Chapter 292 Poor!

"Yeah," Cao Dan rubbed his cold arms, and stared around in fear, "It's too evil!"

Yu Shengjun was not as panicked as everyone else, but smiled, "It is estimated that there may be savages on this island!"

"Savage?" Everyone was amazed.

Yu Shengjun said: "If it wasn't for the savages, who would have trouble with us?"

Xiao Xiong said to everyone with a solemn expression: "The savages are capricious. It is better for us not to provoke them. It is better to leave this mountain. At the seaside, we can catch mice and eat them, but if we offend the savages for the sake of game, I am afraid that we will go to sea this time." ...There will be no return!"

Cao Dan wanted to leave immediately, but when he turned around, he saw that the surrounding was gloomy, and he was at a loss, "Where did we come from?"

Fu Yushu said: "When I came here, I carved marks on the trees, each with the "X" that instructor Tang taught us. I think this kind of mark is easy to find, and we can find the way out!"

Immediately, the others who were not passed out swept the surrounding trees.

Fu Yushu walked five meters behind him. He remembered that when he passed by just now, he carved an "X" on the tree.But, why waited for him to look by the tree, but there was nothing?So, he went to other places to look for it, but there was still nothing.He didn't give up, and looked further afield.

Yu Shengjun felt something at this moment, and his expression froze.Immediately, Fei Ying flashed by, and he had already stood in front of Fu Yushu, took Fu Yushu with one hand, and then returned to the crowd in a flash.

Xiao Xiong and the others had no time to marvel at Yu Shengjun's lightness kung fu so superbly, Yu Shengjun immediately said to Fu Yushu: "Don't fall behind."

Fu Yushu said anxiously: "But the mark..."

Yu Shengjun said, "If we can find it, how many of us will not be able to find it? Turn around and the mark will disappear. This forest is not an ordinary evil door. But we don't want to turn around and disappear you. The mark is gone, we will find a way leave."

"Woooo." Cao Dan said dejectedly, "The mark is gone, and the way back is in vain. Could it be that we are trapped on the island like this?"

Xiao Xiong said: "Don't talk about discouragement, let's look for it, we will definitely be able to get out! Everyone, go and support the fainted student, and follow me, I don't believe it, I can't get out of this deserted island."

When Shao Qi helped Han Xueyan up, he thought of something, and asked Yu Shengjun: "The thick smoke they inhaled won't kill them?"

Yu Shengjun said: "I won't kill them, but if I don't put their whole body in the water, they won't wake up. Let alone a lake around here, there is not even a vortex. Temporarily save them." We can’t get them. We must find a way out as soon as possible, otherwise we will drag them away like this, we will be exhausted, and no one will be able to get out by then.”

"Stop talking, it's important to go out." Shao Qi simply carried Han Xueyan on his back, and followed behind Xiao Xiong.

Lu Yitang and Cao Dan helped Sun Bailing, while Fu Yushu and other students supported other fainted students.

After Yu Shengjun took the bag, the others followed Xiao Xiong and walked in the middle.

The sun is gradually setting.

Next, Yu Shengjun and his party, in order to find a way out, kept walking towards a corner of the forest where the grass was not very barren. As a result, they walked further and further away, and finally came across a large swamp.

At this time, on the treetops, the setting sun could no longer be seen.The sky is a bit hazy.

Yu Shengjun saw through the sky that it was already dusk.

Xiao Xiong walked straight ahead, it was rare to see a large grass field in front of him, full of morning glories, it was very beautiful.When he was about to step on it with the idea of ​​spending the night here tonight, his body unexpectedly thumped and sank to the ground.It was at this moment that he realized that he had fallen into the swamp.

One of the two students didn't pay attention and fell down, and immediately called for help.

When Shao Qi and the others realized that something was wrong, they immediately took a few steps back, put the fainted student in the safe area, and then ran over to grab Xiao Xiong and the two students' hands.

At this time, most of Xiao Xiong's body had already sunk into the swamp, and soon reached his shoulders.Fu Yushu and Yu Zichen, as well as Lu Yitang and Cao Dan, held the hands of the other two students tightly.Shao Qi and other students held onto Xiao Xiong tightly.

However, no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't pull out the three people who fell into the swamp. Instead, they didn't fall into the swamp at all.

When Yu Shengjun, who was following the team far away, arrived, his eyes widened.At this time, except for one or two students who got half of their feet into the swamp, the others all fell into the swamp, and soon their whole bodies were submerged in the swamp.

Except for him alone, the others were either unconscious or fell into the swamp.

Yu Zichen had already drank the water from the swamp, and looked straight at Yu Shengjun, his eyes were full of farewell, "Hurry up, go!" Seeing that everyone has fallen into the swamp, Yu Shengjun couldn't bear to delay for a moment , the more this is the case, the more calm he has to be, no matter how much he wants Shao Qi to die, no matter how much he wants to teach Fu Yushu a lesson for Shihe.

After calming down, he quickly thought of a solution.He looked around, and when he saw the big tree behind him, he immediately had a solution.He remembered that one of the students in their class carried a bundle of hemp rope with him, and he also brought it with him when he went into the mountain.

He immediately looked for the student in his class who was carrying the hemp rope, and it turned out to be among the ten unconscious people.He immediately ran over, took the hemp rope off the students, and then shook the people in the swamp several times, in an instant, the rope entangled Xiao Xiong's hands.

Immediately afterwards, he passed the other end of the rope through the big tree behind and tied it tightly, and put it in a tight grip.

After everything was done, he easily patted the dust off his hands, went to the edge of the swamp and squatted down, smiled and said to the people in the swamp who were no longer sinking: "I told you not to look at the road, have you learned a lesson now? Follow the rope, climb up slowly, I'll go and see if there's any game nearby to satisfy your hunger!" After speaking, he got up, patted his buttocks and left.

After a hard climb, Xiao Xiong and others finally reached the hard ground with the rope and left the nightmare-like swamp.

After coming out, they collapsed exhaustedly next to those unconscious students. Comparing these two groups of people, the dirty ones are dirty enough, and the clean ones are clean enough.Coming out of the swamp, Xiao Xiong and his group were covered in stinky mud.

Cao Dan took a sniff and immediately vomited, but nothing came out. "This son stinks to death!"

Yun Lei smiled helplessly, "We are very lucky to be able to come out alive, brother Xiao Cao, just be content!"

Fu Yushu sat up and looked around, but there was no sign of Yu Shengjun, and complained, "He also said that I don't want to lose the team, but he is good, he walked around without our consent, and he is not afraid of leaving!"

"I'll go look for him!" After so many evil events, Yu Zichen became more and more worried that Yu Shengjun disappeared before his eyes, even though he believed that Yu Shengjun's ability was immeasurable.

It's just that after he tried to stand up, Xiao Xiong immediately stopped him, "When he left, he spoke so easily, he must have confidence in himself. Don't go anywhere, just wait here for him to come back."

Yu Zichen didn't argue, although he was very worried about Yu Shengjun, but finally heeded Xiao Xiong's words and didn't wander around.

After about half a stick of incense, Yu Shengjun walked back while chewing the fruit.As soon as he came to the crowd, he threw the bulging bag on the ground and said generously, "Eat it, it's not poisonous!"

Seeing these wild fruits, each of them widened their eyes and swallowed their saliva.

Xiao Xiong picked it up and had a look, he had seen these wild fruits in the market before, but he had never inquired about the names of the fruits, he knew that these fruits were not poisonous.He stared at Yu Shengjun, who was eating with gusto, with weird eyes, "Where did you come from?"

Shao Qi said: "We didn't find it all this way, so why did you find it?"

Yu Shengjun took a bite, and after he bit it into pieces and swallowed it all down to his stomach, he answered the two people, "I just came here to look around, and I didn't expect to find one, but it's a pity, the fruit There are not many fruits, and they are not yet ripe. I picked most of them, and they are all here. If you still want to pick the small part of the raw fruits, then I can take you there. I went around here Only one tree was found in the big circle, and the second tree was not found!"

"Why do you want to eat the raw one? It's bad for your stomach!" Cao Dan simply picked up the ripest fruit in the bag, and bit half of it in one bite.

Xiao Xiong and the others also picked it up and ate it.

Yu Shengjun sat next to Yu Zichen and asked in a low voice, "Are you all right?"

Yu Zichen smiled lightly, "It's okay!"

After a while, Yu Shengjun looked at the package, there was still half of the fruit, and then looked at the crowd, they didn't eat any of them, he asked in puzzlement: "Why, are these fruits not delicious? "

Xiao Xiong said: "I don't know how to solve the next meal, so let's keep these!"

Is Yu Shengjun just about to say that it's not heavy?But thinking about it, Xiao Xiong is also thinking about survival, so he didn't say anything!

Xiao Xiong looked up at the sky, it was getting dark soon, he said to everyone: "We can't go forward at night, we can only spend the night here tonight, we will find a way to leave when the sky is bright tomorrow."

Cao Dan said sullenly: "Platoon leader, why do I feel that we are going further and further in?"

Xiao Xiong nodded, "I've had this feeling for a long time, but what can I do, we retreated and advanced a few times today, but still haven't gone out, so we can only think of a way!"

"It's really strange." Lu Yitang, who hadn't made a sound for a long time, said something to himself facing the top of the tree.

Everyone looked at him.

Fu Yushu asked: "What's wrong?"

Lu Yitang said: "Since we came to this island, we have never heard the cry of wolves, or even the cry of birds. Listen carefully. At this time, there are usually wild animals calling, but we I didn't feel it at all, could it be that there are no animals living on this island at all? Such as hares, wild dogs, wild deer and so on."

Yunlei hugged his arms, the clothes on his body were not dry, but now his heart was chilly, he felt that the surroundings were unusually cold, "Not to mention, I didn't hear it, or did I not pay attention?"

"My mother!" Cao Dan simply shrank himself, "How can we survive in such a place? I'm going to despair!"

In the middle of the night, the moon is dark and the wind is high.

Yu Shengjun and his party had already fallen asleep against the big tree, and there were many mosquitoes at night. Occasionally, they patted their arms in their deep sleep, and occasionally, they scratched the places on their arms that had been bitten by mosquitoes, but everyone always all asleep...

In the blink of an eye, the light shone through the clouds onto the forest, then through the gaps in the leaves, slipped into the ground, and shone on Yu Shengjun and the others.

A mosquito was sitting motionless on Cao Dan's cheek. When he felt itchy, he slapped his cheek hard, and then he woke up. Looking at the palm of his hand, he had already killed the mosquito. His blood was sticking to his palms.

He flicked the mosquito away, "Damn stinky mosquito!"

Standing up, shrugging, and looking around again,


The scream has the power to cut through the sky!

Yu Shengjun and the others woke up from the screams and stood up immediately. Before they could fully react, they hurriedly wandered around asking what was the matter.

(End of this chapter)

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