The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 299 The game of cat and mouse

Chapter 299 The game of cat and mouse

Yu Shengjun smiled, "So, I plan to keep the training camp for up to four months."

Tang Lin shook her head and said in shame: "If anything, I can't hide anything from you. You know everything about four months from now. Everything is going smoothly. We just need to be patient and wait for Mu Dongfang to come!"

Yu Shengjun asked: "Have you explained the training to other students?"

Tang Lin nodded, "I explained! After learning the truth, don't mention how crazy those bastards are! After Zichen understood, he didn't blame you, but felt guilty for it. He shouldn't have misunderstood you!"

Yu Shengjun sighed, "In that case, there will be a misunderstanding."

Tang Lin said "hmm".

Yu Shengjun looked at the door, the curtain was blocking it, even if he did something shameful, the people outside would not know.

"By the way, Junjun, I almost forgot to tell you a very important thing!"

Yu Shengjun's expression became serious, "What's the matter?" "I forgot, let me think about it!" In a flash, Tang Lin forgot what to say again. She lay on him and thought about it carefully. After thinking about it, she suddenly said: "I remembered. What I want to tell you is that your mother agreed to the marriage of your sister Xinrui and An Leng. How? Is this something to be happy about?"

Yu Shengjun broke into a sweat, "I still think it's some major event that threatens the country. It turned out that I was talking about Xinrui. I have predicted their matter a long time ago!"

The corner of Tang Lin's mouth twitched, "You actually know such things like the back of your hand, I admire you!"

Yu Shengjun chuckled, "Otherwise, how would you be qualified to have such an extremely smart woman like you?" He stroked her hair lightly, and couldn't help looking forward to it, "I'm looking forward to the day when we get married!"

Tang Lin was startled, and asked, "Why are you looking forward to it so much?"

Yu Shengjun flicked her cheek lightly, and reminded her amusedly: "Because, that day is a lifelong event between me and you. At that time, I will invite friends from all over the world, and even all the royal relatives and relatives will come to my banquet." Tell me, can I not look forward to the wedding ceremony? Besides the queen mother, Xinrui, and Zichen, have you seen other royal relatives?"

Tang Lin pursed her lips and looked at him with her big eyes open, "Don't say, I haven't seen it before. Didn't they all go to other places to be stationed? But, I'm also looking forward to it. Although I can't wear a wedding dress, I can wear it." Wearing Fengguan Xiapei, this is something new!"

"Wedding dress?" The word aroused Yu Shengjun's interest.

Tang Lin explained, "It's the bridal gowns that women in our era wore on their wedding day. Wedding dresses for men and women in our era were mainly Western-style."

Yu Shengjun said something that Tang Lin couldn't help snorting, "Then I must look good in a wedding dress, right?"

Tang Lin directly "poofed", "Please, the wedding dress is worn by the bride, and the groom wears a suit. If I have the opportunity, time, and conditions, I will make a set for you to see. Junjun, you have such a good figure , wearing a suit must have fascinated many people. I was just thinking about how many women would turn heads when the emperor strutted into the harem wearing a suit!"

"Don't bother, I'm not very curious!" Thinking of the scene of Fu Yushu being surrounded by brothel women in the brothel, Yu Shengjun dared not even think about it.

Tang Lin pouted, "No, forget it!"

"Are you angry?" He pinched her swollen face and asked with a smile.

Tang Lin glanced at him, "No way."

"Really not angry?" He touched her heart, "This place must be bleeding."

Tang Lin couldn't help laughing, she gave Yu Shengjun a hard look, and served her with a small fist, "I know exaggeration! If my heart bleeds, I'm doomed? I'm not that fragile!"

Yu Shengjun helped her up and sat up, then got out of bed, put on her coat, and said: "I should have been lying on this bed for a day and a night, I have to go for a walk!"

Tang Lin stood up and helped him straighten his collar naturally, "The boys are eating, do you want to join in the fun?"

"No," Yu Shengjun said, "It's not long since I was full!"

Tang Lin said: "Then go fishing. It will be a long time before the boat docks. Instead of lying here bored, why don't you learn how Jiang Taigong fishes and see if you can catch fish without bait!"

Yu Shengjun smiled, "I have exactly that intention."

After getting out of the cabin, Yu Shengjun jumped onto another boat. On this boat, there were only two Ouchi guards, Yitang and Yishuang. Royal Army.

At this time, Fu Yushu and the others were eating in the cabin, and they were all devouring.

"Master!" Yitang and Yishuang called out to Yu Shengjun in unison.

Yu Shengjun said calmly, "Go to the next boat, I will watch over here, and the other students will not make any movement."

"Yes!" After taking the order, the two jumped onto another boat together.

There are many fishing nets and fishing rods on the deck of the bow.Yu Shengjun looked down, and when he was about to go fishing with a fishing rod, he realized that he was stepping on something with the step he just took.He took a step back and suddenly found that the jade pendant he had lost was prominently placed on the board of the boat.He bent down, picked up the jade pendant in his hand, and looked at it again and again.That's right, this is exactly the jade pendant with the magical power of traveling through time and space. It is what Tang Lin has always longed for, and it is also what she dared not face up to.

Once Tang Lin sees this jade pendant, then she...

no!You can't keep the jade pendant!
Looking around, except for the ships, the rest are all sea areas.

Tang Lin was explaining what Yitang and Yishuang were doing on another boat, very seriously.

Yu Shengjun glanced at her with complicated eyes, and then tightened his hand holding the jade pendant. Then, facing the sea, he raised his hand and threw the jade pendant in his hand——

Seeing a ripple on the water not far away, Yu Shengjun heaved a sigh of relief.Now, Tang Lin will stay by his side forever and will not leave him.Forgive him for being selfish this time.

Yu Shengjun looked back from a distance, then entered the cabin, and greeted everyone, "Everyone, we meet again!"

After that, everyone greeted him warmly!

After a while, Yitang and Yishuang ordered all the boats to stop, and told all the crew members to have lunch before sailing.

After Cao Dan and the others were full, they went to the bow of the boat one after another to take the fishing net, and the one with the fishing rod took the fishing rod, caught the fish, caught the fish, and rushed to catch the fish for a while.

They cast the long and wide fishing nets far away, and after a certain period of time, several of them took the nets back together, unexpectedly they could catch a lot of small fish.

Everyone was so excited that they hurriedly continued fishing.

Yu Shengjun stayed in the cabin and played chess with Fu Yushu, while Yu Zichen watched from the side. These three gentlemen don't like fishing like the students outside.

"Strange," Shao Qi walked in from the outside with his head bowed all the way, looking for something in every corner as soon as he came in, while touching his arms, he muttered, "Why disappeared? Could it be that it was lost on the island? "

Yu Zichen glanced at him and asked, "Qilin, what are you looking for?"

Shao Qi kept his head down and scanned every corner, "Jade pendant!"

Hearing this, Yu Shengjun's expression suddenly changed, a sharp light flashed in his eyes, but it was fleeting, and he continued to play chess seriously.If he guessed correctly, the jade pendant must have been thrown in the original yard on the night when the time tunnel appeared, and was seen by Shao Qi who was cleaning the Shanglin Garden. Otherwise, how could the jade pendant have come to the boat?Shao Qi must have been carrying it with him all the time.

Fortunately, the jade pendant was thrown away in time, otherwise, it would have been a bad thing for Shao Qi to encounter such a strange thing as a time tunnel.

Yu Zichen said: "If it was thrown here, no one would have seen it just now. You must have left the jade pendant on the island. It's just a jade pendant. If you lose it, you can buy it again."

"Forget it, I won't look for it anymore!" Shao Qi plucked the hair in front of him and stopped looking.The jade pendant is lost, and I admit it.

After half an hour, all the ships continued to move forward.

Cao Dan and several students worked hard together to retrieve the last fishing net. Unexpectedly, this time they caught not only a lot of fish, but also a large one.

Yunlei put the bigger fish into the wooden bucket one after another, and the wooden bucket was half filled with water, which was used to put the fish.

Lu Yitang glanced at the wooden barrel and said with a sense of accomplishment: "When we go back, send these fish to the kitchen. We can have a good meal tonight."

After more than an hour, all the ships finally docked.

Tang Lin gathered all the students, and told them not to fall behind, and led by Yitang and Yishuang, they went back to the palace.

At dusk, the setting sun is like blood.

As soon as he stepped into the threshold of the room, Cao Dan immediately ran over to his bed, and finally fell down hard, lying on the soft bed, and sighed with great enjoyment, "Wow! Even if I die, I won't die." Get out of this bed!"

The others shook their heads and laughed, and then all went back to their beds.

Yu Shengjun took a set of clean clothes and went out.

Anze and several cooks carried a large bucket of fish into the kitchen.After putting it down, the other cooks walked away.

Mu Lingxuan was washing the vegetables, looking sideways at Anze, he was beating his sore shoulders, and after two beatings, he began to fish in the barrel.She got up and walked over, took a look at the fish in the barrel, and asked quickly, "These fish are much bigger than the fish in the past, where did they come from?"

An Ze respectfully said: "Princess, the second prince Mu Lin and his students caught this at sea. The superior ordered me to make steamed fish for the people in Shanglinyuan tonight."

"Are they back from training?" Mu Lingxuan couldn't help feeling a lot excited.Now, I can see those people in Shanglinyuan every day.

Anze asked: "Princess, do you want to tell the second prince that the emperor has mobilized troops and horses? If there is no accident, Yu Zichen will force Yu Shengjun to step down within three to two months. If the emperor leaves now, it is just right to use justice The teacher appeared in Yuxin and drove Yu Zichen out of power."

Mu Lingxuan said solemnly: "I want to tell the second prince to know. Yuyu, due to the disparity in status, I cannot meet the second prince alone, so I can only rely on you to send letters. You must be careful."

"Yes, please don't worry, princess, Yuyu will be very careful!" On her lips, she assured her in a cold and respectful manner, but when she turned her eyes, Mu Lingxuan had never seen that kind of evil.

Mu Lingxuan added: "Tell the people below to be more careful, especially in this tense time."

Nodding coldly, "Yes."

But Mu Lingxuan, how do you know that the people you call the bottom are all Yu Shengjun's people.

For dinner, the others ate in the canteen of Shanglinyuan, while Yu Shengjun and Yu Zichen ate in his bedroom.Tonight, he specially asked An Lin to order someone to go to Nangong Kitchen to order a piece of steamed fish.

He wants to taste the taste of sea fish.

Halfway through eating the steamed fish, when Yu Shengjun saw the jade pendant in the belly of the fish, all the hairs on his body stood up involuntarily! "What's the matter, brother?" Yu Zichen asked seeing that Yu Shengjun's expression was wrong.

Yu Shengjun was startled, took a look at Yu Zichen and came back to his senses, "It's okay." He didn't want Yu Zichen to know about the jade pendant, so he brought the plate of fish to him in front of Yu Zichen.When Yu Zichen looked at himself with weird eyes, he laughed dryly, "This delicious, so the emperor will wrap the remaining half, second brother, don't want to eat it." mind!"

(End of this chapter)

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