The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 300 Catching mice is the specialty of cats!

Chapter 300 Catching mice is the specialty of cats!

It turned out to be such a reason.Yu Zichen sweated profusely, and then smiled helplessly, "It's rare that there is something that the emperor likes to eat, so why would I mind!"

"That's good," Yu Shengjun said awkwardly, while picking up vegetables and putting them on the plate, he covered the half piece of jade pendant exposed in the belly of the fish to prevent Yu Zichen from seeing it.

The jade pendant was obviously still in the sea, but it happened to appear here. At first, I thought it was quite evil, but after thinking about it, after throwing the jade pendant into the sea, Tang Lin asked all the boats to stop to rest. Casting nets for fishing.If he guessed correctly, the jade pendant was eaten by the fish, and then the fish was caught by the students, and then the fish was sent to the Nangong kitchen. Because it was steamed fish, no one in the kitchen knew that there was a piece of jade pendant hidden in the belly of the fish. Unexpectedly, after going around and around, finally the jade pendant appeared in front of him again.Is it God's will or a coincidence?

Yu Shengjun didn't dare to think about it, he was afraid it was God's will.If it is God's will, it proves that God also wants Tang Lin to leave him and return to modern times.

After dinner, Yu Zichen went back to Shanglin Garden first.

Yu Shengjun walked up and down the room, thinking about what to do with the jade pendant.

After the dining table was cleared, seeing him still wandering around, An Lin came up to ask, "Your Majesty, why are you trapped?"

"An Lin, you take care of this!" Yu Shengjun handed the jade pendant to An Lin, "I don't want to see it, no matter what method you use, make it disappear in front of me forever! Can it be done? "

An Lin's heart suddenly brightened, "Your Majesty, it's just a jade pendant, the old slave can't deal with it?"

Yu Shengjun reminded: "Don't underestimate this jade pendant, it's quite evil! In short, throw it away, as far as you can!"

An Lin nodded, "Follow the order!"

into the night.

When Tang Lin returned to the room from the bathhouse, Yu Shengjun and the others were all lying on the bed, but none of them was asleep yet. Some were beating their backs, some were loosening their bones. The experience on the island for the next day exhausted them terribly.

Seeing Tang Lin, Cao Dan lay on the bed and complained, "Sister Tang, you've made us hard this time."

Tang Lin sat down on the bed, crossed Erlang's legs, and cast a lukewarm glance at Cao Dan, "What do you want?"

"At least let us rest for half a month?" Cao Dan took advantage of the fire.

Tang Lin didn't answer him right away, but glanced at the others, and asked calmly, "What do you think?"

Yu Shengjun was already lying on the bed with his head resting on his hands, his eyes were closed, he seemed to be sleeping, but he was awake, "It doesn't matter to me to rest or continue training."

Tang Lin criticized: "You guys are discouraged after only one month of training? Why are you talking about being a bodyguard? Starting tomorrow, you will enter the second season of training. If you don't want to continue training and want to go out of the palace, you can apply to leave the university tonight." Internal guard training camp. If you want to stay, then give me a good training, don't give in to those thoughts of fishing in troubled waters. If you don't want to be a guard, just get out, Ouchi, I don't care about you!"

Yun Lei asked: "The training content of the second season is the same as the first season?"

Tang Lin said: "The same is still different, you will know tomorrow." After speaking, she lifted the quilt and lay down. "I'm sleepy, you guys should sleep too, don't make any more noise, if you let me hear the sound, you will die!"

In a blink of an eye, the fifth watch arrives.

Yifeng walked to the door, glanced at the quiet room, and then blew the whistle viciously.Hearing the sound of a whistle that seemed to blow ears off, Cao Dan and the others woke up one by one from the gentle village.

"Gather in the compound, whoever is late will be fined to run around the imperial city twice!" After speaking, Yifeng left coldly.

"Alas," everyone else was quickly packing the mattresses, but Shao Qi was the only one who was still sitting on the bed and sighing, "I'm going to run to the imperial city again, endlessly!"

Fu Yushu had already packed the bed, and urged Shao Qi: "If you don't want to run around the imperial city twice, pack it up quickly!"

Tang Lin stood at the corner of the Shanglinyuan compound and looked at her watch. Five minutes had just ended.Looking up, the members of the three squads have all assembled and stood up. Sure enough, they have trained too much. The more the formation looks, the more they look like they came out of the army.

After glancing at everyone, Tang Lin said: "Old rules, morning running is a necessary homework, let's run well!"

Before setting off, Cao Dan complained in a low voice, "If I had known it would be like this when I returned to the palace, it would be better to stay on the island for a day!"

After the tail of the team went away, Tang Lin turned and went to the warehouse...


When Shao Qi was eating, Mu Lingxuan specially gave him a meaningful look.

He went to a corner of the dining table and sat down. The dining table hadn't been cleaned up yet. Someone came up to clean up Shao Qi just after he sat down. The person who cleaned up the dining table was An Ze.But Anze is an important person in Shao Qi's eyes.

In the past five years, it was Anze who served as Mu Lingxuan's spy and sent news to Shao Qi for Mu Lingxuan.

Shao Qi naturally recognized Anze, and when he saw Anze, he knew it.

While cleaning the table, Anze looked around and saw that no one was eating at this table, so he whispered to Shao Qi, "Second prince, the princess asked me to tell you that the emperor has already started mobilizing troops to enter Yuxin. This process and itinerary are estimated to take two to three months. The princess said that the matter with the emperor has been settled, and the most important thing right now is to let the people who oppose the Imperial Council come out of the nest and replace the Imperial Forest Army in the palace. Fu Yushu is by your side , it's time to convince him."

Shao Qi looked around apprehensively, and then asked An Ze, "Yu Yu, tell me, have all the guards in the inner palace been transferred out of the palace?"

"No!" Anze's answer made Shao Qi feel heavy.

Shao Qi asked: "No? What's going on? Wasn't Yu Shengjun transferred to the people to order the chaos? I remember Fu Yushu said that they rebelled against the imperial society and caused chaos among the people, which annoyed the imperial court. chaos!"

Anze said: "The Emperor Dog dispatched the Imperial Forest Army, not the Ouchi guards. The prince, half of the Ouchi guards in the palace are now in Nangong, responsible for assisting Tang Lin in training students, and the other half are still with the Emperor Dog. But the prince Don't worry, the princess said that Yu Xin's second prince, Yu Zichen, is currently trying to get rid of these big inner guards. There is no need for us to deal with the northern border kingdom. But before the big inner guards are dealt with, the princess wants us not to mess up Let alone assassinate the dog emperor, otherwise it will be counterproductive!"

"Well," Shao Qi nodded solemnly, "I know, I will pay attention."

At this time, Fu Yushu came over.

"My lord, we must convince Fu Yushu to use the Anti-Yuhui Society." After finishing speaking, Anze left with a dishcloth and messy cups and plates.

"Hey, you're pretty fast." Fu Yushu said as soon as he came up.

After chewing the food in his mouth, Shao Qi said: "I was the first in line, it doesn't look like you have been behind. Let me tell you something serious, it's time for our two countries to cooperate."

Fu Yushu raised his eyebrows, "Has your emperor taken any action?"

Shao Qi said: "Just wait for you to help from the Anti-Yu Society!"

While eating, Fu Yushu said, "As long as we can restore the country, what's the point of cooperating with you? Tell me, when do you want us to mobilize the counter-defense forces? What should we do specifically? I can have our troops show up at any time!"

With Fu Yushu's words, Shao Qi's hanging heart relaxed. At first, he thought it would take a lot of spitting to persuade Fu Yushu to help him. "Let's not be in a hurry to ask for someone, let's find out the situation in the palace first."

Fu Yushu said: "That's fine, come to me when you need it. But it's agreed, Yu Xin, you can recruit whatever you want, but you must give me Chucheng!"

Shao Qi readily agreed, "No problem!" When Fu Yushu bowed his head to eat, the corners of Fu Yushu's mouth drew a sinister arc.Today's Chu City is much more prosperous than the Chu State in the past, so will it be given away easily?No wonder!

Fu Yushu was also thinking to himself, if you, Shao Qi, would take the initiative to give me the land, it would be a waste of time for me to know you.

Rather than relying on Mu Dongfang, it is better to rely on Yu Zichen!

After eating, during the rest period, Fu Yushu told Yu Zichen exactly what he and Shao Qi had said. "That's the way it is. The Beilin Kingdom has already started to act. Brother Zimo, you have to tell your lords to be careful."

At this time, the two were sitting in a corner of the Shanglinyuan compound.

After hearing what Fu Yushu said, Yu Zichen secretly rejoiced: "I didn't expect things to go so smoothly, and the people below are really reliable in their work." On the surface, he said to Fu Yushu like this: "The movement of the north bordering country is in the hands of our master. As long as they dare to commit crimes, our master will definitely not give them good fruit to eat. Since they are willing to take action, then we will use the plan, lure the king into the old man, catch the turtle in a urn, and catch them all."

After half an hour of rest, Xiao Xiong gathered everyone in the training ground.

Tang Lin asked Yitang and Yishuang to distribute the flares to the students, one for each.

After the trainees got the flares, they were wondering why the officers gave them the flares. Is it related to the training to come?
After the division, Yitang and Yishuang returned to their original positions and stood.

Tang Lin looked at everyone with a smile, "Everyone, let's play a game of cat and mouse? Well... I will give you 72 hours of game time, which is what you call 36 hours."

Shao Qi frowned, "The cat catches the mouse? What do you mean?"

Tang Lin said: "Let's not explain first, take apart the signal flares that you are holding in your hands with white paper, and see what color signal flares you are holding. This is very important to you, so open it first and have a look." Everyone The paper that wrapped the signal flares was opened one after another, and the colors that appeared were red and blue. The signal flares that everyone got were different colors, but most of them were mostly red and less blue.

Only Yu Shengjun and Han Xueyan got the blue flares, while the others got red flares.

Tang Lin said to everyone: "Whoever got the blue flare, raise your hand!"

Yu Shengjun raised his hand, and then, Han Xueyan carefully checked the color of the flare in his hand before slowly raising his hand.

Seeing that these two people got the blue flare, Tang Lin was a little dumbfounded.Unexpectedly, the blue flare was taken by the strongest and weakest students in the training camp.It's really interesting.

"You two come out and stand aside!" Tang Lin ordered solemnly.

Yu Shengjun came out and stood beside him, and Han Xueyan ran to him and stood beside him.

Tang Lin faced the crowd and said seriously: "Everyone, I will give you three days to play a game of cat and mouse. Listen carefully, the one who gets the red signal is the cat, and the one who gets the blue signal is the mouse." .Wait for us to put the mouse into the Royal Forest one hour earlier, and one hour later, the game will officially start. As cats, you can dispatch them collectively or separately to the Royal Forest. We will give you three days to remove the mice Pull out the signal flare and send it to the sky. We see two blue smoke in the sky, which proves that all the mice have been eaten by the cat, and the game is over. If the cat fails to eat the mouse within three days, it will be eaten by the cat instead. If the mouse is killed, the mouse wins the game. Cat team, as long as you send out the smoke bombs of the mouse team, you win, but the mouse cannot be eaten after the game time is over, and the cat team fails the mission. And the mouse Team, after the game starts, you can secretly kill the cat team in order to survive, as long as you send out all their red flares, you will win. Everyone, do you understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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