The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 298 This is a low-key emperor

Chapter 298 This is a low-key emperor
Sun Bailing raised his hand at this time, "Sir, the snake venom in Platoon Commander Xiao was caused by you?"

"No!" Tang Lin shook her head and said, "In the sea, Xiao Xiong and Yu Huangxuan had an accident. We really didn't expect it. Originally we wanted to rescue Xiao Xiong and tell him that we were on a mission, but after thinking about it, I think It would be better to send Xiao Xiong back, at least the platoon leader fell down, and we could test the abilities of the three squad leaders. At that time, we sent Xiao Xiong back to the island, and Yu Huangxuan, our people followed him all the time, without any delay. Thinking of this fatality, I came back by myself! We deliberately did not give Xiao Xiong an antidote, just to test whether you people will give up treating him, whether you will find an antidote! Or look for a chance to leave the island!"

"The raft, the water source, the fish that suddenly disappeared, these...were not the work of savages?"

"Pfft!" Shao Qi's words made Tang Lin couldn't help puffing, "Savages? Is it possible for savages to survive on that island? The Haichuan Mountains in this area are patrolled by troops from the Yuxin Dynasty almost every month, and there will be savages." Haunted? It’s not a deep mountain valley, how could there be savages. At that time, our people arrived on the island first, and immediately blocked all the water sources, making you panic. Taking the opportunity, we took the raft away , making it a little weird. At the same time, in order to let you go into the mountains to look for food, we sprinkled powder in the sea beside the island that all fish dare not touch, so you didn’t catch any fish, because those fish swim It’s far away. Our people have been lurking under the sea water near the island to prevent the fish from swimming back, so they keep throwing fish repellent powder.”

Everyone suddenly realized!

Yunlei said: "No wonder, no wonder there are no fish all of a sudden!"

Tang Lin went on to explain, "Actually, there are a lot of game on the island, such as birds, pheasants, hares, etc. It's the old way. We drove them to a corner of the forest. As long as you don't go to that place, you won't eat it." You'll find a lot of wildlife there."

Yu Zichen had a question that he couldn't figure out, "Then how can we drive away the birds in the forest?"

Tang Lin smiled and said, "Good question. Do you still have any memories? Ever since you set foot on the island, you saw the dense fog and gloomy forests on the island? Actually, this island is very beautiful. Underneath, it adds more warmth. The reason there are no birds is because we put thick smoke in the woods to drive away all the birds. Those thick smoke, all birds and animals dare not smell it, so they have to fly away Lose!"

"Then what happened to Xueyan and the others?" Cao Dan finally asked the most important thing, "Didn't they be eaten by wild men? We found their clothes and remains!" Tang Lin smirked, talking about this matter Well, she explained it more easily. "In order to make you despair, we tore off the clothes of other students, and then threw the clothes in the barren hills, and threw a few corpses. In this way, it's no wonder you don't despair!"

"Then," Fu Yushu asked, "where did those wreckage come from?"

Tang Lin replied simply, "The government provides it. The government lacks everything, including the remains of bones. So many prisoners who have lost their conscience are finally useful after they die. We use the corpses of executed prisoners after being quartered by five horses." Come to disturb your vision, disturb your nerves, make you feel horrified and hopeless. At this time, it is the best test of your desire to survive, to see if you have the idea of ​​surviving!"

Shao Qi thought of something, and asked inexplicably: "What's the matter with that lake in the forest? If everyone was still alive, but at that time, there were obviously students who fell into the lake, and it was still a lake like a swamp. Survival, why..."

"Hahaha!" Tang Lin laughed a few times, "Good question, good question. Let me explain this to you. The swamp is real, but if someone pulls you if you fall, It’s impossible not to come up. In fact, at the bottom of the swamp, our Ouchi guards worked so hard to grab your feet, so you couldn’t come up. I didn’t expect that Yu Huangxuan broke our plan later. No way, under the swamp The people had to let go of your feet and let you climb up along the rope. If you don't go out, the people below can't get out either. When you lie on the safe ground one by one, our people float out to other places Hide! The thing about the lake is the same. It is actually a green lake with water below it, not much silt, and the water is not that deep. Our people stay below and wait for other students to jump When we went down to play in the water, our people dragged them to the bottom of the water, so you didn’t see the corpses floating up, and then you all thought they were stuck in the mud and couldn’t get out. When Yu Huangxuan put the stick deep into the water, we The people below broke the stick one by one, and naturally, the last stick did not surface. Only in this way, it makes you feel horrible!"

Everyone suddenly realized that this was the case!

Han Xueyan wiped off her cold sweat, "Miss Tang, you are too insidious!"

"That's right!" Cao Dan protested, "There are so many evil things for us to touch. If we don't say it now, we will believe it. In such an environment, can people not despair?"

"Sir, why did you play the last round of the game against us?" Yu Zichen mentioned the scene of the water dragon, "Water dragon, is Ouchi the guard?"

Tang Lin nodded, and said proudly: "That's right, it was played by Ouchi's bodyguard. As for this person, you have never seen him before. I will introduce you when I have a chance in the future. Why should I test you like this? Why should I test you?" Let you kill each other? In fact, I had a playful attitude at the beginning to see how you killed each other, but I didn't expect that you would kill yourself more than you were killed by the other party!"

Shao Qi said angrily: "How could you attack us? At that time, I saw that dagger penetrate Yunlei's chest..." By the way, Yunlei is still alive at this moment, which means that Yunlei is still alive. ...

"Why don't you continue?" Tang Lin raised her eyebrows and asked.

"It shouldn't be!" Not only Shao Qi found out the problem, but Fu Yushu also found out, "That dagger obviously killed Lu Yitang, but how come everyone is lying here all right?"

Tang Lin said: "The dagger is real. When you stabbed yourself with the dagger, the dagger entered your body, but it only penetrated a little bit, and did not kill you. The reason why you feel so painful , because the pills you take have a heart-eating effect, so when a sharp object touches your body, you will feel heartburning pain, and then this pain paralyzes your mind and makes you faint, so that you Others thought you were dead. At first I was a little uneasy. After all, it was a real dagger. I was afraid that you would wipe your neck with the dagger, and you would surely die. Fortunately, except for Zimo who did such a stupid thing, No one else came across it."

Hearing this, Yu Zichen suddenly understood why Brother Huang snatched the dagger in the first place.Brother Huang must have known about Tang Lin's plot, so he snatched the dagger because he was afraid that something would happen to him...

And he, at that time, was still blaming Brother Huang because he was afraid that he would go back on his word and didn't want to die for Brother Huang!

Facts have proved that brother Huang was saving him at that time!
Tang Lin took a glance and saw Yu Zichen's face full of shame. She knew that Yu Zichen was feeling guilty for misunderstanding Yu Shengjun.

"After a day and a night of treatment, the wounds on your body have almost healed! We are currently on our way back, and we will be able to return to the palace in the evening! You have already understood the matter, and the reason why you discovered all of this is completely In order to test your field survival ability and teamwork spirit." Tang Lin said.

Cao Dan murmured softly, "In the future, when you go to field training, you must notify in advance, otherwise you won't be able to afford it."

Hearing his words, Tang Lin smiled and said, "Don't worry, I will notify you in advance for field training in the future. Well, you all get up and do some activities. If you want to play, I won't stop you."

Shao Qi despises it in his heart, saying these words at this time is really unnecessary!
Yu Zichen glanced at everyone, but couldn't see Yu Shengjun, and was startled: "Sir, where is our squad leader?"

Xiao Xiong suddenly wakes up, yes, where is the emperor!
"In the past few days, he has been trying to find a way for you to survive. He has exhausted himself and is resting in the boat next door. It's nothing serious, don't worry." Speaking of this, Tang Lin glanced at Xiao Xiong , said: "Xiao Xiong, come with me." After finishing speaking, he turned and walked out.

Xiao Xiong followed behind.

Tang Lin jumped onto another boat, and Xiao Xiong followed behind.She walked into the cabin, came to the bed and sat down, Yu Shengjun was dealing with the letters sent back by spies outside the palace. "Your Majesty, have you eaten yet?"

Yu Shengjun nodded, "I just used it!" He casually glanced at the bedside and saw Xiao Xiong, "Xiao Xiong?"

"Talk well, and I won't bother you!" After speaking, Tang Lin got up and walked out of the cabin.

After leaving Yu Shengjun here alone, Xiao Xiong knelt down excitedly, "Xiao Xiong, see the emperor!" Now, he can be sure with his life that Yu Huangxuan in front of him is the current emperor Yu Shengjun.

Yu Shengjun waved his hand, "No need to be polite, get up!"

Xiao Xiong stood up slowly, but he didn't dare to look into Yu Shengjun's eyes. At this moment, his mood was like waves, surging. "Your Majesty, Xiao Xiong did not die this time, and there is still a chance to continue serving you in the future, I hope the Emperor will allow it!"

Yu Shengjun smiled faintly, "I have been optimistic about you from the very beginning, you are the well-deserved guard of the palace this year, and from today onwards, I will officially appoint you as the guard of the palace. But Xiao Xiong, My identity should not be exposed, and I still have to stay in the training camp, but my identity cannot be discovered by other students, do you know what to do?"

Xiao Xiong nodded and assured, "Master, please rest assured, even if he loses his life, Xiao Xiong will not let the identity of the master be exposed!" It's just a pity, if other people know that the object of their worship is the current emperor, it must be crazy!

But unexpectedly, this is a low-key emperor.

Yu Shengjun said: "It's not that I don't want to, but it's not yet time. When the time comes, you will understand why I want to do this. I still have letters to deal with, you go down first, remember, and be careful! "

"Yes, this subordinate will leave!" After kowtowing respectfully, Xiao Xiong exited the cabin.

After Xiao Xiong went out, he met Tang Lin outside, then Tang Lin came in, took a look at Yu Shengjun and said: "These letters, which were delivered in the past few days, were all sent by you, so I I haven’t seen it, what did you say?”

Yu Shengjun was flipping through the letter, and said: "Zhang Xiangyang and the others sent back news that the counter-resistance will be almost wiped out, and they will be able to return in less than a month. Our secret army has also entered the border of the Northern Kingdom one after another. We will soon besiege all important war ports in the northern border country. At present, we are using the names of Mu Lingxuan and Shao Qi to send fake news to Mu Dongfang's ears. We will mobilize troops and horses to go to my Yuxin. At the same time, we also sent false news to Mu Lingxuan's ears, making her think that the second prince is really going to rebel!"

Tang Lin sat down, pondered for a while, and said: "It will take a month for Mu Dongfang to send troops out of the country. After all, he sent troops to Yuxin this time to force the palace. In addition, the distance between Beilin and Yuxin is long. , It takes a month or two to reach Yuxin!"

(End of this chapter)

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