, so he told everyone, "The platoon leader has been poisoned by a snake, and the only life left is Less than five days."

Everyone was amazed that this Yu Huangxuan also knew medical skills!
Han Xueyan ran over and said in surprise, "Brother Yu, you are amazing, you know everything. Brother Yu, how do you know that the platoon leader is poisoned by snakes? Last night, Mr. Sun concluded that the platoon leader was poisoned by snakes. Unexpectedly Brother Yu can also conclude today that you know medicine well!"

Yu Shengjun glanced at Sun Bailing, but said nothing.He had already learned from Yu Zichen that Sun Bailing was a master at making poisons, so he naturally knew all kinds of strange poisons very well, so he was not surprised that Sun Bailing was able to break out.

After putting down Xiao Xiong's hand, Yu Shengjun took off his coat and covered Xiao Xiong's body.When sending out new clothes, the three-piece suit comes with a round neck and short-sleeved T-shirt.As soon as he took off his coat, his strong and beautiful upper body was revealed in the eyes of the two young girls, Sun Bailing and Han Xueyan.They also didn't wear jackets, but on Shao Qi and Fu Yushu's bodies, they didn't see the T-shirts tightly binding their waists, but on Yu Shengjun's body, they saw that the T-shirts, which were not originally tight, turned out to be like tight-fitting clothes , perfectly revealing the strong muscles of his upper body and strong arms.It's a feast for the eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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