The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 287 The Raft Is Missing!

Chapter 287 The Raft Is Missing!
The three of Yu Shengjun and the others were responsible for finding the water source. Now, they have entered a densely forested place in the mountain.There are mostly dead vines and old trees here, and the ground is relatively humid.

After searching for a while, they saw a small stream.The width of this small stream is only half a hand long, and the clear and transparent water is slowly flowing down.

The three of them took a look at the stream, and finally, Yu Shengjun sent his eyes inside, "Go, take a look inside."

So, they followed the small stream and walked into the mountain, because the mountain is not high, but the further they go, the more dead vines and old trees there are, and the more gloomy it looks.But this does not affect their determination to find water.

Soon, the source was found, but what appeared in front of the three of them was a cave.This stream of water flows out of the cave.

Yu Shengjun squatted down and looked into the cave. The cave was empty, but the inside was black and numb. It seemed that it would end after a few meters.

"Hello" Yu Shengjun called into the cave, but it took him a long time to hear the echo.This time, he was stunned, "I didn't expect this hole to be so deep."

Shao Qi said: "Whatever it is, the water flows out of it anyway, so just drink the water here."

Yu Shengjun didn't say anything, got up and looked around.When I entered the mountain, I walked too fast. When I turned around, the environment in my field of vision was not as dense as usual, as if I was in a dense forest maze.

If it weren't for a small stream, they probably wouldn't be able to get out.

Fu Yushu made a mark on the edge of the cave, and then said to the others: "Go, go find the snake, and come back to get water later!"

So, the three left one after another.

Not long after the three of them left, the small stream suddenly stopped flowing.The source was nowhere to be seen, and a group of birds were frightened away... After searching for a long time, no one found the snake, and even if they found it, it was not the snake they were looking for.

Looking at the gloomy jungle in front of him, Cao Dan stopped, and then Yu Zichen, who was hunting snakes with him, also stopped. "We can't go any further!"

"What's wrong?" Yu Zichen didn't understand why Cao Dan didn't move on.

Cao Dan said: "I have an intuition that if we go further in, we may encounter things we can hardly imagine!"

At this time, a person slid down from the nearby tree. This person was Yunlei.His expression was serious, "Xiao Cao is right, the front also gave me a feeling of elusiveness, a little scary!"

Yu Zichen said: "If the snake is right in front, it should be scary. Don't forget, the platoon leader still needs us to do our best to rescue him."

"If something happens to us, it will be for nothing." Yunlei looked at the sky and continued: "We have been searching for a long time, why don't we go back and discuss with everyone how to find it, if we really strayed into this island by mistake It’s not cost-effective. What kind of island is this, and what exactly is there on the island? We don’t know anything about it, and if we break into it blindly, it will only bring us unnecessary trouble.”

Yu Zichen was right after thinking about it, "Then let's go back and discuss with the squad leader before we act."

Sandy beach.

Han Xueyan looked at the sky, it was already noon.She thought, everyone should come back to grill fish later.She looked sideways at Sun Bailing who was standing by the sea, "Brother Bailing, I'm going to pick up some withered grass, and I'll leave it here for you to watch!"

Sun Bailing originally wanted to say yes, but after thinking about it carefully, Han Xueyan's martial arts is not high, and she is very simple. If she was asked to collect firewood by herself, if something happened, wouldn't Cao Dan be very sad?
After thinking about it, Sun Bailing walked over, "I'll go with you!"

Han Xueyan worried: "We are all gone, so who will look after the platoon leader?"

Sun Bailing said: "Except for our people, there is no one else on this island. No one will harm the platoon leader. When everyone else comes back, they will take care of the platoon leader. The place we are going is not far away. Just come back, don't worry. Go, I will accompany you!"

With Sun Bailing's words, Han Xueyan stopped worrying about anything and left with Sun Bailing.

In the nearby mountains, Sun Bailing and Han Xueyan picked up a lot of dry firewood and came back.

Sun Bailing put down the firewood, went to the side of the wooden shed to look, Xiao Xiong was still lying safely in the wooden shed, there was nothing wrong.

Han Xueyan looked around and couldn't help pouting, thinking that he would see other people when he came back.

Sun Bailing walked to the side and took a look at the sea, but there was not a single boat, feeling a little frustrated.She turned her head, and originally wanted to go back to the wooden shed, but suddenly, she found something, and she couldn't help being surprised, "Ah!"

Hearing the sound, Han Xueyan looked over, frowned and asked, "Brother Bailing, what's the matter?"

After the shock, Sun Bailing's face paled, and her gaze was fixed on the place where the raft was originally placed.But at this moment, the place where the raft was placed was empty, so how could there be a shadow of the raft?

Now, Han Xueyan finally understood the situation, her eyes widened, "Where's the raft?"

At this time, everyone came down the mountain one after another, each of them seemed very tired.

First, Lu Yitang and other students came back, and the other students went to rest, and they didn't notice anything wrong with Han Xueyan and Sun Bailing.He saw these two people staring at one place intently, their faces were colorless, he walked over and asked, "What are you looking at?"

Han Xueyan sniffed, "Lord Lu, didn't you notice something was missing?"

"What?" Before Lu Yitang could react, he smiled dryly, "What are you playing?"

Sun Bailing looked at him with reddened eyes, "The raft is gone!"

Suddenly, Lu Yitang's expression changed, "What?" He immediately looked around, and sure enough, there was no sign of the raft. He looked back at the two of them again, and asked anxiously, "Where is the raft? Where is the raft? ?”

Han Xueyan sniffed and said, "We don't know why it disappeared."

At this time, the students all noticed something was wrong, and they ran over to ask this and that. After Han Xueyan revealed, they knew that the raft was missing. Now, they grabbed their hair and roared on the sand!how so……

Not long after, Cao Dan came back whistling with Yu Zichen and Yun Lei, followed by Yu Shengjun and his three monitors.

Seeing everyone gathered together with worried expressions, Cao Dan asked amusedly, "What's the matter, everyone? Is there any game to relieve boredom?"

Yu Shengjun glanced at the open space through the gap, and couldn't help but gasped, "Where is the raft?"

As soon as the raft was mentioned, Shao Qi ran over immediately, pushed through the crowd and walked into the place where the raft was originally placed to have a look, but there was nothing, he scratched his hair as if struck by lightning, and asked frantically: "Where is the raft? Where's the raft?"

Sun Bailing and Han Xueyan couldn't speak, so they had to lower their heads and grimaced.

Fu Yushu used to suppress Shao Qi, "Qilin, calm down, understand the situation first!"

Shao Qi immediately glared at Sun Bailing and Han Xueyan, pointing at them, "Where are you looking at here, where is the raft? Where did it go?"

"Brother-in-law..." Han Xueyan sobbed, perhaps because she was wronged by Shao Qi's training.She told the truth about the previous incident, "Master Sun accompanied me to collect firewood, no one was here to watch, the raft was still there when I left, but after I went there for a while and came back, the raft was gone."

Shao Qi was furious, "It's okay, what are you doing with Mr. Sun? Huh? Are you full?"

This time, Han Xueyan finally couldn't control it, and tears fell down.

Lu Yitang came out to make a rescue, "Qilin, isn't Xueyan not very good at martial arts, Mr. Sun accompanied her there for her own good, because he was afraid that if something happened to her when she went to collect firewood by herself, how could she explain to you, right? "

For this reason, Shao Qi gradually calmed down and was no longer so irritable.

However, Han Xueyan turned around and ran away in tears!

"Yan'er," Shao Qi wanted to chase after him, but he couldn't move.Finally, Cao Dan chased after him.

Fu Yushu looked around, but there was no shadow of the raft. "It's broad daylight, why is the raft gone?"

At this time, the students couldn't help but feel the chill on their backs.

Yunlei looked at the dense forest on the mountain, and guessed: "Is there someone living on this island?"

"It should be impossible." Fu Yushu said. "If there are people, then we should find traces of people living on this island, but we haven't found any. Secondly, there are so many of us, and there is a lot of movement. If people live, will they come out to see us?"

Shao Qi said angrily, "If someone hadn't stolen the raft, how could it have disappeared?"

A student said at this time: "We can't be on the evil island, can we?"

Yunlei said: "Don't mention it, I think this island is quite evil!"

Another student guessed, "The raft can only accommodate a few people, and it can't carry so many people. Could it be that there is a ghost among us? He wants to steal the raft and go back alone."

At this time, you looked at me and I looked at you one by one, all looking for the "inner ghost".

Fu Yushu said to everyone: "Before the truth of the matter is revealed, everyone should not speculate casually. This is very hurtful."

"Have you found the water source?" Yu Zichen asked Yu Shengjun.

Yu Shengjun nodded and said: "I found it, we can go to fetch water later. As for the raft, let's check it out when we have time. At worst, we can build a few more rafts. Right now, everyone needs to get water. I don’t have the strength to endure it anymore. After the water is fetched, everyone is full, and we continue to look for snakes. The platoon leader’s illness can’t be delayed any longer.”

Next, Yu Shengjun, Fu Yushu, Shao Qi, Yu Zichen, Yunlei, and Lu Yitang.A few of them went into the mountain together to fetch water.Others went into the water to catch the fish, and were also in charge of grilling the fish.

When looking for the water source for the first time, Yu Shengjun made a mark on the tree. Under his leadership, they quickly came to the place where they found the small stream. The strange thing is that they did not see any water flowing down again. The old stream... was gone.

"Hey," Shao Qi said depressedly, "I also remember that this way is correct, why is there no water?"

Yu Shengjun walked in along the marks, and after walking for a while, he found the cave they found when they went there for the first time.But beside this cave, there is no water at all, how can there be any water flowing out of the cave.

Fu Yushu looked down, and saw the mark he made from the edge of the cave.

Now, Shao Qi's expression was as if he saw a ghost, "That's right, there is clearly a stream of water, and the mark is still there, but where is the water?"

Yunlei looked around, the withered vines and old trees were very gloomy.He rubbed his arm, "It's so evil! Not only the raft disappeared, but the water source also evaporated, it shouldn't be!"

Yu Shengjun rested his chin in thought, and said plausibly, "If we didn't have hallucinations in the morning, then it is impossible for the water source to be absent at this moment. Could it be that this place is really... an island of evil?"

When he said this, Shao Qi felt chills all over his body, and his eyes were bluntly guarding against the gloomy surroundings.

Yu Zichen saw that everyone's lips were a little chapped, and he said worriedly: "If you can't drink clean water today, everyone will not be able to lift up half of your strength tomorrow. If everyone's limbs are weak and their heads are dizzy, it will not be easy to find a way to leave This island."

(End of this chapter)

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