The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 295 Either you die or I die!

Chapter 295 Either you die or I die!
"Yes!" Shao Qi also protested, "Why?"

The fat woman's answer made Cao Dan and the others vomit blood, "Because you are not as handsome as him!"

"Uh..." Cao Dan dragged on.Indeed, they were not as good-looking as Yu Huangxuan.No, it's not that they are not good-looking, but that Yu Huangxuan grows too fast, with him around, he is more attractive than the scenery.

Yu Shengjun was secretly delighted.

Not long after, Yu Shengjun and others were locked in a dark room.

Xiao Xiong stood at the door, sighed and sighed, "I don't know what tricks these pirates will play. I have a bad feeling."

Yun Lei said solemnly: "I also have a bad feeling."

Fu Yushu is still thinking about what the water dragon said, only one of them can live, does the water dragon really want to do this?If only one can be left, the others must die. What should I do?

At this time, the door of the house was opened, and four pirates walked in, grabbing Shao Qi and Yun Lei directly. "Follow us!"

Shao Qi struggled fiercely, but his hands and feet were tied, so how could he struggle, "What are you doing?"

But no matter how hard the two of them struggled, they were dragged out.

Seeing this scene, Yu Zichen felt faintly uneasy, and whispered to Yu Shengjun: "If the water dragon game is real, then we..."

Yu Shengjun didn't answer, just looked at the ground blankly.

Fu Yushu took a special look at Yu Shengjun. Before this, he had never seen Yu Shengjun in a daze for a moment. This proved that the water dragon didn't just talk, and really wanted to keep one of them.Yu Shengjun felt that a catastrophe was imminent, so he was suddenly at a loss.

Shao Qi and Yun Lei were brought into a torture room, where there were countless instruments of torture, which looked chilling and terrifying.

Here is a long table with two chairs on either side.Shao Qi and Yun Lei were pressed on the chairs and sat facing each other, and around them, there were many people dressed as pirates standing, all of whom were underlings of the water dragon.

The water dragon came in from the outside, glanced at Shao Qi and the two with a cold smile on his face, and then nodded to the corner.

Knowing what to do, he walked up to Shao Qi in a few steps, pinched Shao Qi's mouth, and fed a black pill into it.Shao Qi struggled desperately, but with his hands and feet bound, he couldn't resist at all.

Yunlei looked at the other side and was terrified, "Let him go! Let him go!"

After Shao Qi was forced to take the pill, he choked violently!

That hand came along the edge of the table, pinched Yunlei's mouth, and fed a pill!
After vomiting a few times, I couldn't spit out the pill.Shao Qi glared at the water dragon, his eyes were so angry that he wanted to kill, "Water dragon, what did you eat for me? You bastard, how dare you be so rampant, I can't spare you!"

Just cursing and cursing, Shao Qi felt a little exhausted, as if all the skills in his body had disappeared all of a sudden.

The water dragon gestured to the striker beside him.

Those two knew what to do, and they came out together to untie Shao Qi and Yun Lei.

After the limbs regained their freedom, Shao Qi got up immediately, picked up the clothes of the water dragon, and wanted to hit the water dragon's jaw, but when his head sank, the things in his field of vision were shaking, and several shadows appeared.After a short step, he loosened the clothes of the water dragon feebly, and sat down slumped.

"My lord!" Seeing Shao Qi's drowsy look about to faint, Yun Lei was very worried.

Shao Qi waited for a while, and when his sanity came back, he glanced at the water dragon feebly, but his eyes were still full of anger, "What did you let me eat just now?"

Shuishanglong explained with a smile: "You have eaten the pills that contain dispersing power. This kind of pills will not require your power, but once you use your power to struggle, the faster the effect will be released, the faster it will be poured!"

"What's your intention in feeding us these things?" Shao Qi asked coldly.

"I don't want to take advantage of my wife!" Therefore, the water dragon meant, "I will only give her one of you, and the rest... kill them all, and throw them into the sea to feed the fish!"

Yun Lei said angrily: "Who is the person sitting opposite me at the moment, do you know? If you kill him, you will not end well!"

The water dragon said contemptuously: "Even if it is the emperor, I, the water dragon, can still kill. Have you forgotten? Forgot what I do? What we pirates do is murder, set fire, burn, kill, and rob. Even if it is the emperor, I will kill him!"

Originally, Yunlei wanted to reveal Shao Qi's identity at this juncture, so that the water dragon could back down. It seems that even if he reveals his true identity now, it can't stop the water dragon's crazy behavior.

"Whatever you want, we can satisfy you, as long as you let us go!" Yunlei said.

"Oh," Shuishanglong sneered, "I don't want anything, but your lives. If I were on the island, I would kill you, and I wouldn't make this situation happen, causing me to lose my wife and everything , You said, will I let you go with good intentions? I will discuss with you little Banzhuxiang, and only one of you can be left. If neither of you is dead when I come back, I will kill you all!" said After finishing, he put the dagger on the table, turned and walked out of the execution room.

Looking at the sharp dagger on the table, Shao Qi's expression was surprisingly calm. This calmness seemed to be despairing of the current situation.

Yun Lei swallowed hard, and when Shao Qi slowly stretched out his hand, he made a sudden move and snatched the dagger into his own hand.With red eyes, he said: "Yunlei swears to be loyal to the lord to the death. The lord has not accomplished his great career, so he must get out alive."

Shao Qi frightened: "Put down the dagger!"

"Only one of us can live, so..." Speaking of this, Yunlei stabbed the dagger into his chest fiercely.

Seeing Yunlei like this, Shao Qi shouted heartbroken, "Don't—"

But it was too late, the dagger pierced into the chest so mercilessly.Yun Lei only felt heartburning pain coming from his body, this pain paralyzed his nerves and made him lose consciousness instantly.Slowly, he fell to the ground.

Shao Qi walked to the opposite side, and what he saw was a pale Yunlei, with intermittent bleeding on his chest...

"Go in!" Shao Qi's hands and feet were tied again, and the pirates threw him into the woodshed.At this time, his eyes were dull and pale, as if he had experienced some painful things just now, and suddenly became depressed.

When Fu Yushu was about to ask Shao Qi what happened, he and Lu Yitang were grabbed by the two pirates, "You two, come with us!"

"Let go!" Lu Yitang struggled hard, "Where are you taking us?"

Fu Yushu didn't struggle, and was taken out by the pirates relatively calmly. Before leaving, he gave Shao Qi a fixed look.Yun Lei didn't come back, but Shao Qi seemed to have walked through the gate of hell, completely like a walking corpse without a soul.This kind of show... the game of the water dragon is for real!And Yunlei... has already died for Shao Qi!

Just like Shao Qi Fu Yunlei, Fu Yushu and Lu Yitang were taken to the execution room, given pills, and threw the dagger on the table, giving them half a stick of incense to make a choice...

Not long after, Fu Yushu was brought back to the firewood room, but Lu Yitang did not come back.

The pirate dragged Yu Shengjun and Yu Zichen up again!Ever since the two came back, they haven't said a word, Xiao Xiong watched anxiously from the side.

"Tianze, what happened, where are Master Lu and the others?" Xiao Xiong asked anxiously.

After a while, Fu Yushu looked at the door of the firewood room, his eyes were in a trance, and he smiled foolishly, "Heh, heh heh! They're dead, they're dead! I'm going to die too, everyone is going to die, no one should go to sea!"

Xiao Xiong widened his eyes in horror, "Dead?"

"What do you think?" Fu Yushu's sanity finally came back, and he was no longer as dead as before.It's just that there is a sad smile on the corner of his mouth. "Do you think that the water dragon is just joking?"

Thinking of the scene where Lu Yitang stabbed the dagger into his chest, Fu Yushu couldn't help feeling sad...

"Young master, the rest of the way, this subordinate can't go with you!" As soon as Shui Shanglong left the execution room, Lu Yitang immediately snatched the dagger into his hands.He looked at the dagger and smiled foolishly, and couldn't help but think of the story between him and Sun Bailing.In his mouth, he muttered to himself: "Bai Ling is gone, I'm alive... what's the use of it, it's better..."

Fu Yushu was observing his surroundings. To him, being alive was the most important thing, and it would be best if he could not sacrifice his own people.While observing the surroundings, he said: "Little Banzhuxiang's kung fu has not yet arrived, let me think about what to do..."

Suddenly there was a sound of "呲", and Fu Yushu's heart shrank suddenly. The sound seemed to appear only after a sharp weapon penetrated the body.He turned his head mechanically, and all he saw was Lu Yitang gave him a weak smile, and then... fell from the chair to the ground.

Fu Yushu was completely stunned. Before Lu Yitang fell down, he only had a question mark in his eyes: Why so suddenly?
Thinking of this, Fu Yushu's eyes were filled with mist. He couldn't imagine that Lu Yitang, who is usually calm, would suddenly do that. They obviously still had a little time to escape, but Lu Yitang...

Cao Dan watched Fu Yushu silently from the corner. From Fu Yushu's eyes, he was sure that Lu Yitang was dead.At this time, his heart also leaned towards death.Sun Bailing was gone, and Han Xueyan was gone. Instead of living and suffering, it is better to let those who want to live continue to live.

Thinking of this, Cao Dan's eyes slowly fell on Xiao Xiong.If he guessed right, it will be his and Xiao Xiong's turn later, this game where only one person can live, either he dies or Xiao Xiong dies.

Xiao Xiong was also looking at Cao Dan, but he gave Cao Dan a knowing smile.In his mind, Cao Dan is still a young boy with good water skills and a limitless future...

torture chamber.

Before leaving, Shuishanglong personally put the handle of the dagger into Yu Zichen's hand, looked at Yu Shengjun opposite Yu Zichen's ear, and said softly: "The person sitting opposite is appointed by my wife. Those who survived. You will be threatened with your life just because of him, are you willing? Now, you have a chance to kill him. As for whether you want to live or not, you only have half a stick of incense to think about it!"

After finishing speaking, Mizushanglong smiled coldly, and then walked out of the execution room.

Yu Zichen tightly clenched the dagger in his hand, not struggling in his heart.He couldn't do such a thing as killing his brother.Therefore, he resolutely said to Yu Shengjun: "Brother Huang, Eyun is a good woman, I beg you to find another door for her...a good marriage!"

Yu Shengjun nodded, "Well, the emperor's brother will. If the emperor can get out alive, the emperor will let these pirates be buried with you! Don't worry, I will leave here alive, I can't die now, I will return There are more things to do! Next year today, I will tell the world that the great second prince of the Yuxin Dynasty is here! Because of him, I can survive, and I have everything I have today!"

Hearing these words, Yu Zichen smiled wryly. He thought he would see the emperor's brother in tears or in great pain, but he didn't expect... However, at this critical moment of life and death, he felt very happy that the emperor's brother could remain calm as usual. gratified.A person in power, for the sake of the overall situation, can only handle things with this attitude at such a juncture.If you blindly beg for mercy, it is not the performance of a good king.

(End of this chapter)

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