The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 288 It's not sure who will win the deer!

Chapter 288 It's not sure who will win the deer!

Yu Shengjun was silent for a while, then said calmly: "Let's go back to the beach first."

After returning to the beach, everyone else looked at the grilled fish, but couldn't swallow it.

Yu Shengjun stood by the sea, looking at the sea calmly, facing the wind.

Yu Zichen was turning around with the grilled fish, intending to give it to Yu Shengjun, but found that Yu Shengjun was gone.He looked around, but there was no sign of Yu Shengjun. In the blink of an eye, where did Yu Shengjun go?
He yelled in horror, "Huangxuan—" Fu Yushu rushed to the beach after hearing the sound, "What's wrong?"

Yu Zichen lay on the spot where Yu Shengjun had stood before, staring at the sea, as if looking through the autumn water, "I don't know, I just didn't pay attention for a moment, and he disappeared. How could this happen? How could this happen?"

At some point, Shao Qi had already stood beside the two of them, and clicked his tongue twice at the evil island, "It really is an evil island!"

"He may have gone to other places, let's look for it!" After speaking to Yu Zichen, Fu Yushu called out other people, and then ordered a group of five to look for Yu Shengjun along the coast. corpse.

In this way, everyone couldn't even eat fish, and went to find someone.

Cao Dan coaxed Han Xueyan back, but seeing everyone going to other places one after another, he thought everyone was looking for snakes again.

"Little Cao, did you see Yu Huangxuan when you came back?" Fu Yushu immediately asked Cao Dan as soon as he walked in front of him.

Cao Dan shook his head and said, "No, what happened?"

Fu Yushu stroked his forehead wearily, Yu Shengjun was gone, the water source was gone, the raft was gone, the snake couldn't be found, he didn't know what unexpected things would happen next, "He disappeared. "

"Ah?" Cao Dan was shocked, "Brother Yu is missing? How is this possible, he has always been able to take care of himself!"

"Let's search separately!" After finishing speaking, Fu Yushu walked away.

Cao Dan told Han Xueyan a few words, and then walked away.

Since everyone else was looking for Yu Shengjun, Shao Qi couldn't rest with the cheek, so he went looking for someone too.

Right now, only Han Xueyan is at the beach.There was no one around, and although it was broad daylight, she felt that the island was a bit gloomy after the raft disappeared.She shrank her shoulders, nervously ran back to the wooden shed, and stayed beside Xiao Xiong.For her, as long as there is a living person by her side, she will be less panicked.


Everyone walked along the coast, calling Yu Shengjun's name.But even so, there was no figure of Yu Shengjun.

In a blink of an eye, it was dusk again.

Everyone returned to the beach one after another.

Yu Zichen questioned them one by one, but they all said that he didn't find Yu Shengjun, and he was so worried that he didn't know what to do.

At this time, a student suddenly said: "He didn't steal the raft, did he? While we weren't paying attention, he rowed the raft away by himself and left us behind. If it wasn't possible, where would he go? "

"You're talking nonsense!" Yu Zichen directly refuted that student.

"Okay!" Fu Yushu ordered impatiently, "Don't quarrel, now is not the time to quarrel!"

I went out to look for snakes for half a day in the morning, and Yushengjun for a long time in the afternoon.I haven't drank water for two days, and now everyone is lying in the wooden shed in a daze, exhausted.No one ate any of the fish that was grilled at noon.

Seeing everyone like this, how is it different from despair?Fu Yushu's heart ached, but he couldn't change the status quo.It's getting dark at night, and we have to find the water source tomorrow.But tonight, how do you get through it?
There was still a little bit of sunset, and it disappeared from the other side of the sea.

Sun Bailing was feeling Xiao Xiong's pulse, but the pulse was gone.She couldn't help feeling worried.If Xiao Xiong can't take the antidote in these two days, he will definitely die.He put down Xiao Xiong's hand, walked out of the wooden shed, and came to Fu Yushu, "If you can't return to the palace in these two days, you must find the snake. The platoon leader's condition has really started to deteriorate."

Fu Yushu looked embarrassed, "I also know that these things are urgent, but you also saw that the water source was found, but it can be said that it evaporated, not only that, even an ordinary snake could not be found, let alone what you said That kind of snake. This Yu Huangxuan will disappear if you say you don’t see it, and the raft... all these things are beyond our expectation. Everyone, please hold on first, and we will think of a solution when the sun shines tomorrow.”

Two piles of bonfires kept burning.

In the middle of the night, Han Xueyan woke up due to thirst. She shook Shao Qi's arm feebly, "Brother-in-law, brother-in-law..."

Shao Qi woke up, "What's the matter, Yan'er?" Seeing her dry lips, he could see the situation.Distressed, "Are you thirsty?"

Han Xueyan tried her best to nod her head, and passed out without saying a word.

Shao Qi's lips were also dry, even drier than Han Xueyan's, they were already chapped.He looked at the fainted Han Xueyan distressedly, then slowly put Han Xueyan down, got up, and walked out of the wooden shed with his weak body.

After a while, Shao Qi discredited and went to the mountains.

When dawn came, Shao Qi dragged his tired body out of the mountain step by step, and finally got close to the wooden shed. He found two people behind the wooden shed. His sister-in-law Han Xueyan was lying on the ground, and Cao Dan was feeding Han Xueyan. Blood!

In order for Han Xueyan to drink water, Cao Dan slit his wrist!

Shao Qi regained his composure and was shocked by Cao Dan's actions!How could that foolish young man have the courage to save someone?Knowing that in this situation, there is no water to drink, let alone blood, Cao Dan still...

What is it that made Cao Dan resolutely save Han Xueyan?
Seeing that Han Xueyan closed his mouth in satisfaction, Cao Dan, whose face was pale, smiled weakly, feeling relieved.He picked up Han Xueyan vigorously and put him back in the wooden shed.Then I went to the seaside, treated the wound, tore off a piece of cloth, and bandaged the wound.

Shao Qi went back to the wooden shed as if he had nothing to do. Seeing that Han Xueyan was sleeping soundly, he was so tired that he fell asleep right away.

In an instant, it was dawn.

When Fu Yushu woke up, his complexion was not very good.He glanced at the others, all of them were still asleep. It wasn't that these people didn't want to wake up, but that they were all fainted from thirst, so they couldn't wake up.

He walked to the beach, washed his face vigorously, and slapped his brain with sea water.He looked at himself on the water.To live, to live, Shihe is still waiting for him, Yuan Yuan's revenge must be avenged, the country's enmity must be avenged, he cannot die here!

After cheering up, Fu Yushu stood up, and just casually glanced at Cao Dan who was lying next to him, and immediately caught his eyes.

Cao Dan's face was very pale, without a trace of blood.

Fu Yushu walked over two steps, shook Cao Dan, "Xiao Cao!" He didn't understand that among all the people, Cao Dan had the most energy, and it couldn't be because he couldn't drink water for two or three days.

Observing Cao Dan, Fu Yushu found Cao Dan's hand. He checked it and saw that the bandage was stained with blood.Could it be that Cao Dan cut his pulse?Why cut the pulse?
At this time, Han Xueyan walked out of the wooden shed, stretched her waist, and enjoyed the morning sunshine, "Well... so comfortable!" Her whole body was full of vitality.

Fu Yushu looked back, and there was still a trace of blood on the corner of Han Xueyan's mouth.Now, he finally understood what was going on.This Cao Dan really fell in love with Han Xueyan, and already had the heart to pay any price for Han Xueyan.

Fu Yushu helped Cao Dan up and back into the wooden shed.

When Han Xueyan saw it, she was very worried, and immediately ran into the wooden shed. When Fu Yushu put him down, she immediately knelt beside Cao Dan and shook his body, "Brother Cao! Brother Cao, what's wrong with you?"

Fu Yushu said: "Let him rest for a while, he passed out because of thirst!"

Han Xueyan sobbed, "Brother Cao, you must be very thirsty, right? Then Yan'er will find water for you!" As soon as she finished speaking, she got up immediately, but was stopped by Fu Yushu.

Fu Yushu reminded coldly: "Even big men like us can't find the water source, do you think you can find it? He is already like this, do you still want us to lie down when we see you? Look at him here, Don't go anywhere!" After speaking, he hurried out angrily.

Han Xueyan could only sit down and cry at Cao Dan, "Brother Cao, what should I do?"

Fu Yushu went to another wooden shed to have a look. Although Yunlei and Lu Yitang were awake, they looked weak.At the moment, except for him who can still have a little energy, none of the others can cheer up.

Yu Zichen stood up and walked out of the wooden shed. He looked around in a daze, and suddenly smiled, a little desperate, "God knows how to play tricks on people!"

Fu Yushu struggled inwardly for a while, and then said to everyone: "You all rest here, don't go anywhere, I'll go to the mountain alone to have a look."

"Let me go!" Yu Zichen said to Fu Yushu, "Qilin hasn't woken up yet, and it seems that he can't take the lead. Here, you are still the squad leader, and you can't be missing. I still have strength, let me find !"

"No," Fu Yushu said, pulling Yu Zichen to a corner, avoiding those people.After a while, he said lightly, still in the tone of please, "I very much hope that I can leave alive, but if I can't leave alive, I hope you... help me fulfill a few wishes!"

"Stop talking stupid!" Yu Zichen faced the sea and said softly, "How can I complete your affairs for you? Not only do you have to live well and leave alive, I also want to live well and leave alive , we can’t let this small island obliterate our lofty aspirations!”

Fu Yushu sighed softly, "I didn't expect that one day I would be in such a place. Tang Lin has always taught us to survive in the harsh environment, but every time we train, we always take it lightly. Until now , I realized that it was right to listen to her. If I usually train well, I won’t despair in this environment. There are too many things that have not been completed, I really don’t want to die, I don’t want to die like this!”

"Yeah, I can't just die like this!" Yu Zichen's heart ached at the thought that something might have happened to Yu Shengjun.The emperor's brother is gone, and someone must carry this burden of the emperor's brother!

At this time, a head emerged from the sea ahead, followed by a "cough".

Hearing the sound, Yu Zichen and Fu Yushu looked at the same time. Unexpectedly, they saw Yu Shengjun coming out of the water, holding something... a terrible thing in his hand!Yu Shengjun choked on the water and walked to the shore. Although his appearance was funny, it was deeply gratifying.

Yu Zichen greeted him again with red eyes, "Where did you go? Why did you suddenly disappear yesterday?" He had to re-evaluate his brother's fortune, because emergencies can always happen, and finally It can also save the day.

"Hey, it's just for it!" Yu Shengjun raised the poisonous snake in his hand happily, "It must be what Master Sun wants!"

Fu Yushu took a good look at it. It was a snake with overlapping golden and red skin, exactly as described by Sun Bailing. It was as long as two arms and as big as two thumbs. It was exactly the same as what Sun Bailing described.

"I'll talk about other things later, I'll take the snake to Mrs. Sun first!" Yu Shengjun walked towards the wooden shed while wiping the water from his face.

As soon as they heard that he was back, the students woke up one by one, and crowded around excitedly. The state of weakness disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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