The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 285 The first wave has not settled, and the other has risen again!

Chapter 285 A wave of unsettled waves rises again!
Slightly loose green trousers, a tight-fitting round-neck T-shirt, a head of black hair tied on the head, and the bangs on the forehead and cheeks are flying finely. Let the women look more often.

But this time, no one paid attention to the bewildered expressions of Sun Bailing and Han Xueyan.

Yu Shengjun looked up at the sky, the sun had already covered the entire island.He lowered his head, glanced at Xiao Xiong, and then said to the others: "Let's build a shed here, don't let the platoon leader bask in the sun, this will make the poison in his body spread faster."

Cao Dan said: "The shed is easy to build, but the snake is hard to find. Mr. Sun said that it is a miracle to see one out of ten thousand. Now, let's find a way to leave this unnamed island as soon as possible?"

Shao Qi said at this time: "If you can trust me, Qilin, next, do what I say, and I guarantee that you can leave safely today. There is no need to build a shed, the platoon leader can leave today, why waste that time building a shed .”

A student was in a dilemma at this moment, "They are all monitors, who should we listen to?"

A student from the third class pushed Fu Yushu out at this time, and stood with Yu Shengjun and Shao Qi, and said: "As the saying goes, a country cannot live without a king. Naturally, under such circumstances, we cannot lack A person who leads us, if the platoon leader is awake, we should listen to the platoon leader, but now that the platoon leader has an accident, the person who leads us should be the squad leader. But there are three squad leaders, and we have to choose one. As the leader, he must be able to bring us all back to the palace safely."

Shao Qi didn't want to be led by the nose by Yu Shengjun, and he did his part to the leader, "I can guarantee that you will all leave this island today. Anyone who can trust me, Qilin, will stand by my side."

Seeing that Fu Yushu was silent, Lu Yitang announced for him, "Then, those who believe in the ability of the squad leader of the third class, come to our side!"

No one took action.

Han Xueyan looked at Yu Shengjun, Shao Qi, and Fu Yushu. Which one is more capable?Shao Qi is her brother-in-law, so she should support her brother-in-law.However, Brother Yu has many ideas and great skills, so it is definitely right to follow him.However, Brother Fu has a good temper and calmness in situations, he is the most suitable leader... Sigh, which one should I choose?

"I think so!" Yu Zichen stood up at this moment, and he was more useful at critical moments. "Today, the monitors of each class lead their own classes, and each class manages each class, so that there will be no conflicts. If the squad leader Qilin can lead everyone to leave today, everyone will listen to him along the way. If the squad leader Qilin can't take everyone away, then Let's choose a leader from the remaining two monitors, how about it, everyone?"

Many people nodded in acquiescence.

Yu Shengjun had no objection, and he didn't bother to pay attention to Shao Qi who was overconfident.He gathered a group of people together, and then ordered: "There must be a place to shelter from the wind and rain. Who knows when the day will be unpredictable. Thank you, everyone went to chop trees and build a wooden shed. Cut the trees in the morning Okay, start building in the afternoon. In addition, one person should be left to take care of the platoon leader, and the rest will all follow me to cut down trees.”

At the same time, Shao Qi was instructing their class to go up the mountain to cut trees, "As long as the raft is ready, you can leave at any time. Everyone cheer up and go up the mountain with me to cut trees." Before leaving, he told Han Xueyan, "Yan'er , you stay, don’t wander around.”

Han Xueyan said weakly: "Brother-in-law, I also want to cut trees with you."

Shao Qi looked at her contemptuously, "Come on, you're just out of breath after taking a few steps with your strength, so stay here." After finishing speaking, he turned and left.

On the other hand, when Fu Yushu was about to give instructions to the students in his class, he deliberately closed his eyes and felt the wind around him.After opening his eyes, he told everyone: "Just like Class One, we must build a wooden shed here today..."

After a while, except for Han Xueyan and Sun Bailing, Xiao Xiong who was lying on the ground, and a few piles of fires that were still smoking, everyone else had already gone up the mountain to cut trees. sound.

At the foot of the mountain, there are already a lot of trees in the eyes of a group of people. They don't need to go to the top of the mountain, and they don't even need to go halfway up the mountain. However, this island does not seem to be high, but very wide. dense.

I found nice trees, but when it came time to cut them, I realized that there were no axes or machetes.

A group of people are waiting in the middle of a large pile of trees.Cao Dan chose a long tree with few branches.But like other students, he also realized that something was missing.He looked at Yu Shengjun who was thinking about something in a corner, "Brother Yu, how can you chop without an axe?" Yu Shengjun recovered from his contemplation and said to Cao Dan: "I was thinking about this just now." He looked at it Taking a look at the surrounding trees, they are all slender trees with few branches.He said to everyone: "These trees are easy to break from the bottom. Let's climb up the tree and use our weight to bend the tree down. As long as we bend to the bottom, it will be easily broken by us."

Everyone nodded in agreement, only Yu Zichen said yes, "That's a good idea, we don't have any sharp weapons right now, so let's do it like this!"

Next, a group of seven people used lightness skills to jump onto a slender and tall tree one after another. Before it was Yu Zichen and Yu Shengjun's turn to go up, the tree was slowly covered by Cao Dan and other students. They bent down, and soon they were all on the ground.

Yu Shengjun and Yu Zichen looked at each other, and then went together, the seven of them exerted their strength, and suddenly the bottom of the tree snapped in two.

Seeing that the tree was broken like this, Cao Dan was very happy, and clapped his hands with other students again and again.

Immediately afterwards, Yu Shengjun chose another tree. After the selection, Cao Dan and other students climbed onto the tree one after another.The tree was a bit hard, and five people climbed up, but they didn't intend to bend down, so Yu Zichen also climbed up, and the tree slowly folded down.

Yu Shengjun was very relieved to see that everyone was united as one without any differences, all for the purpose of building the wooden shed.He is very satisfied and proud of Yiban's team spirit.

However, the second class is not as easy as Yu Shengjun and his first class.

Facing the situation without axes and knives, not only the students in Class Two felt helpless towards the trees in front of them, but even Shao Qi had no way to deal with them for a while.They walked into a forest area with strong and tall trees. Naturally, these trees are very difficult to break. Even with an axe, it takes a long time to split a tree.

"What should I do, monitor?" A student yawned, he was so bored that he was sleepy.

Shao Qi was leaning against a tree, crossed his arms around his chest, and lowered his head to think about his ideas.

Yunlei glanced around. Since the trees here are not easy to break, he looked at Shao Qi and suggested: "Squad leader, why don't we go to other places? The trees here are relatively big, even if there is an axe, It is also difficult to cut down, and it is not necessary to build a raft with such a thick tree. We should go to other places to see, and maybe we will see bamboo. With bamboo, it is better to build a raft than this tree."

A student echoed, "Yes, bamboo rafts are better than wooden rafts!"

Shao Qi recovered from his contemplation, and he followed Yun Lei's suggestion, "Then let's look elsewhere!"

At the same time, the people in Fu Yushu's class didn't have axes or knives, but they thought of how to break the tree as soon as they went up the mountain.One of the students carried a hemp rope with him, and Fu Yushu had a plan when he saw the hemp rope.

Next, they threw the hemp rope through the branches of the tree, and then a group of people pulled the rope tightly underneath, using this method to bend the tree down...

On the sandy ground, Han Xueyan piled up a small fire stove with stones boredly.

Sun Bailing sat next to Xiao Xiong, holding a branch with lush branches in his hand, which was used to shield Xiao Xiong from the sun.

Han Xueyan played alone for a while, and then gave up playing with stones.She went to a place with a lot of grass and trees, picked a big leaf, then ran to the seaside, took a leaf of water and came back.She walked up to Sun Bailing and said, "Master Sun, you have been shielding these platoon leaders from the sun for a long time, you must be thirsty? Drink this water!"

Sun Bailing glanced at the water in the leaves, finally smiled softly, shook his head and said, "This water is not drinkable. Drinking the water around here is harmful to your body."

"Ah!" Han Xueyan was shocked, "This is from sea water, how could it be harmful to the body?"

This is really a little girl who doesn't understand anything.Sun Bailing shook his head with a helpless smile, and patiently explained: "When we swam to this island, we had already drunk enough. We can't drink any more. If we drink any more, we will die. The water is mixed with many harmful substances. , try not to drink if you can.”

Sure enough, he knows medicine.Han Xueyan had no choice but to use the water in the leaves to wash her hands, and then, obediently, sat down beside Sun Bailing, took the branch in Sun Bailing's hand, "Master Sun, you have a rest, I'll protect the platoon leader from the sun."

Sun Bailing smiled gratefully, "Thank you very much."

Han Xueyan smiled, "Master Sun, why are you being polite to me? By the way, Master Sun, the sea water is not drinkable, so we have no water to drink on this island? When they come back from cutting trees, they must be thirsty to death!"

Sun Bailing said: "When they come back, let's go find the water source. The trees on this island are so dense, there must be a water source, and drinking that water will not cause accidents."

Han Xueyan giggled, her face full of envy, "Master Sun, you know a lot."

Sun Bailing shook his head and laughed, "I'm a student now, so I'm not an adult. Don't call me an adult in the future."

"Then what do you call you?" Han Xueyan thought about it carefully, and suddenly she said, "Then how about Yan'er calling you Brother Bailing from now on?"

The corner of Sun Bailing's mouth twitched, his smile was a little stiff. "If you like, you can call it whatever you want." Afterwards, it was a little sad.Originally it belonged to elder sister Bailing, but now, it has become elder brother Bailing.

Han Xueyan looked at Sun Bailing's facial features openly for a while, and said with a smile: "Brother Bailing, Yan'er thinks you are a very delicate person. If you were born as a daughter, then you must be extremely beautiful."

Sun Bailing smiled dryly, "Yes, yes, it's okay."

Han Xueyan stopped talking, and carefully shielded Xiao Xiong from the venomous sun.

After a while, Sun Bailing looked at Han Xueyan's pretty side face and asked softly, "I can see that you like Xiao Cao very much. Does he like you?"

Han Xueyan pursed her lips. When it came to Cao Dan, she was not as cheerful as before. "Anyway, I like him very much. In this life, I, Han Xueyan, will never marry him. However, brother Cao always ignores me sometimes." I don't care, I don't know how he treats me."

"He likes you," Sun Bailing said.Now that Cao Dan has already told Lu Yitang to give up on her, why does she insist on holding on to this relationship that makes them all tired? "Xueyan, what I said is true, he really likes you!"

Han Xueyan's sad face faded away, and she asked shyly, "Really? That...that's good, I like him too!"

Only now did Sun Bailing understand that only a girl like Han Xueyan could hold Cao Dan down.Her heart has been completely let go at this moment, and she also let out a breath of relief.As long as Cao Dan is good, so is she.

Before noon, the people in the first group came back carrying trees and holding a bunch of green vines.The people in the other two classes have not moved yet.

(End of this chapter)

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