The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 296: Today's Emperor!

Chapter 296: Today's Emperor!

"Brother, goodbye!" Yu Zichen didn't hesitate at all. In front of Yu Shengjun, he closed his eyes and put the dagger on his neck. Just when he was about to strike, Yu Shengjun flashed to him with extraordinary speed. around.

Yu Shengjun took the dagger away, and stabbed the dagger into Yu Zichen's chest, "I will help you!"

Yu Zichen's eyes stared, he didn't expect that he would die at the hands of his imperial brother in the end, his mood was a bit complicated, suddenly he didn't know if it was worth it for him to die like this for the sake of his imperial brother.He thought, Brother Huang was afraid that he would die, so Brother Huang took action himself?Still, Brother Huang was afraid that he would go back on his word, so...but he had no time to think about it, so he closed his eyes and bid farewell to everything!
Yu Shengjun let go of his hand, but the dagger was still on Yu Zichen's body, blood was flowing slowly, dyeing Yu Zichen's clothes another color.Seeing this bewitching color, Yu Shengjun was disappointed...

After sending Yu Shengjun back to the firewood room, the pirates took Cao Dan and Xiao Xiong out.

Seeing the blood on Yu Shengjun's hand, Fu Yushu subconsciously thought of something, his eyes were bloodshot at this time, and asked Yu Shengjun in an almost questioning tone, "It was you... who killed Zimo with your own hands?"

He thought, Zimo is under the Second Prince's hand, so it is impossible for him to want to die easily.

Yu Shengjun pulled his lips, and said with a sneer: "Could it be that you want to watch me die in his hands? We are on the same boat, so you naturally have to protect me from being killed by Zimo just now! The big thing is not done, how can I die!"

Fu Yushu couldn't be happy because he had one thing in mind.Yu Huangxuan's desire to survive is too strong, and he is one of his own.If the two of them are going to face each other and one dies in the end, then the one who dies must be...

At the same time, Xiao Xiong and Cao Dan were already sitting face to face.

After putting the dagger on the table, the water dragon turned and left the torture room.As soon as he left, Xiao Xiong and Cao Dan scrambled to grab the dagger. In the end, it was Cao Dan who was a little faster, and he snatched the dagger.

Xiao Xiong anxiously ordered, "Xiao Cao, give me the dagger!"

"Platoon leader," Cao Dan said with a hoarse voice, "I know you are a good platoon leader, and you will definitely keep me and give up on yourself. However, my life is meaningless, but you are different, you are the platoon leader, you The future is endless."

Xiao Xiong tightened his heart, afraid that Cao Dan would do something stupid, "Xiao Cao, give me the dagger, hurry up. You are still young, don't do something stupid."

Cao Dan smiled wryly, "Young? Young is useless. The people I love the most have left me. Rather than continue to suffer while alive, it is better to follow them early. Platoon leader, take care!" After finishing speaking , stabbed the dagger into his chest.

Xiao Xiong shouted loudly, "No!" But he shouted too late...

After throwing Xiao Xiong into the firewood room, several pirates went up and grabbed Fu Yushu and Shao Qi.

Before being taken away, Fu Yushu approached Yu Shengjun and said something urgently, "If I can't come back, please help me avenge my wife. Also please go to Fengyue Tower and settle Shihe for me." !"

Yu Shengjun was about to say something, but Fu Yushu had already been taken out by the pirates.

After a while, Fu Yushu and Shao Qi were brought into the execution room, and sat face to face by the pirates.

Shao Qi had already recovered from the fact that Yun Lei died for him. Now, facing Fu Yushu, he suddenly smiled wildly. "It's really interesting. I didn't expect that today, we will encounter a situation where either you die or I die!"

Fu Yushu smiled coldly, and said: "Although you and I are not enemies, but the state of Chu has not been restored, I, Fu Yushu...cannot die!"

Shao Qi also expressed his answer coldly, "I can't die if I don't get Yu Xin!"

In this way, the two confronted each other.

The dagger on the table was very eye-catching in front of the two of them.

Suddenly, Fu Yushu reached out to grab the dagger, but Shao Qi, with sharp eyes and quick hands, also joined in the snatch.But before they even touched the daggers, the two sides exchanged hands. Because of the pills, the two were out of breath within a while.

However, the work of the little half stick of incense has passed.The water dragon walked in when the two were out of breath.Seeing that the two of them were still alive, he gave a stern smile, and immediately nodded his head to the subordinate next to him, "Throw these two into the sea!"

Fu Yushu gave Shao Qi a hard look, if not for him, one of them must be alive.

In this way, the two were stunned by Shuishanglong's men, and then brought out of the torture room.

Xiao Xiong has been looking at the door, not seeing any movement for a long time, he is getting more and more restless in the firewood room.He didn't dare to guess whether Fu Yushu and Shao Qi died together.Looking at Yu Shengjun, he has been resting with his eyes closed.

"Emperor..." After a while, Xiao Xiong looked at Yu Shengjun and spoke slowly, but he couldn't utter a complete sentence.

Hearing the sound, Yu Shengjun opened his eyes and asked calmly, "What's the matter?"

Xiao Xiong hesitated a few times, but in the end he still didn't say what he wanted to say, "It's okay!"

At this time, there was movement outside the door.

As soon as the door of the firewood room was opened, several pirates walked in.

Not seeing Fu Yushu or Shao Qi, Xiao Xiong felt puzzled, and asked those pirates, "Where were those two just now?"

A pirate said unhappily: "Everyone didn't want to die, but they were thrown into the sea by our boss! Now, it's your turn, come with us!"

Sitting in the torture room again, Xiao Xiong never expected that what he was facing was Yu Shengjun.

The water dragon put down the dagger and went out!
Without saying a word, Xiao Xiong directly aimed the dagger at his heart!

Yu Shengjun was stunned, "What are you doing?"

At this time, Xiao Xiong said something that shocked Yu Shengjun, "Your Majesty, the reason why Xiao Xiong wants to enter the palace as a guard in the palace is to swear allegiance to you, the Mingjun, so... Xiao Xiong died for the emperor. A little bit of complaint!" Yu Shengjun said in astonishment: "What did you say?" Xiao Xiong, how could he know his identity.

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty!" Xiao Xiong said truthfully, "Shuishanglong told me about Xiao Cao's death. He said that he was not a pirate, but worked for the Second Prince. In the training camp of the inner guards, and going to sea this time is the best chance to kill him!"

Yu Shengjun pulled his lips and said with a smile: "Do you believe it is true?"

Xiao Xiong said: "I didn't believe it at first, but after analyzing it calmly, Xiao Xiong is sure that you are the person whom Xiao Xiong respects the most. During the training session, Xiao Xiong saw the assistant instructor and conductor more than once. They respect you the emperor, therefore, Xiao Xiong can be sure that you must be their master! Xiao Xiong doesn't know why the emperor joined the training camp, and Xiao Xiong dare not ask more questions!"

He wanted to say something else, but Yu Shengjun interrupted him, "Yes, I am the current emperor, and the reason why I got mixed into the training camp is nothing more than to personally pick a few people who can be loyal to me. Found!"

"Really?" Xiao Xiong was extremely excited, "Are you really the Holy One?"

Yu Shengjun was not so excited, but nodded a little indifferently, "Yes! I can't deny it!"

At this moment, Xiao Xiong was very excited, he didn't expect that he would really see the person he respected the most in this life with his own eyes. "Your majesty, Xiao Xiong didn't expect to see you, and I'm really happy." It turns out that the current emperor is actually a handsome man recognized by all the students in front of him.

Yu Shengjun laughed a little, "I am just an ordinary person, with the same naked eyes as you, how can you be happy?"

Xiao Xiong said: "But your great achievements made Xiao Xiong have to regard you as a god! Only a god can have such a great ability to make Yuxin, which was more than ten years ago, become one of the largest powers in the Central Plains in a short period of time. !"

"Oh," perhaps not used to being praised, Yu Shengjun laughed again.

Xiao Xiong looked at him seriously, the shock and sigh in his heart never disappeared. "Your Majesty, Xiao Xiong admires you very much. You ascended the throne at the age of six, regained the lost land at the age of seven, and made Yuxin a powerful country in the Central Plains before the age of ten. You have the power to turn the world around, and you are a well-deserved king. A long time ago, Xiao Xiong Just secretly swear, no matter what means I will go to your side, swear allegiance to you, and protect you!"

Yu Shengjun nodded understandingly, "So, this is why you want to participate in the Ouchi bodyguard selection competition!"

Xiao Xiong nodded, "Yes!"

"Your abilities in all aspects are not bad," Yu Shengjun said in his usual tone, without any special intention to praise him. "I have also learned about your family background and your past, so it is indeed suitable to be a bodyguard, but, in terms of the current situation, you will have no chance to serve me in the future!"

Xiao Xiong smiled bitterly and said: "It is Xiao Xiong's duty to die for the emperor!"

Yu Shengjun asked him, "Do you think you are qualified to be a bodyguard?"

Xiao Xiong thought for a while, and said: "Xiao Xiong is not as good at martial arts as Yitang and Yishuang, nor is he as talented as Tang Lin. But just now the emperor also mentioned that Xiao Xiong's abilities in all aspects are not bad, and he is suitable for being a bodyguard. But..." He glanced at the dagger in his hand, smiled wryly and said, "I'm afraid there is no chance!"

Yu Shengjun said: "If I'm not the emperor, and you mistakenly lost your life for me, do you think it's worth it?"

Xiao Xiong lowered his head and smiled a few times, he said: "It's okay. If you are not the emperor, then you are more suitable to be a bodyguard than me. All of us are inferior to you in all aspects of ability. May I ask, is there any suspense in this?" ?”

Yu Shengjun chuckled, "You see clearly, you know how much you weigh!"

After a while,
Yu Shengjun glanced at the incense in the corner, and then said to Xiao Xiong: "The incense is almost gone! If you really want to swear allegiance to me to the death, should kill yourself. Only when you die, I will have a chance to get out alive !"

Xiao Xiong nodded repeatedly with a wry smile, "That's right, Xiao Xiong should do this," he looked down at the dagger, smiling to himself from time to time, and saddened from time to time.

Yu Shengjun sneered, "Why, you are reluctant to attack yourself?" In this case, why did you just keep saying that participating in the Ouchi bodyguard selection competition is to serve the current emperor?Why can't you do it now?

"Your Majesty, the Water Dragon is working for the Second Prince. After Xiao Xiong dies, no one will be by your side to protect you. You must get out alive. The people of Yuxin are still waiting for you!" No more nonsense, the dagger pierced into his chest so happily.

Yu Shengjun looked at him coldly, with a happy and enmity-like smile on the corner of his mouth.

There is an incense burner in a corner of the punishment room, and the lingering smoke is emitting from it.After a while, Yu Shengjun passed out and lay down on the table...

Princess Hall.

An Leng came to the outside of the princess hall and asked the imperial guard guarding the gate, "Is the princess inside?"

Yulin Jun said: "Go back to the guard, the princess is inside."

An Leng didn't say anything else, walked into the Princess Palace, walked around the courtyard and corridors, and finally stopped outside the bedroom where Yu Xinrui lived. Several maids bowed and said, "See Lord Guard!"

He asked secretly, "Is the princess in there?"

One of the maids guarding the gate said: "The princess is sleeping, so don't disturb her!"

"It's okay, just don't shout loudly, just wait outside!" After finishing speaking, An Leng directly opened the door and walked in.

(End of this chapter)

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