The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 293 The Killing Green Lake!

Chapter 293 The Killing Green Lake!

Cao Dan stared wide-eyed, eyes full of fear, and pointed with his right hand to the open space in front of him. Originally, there were ten unconscious people lying here, but now the ten people were all gone, and he couldn't see anyone when he woke up. Can you not scream?With such a wicked thing, he couldn't calm down anymore. "Man, he's gone!" He almost uttered in silence, obviously frightened!

"How could this be?" Shao Qi threw himself on the open space, and what he was thinking and saying was Han Xueyan. "Yaner, my Yaner? Where did she go? Can anyone tell me where she went?"

Seeing that Sun Bailing was not there, Lu Yitang was not in a hurry, but the matter had already happened, and being anxious would not help, so he could only find a way to solve it.He looked around and wanted to find it alone, but was stopped by Yu Shengjun, "Why are you going?"

Lu Yitang looked at him with red eyes, as if he would be rude to you if you dare to stop me again, "I lost him, shouldn't I look for him?"

Yu Shengjun said coldly: "Could it be that you want to lose yourself?"

Lu Yitang immediately said: "It doesn't matter if I lose it, but..." Because Sun Bailing was a daughter, he didn't dare to continue. "Anyway, we came here together, I don't want to see a picture of us alone when we go back!"

Yu Shengjun said: "People are looking for people, but it's not like you who are impulsively looking for people without discussion!"

"I." At this moment, Lu Yitang realized that he was really impulsive because of Sun Bailing's disappearance.That's right, ten people have disappeared right now, and they can't go missing anymore. "I'm afraid their lives are in danger."

Yu Shengjun smiled sadly, "If you search blindly like this, don't tell me their lives are not in danger?"

At this moment, Lu Yitang was completely helpless except worrying and worrying, "If we don't look for them, then how do we know if they are in danger or not?"

Xiao Xiong came over and comforted him: "Yitang, I know you are worried about the missing students, but now is not the time for us to look for them impulsively. Let's calm down and analyze why they disappeared and how to find them."

Fu Yushu squatted in a corner of the open space and looked carefully at the ground. He found that some of the marks on the ground were not marks of shoes, but marks of soles of feet. This discovery made him see the dawn, "Here are the footprints of someone. People took it away!"

Let's take a closer look.

After Yu Shengjun took a look at the footprints, he added: "Have you ever seen footprints without shoes?"

"Could it be..." Yunlei took a breath, not daring to imagine, "There are really savages?"

Cao Dan said angrily, "Only the savages don't wear shoes. Besides the savages, who else could it be? I don't understand. Why do they keep fighting against us? Why do they kidnap our students?"

Yu Shengjun suddenly said a word, "Eat!"

"Huh?" They all turned to look at him, not understanding what he was talking about.

Yu Shengjun stared at the footprints, his face was as calm as water, and he said: "There are neither wild animals nor wild fruits on this island. If the wild people have nothing to eat, what will they eat in the end? One can imagine! "

Everyone thought about it calmly, and suddenly, everyone's eyes widened, and their eyes were full of fear!

Shao Qi frightened: "My God! If the savages have nothing to eat, then if they see people, they will definitely want to eat..."

"Human flesh!" Yu Shengjun added these two words calmly.After disposing of all the water and fruit, Xiao Xiong counted the number of people. With him included, there are 29 people in the training camp. Right now, there are only 19 people left.After counting the number of people, he said to everyone: "Under the absence of food, the savages can do anything. We must find the savages in the shortest possible time, so that other students will not fall into the mouth of the tiger."

"But," Fu Yushu said worriedly, "We don't know how wide this island is, nor do we know where savages often appear."

Xiao Xiong looked at Yu Shengjun and asked: "Huangxuan, you said that you came to this island one step ahead of others, and then walked along the coast for a long time before meeting everyone. How long have you been walking?"

Yu Shengjun's words made everyone panic, "Half a day and a night."

This time, even Xiao Xiong was dumbfounded, "Half a day and a night?!"

Yu Shengjun said: "I didn't joke with you. I really walked for a long time and a night before I met other people at the beach. I walked along the beach from the island. I wanted to see how wide the island is. , I didn’t expect to see everyone after walking for a long time and a night. May I ask, can you estimate how big this island is? This is equivalent to how many times we have crossed mountains and mountains? Who knows where the savages will hide. It is easy for them to find us. It's hard to find them."

Shao Qi raised his forehead wearily, "Finding savages in this mountain is like looking for a needle in a haystack. The chances are slim. Besides, the savages have strange movements and evil methods. When we find them, other students may..." Thinking of Han Xueyan's smiling face , His chest felt uncomfortable.If something happened to my sister-in-law, how should he explain it to Han Lingying?
"Okay, everyone, don't be depressed, cheer up!" As the platoon leader, under such circumstances, Xiao Xiong did not forget to deal with things calmly. "Immediately set off to look for other students. I believe that with the footprints, I will be able to find them. One thing everyone must remember, no matter what, you can't leave the group."

Under the leadership of Xiao Xiong, everyone left the swamp and went to other mountains and forests.

However, in the next half a day, I spent a long time in the dense forest, looking for the savages with their footprints all the way.But after searching and searching, half a day passed like this.

Seeing that it was almost noon, everyone was so tired that they were looking for someone, and the weather was so hot that they were walking on the stove, and they didn't even have the strength to move their feet.

When Fu Yushu saw the last footprint, it was by a small lake.

"What's wrong?" Xiao Xiong came up and asked.

Fu Yushu stared straight at the sparkling lake, "It's gone!"

"Ah?" Cao Dan was stunned, "There is no trace? How is this possible? The savage hasn't been found yet." So he checked along the small lake, but there were no savage footprints in the surrounding area. Now, he collapsed ,"how so?"

Those students who were covered in mud immediately perked up when they saw a lake.While Fu Yushu and the others were analyzing the footprints, more than a dozen people jumped off the small lake one after another, taking a lively bath.

Fu Yushu just glanced at those students in a hurry, he didn't care much, he only cared about the footprints.He knelt down and looked again at the last footprint he found.

Now, Cao Dan is looking for footprints in other places, and so is Lu Yitang.

Shao Qi and Yun Lei were also looking for footprints, they were worried about Han Xueyan, even if they wanted to go into the water to wash off the dirt on their bodies, it was important to find someone, so they ignored those students and cared about how they made trouble.

Xiao Xiong squatted down and asked Fu Yushu, "What did you find?"

Fu Yushu didn't say anything, but looked at the footprints and thought about something, but there was a problem that he couldn't turn around.He didn't understand, it was obviously the footprints of a savage, why did it disappear here?It shouldn't be!

Yu Shengjun chatted with Yu Zichen all the way, but Xiao Xiong and the others had already left behind.This time, they walked to the lake.

He glanced around and saw that Cao Dan and Shao Qi were busy looking for footprints, Yu Shengjun just shook his head helplessly.He withdrew his gaze and glanced at Fu Yushu and Xiao Xiong who were squatting on the ground. Seeing that they were so serious, he didn't bother.

Yu Shengjun walked a few steps sideways and stood by the small lake.

Yu Zichen stood beside him, looked at the sparkling water, and somehow said, "This lake is so strange, there are always bubbles!"

These words, on the contrary, awakened Yu Shengjun.Yu Shengjun looked terrified, he immediately looked around, except for these people in their room and Xiao Xiong, he didn't see a single student in other rooms here.

"Where are they?" Yu Shengjun sternly asked Xiao Xiong and the two of them.

The two stood up one after another, being asked inexplicably.

Fu Yushu frowned and asked, "What's wrong?"

Yu Shengjun asked anxiously: "What about the other students?"

"They are..." Fu Yushu subconsciously turned around and pointed to the small lake, just as he was about to say that the students had all gone into the water to take a bath, but there were no blisters on the empty lake.As if he had seen a ghost, his expression changed suddenly, "He was playing around in this lake, why..."

When Cao Dan and the others realized something was going on, they rushed over!
Shao Qi asked anxiously, "What happened?"

Now, Yu Shengjun and others gathered around the lake and stared at the water.

Fu Yushu was completely dumbfounded, staring at the lake for a long time without regaining consciousness.Now he finally figured out the problem. If there is nothing wrong with the savage's footprints, then the disappearance of the savage's footprints by the lake must have something to do with this lake....

It's because his mind can't react, which hurts everyone!
At this moment, looking at the calm lake, Fu Yushu's eyes were covered with mist, "Yes, it's me, it's my fault, I didn't pay attention to them!"

"Is the water deep? It doesn't matter. I'm good at water. I'll go down and fish them up!" Cao Dan rolled up his sleeves as he spoke, intending to go down to the lake to save people, but Yu Shengjun pulled him hard. To get out of the body.

Cao Dan was pulled back inexplicably, "What's wrong, Brother Yu?"

Yu Shengjun looked terrified, "You can't go down!"

Cao Dan didn't understand, "Why?"

"This water is not so...deep!" Fu Yushu said these words softly, as eerie as the voice from Hell Yama.If the water is not deep, it is impossible to accommodate more than a dozen students with high martial arts and excellent water skills.If the water is not deep, then the bottom must be strange and unpredictable.

Yu Shengjun went and brought a long tree trunk, and then went deep into the lake. The trunk was seven or eight meters long, but even the tail of the trunk didn't touch the bottom.He simply threw the trunk down, and the trunk just sank into the bottom of the water without floating up.

Cao Dan looked at the surface of the lake with eyes full of horror, clicked his tongue and said, "Yes, is it that deep?"

Yu Shengjun said a few words in an unusually calm manner, "It's probably more than that!"

"How did this happen?" Yu Zichen horrified, "The traces of the savages disappeared here. Could it be that the savages are under the water?"

"Impossible." Yu Shengjun analyzed, "This lake is not small, it can hold such a deep water, the bottom of the water must be full of mud, there is no way to dig holes for people to live in, and there is no air to breathe. Also, look, the water in this lake is green and covered with moss. It seems that the water has been accumulated here all year round and has not been touched. What is under the lake is not water, but mud like a swamp, which is sticky. Those students just now must have fallen into the mud and sank. They all thought it was water, and they must have washed their faces in the water, but they didn't know... Even the trunks can't float, so can there be water underneath? ?”

Xiao Xiong's feet softened, and he knelt down by the lake. At this moment, he burst into tears and was in great pain, "They are all rare talents in the training camp, and they are all seedlings who have passed the selection of Ouchi guards. I misled the lead, It took their lives, I deserve to die, I deserve to die!" Speaking of this, he slammed his forehead to the ground once, twice...

At the third time, Yu Shengjun and Fu Yushu hurriedly stopped.

Fu Yushu suppressed the pain, "Platoon leader, what are you doing? If you want to blame, blame me. If I hadn't insisted that I could find the wild man by looking for footprints, then everyone else would be fine. It's my fault!"

(End of this chapter)

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