The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 291 Falling into the swamp again!

Chapter 291 Falling into the swamp again!

After Xiao Xiong had eaten and drank enough, his physical strength also returned.He gathered everyone for half a session of queue training, and then said: "Wait a minute, let's go to the foot of the mountain together, cut down trees, build a raft first, and then go find food!"

Everyone obeyed the order, and after that, all of them followed the platoon leader and the three squad leaders with high spirits, entered the mountain, and started to break the trees in their own ways in the jungle at the foot of the mountain. Any trick will do.

Because he made a bet with Shao Qi and won in the end, Shao Qi took over Yu Shengjun's job of building the raft.

Seeing Yu Shengjun jumping up to the tallest tree to sleep as soon as he entered the mountain, Shao Qi was very uncomfortable watching from below, but he had no choice but to accept the bet, who told him to bet with others, and finally lost so easily .

Everyone worked diligently for a long time, and finally the wood for the raft was almost done.Then, Xiao Xiong ordered everyone to carry the wood out of the mountain and back to the sand by the sea.

Except for Han Xueyan and Sun Bailing who carried small logs, everyone else carried one on their left and right shoulders.

Yu Shengjun jumped off the tree, and put the last two logs on Shao Qi's shoulders very bluntly.Seeing Shao Qi carrying four pieces of wood alone, he couldn't help but click his tongue twice, "Marshal Shao is really powerful, much stronger than our young master!"

Shao Qi gritted his teeth with hatred, and rebelled against the imperial court, you wait!Especially you, Yu Huangxuan!

After going down the mountain, no one was idle, they all built rafts according to Xiao Xiong's command, so that they could go out of the island at any time when the wind direction changed.

After the raft successfully created a raft, Shao Qi was worried that such evil things as throwing rafts would happen again, so he walked up to Xiao Xiong, intending to talk to Xiao Xiong about it.Xiao Xiong was busy with Yu Shengjun and Fu Yushu, two monitors, tying wood with ivy.

"Platoon leader," Shao Qi worried, "If no one of us is here to watch the raft, and the raft is lost again, what should we do? I think it's better not to build it, so that evil things don't happen again!"

After the inexplicable evaporation of the water source, Fu Yushu also affirmed that this island is very evil, "Yes, platoon leader, Qilin is right, this island is really evil, and accidents happen every few days!"

Xiao Xiong put down the work at hand and said to everyone: "After your analysis in the morning, I probably understand the ins and outs of the matter. To be honest, I don't think this is an evil island. At that time, Sun Bailing and Han Xueyan left, and the raft was released again. It was too close to the sea, maybe when the water rose, it was swept away by the waves, so everyone couldn't see the raft when they came back, maybe it was because of this reason."

Shao Qi suddenly realized, "Why didn't I think of this, platoon leader, what you said is very reasonable. At first we suspected that there was an inner ghost among us, but after what you said, I think it is possible to be swept away by the waves. high!"

Yu Shengjun just smiled and continued to work on himself.What waves, nonsense.When the raft was there, it was obviously blocked by stones. No matter how crazy the waves are, if you want to sweep the raft away, you should first roll away the rocks. The problem is, the rocks are still in place!How can this be explained?

"But," Fu Yushu was still frowning, "then the water source we finally found, how can we say that it is gone?"

Xiao Xiong smiled, and replied patiently: "There is nothing to worry about. Even a well may dry up for a day, not to mention the small spring on this island? I guess you are unlucky. The weather is hot, and it is understandable that this kind of thing will happen. Think about it, isn’t the drought in many places in the north caused by the scorching sun and the lack of rain all year round? So, there is nothing to worry about, Huangxuan Didn’t we finally find another source of water?”

Although Xiao Xiong's analysis is well-founded, Fu Yushu still has some doubts, "Then there are no fish in this area suddenly, what should I say?"

At this time, Xiao Xiong was not allowed to answer, and Yu Shengjun said humorously: "Seeing that we eat them every day, can they not run away? It's like the emperor wants to kill a minister, even the minister's family members. You say, Why didn't those family members escape in order to survive?"

Although this reason is a bit far-fetched, everyone doesn't want to talk about it, and acquiesced to what Yu Shengjun said.

As far as Yu Shengjun is concerned, he doesn't think this is an evil island, but the frequent occurrences of evil sects are not groundless. If he guessed correctly, there must be...

At noon the three rafts were finally completed.Once finished, everyone was so tired that some lay on the ground to rest, some took a bath in the water to cool off, and some took shelter in the wooden shed.The sun is getting hotter and hotter, and the island is as hot as a furnace.

Having not eaten for a long time, and having been busy for a long time, many people are so hungry that their chests stick to their backs.Although there is drinkable water, they are not thirsty, they are hungry, and they want to eat, even without meat, even a small fruit is fine!
The problem is, not to mention fruits, even mice cannot be dug out.They were not as lucky as Yu Shengjun, they could easily catch mice for the platoon leader to eat.

Xiao Xiong went to the beach to wash his face, and said to Yu Shengjun who was standing on the beach and blowing the wind: "No, you must find something to eat. Everyone has exhausted their energy for a whole morning. Just like yesterday, groggy!"

Yu Shengjun said: "I can't catch fish, so I have to go into the mountains to see if there is any wild game to satisfy my hunger."

"Whether there is or not, you can't just sit here and wait to die!" After finishing speaking, Xiao Xiong first cheered himself up, and then went to urge everyone to gather together, and ordered: "Wait a minute, let's go into the mountains to find game together!"

Shao Qi considered the three chapters of the raft, "Platoon leader, what about the raft?"

Xiao Xiong glanced at the raft built on the sand, and then at the grassland behind the wooden shed, and suddenly had an idea. "Well, get the raft to the grass behind the shed, and get some twigs and branches to cover it up!" That way, even if someone came to the island, they wouldn't be able to see where the raft was hidden.

Next, several students dragged the raft to the grass, broke off many branches, and put the branches with many leaves on the raft.It was done in no time.

After finishing the work on the raft, everyone followed Xiao Xiong and the three monitors into the mountain.They never expected that what was waiting for them would be... After walking for about half an hour, Xiao Xiong stopped, and as soon as he stopped, the people behind him also stopped.

At this time, the surrounding mountains and forests were so dense that the sun could not be seen, and the atmosphere was even more gloomy, as if this place was a purgatory on earth.Just one shout, and all the birds in the forest will be frightened away.

Xiao Xiong looked back, he couldn't tell the way when he came.Old vines and old trees, the sound of crows occasionally came.

"Can you still see the way we came?" Xiao Xiong asked everyone.

At this time, one by one turned around and looked around, only to find that the scenery behind them was no different from the scenery in front of them. Suddenly, Yunlei felt a chilly wind blowing through his back, and his eyes rolled around, "The evil thing happened again !"

Cao Dan complained, "Platoon leader, it's okay if you don't go into the mountain. The further you go, the more it looks like a maze. How can we get out later?"

"Besides, I didn't see a single wild fruit tree nearby," Han Xueyan echoed weakly. She was very afraid of the gloomy atmosphere around her, as if ghosts would appear at any moment. He held his brother-in-law's hand tightly and never let go.

A student squatted down clutching his abdomen, "I'm so hungry!"

Xiao Xiong didn't want to see the sallow and emaciated faces of the students, so he refreshed himself, "Go in and have a look!" Turning around, he continued to walk inside.

Yu Shengjun walked slowly behind everyone, he looked back, and indeed he couldn't tell where he came from.He sighed silently, then followed the footsteps of the crowd.

After another half an hour, a student suddenly suffered from heatstroke and collapsed.

Two students quickly helped the fainted student up, and one student hurriedly called Xiao Xiong, "Platoon leader!"

Xiao Xiong turned his head when he heard the sound, and when he saw the student with heat stroke, he tightened his expression and walked over immediately, "What's wrong with him?"

Sun Bailing took a closer look at the faces of the heatstroke students, "It should be heatstroke. The weather is so hot, and he hasn't eaten for a while, plus he's busy in the morning, it's inevitable that he will suffer from heatstroke."

Xiao Xiong ordered: "Help him aside to rest first!"

Those two students helped the heatstroke student to a tree and put him down.

Yu Shengjun tore off a wine jar from his body, and threw it to Xiao Xiong from a distance of two meters, "Let him drink some water to relieve himself!"

After feeding some water to the heat stroke students, Xiao Xiong ordered everyone to rest on the spot for a while.

Many people take a nap during the rest, or pinch their legs and beat their backs to relax themselves, and no one is prepared.

At this moment, a puff of thick smoke rose from a nearby corner, and soon, the thick smoke floated towards Xiao Xiong and the others.Many students saw it and wondered where the smoke came from.

When he smelled the smoke, Yu Shengjun suddenly woke up, covered his mouth immediately, and ordered everyone, "Quick, cover your mouth and nose, don't breathe!"

After all, they are a group of masters. Many people listened to Yu Shengjun's words immediately and quickly covered their mouths and noses, but those who were unresponsive were not so lucky. After they inhaled the thick smoke, within a while, two He rolled his eyes and fell down.

After the thick smoke dissipated from his eyes, Yu Shengjun didn't care about other people, and immediately rushed to the place where the thick smoke came from.It's just that when he arrived at the place where the thick smoke was rising, there was nothing, let alone the thick smoke that only came out when he lit it with firewood.

He was sure that the thick smoke just now didn't seem to come from burning grass, because there was no trace of a campfire on the ground at all.

When he returned to the crowd, Yu Shengjun was stunned heavily. As soon as he left and came back, he found ten people lying on the ground, all of them looked half-drowsy. thick smoke.

Sun Bailing passed out due to inhalation of thick smoke, so there is no one with medical skills, and no one knows how to revive everyone.

Seeing Yu Shengjun coming back, Fu Yushu asked with a worried face, "But what did you find?"

Yu Shengjun shook his head, "I found nothing."

Yu Zichen glanced at everyone and couldn't help sighing, "They just inhaled the thick smoke and passed out not long after. Master Sun also passed out, and none of us can find out whether they were poisoned or not." .”

"They were not poisoned," Yu Shengjun said.

Shao Qi was calling Han Xueyan who had passed out, he was afraid that something might happen to her.Hearing that Yu Shengjun said that everyone was not poisoned, he frowned, "Not poisoned? Then why do they..."

Yu Shengjun glanced at the ten people lying on the ground, and said: "There is a kind of strange grass with the effect of cartilage, which is like the poisonous snake that bites the long row. It is extremely rare. This kind of strange grass grows in damp In the hot forest," he said, looking around, "the environment we are in now should be the breeding ground of this strange grass. Once you eat this strange grass, or smell it, My whole body is weak, my strength is gone, my head is dizzy, and I look like a disabled person. Just now on the way into the mountain, I found this strange grass, so I paid attention to it, I didn't expect that they would..."

Yun Lei suddenly interrupted him, and said in horror: "All of us are here. If there is no one on the island, then who set fire to the strange grass? How did the smoke come out? Evil way!"

(End of this chapter)

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