The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 286 Terrible source of water!

Chapter 286 Terrible source of water!
After returning, Yu Shengjun and Cao Dan stayed and began to prepare for the work of building the tent, while Yu Zichen continued to go up the mountain with other students and carried down the remaining trees.

Yu Shengjun started to tie the wood together with ivy in a clearing, and Cao Dan was also doing as Yu Shengjun said.The two were seriously busy, Han Xueyan occasionally came to visit, and occasionally opened the topic to talk, but Cao Dan never ignored her, and only Yu Shengjun occasionally replied with a few words.

Soon, Yu Zichen and the others moved down the remaining wood and put them together.

And this time, people from Fu Yushu's class also came back one after another, with many carrying them on their hands and shoulders.

It's just that it's already noon, and no one from the second class has come back.

Han Xueyan began to worry, worried that something happened to Shao Qi and the others.She paced back and forth on the sandy ground, feeling irritable, "Brother-in-law, Brother Yunlei, it's been a long time, and everyone from other classes has come back, why aren't you back?"

After Yu Shengjun and his class tied all the wood with ivy, they began to build on the ground.They didn't go to rest either, and planned to rest after covering the wooden shed, in case there would be sudden rain in the afternoon.

The people in the third class were not idle, and they were also preparing for the wooden shed.

Soon, noon passed.Yu Shengjun and the others are still busy.

In a blink of an eye, the sun went down again.

After Yu Shengjun built the last handful of grass and trees on the wooden shed, he stood a little further away, and while slapping off the soil on his hands, he admired with satisfaction the wooden shed they built in a group, which can accommodate 20 people, " Well, it's finally done!"

Yu Zichen quickly told Cao Dan and the others, "Go, take the platoon leader to the wooden shed to rest!"

The three sides of this wooden shed are surrounded by three-meter-high trees, and the ground is covered with stones half an arm's height, and a layer of grass is spread on the stones.The wooden shed is covered with two or three layers of vegetation.In this way, it is not only sun-proof, but also cool when hiding.If it rains, the water will flow under the stone without soaking the grass above it.All of these are built and used by Yu Shengjun.

After Cao Dan and the others put Xiao Xiong in the wooden shed, Shao Qi and his team all came back carrying logs.They couldn't find bamboo, so they had to find a way to wring off other small trees and use them as bamboo rafts.

Seeing that the wooden sheds of the first class had been built, and Fu Yushu's class was almost finished, Shao Qi just glanced casually, and then ordered the people in his class to start building the raft.

Yu Shengjun ordered the people in his class to rest in the wooden shed and fill their hunger with the remaining grilled fish.

After an unknown period of time, the wooden shed for class three was set up, and before Fu Yushu gave orders, the students in his class went in and lay down one after another, enjoying themselves extremely.Fu Yushu could only look at the people in his class with a helpless smile.

The second group is still building the raft, and the other two groups are already resting and sleeping in the wooden shed.

Han Xueyan huddled under the sun, watching her brother-in-law busy, busy...

In a blink of an eye, it was dusk, and Shao Qi exclaimed, waking everyone up, "It's great, I can finally go back to the palace!"

However, from the dark cloud in the sky, there was a thunderous sound that resounded across the sky... Yu Shengjun was so happy when he heard the thunder, and so was Fu Yushu.What a comeuppance.

The thunder made Shao Qi stand beside the raft in embarrassment for a while, neither leaving nor staying.It didn't matter how the students in his class looked at him, but the contemptuous eyes of the students in other classes made him want to die.

In a blink of an eye, dark clouds covered the sky, and thunder and lightning became more and more rampant.

Han Xueyan was so frightened that she squatted on the ground and screamed, "Ah——"

Seeing this, Cao Dan went out immediately, picked up Han Xueyan, and dragged her to the wooden shed of his class.

However, she was safe, but Han Xueyan was still worried about her brother-in-law.She yelled at Shao Qi who was still standing outside, "Brother-in-law, come in, there is room here."

However, out of face, Shao Qi ignored Han Xueyan and could only let Yu Shengjun and the others watch the joke.He had promised everyone that he would be able to leave the island today, but it would rain.Once it rains, the raft cannot move forward on the sea. Once the water potential rises, the consequences...

well!Shao Qi sighed in his heart, and finally realized that he was so impulsive in doing things, why didn't he consider the weather.

Seeing that it was raining in the sky, the people in the third class hurriedly urged the people in the second class, "Hey! What are you still doing outside? Hurry up and hide from the rain, don't you want to become drowned chickens?" ?"

The students in class two didn't want Shao Qi to die, and quickly sneaked into the wooden shed of class three. Fu Yushu didn't say anything.

Yun Lei saw that Shao Qi refused to enter the wooden shed of the third class, so as a subordinate, he could only stand outside.

After a while, a few drops of rain wet Shao Qi's cheeks. Seeing that Yunlei refused to go to the wooden shed to hide from the rain, he urged impatiently: "Don't stand here stupidly, go in and hide from the rain!"

Yunlei said worriedly: "My lord, you..."

"I'm strong and strong, so I won't go in!" Shao Qi wanted to save face and suffer.Seeing that Yunlei refused to leave, he simply pushed Yunlei hard, pushing Yunlei to the wooden shed of the third class, "Go, leave me alone!"

Yun Lei couldn't resist, so he had to go into the wooden shed of the third class.

This time, the rain is getting heavier and heavier.Han Xueyan looked at her stubborn brother-in-law outside the wooden shed, "Brother-in-law, what are you doing?"

Yu Shengjun gave Cao Dan a look, Cao Dan understood, ran out immediately, and dragged Shao Qi to the wooden shed of their class, "Oh brother Qilin, what's the rain, come in and hide from the rain , It’s not too late to leave after the rain stops!”

Shao Qi sneaked a glance at Yu Shengjun, who was resting against the wooden wall with his eyes closed.Yu Shengjun's indifferent attitude made him throw Cao Dan away, and said angrily: "Don't worry about it, I like to get wet in the rain, go away!"

Cao Dan was very helpless, he couldn't delay Shao Qi's return, he only came back alone.

Finally, Fu Yushu came out in person and patted Shao Qi on the shoulder, "What are you doing with Yu Huangxuan? Come to me!" Seeing that Shao Qi was about to decline, he simply pulled hard, "Don't decline!"

Just like that, Shao Qi was dragged into the wooden shed by Fu Yushu.

Fu Yushu went to a corner and sat down.

Shao Qi glanced at the others, and finally sat beside Fu Yushu unwillingly.He struggled in his heart many times before he was willing to thank Fu Yushu, and his voice and attitude seemed to be as embarrassing. "That... Brother Tianze, thank you."

Fu Yushu smiled lightly, "You're welcome, we are brothers, why are you so polite."

The word "brother" made Shao Qi feel ashamed.The other party regarded him as a brother, but before this, he did not regard the other party as a brother. The reason is that once they took the territory of Chu State from the north, they did not intend to give it back...

Since he doesn't intend to return it, why bother to call Fu Yushu brothers and sisters.

But in this difficult time, the other party treats him as his brother, so Shao Qi can't be so cold-blooded?

While Shao Qi blamed himself, the others fell asleep one after another.Shao Qi looked at the rain scene outside, the rain blurred the sea surface, and his heart also blurred.Brother, great cause, which one is more important?Which is worth cherishing?

It rained heavily all night, but because the two wooden sheds were built very solidly, they were not blown down by the wind.

At dawn the next day, Yu Shengjun was the first to wake up.He looked at the people in the wooden shed, everyone was still asleep, Lu Yitang hugged Sun Bailing, Han Xueyan was lying on Cao Dan's lap, Xiao Xiong was lying peacefully.

He walked out of the wooden shed, went to the seaside to stretch, and felt the fresh air of the seaside in the morning.

Fu Yushu and Shao Qi had also woken up. They walked out of the wooden shed, went to the beach to wash their faces, and stood with Yu Shengjun, facing the sea level.The three without coats showed off their muscular bodies, adding a touch of scenery to the island.

Yu Shengjun squatted down, picked up a stone and slapped the water surface, looked sideways at Shao Qi for a while, and asked bluntly: "Brother, didn't you say you want to leave this island? The sky is clear now, it's time to go ?”

"You think I'm stupid?" Shao Qi glared at him.If Fu Yushu hadn't mentioned it last night, saying that the wind direction in the past two days is wrong, it is not suitable to leave the island, otherwise it will be quite retrograde if you go out, and you will still be sent back by the wind.After Fu Yushu's explanation, he suddenly realized why Yu Shengjun wanted to build a wooden shed.

Yu Shengjun laughed it off, didn't intend to answer, and threw the stone out again.

Fu Yushu closed his eyes and felt it.After opening his eyes, he couldn't help sighing, "The wind direction today is still the same as yesterday, and we can't leave the island again. Today is the third day, and the platoon leader's illness cannot be delayed."

Yu Shengjun said: "After finishing breakfast, we will plan to find the snake."

With no other food, there was nothing for anyone to do but go into the water and catch fish.

People from all classes went into the water to catch fish.Because the sun has been out for a long time, some dead wood and grass have been dried and can be used to light a fire.

After swallowing a meal of fish, Sun Bailing stopped those students who went to drink sea water. She said to everyone very seriously: "You can't drink sea water anymore. If you drink too much sea water, you will die. Do you feel weak in limbs now? "

Many students nodded in horror!
After understanding it, Sun Bailing continued: "If you want to drink water, you have to go to the mountains to find water sources. You can drink the water there, but you can't drink sea water. The sea water around here is mixed with many things that are harmful to the human body. You must not drink water. drink more!"

"How about this," Yu Shengjun said to everyone, "Leave two people here to watch the wooden shed and take care of the platoon leader. Then, form a team of three and go to find the water source. The rest of the people, all go to the snake, remember Stop it, don't be bitten by a snake, you know the consequences. You haven't seen that kind of snake, go find it according to Mr. Sun's description, and once you find it, don't catch it easily. If it bites you, then It's useless!"

After Yu Shengjun said this, he had the demeanor of a leader. Shao Qi was on the side, and could only watch, but couldn't get in a word.Well, on this island, he let Yu Huangxuan lead him by the nose once, and when he left the island, there was no way!

In the future, I will find a chance to get my face back!

Yu Shengjun said again: "Our three squad leaders are responsible for finding the water source, and once we find it, we will look for the snake. If everyone has no objection, we will start preparing to enter the mountain. Remember, everything must be safe!"

Next, the students entered the mountain one after another, and those who went up the mountain, almost all scattered and left.

After Han Xueyan saw that Yu Shengjun and the others had also left, he sat on the sand in boredom, "It's so boring that I can't accompany them."

Sun Bailing was taking Xiao Xiong's pulse to see if his condition was getting worse, and he didn't care about Han Xueyan outside.

After entering the mountain, the students began to look for snakes in various places. They swept around in the dense forest with sharp eyes. The targets were none other than those poisonous snakes, as Sun Bailing said, with golden and red overlapping skin. , basically as big as two thumbs.

Searching all the way, for Cao Dan, Yu Zichen, Yunlei and Lu Yitang, not to mention the kind of snake with golden red skin, there is not even a minimum of non-venomous snakes.This does not seem to be a snake island, but a wooden island.

In addition to wood, this island is still wood, still wood, a tree that is so deep that the sky cannot be seen.

(End of this chapter)

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