The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 290 You let the platoon leader eat earthworms and mice?

Chapter 290 You let the platoon leader eat earthworms and mice?

After Cao Dan drank the water, he also woke up and was resting in the wooden shed.

Yu Shengjun walked to the beach, felt the wind on the beach, and frowned involuntarily.With such wind force and direction again, it may not take a day or two to leave.

"What are you going to do next?" Fu Yushu stood beside him.

Yu Shengjun faced the sea, heaved a sigh of relief, and then shrugged, "What else can I do? I'll spend my time on this island! If I'm lucky, a ship will pass by and take us away, but that's impossible !"

Fu Yushu frowned, "How is it impossible?"

Yu Shengjun said: "Think about it, the sea is behind the imperial city, will there be official ships or merchant ships dare to pass here? And, it is not necessary! The gathering place of the people of the imperial capital is in front of the imperial city. It is impossible for ships to parade in such remote waters!"

Fu Yushu gave a bleak smile, "I wanted to light wolf smoke just now!"

"Forget it!" Yu Shengjun reminded, "It is estimated that it is not other ships, but pirate ships. At that time, it will fall into the hands of pirates. We are all penniless, can we leave alive? "

Fu Yushu was surprised, "Are you afraid of mere pirates?"

Yu Shengjun said: "Afraid, how can you not be afraid? You are too confident in your martial arts! There is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond the people. Not all masters gather in the palace of the Yuxin Dynasty! Do you think pirates are weak? Wrong! Pirates are much more powerful than the government! Pirates can be ruthless. When they see you, they can kill you at any time, but the government is different. It takes a process to send you to the guillotine. Who is more cruel? This is the difference between pirates and the government. "

On the contrary, Fu Yushu breathed a sigh of relief, "Since there are no official ships and merchant ships in this area, it must not be a place for pirates to hover!"

"Wrong!" Yu Shengjun said, "Although pirates only rob government and merchant ships, they often hide in this kind of sea area for safety reasons. First, they avoid the encirclement and suppression of officers and soldiers. .If we rashly light up the beacon, we still won’t provoke the pirates! Now, none of us have regained our strength, and if we provoke the pirates, we won’t even have a chance to fight back!”

Fu Yushu couldn't help but sighed, "Aid, no way. We leave on our own, and the conditions don't allow it. When will it be the end."

Yu Shengjun sneered, "I can't see that you, Fu Yushu, will sigh. Just wait, when the Ouchi guards find that we are missing, they will definitely come out to look for us, but it's just that they can't be found."

Fu Yushu was worried, "It's been four days, it's no wonder I found it!"

There is no need to look for snakes, and the raft will not be used after it is built, so after drinking water and eating all the fish that were grilled before, everyone began to rest from noon, and after falling asleep, they slept from noon to the next morning .

Today is the fifth day on the island.

When I woke up, everyone was hungry.At this moment, the sun just peeked out a little bit.

After Yu Shengjun woke up, he was about to go out to exercise his muscles and bones, but he saw Xiao Xiong's slightly opened eyelids.He was overjoyed, and immediately went over to help Xiao Xiong sit up, "Platoon Leader, you're awake."

Others gathered around one after another.

When Fu Yushu and the people in the wooden shed heard about the situation, they also ran over to watch, all of them excited.

Xiao Xiong looked blankly at the disgraced everyone, "Where is this?"

Sun Bailing came over and took his hand.After a while, her expression relaxed, "Well, the poison in the body has been completely eliminated." Said to Yu Shengjun and the others: "Eat well, and your physical strength will return soon!"

Shao Qi immediately urged the students in his class, "Why are you so dazed? The platoon leader hasn't eaten for a few days, so hurry up and catch fish. Today I want to grill the best fish for the platoon leader!"

It was also dawn at this time, and Fu Yushu also ordered the people in the first and third classes to go into the water to catch fish. Now that there is clean water to drink, no matter how much everyone hates fish, they can still eat it.

Soon, there were only a few people left in the wooden shed, namely Yu Shengjun and his three monitors, Han Xueyan, Sun Bailing, and Xiao Xiong.

After several people narrated, Xiao Xiong finally understood his whole experience in the past four days. More things will happen that we didn't expect!"

Fu Yushu said: "After eating breakfast, everyone will go to the mountain to cut trees together, and build the raft as soon as possible. When the wind changes, we can leave this island immediately!"

Xiao Xiong nodded, "For the current plan, I can only do this."

Sun Bailing came to the wine jar instead, "Platoon leader, drink some water!"

Xiao Xiong took the wine jar, and after drinking a few sips of water, Yu Zichen, Yunlei, and Lu Yitang hurried to the door of the wooden shed, all of them looked like they had seen a ghost.Yun Lei said in horror: "It's not good!"

Fu Yushu immediately asked, "What's wrong?"

Lu Yitang said: "We searched for a long time in the water, not to mention fish as big as a palm, not even a small fish as big as a thumb."

Yun Lei took over the words in panic, "Every time I go into the water to catch fish these days, there are many fish and it is easy to catch. However, we went to many places today, but we didn't see a single fish, as if everything happened overnight... Vaporized!"

Han Xueyan rubbed her arm with raised pores, her lips trembled and said: "The evil thing happened again!"

"Is this impossible?" Sun Bailing said.

"What should we do?" Shao Qi was a little anxious, "If we can't get out of the island, we can only survive by eating fish to preserve our strength, but if there are no fish, it will be a fatal blow to us."

At this time, one by one looked at Xiao Xiong.Sun Bailing asked: "Platoon leader, what should we do?"

Xiao Xiong was not as impatient as everyone else. He lowered his head and thought for a while, then said: "We can't eat meat, but we can eat vegetarian food, and we can't die if we eat it. It's just that we can't improve our physical strength. I really can't find it." Fish, everyone, don’t stay in the water all the time, just go into the mountains to see if there are any wild vegetables and fruits, pick them back, these things can also satisfy your hunger.”

At this time, many people's faces darkened.

Xiao Xiong asked: "What's wrong?"

Yu Shengjun said: "Before we went to the mountain to cut trees, we didn't even see a single fruit tree. However, we only cut trees at the foot of the mountain, and didn't go to the deep mountains to see. As for whether there are wild fruit trees in the deep mountains, that's the question. I don't know."

Yu Zichen said: "Instead of waiting to die, why not go into the mountains and have a look, maybe you can catch some pheasants and hares!"

Fu Yushu said: "I agree with what Zimo said. If you don't go into the mountain to have a look, how will you know if there is food in it. I guess we found someone coming, and those wild animals have gone deep into the mountain, so when we cut trees at the foot of the mountain ,not found!"

"One more thing," Yunlei added, "this island is too evil. We must stay together all the time, we must not be scattered, and we must not leave anyone here. Who knows if he will still be there when we come back."

Xiao Xiong said: "Then let's do it this way. Let's go to the mountain together in the morning to have a look, and come back in the afternoon!"

Sun Bailing worried, "But the platoon leader, you haven't recovered your strength yet!"

"That's fine," Yu Shengjun smiled slyly, "I'll get some meat for the platoon leader to eat!"

Shao Qi smiled sarcastically, "If you can't catch a single fish, how can you find meat for the platoon leader?"

Yu Shengjun smiled, his face as calm as water, "Make a bet, I can find the meat back, and you help me take my job of building a raft!"

Shao Qi agreed without saying a word, "No problem! Let me see how you can get the meat back!" After Yu Shengjun left the wooden shed, he walked all the way along the coast, because his pace was fast enough, no one could keep up with him , so everyone didn't follow behind to see how he got the meat, and stayed at the wooden shed one after another.

Not long after, Shao Qi stood outside the wooden shed and smiled contemptuously.This Yu Huangxuan must have exaggerated.There is not even a single dead fish in this area this morning, so how can we find other meat?
Yu Zichen was a little worried, he lingered by Shao Qi's side, he was afraid that his imperial brother would risk his life to fight again!
At this moment, Yu Shengjun came back with a bundle in his hand.This burden was left by Han Xueyan after eating dry food, so he took it away when he left.When I left, the burden was flat, but this time when I came back, it became round.

Before anyone arrived at the wooden shed, students surrounded him with great interest to see if Yu Shengjun had really brought meat back.

Shao Qi immediately turned pale when he saw the heavily burdened one.Yu Huangxuan really found food?
Yu Shengjun looked at Shao Qi's pale face, the corner of his mouth curled up in an arrogant arc, without saying a word, he walked into the wooden shed, and then handed the burden to Fu Yushu, "Give us the platoon leader to deal with these... The food is ready to eat!"

Fu Yushu took the burden inexplicably. He still didn't believe that Yu Shengjun could get the meat back. There is not even dead fish in the vicinity, so how could he get other meat.However, he still put the burden on the ground and opened it swiftly.

At this time, one by one students came up to watch, watching with open eyes.

However, the moment the package was opened, everyone's eyes widened, and they gasped, resisting the urge to gag!

"Here," Fu Yushu couldn't help swallowing when he saw the rats and non-poisonous snakes in the bundle, his stomach was surging.He looked at Yu Shengjun with a look of astonishment, "What did you get here?"

Yu Shengjun replied very simply, "Isn't this meat? You won't be poisoned if you eat it! I finally found it from a nearby soil hole! I originally wanted to get some earthworms back, but my luck seems to be very good today. I caught these rats and snakes."

The smile on Fu Yushu's face suddenly froze, not knowing what to say about Yu Shengjun.He looked at Xiao Xiong, and he stopped talking.Looking at these rats and snakes makes people sick to their stomachs. How dare he ask the platoon leader to eat these disgusting things.

To everyone's surprise, Xiao Xiong smiled instead, staring at the strangled rats and non-poisonous snakes in the bag with bright eyes, "I think these small animals are delicious, don't you like them?"

This sentence shocked everyone!Why, how come their platoon leader likes this kind of food?

"Heh, heh!" Fu Yushu laughed a few times, and it really was "There is a sky outside the sky, and there are people outside the people." He picked up the burden, "Then let's go outside and roast these, and send them to the platoon leader!" After finishing speaking, He walked out of the wooden shed covered in profuse sweat, and the other students who watched the excitement also went out one after another.

In the wooden shed, only Xiao Xiong and Yu Shengjun were left.

Xiao Xiong looked at Yu Shengjun and smiled gratefully, "Huangxuan, thank you!"

Yu Shengjun said briskly: "You are welcome, platoon leader!"

Xiao Xiong asked with a smile: "Most people would not give this kind of food to others, how dare you give it to me?"

Yu Shengjun said: "I heard from Instructor Tang that you seldom go to the canteen to eat, Platoon Leader Xiao. I asked about your situation, and then I learned that you are more interested in these wild animals, so... ..." In fact, Yu Shengjun knew the students' information like the palm of his hand, from their family background to their daily diet, he didn't know anything.

Xiao Xiong suddenly realized, "So that's what happened."

(End of this chapter)

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