The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 297 This is just a game!

Chapter 297 It's Just a Game!

The maids hurriedly followed in, each with a disturbed expression, "Master Guard..."

At this time, Yu Xinrui was getting out of bed, only wearing a translucent gauze, perhaps just woke up, with a little sleepiness on her face.Seeing An Leng, she couldn't help showing a smile, "An Leng, when did you come?"

A court lady said anxiously: "Princess, the guard..."

Yu Xinrui waved her hands majestically, "Go down, it's none of your business, I don't blame you! Go out and wait, no one can come in without my order!"

With these words, the maids retreated with peace of mind and closed the door.

Yu Xinrui was about to say something to An Leng, An Leng walked up to her, helped her to a chair and sat down.

"What's wrong?" Yu Xinrui asked. "You never come to me rashly. Has something serious happened? Now, there are two prime ministers in charge of state affairs, and the enemy's affairs are also under our surveillance. Nothing will happen, right? "

He chuckled secretly, "Could it be that something has to happen to come to you?"

Yu Xinrui blushed, "Oh, I don't mean that!"

"Actually, I came to see you because I have something to tell you." As he spoke, he sat on the other side of her, holding her hand gently all the time, "Earlier, the empress dowager came to me, she said, agree ended our marriage!"

"Really?" Yu Xinrui was overjoyed, and hugged An Leng fiercely before releasing him, "I never thought that it would be so easy to pass the mother's test!"

"She also said..." Speaking of this, An Leng hesitated a bit, "She agreed to our marriage, but she said that she would decide the wedding day herself, and she would inform us after she chose an auspicious day."

Yu Xinrui touched the back of her head shyly, "As long as I can be with you, any time is fine."

He hugged her into his arms, and said with some guilt: "At the beginning, after Fengyue Tower settled the matter of Empress Cheng Huan, I rushed behind the princess non-stop, fearing that something would happen when the princess went to the organization of the anti-imperial society. In the end, we managed to understand the Anti-Royal Society thoroughly. We thought we could leave the secret base of the Anti-Royal Society smoothly through Fu Yushu's subordinate Jiu Zi, but unexpectedly, on the way back, Jiu Zi discovered your identity , found out that you are a woman, and cruelly fed you Hehuansan, making you die of lust!"

She was in his arms, smiling, "It's fortunate that you came back in time, killed those bastards, and saved me."

He said: "Because of this, An Leng is ashamed. The princess should have married a man who was ten thousand times better than An Leng, but she was destroyed in An Leng's hands."

"What are you talking about?" Yu Xinrui quickly left his arms, staring at him coquettishly, "Do you despise Ben Gong, and have to use these to perfuse Ben Gong? Ben Gong doesn't mind you and you still mention it, Ben Gong... ..."

He stopped her, "I didn't mean that, don't be angry! I am very glad that I can win the princess's infatuation, and I am also grateful that the princess doesn't mind the humble background of the dark and cold."

She pouted and said: "From now on, you are not allowed to say such sour words. The emperor's brother and the queen mother have agreed that we will be together, then you will be a well-deserved son-in-law from now on. Therefore, you will be a son-in-law for the rest of your life."

An Leng smiled softly, "That An Leng will never leave the princess forever! No matter how difficult the situation is, he will never let go of the princess!"

"That's about the same!" Yu Xinrui threw herself into the dark and cold arms again, "By the way, Brother Huang, have they come back? It's been ten days and I haven't seen their shadow yet!"

He said coldly, "It should be soon!"

Yu Xinrui said with a smile: "I really want to see the day when Miss Tang marries my brother the emperor. It will be a lively feast for friends from all over the world! I think the princes and princesses of other countries will envy Xiao Tang very much. The astonishing looks of my sister and the emperor's brother!"

When Yu Shengjun woke up again, he felt his body shaking slightly, no, it should be the surrounding objects and him shaking occasionally.This feeling is like sitting on a boat.

Opening his eyes, Tang Lin's delicate and beautiful face came into his vision.With a gentle smile on her face, she said softly, "You're awake."

She then helped him to sit up, leaning against the wooden board behind, and glanced around, only to find that he was lying in the cabin earlier.He withdrew his gaze, looked at Tang Lin, who was lovely at the moment, and smiled slightly. He reached out and stroked her cheek, "The survival game you played is very successful!" Tang Lin said with a chuckle, "It's yours." The performance did not disappoint me!"

Yu Shengjun praised: "You are taking every step of the way, and we are getting stuck every step of the way. You seem to have already expected what we will do next, so you opened the trap early and let us jump! You are worthy of being my queen!"

"Where?" Tang Lin smiled modestly.

"By the way," Yu Shengjun asked puzzledly, "How do you let Xiao Xiong know my identity?"

Tang Lin said: "Sooner or later, I will know. Why not use this opportunity to test him to see if he really has the heart to swear allegiance to you? Facts have proved that your judgment and mine are not wrong. Xiao Xiong is indeed suitable to be a university student. Internal guard."

"That's good," Yu Shengjun heaved a sigh of relief.

Tang Lin asked: "Your Majesty, when did you know that going to sea this time is not that easy?"

"Oh," Yu Shengjun smiled softly, "I don't know you yet? It's okay, why did you let us go on vacation? It's okay, why did you let us go out to sea and play without letting the Ouchi guards or the Imperial Forest Army follow? When the ship sank, set sail All the imperial guards have fallen into the water. Is there such a strange thing? All these prove that someone has done something first and put us in a desperate situation. I guess, you are training us again, but this training is a bit unimaginable !"

"Is it hurt?" After checking his body, she pinched his chest muscles and joked, "Well, the muscles have become stronger! The emperor who has always been pampered and pampered by me, Tang Lin, tossed him back and forth, Your Majesty, are you angry?"

Yu Shengjun laughed and said: "Why should I be angry? Everyone else, are you okay?"

Tang Lin nodded, "Everything is fine! Then Junjun, you have been exhausted these days, so take a good rest. Now the boat is heading back, and we will be back in the palace in half a day. I will go to see other Is anyone awake?"

Yu Shengjun nodded, "Go, I'm fine!"

Tang Lin didn't say anything, gave Yu Shengjun a soft smile, turned around and walked out of the cabin.

At this time, on the vast sea, there are no less than dozens of ships advancing side by side. These ships were originally used by those pirates, but the people standing on the ship are all Ouchi guards and imperial guards. dress up people.

After Tang Lin walked out of the cabin, she stood at the bow of the boat and felt the wind blowing, then jumped up, and her light figure landed on the boat next door in an instant.Seeing her coming, Yitang and Yishuang said in unison: "Miss Tang!"

"Well," Tang Lin replied, "Are they all on this ship?"

Yitang said: "Yes, Miss Tang. The people in the other two rooms are all on other boats, and the people in your room are all on this boat, as well as Xiao Xiong!"

"I'll go in and have a look at them, you stay here!" After speaking, Tang Lin walked into the cabin, which is the largest of all the ships, and can accommodate 30 people lying down.

As soon as Tang Lin came in, she saw Cao Dan sitting up in a daze. His head felt heavy, as if someone had beaten him.After seeing the surrounding environment clearly, those people lying on the ground came into view one by one, and at this moment, he was fully awake.

Seeing that Han Xueyan and Sun Bailing were also there, Cao Dan was delighted at first, but then suddenly felt too horrible, "Is this the Temple of Yama?"

"Your size!" Tang Lin threw it over with a word.

Cao Dan looked up at her, took a breath for no reason, "Sister Tang? You, you died too?"

At this time, Han Xueyan sat up in a daze and rubbed his eyes, "Where is this?"

"Yan'er!" Cao Dan crawled over a few steps, and hugged Han Xueyan excitedly, "We can meet again! It's great! From now on, even the King of Hades, I won't allow him to take you away !"

Han Xueyan was hugged like a fool, blinking and blinking!The heart beats so fast!

When he felt her heartbeat, Cao Dan was startled, how could a dead person have a heartbeat?Thinking of this, he subconsciously let go of Han Xueyan, touched her cheek, touched her neck, and finally touched his own neck. This time, his eyes widened in astonishment, "There is a heartbeat and temperature, Aren't we... dead?"

"Who is so noisy..." At this moment, Yunlei slowly woke up.

Others woke up too.

Sun Bailing looked around blankly, "Why are you on the boat?"

After Fu Yushu woke up, he looked around. Tang Lin was looking at them with a sinister smile.Seeing her, I couldn't help but gasped like Cao Dan, "Tang Lin? You...why are you here?"

"Strange!" Lu Yitang helped Sun Bailing up, "Aren't we dead? Why are we on the boat?"

Shao Qi was even more puzzled, "I remember I was thrown into the sea by pirates!"

Xiao Xiong said: "I remember that I died too!"

Tang Lin walked up to them with a smile, glanced at them roughly, and then said with unnecessary concern: "Everyone, are you okay?"

Cao Dan asked impatiently, "Sister Tang, what's going on?"

Fu Yushu calmed down and thought for a while, then suddenly understood, and said in astonishment: "Could it be that all the things we encountered in the past few days were all traps set by you, sir? It's just for training us?"

Tang Lin smiled with satisfaction and praised: "Finally one of them has woken up!"

Everyone was dumbfounded, "Just a training session?"

Tang Lin said: "Here, I solemnly tell you a piece of news. You are not dead yet, and you can still breathe the air of the world. Congratulations, your first month of training has come to a successful conclusion."

"What's going on?" Cao Dan still didn't calm down, "We didn't die? But we are all dead, I still clearly remember that I stabbed myself with a dagger, this..."

Han Xueyan shrank, "Brother Cao, why are you so stupid?"

"That's right!" Cao Dan thought of something again, and said in horror: "Han Xueyan and Sun Bailing, they were obviously taken away by wild men. When we found them, we only saw... wreckage, but this will..." Big The living are around.

Shao Qi said: "Damn it!"

Yu Zichen, who hadn't spoken for a long time, said slowly, "It's no wonder there are so many evil things happening on that island. I think it was all arranged by the officers in advance!"

Tang Lin pulled a chair and sat down, looking at everyone with a leisurely look, "If there is anything you don't understand, just ask, sir, I know everything. Tell me all the questions in your mind. !"

Xiao Xiong raised his hand first, "Sir!"

Tang Lin nodded, "Say!"

Xiao Xiong asked: "The boat we were on when we went out to sea had a hole in it and the water flooded in, and the imperial forest soldiers who sailed the boat all fell into the water. Are these things God's will or man-made?"

"It's man-made!" Tang Lin explained patiently, "We tampered with that boat before it set off. As long as the boat sailed for half a day, the bottom couldn't bear it and the shell broke into water. In fact, the boat The shaking was not caused by the waves, but by those imperial guards on purpose. They took the opportunity to jump into the water, and then swam away. They are familiar with water, and nothing will happen to them at all. By doing this, we are trapping you in the big water. At sea, let's see how you survive. Our people follow the whole process underwater, you can't see us, but our people can know you well!"

(End of this chapter)

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