Chapter 294
Shao Qi cursed angrily, "Damn it! Is this the time for you to take responsibility for each other?"

Not wanting to see his master being scolded, Lu Yitang, who is a subordinate, grabbed Shao Qi by the collar and got angry for the first time in front of everyone, "Bastard! At this time, you are not persuading people but still swearing, what are you?"

"Let him go!" As Shao Qi's subordinate, naturally Yun Lei would not allow anyone to make things difficult for Shao Qi.After a few steps, he ruthlessly pulled Lu Yitang's hands away, but in the end, Lu Yitang tightly entangled him.

"What are you, you dare to let me let go of him?" Lu Yitang said ruthlessly towards Yunlei.

The two hands intertwined, firmly holding each other firmly, and neither of them gave up half a point.

Losing more than ten lives at once, Cao Dan was already stupid. He squatted by the lake, staring blankly at the lake, ignoring the few people fighting beside him.

Seeing that their subordinates were all impulsive, Fu Yushu and Shao Qi immediately came up to stop them, each of them talking nonsense.

Fu Yushu said to Lu Yitang: "Yitang, calm down and let go!"

Shao Qi also said to Yun Lei: "Don't be as knowledgeable as them!"

Yun Lei and Lu Yitang let go of their hands only after the two spoke in person, but they turned their faces coldly and looked away, neither of them caring about the other.

"Have you pinched enough? If you have pinched enough, go to other students. Now is not the time to mourn and feel guilty." After a few lessons, Yu Shengjun grabbed Cao Dan's arm and took Cao Dan, who had lost his soul. Once pulled up. "Okay, Xiao Cao, I know you are sad for other students, and I am also sad, but we still have students to save, so we can't stay here any longer, and mourn later."

Others also calmed down.

Next, Yu Shengjun was the leader and walked along the corner of the forest. After walking for about half an hour, something on the road forced Yu Shengjun and others to stop!Four or five piles of unextinguished bonfires, thick smoke billowing, next to the bonfire, a pile of skeleton remains, and a pile of training uniforms scattered everywhere.Skull, muscles and bones... There are still fuzzy flesh and blood left, like a plate of raw chicken that has been chopped into pieces, leaving only wreckage.And the clothes, some stained with blood, were kind of torn in half.

Seeing these pictures, Shao Qi's eyes and Cao Dan's eyes were stabbed fiercely!

When he stepped on something, Shao Qi immediately took a step back. At this moment, he finally couldn't control himself and shed painful tears.He bent down with difficulty, and took the blood-red... apron on the ground with trembling hands.

This is Han Xueyan's bellyband, the bellyband of his sister-in-law, he is very familiar with it.Living in Shanglinyuan for so long, she is the only woman. Can't he know his clothes like the back of his hand?How many times had he seen her bellyband when she was folding her clothes, embroidered with beautiful mandarin ducks!
Xiao Xiong stared blankly at the scene of corpses all over the ground in front of him, tears rolling down his cheeks silently, "Come on, we're late, we're late!"

Sun Bailing!Han Xueyan!Cao Dan looked at the scene in front of him very calmly, and then his eyes fainted——

When Cao Dan woke up again, only Yu Zichen's face was in sight.

"Are you awake?" Yu Zichen asked softly with a smile on his face, but his bitter smile still couldn't escape Cao Dan's eyes.

Cao Dan turned his body sideways, turned his face to the side, and let the tears slide down his cheeks, and then fell to the grass.Every time tears blurred his eyes, he reached out to wipe them, regardless of whether the tears wet his arms or dirty them.

An old love, a new love, left him so suddenly overnight, how can he accept it?
Not far behind Yu Zichen, there are several graves, with a few pieces of wood without writing on them.

Shao Qi stood in front of the grave in the middle, his eyes were fixed on the grave, his teeth were clenched on his lower lip, his eyes were filled with mist a few times, and finally he raised his head, those tears naturally couldn't flow down .

Yunlei caressed his shoulder, with the same painful and sad expression, "This time, we can't control it. My lord, there are still many people who need you. You can't give up the idea of ​​living because of Miss Xueyan. You must take care of yourself." Own!"

In front of the other graves, either Xiao Xiong, Yu Shengjun, or Fu Yushu stood.

As for Lu Yitang, he was far away from everyone, standing in a nearby corner, with his back against the tree and the crowd, sobbing silently, almost heart-piercing.Sun Bailing is gone, and from today onwards, he is far away from his life. Why is it so sudden?Why?
Yu Shengjun mourned a few students, and then quietly observed the others. It is not difficult to find that they are all the seeds of infatuation.Since they are all infatuated, how can they do evil? With love, how can they be evil?

In the evening, the setting sun is like blood.

Yu Shengjun took some blood with leaves and sent it to Cao Dan.

Ever since he found out that Han Xueyan and Sun Bailing were dead, Cao Dan never dared to face it, so he sat with his back to the grave for an entire afternoon, ignoring anyone who spoke to him, and just stared blankly at the forests.

His eyes lowered slightly, seeing the bright blood in the leaves, Cao Dan's eyes couldn't help but feel a little hotter.Thinking of not long ago, in order to save Han Xueyan who was thirsty, he cut the pulse himself and fed her blood to quench her thirst.

"The blood found during the cleaning of the corpses probably belonged to our companions!" Yu Shengjun said softly, "After drinking it, they are still alive in our blood! They are not dead, they are still alive, living well Yes! We shall leave alive and satisfy them!"

"Well, let's leave alive!" Cao Dan choked out a sentence, and then held the leaf with trembling hands, staring at the blood in the leaf, one drop, two drops, tears falling soundly, merging with the blood, " If blood can be exchanged for her life, I am willing to give all my blood. It hurts too much, losing their hearts is really painful, it hurts more than gouging out my heart, and it is more terrible than taking my life!" Then , Drank that blood in one gulp.

Yu Shengjun patted him on the shoulder, "I understand, I understand!"

The dinner was just a pot of blood, everyone had to drink the bright blood vigorously, as if they wanted to take it as a mark, to remember it for a lifetime, remember this day, remember this moment, and remember these former partners.

One night, no one fell asleep, and everyone was unable to extricate themselves from the painful memories.But except Yu Shengjun.He slept soundly.

After dawn, it seemed that everyone had changed, each of them became calm and quiet, and there was no longer a smile on their faces.

Xiao Xiong gathered everyone together, seeing how desolate the number of people was, he couldn't help feeling sad, but at this time, it was not the time to be sad, he said to the crowd: "The savages are not scary, what's terrible is that we lose our survival because of the savages." Thoughts. We want to survive, even if we can’t leave this island, we still have to fight with the savages, we want to prove to them who is the king of this island!”

This time, no one shouted and shouted, because the atmosphere of shouting and shouting had already been buried with the dead students!
Shao Qi raised his hand and shook it twice fiercely, "Come out of the mountain and set fire to the island, I don't think those damn bastards can get out!"

"That's right!" Lu Yitang also said harshly. "I'm going to burn them to ashes!"

With these beliefs, we all find the way out of the jungle together.

Xiao Xiong led the way, Yu Shengjun followed, several times Xiao Xiong went the wrong way, finally it was Yu Shengjun who analyzed it before Xiao Xiong chose the right way.Within half a day, they actually heard the sound of waves.

This time, they are already at the foot of the mountain.

Yunlei jumped up a tall tree, looked outside, and the wide sea came into his eyes, he jumped down excitedly, and excitedly said to everyone with red eyes: "I see, I see the sea. Yes, we are already at the foot of the mountain!"

At this time, Yu Shengjun finally saw some smiles on everyone's faces, but they were all bitter!Yes, they were able to leave smoothly, and the more than 20 students in the mountain stayed there forever.

Cao Dan didn't want to face it, so he rushed out at an extraordinary speed.

In less than half a stick of incense, everyone returned to the familiar beach of the sea one after another.

It's just that the beach is empty, and the two wooden sheds that were not easy to be blown away have disappeared.

"Where did the wooden shed go?" Cao Dan immediately thought of the wooden shed, and he glanced around, not to mention the wooden shed, he couldn't even see a piece of wood.

Yunlei scratched his hair, a little mad, "My God! These savages are too rampant!"

Xiao Xiong and Fu Yushu hurried to the grass to have a look, the leaves were still there, but the raft was gone.

Cao Dan said anxiously, "The wooden shed is gone!"

Fu Yushu said, "The raft is gone too!"

Shao Qi's face turned hard, "Damn savages, see if I don't burn you to death!" As he said that, he went to pick up two stones, intending to catch sparks and burn the island with a fire, at worst, everything would be destroyed.

At this moment, many ships came from hidden places on both sides of the island.

Yu Zichen glanced at the surface of the sea, and when he saw the prows of those boats, his heart raised his voice, "Look!"

Yu Shengjun and others came together one by one, lined up, and looked towards the sea.Thirty ships of different sizes rowed over from both sides of the island, and quickly formed a circle to surround the sea area in front of them, forming a scene of three sides attacking.

There are people standing on every boat, and the number of people on every boat is no less than twenty or thirty.Among them, the ship in the middle is larger and more luxurious, and there are no less than fifty people armed with pirates on it.

When Yu Shengjun and the others saw that those people were dressed as pirates, they immediately recognized their identities.

Dozens of ships soon docked at the seaside.Then the pirates and thieves on the surrounding ships disembarked one after another, and surrounded Yu Shengjun and others from a distance. At this moment, they could not go into the mountains or go out to sea.

That luxurious ship has two floors, the bottom is full of pirates, and the top is also full, but there is a big space in the middle of the bow.There is a big seat on it, with a tiger skin on the backrest.

Yu Shengjun Yu Jiao glanced around calmly, then looked at the largest ship in the middle, and saw a slender young man in coarse linen clothes and linen trousers swaggering out.This person's hair is wrapped around his head and tied tightly with a thick hemp rope. Occasionally, a few strands hang on the sides of the back in a very ugly way, giving him a sloppy appearance.This person's facial features are like the king of Hades, with eyebrows facing upwards in anger, and a darker beard that occupies more of the face area. Sloppy and undernourished man.

As soon as this person appeared, the pirates next to him kowtowed respectfully, "Boss!" It was not difficult to see that this person was the leader of these pirates.

Before Yu Shengjun and others could speak, the pirate leader said with a smile, "Everyone, I am the pirate leader in this area - Water Dragon. I have an unchangeable rule: if anyone breaks into my territory, , Master will kill him!"

"Oh," Yu Shengjun laughed.Now, these people have strayed into the pirate's territory by mistake, and it seems that their death is approaching.

Shuishanglong said again: "My lord, the last thing I want to see is that other people die too fast. I like to whip a few whips on my guests, or poke a few blood holes, and then put a few drops of oil into the blood holes. Put another mouse, wow, that mouse is really troublesome, it likes to scurry around in the human body, until the oil is added dry, it is not reconciled! The feeling of pain and itching and wishing to die immediately... ... Tsk tsk, I often use it to entertain guests, it's really cool!"

(End of this chapter)

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