The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 289 Let's see how you get the meat!

Chapter 289 Let's see how you can get the meat back!
Yu Shengjun walked into the wooden shed, and replaced the poisonous snake holding the snake's head tightly to Sun Bailing, who had woken up and looked a little pale. Perhaps his face was so pale because he was thirsty and fainted. "Master Sun, look, is it this kind of snake?"

Sun Bailing skillfully took the snake into his hand. It seemed that he had often come into contact with this kind of snake before, so he held it very firmly.After getting it in her hand, she took a look at it, and finally nodded with a smile, "That's right, it's this kind of snake, it's so rare, how did you find it?"

Yu Shengjun said: "You said that when the platoon leader was sent back by the sea, he was already poisoned by snakes. Since this kind of snake can live in water and land, I thought, why not go to the sea to have a look."

Yunlei suddenly realized, "No wonder, it just disappeared yesterday, so it went into the water."

Shao Qi said in a cold voice: "You didn't say anything when you left, it caused us to search for a long time, how about you?"

"I'm sorry!" Yu Shengjun apologized to everyone, "I also wanted to go into the sea on a sudden thought, but I didn't expect to make you worry. I swam a long way, and occasionally I stuck my head out of the water to breathe. snake!"

Lu Yitang sighed: "It's a miracle for you to be able to stay in the sea for half a day and a night!"

Yu Shengjun laughed and said, "Okay, everyone, don't discuss my affairs anymore, step aside and let Master Sun save the platoon leader!"

Everyone quickly stepped aside to make room for Sun Bailing.

Sun Bailing glanced at the snake, and then asked everyone: "Among you, who has a knife?"

Shaking their heads one by one.

A student said, "When we left Shanglinyuan, we didn't bring anything with us!"

Yu Shengjun said: "What needs to be done, I will find a way!"

Sun Bailing faced the snake, "Take out the snake's gall, but be careful, if you have a wound on your hand, don't touch the snake's blood, the snake's blood is poisonous!"

"This is easy!" After saying that, Yu Shengjun took the snake back, and then took out a very thin silver needle from the collar of his clothes. He scratched the place where the snake gall was growing with the silver needle, and the other Squeeze the hand again, and the snake gallbladder is squeezed out of the body immediately.

Sun Bailing took a relatively large leaf from the ground, then used the leaf to block his hand, and tore off the snake gall.Immediately afterwards, she took the snake and pointed the mouth of the snake at the gallbladder. Immediately, the snake bit the gallbladder and injected the venom into the gallbladder.

"Okay!" After loosening the snake's gut, Sun Bailing handed the snake to Yu Shengjun, "This snake is useless, so deal with it as you like!"

Yu Shengjun simply threw it outside to save trouble.

Sun Bailing told a student, "Give me the herbs in the corner,"

The student then bent down, brought up the herbs, and handed them to Sun Bailing.

Sun Bailing mixed the snake gall with herbs and put it on a flat stone. Then, she took a small stone and beat the herbs a few times to crush the snake gall in it.When the beating was almost done, she used her black face towel to pack the herbs that had been squeezed out of the juice.After installing it, I said to Fu Yushu and the others, "Get some water, any water will do, don't mind if it's sea water!"

Fu Yushu did it himself, went to hold the sea water, and put it in Sun Bailing's black face scarf.

Sun Bailing pointed the face towel at Xiao Xiong's mouth, the water seeped through the herbs in the face towel, and then flowed down the face towel, drop by drop, into Xiao Xiong's mouth, and soon, he swallowed it into his stomach.

After dripping for a long time, Sun Bailing took away the face towel and said to the others: "Take the antidote, and you will wake up tomorrow!" After speaking, he got up, but because he did not eat or drink for three days, he suddenly felt dizzy incoming.

Lu Yitang supported her in time, "What's wrong?"

Yu Zichen said: "Can't you tell? It's because she doesn't eat! Now there are fish to eat, but no water to drink. Even carnivores will sometimes be unable to eat. For now, the matter of the platoon leader is in the past. Yes, but we must find the water source. The wind direction is still retrograde now, even if the raft is built, we can’t go back, so let’s find the water source.”

"You all don't go, I'll look for it!" Yu Shengjun said at this time, "With your current physical condition, you can't enter the mountain at all, so let me go."

"Huang...Xuan!" Yu Zichen wanted to say, "I'll go too!"

Yu Shengjun did not stop him, "Okay, let's go together!" After finishing speaking, he told Fu Yushu, "Tianze, I will leave this place to you. If the raft is lost, I don't want the wooden shed to be lost too! Don't worry, if you don't find the water source, you will never lose it." Don't go down the mountain!"

Fu Yushu was about to say something, but Yu Shengjun stopped him, "There is nothing to worry about, everything here is up to you. For me, Yu Huangxuan, not only I have to go back alive, but everyone has to go back alive. How many of us came here back then? Yes, as many people as you want to go back, you can't leave any one behind!" After finishing speaking, he went out with Yu Zichen.

Shao Qi froze in place, unable to recover for a long time.Yu Shengjun's words disturbed his heart.At this juncture, Yu Huangxuan is not only thinking about himself, but everyone, including him... Shao Qi.

And he actually held the attitude that he survived and no one else cares about him.

Is this what he wants to be?
Fu Yushu glanced at Shao Qi, pulled his lips coldly and left.In the face of a catastrophe, it is still Yu Huangxuan who stands up for justice, but Shao Qi, a generalissimo, makes people look down on him!Marshal, what's the use?
Yu Shengjun just looked for it in the mountains, his calm and penetrating eyes kept casting around in the mountains.Yu Zichen looked at his profile occasionally, but he didn't see a trace of fatigue on his face.But the more this happened, the more distressed he was.

At this time, he stopped and let Yu Shengjun walk in.

As he was walking, Yu Shengjun noticed something was wrong, he turned around and saw that Yu Zichen was five meters away from him, looking at him sadly.

Yu Zichen choked up and said, "Brother Huang, can't, can't you take care of yourself?"

"What's wrong?" Yu Shengjun asked puzzled.

Thinking of Yu Shengjun's busy schedule these two days, and his life being in danger twice, Yu Zichen couldn't catch his breath. He said what was in his heart, "Think about our dream of the world, think about Tang Lin, think about the queen mother... ...There are so many things and people that need you. But you..."

Yu Shengjun sighed softly and walked back.He caressed Yu Zichen's shoulder, and said earnestly: "Sometimes, every time I do something, I will first consider the consequences, but there are some things that I have to do according to my conscience and intuition, even if something happens .”

Yu Zichen said hoarsely: "What if something happens? How do you ask us to explain to our ancestors? What will we do with Yu Xin without you? This was brought down by our ancestors with great difficulty, how can you let it go? ?”

Yu Shengjun smiled helplessly, "Isn't there nothing wrong with me? Why are you worried? Besides, if you don't understand my skills, can you easily cause trouble? Once, in order to regain lost ground, I took the water route rashly, In the end, it was discovered by the army of the neighboring country and set fire to my boat. I drifted on the sea for five days relying on a piece of wood at a young age, until I finally met a fisherman and was rescued. If I had no perseverance and experience, I would not Don’t dare to go to sea rashly, don’t you? Well, don’t worry, you take care of yourself, that’s the greatest favor you can give to me.” After speaking, he smiled and stroked Yu Zichen’s shoulder.

Yu Zichen suddenly smiled, and cast a blaming look at Yu Shengjun, "Anyway, what I say, I can't say anything about Brother Huang."

"But Brother Huang can't say no to Tang Lin, this means that one person can't do anything to another person!" After speaking, Yu Shengjun chuckled, then turned and walked forward.

Yu Zichen followed in a few steps, "Brother Huang, can we find the water source?"

Yu Shengjun walked to a corner and stopped, looked at the surrounding environment, and said: "If we can find it, we only need to be careful. I think there are many water sources in this mountain, but... they are hidden by evil things. "

As for the evil thing, whether it is a human or a ghost, he has the answer in his heart, but he is not sure, he has to wait...

Yu Zichen felt a chill down his spine, "Brother Huang, even you think this is an evil island?"

Yu Shengjun shrugged helplessly, "What can I do if I don't think so? The raft will be lost for a while, the water will evaporate from the world for a while, and there is not even a shadow of a snake in this mountain... Such things are not the actions of ghosts. What is it?"

"Oh," Yu Zichen sighed, "It seems that we have to leave, there is no hope."

"Can't do without? Hehe, who will die, maybe!" Yu Shengjun broke off a branch, and then used it to dig the soil in the wet ground, and said: "It is impossible to have no water, let's dig it out and see , maybe we will meet, anyway, idle is idle, try your luck."

Yu Zichen also helped. After working for a long time, they dug up a not very deep nest. The more they dug, the easier it was. It seemed that the soil had already been dug up before, and then filled in again. past.

Digging and digging, the muddy water slowly came out.

Seeing the water, Yu Zichen was very excited, "Brother, look, there is water, there is water!" "Yes, I saw it!" Yu Shengjun was not as excited as Yu Zichen, waiting for the muddy water After the water cleared, he told Yu Zichen, "Go back and ask everyone to fill the empty wine jars with water, and I will watch here!"

"Brother Huang, watch carefully, I'll go back and call someone!" Yu Zichen couldn't wait to tell everyone the good news, and hurried back as soon as he finished speaking.

After a while, Yu Shengjun sat on the dry ground beside the water vortex, intending to lean against the tree behind and close his eyes to rest for a while. Gradually, he found a pair of eyes staring at him all around him, and he felt calm. After checking the surrounding atmosphere, when he was ready, he suddenly turned his head to look, but he saw nothing.

Yu Shengjun withdrew his gaze, frowned his handsome eyebrows, and said to himself: "Is my feeling wrong?"

Not long after, Yu Zichen came up with Yunlei, Lu Yitang, and one or two students, each holding two wine jars.

"Quick, quick, here it is!" Yu Zichen stood behind the turbulent water vortex, and hurriedly urged others to come up.

Seeing the crystal-clear water in the vortex, Yunlei's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe it: "Sure enough, it's the water we were looking for. You are really good. You have discovered this water source in a short period of time." !"

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and fill the water, everyone is still waiting for the water to drink." After finishing speaking, Yu Zichen looked around and saw Yu Shengjun resting against a tree with his eyes closed, he called out, "Squad leader! "

Yu Shengjun opened his eyes and turned his head to look over, "Is the water filled?"

Lu Yitang was busy filling water, Yu Zichen glanced at it, smiled and said, "Not yet, but it's almost there!"

"Take your time, don't rush!" Yu Shengjun stood up, stretched his lazy limbs, glanced at the surrounding mountains and forests, and then walked over, just in time, everyone had already filled the wine jar with water .

Lu Yitang said: "Okay, now, it's enough for everyone to drink to their heart's content!"

"Pretend it and go out, it's gloomy here, maybe something more evil will happen later!" Yunlei said while sweeping the surrounding mountains and forests, with a little fear in his eyes.

Afterwards, Yu Shengjun followed behind them and walked out of the forest.

After drinking the water, many students lay contentedly on the sandy ground, basking in the sun and enjoying the sea breeze.

(End of this chapter)

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