The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 301 Was slapped by Yu Huangxuan!

Chapter 301 Was put on by Yu Huangxuan!
"Ah?" Only Han Xueyan frowned, "Sir, why are there so many people in the cat team and so few in the mouse team? It's not fair! We haven't gone into the mountains to hide well, so the cat team will probably find us!"

Cao Dan smiled treacherously, "I think this kind of game is pretty good!"

Han Xueyan glared at him, "Of course you think it's good, there are so many of you. Hmph, you know how to bully the few with the more."

Shao Qi proudly said: "Sir, whoever loses wins, this has already come to fruition? Since ancient times, mice have been the food in the belly of cats, and catching mice is a specialty of cats. Now there are a lot of cats, but only mice Two, is it not easy to catch them?"

Tang Lin pulled her cold lips and said with a sneer: "It's not easy, you can only be sure when the game is over. Stop talking nonsense, I will give you three ten minutes to arm. After three ten minutes, the mouse team will set off first. Disband!"

"Sir," Cao Dan asked grinningly, "is there any reward or punishment for winning or losing?"

Tang Lin's expressionless face slowly regained expression, she smiled, and said softly, "Of course I did, I won. I rewarded him with two days off, but I lost..." His expression turned cold instantly, "I'll punish him." He has two days of queue training!"

Cao Dan rubbed his hairy arm, "My mother, I must win, I must win!"

After disbanding, everyone ran back to the room one after another. Those who put on clothes put on clothes, those who put on shoes put on shoes, and then went to the door of the warehouse, where there were many sharp weapons for self-defense or attack, as well as some heresy.In one class, each person can only pick five things.

Many students took heavy weapons such as bows and arrows, swords, and whips.

Yu Shengjun and Han Xueyan were the last two to choose things.

When Han Xueyan was about to get a pair of scissors, she was stopped by Yu Shengjun, "Don't take that."

Han Xueyan withdrew her hand and looked at him with a frown, "Then what do you take? I don't know how to use a sword, and the knife is too heavy to hold!"

"I'll choose for you," Yu Shengjun glanced at all the utensils, and finally, took a bottle of Mongolian sweat medicine and stuffed it into Han Xueyan's hand, helping her choose while explaining: "We don't want to take the same thing, it's redundant. On the contrary , we can have ten different things.”

After a small bottle of Mongolian sweat medicine was put into Han Xueyan's hands, Yu Shengjun gave her a slingshot, "The bird slingshot is easy to attack people and easy to carry, put it on your body and hide it!"

Han Xueyan diligently put the two items on her body, and said happily: "Brother Yu, you really know a lot." Speaking of this, she pouted her mouth and said ashamedly: "Brother Yu, it's because I was unlucky that I got blue The flaring flares have become your burden! I don’t understand anything, I’m afraid..."

Yu Shengjun stuffed her with another thing, it was a fire bag. "Since we're all in one group, don't say such things and affect our mood. Hold the fire bag well, it's easy to catch fire."

"Oh," Han Xueyan obediently stuffed the fire bag into her bosom. After stuffing it, she saw Yu Shengjun brought a bundle of ropes, and she asked, "Brother Yu, why do you need ropes?"

Yu Shengjun carried the rope by himself, and he said: "I don't know if it's useful now, so take it first." Then, he took the set of medicine and gauze to Han Xueyan, "Wait a minute, find a bag to carry it on your back, put it on your back." It's easy to put things in the bag."

Han Xueyan nodded, "Oh."

Immediately afterwards, Yu Shengjun took a long sword and four scattered things.

Before setting off, except for the rope and Sword Yu Shengjun, other small things were put into the cloth bag that Han Xueyan straddled his body.The cloth bag was not bulging, and Han Xueyan didn't feel very heavy.

After Tang Lin sent Yu Shengjun and Han Xueyan into the royal forest at the east entrance of the royal forest, she went to the gazebo to drink tea.

An hour later, the cat team came to the east entrance.

Tang Lin looked at her watch, the time was just right.She said to the students of the cat team: "The mouse has already entered the mountain. Whether you cats can eat the mouse within three days depends on your ability. Go into the forest, the commander looks forward to your return in victory!"

With her words, all of them went into the royal forest in high spirits.

Because the trees in the royal forest are too tall and the vegetation is too barren, basically there are no trails to walk on.For this reason, Shao Qi took the lead along the way, using a firewood knife to cut off the vegetation taller than a person to make a path.The other students followed into the forest one after another.

Along the way, Cao Dan yelled a lot about this overgrown forest, "Which forest have we all entered? Isn't it a maze?"

After finally arriving at a relatively bright place, I looked around, and there were endless mountains and plains.Fu Yushu smiled decadently, "I mean, why are there so many cats but so few mice?"

Yu Zichen said seriously: "The Royal Forest is a place where people can hide easily, if Yu Huangxuan and the others don't come out after hiding for three days, we will definitely lose!"

"Losing?" Shao Qi sneered, "Is it that easy? There are so many of us, but we can't deal with those two? My sister-in-law doesn't know anything, and she will only cause trouble for Yu Huangxuan. The strong and the weak form a team Can you not lose?"

Fu Yushu said: "In any case, let's not underestimate the enemy. Yu Huangxuan's ability is obvious to all. We are in the open and he is in the dark. Who can guarantee whether he will kill us!"

Shao Qi snorted and snorted, "You can let other people's ambition destroy your own prestige!"

Lu Yitang said: "This is not the time to talk about winning or losing. We should first think about where the mouse will go and where it will hide. If we can find the mouse as soon as possible, we will have a better chance of winning."

Yun Lei groped his chin and thought, "They only set off for an hour, so they shouldn't go far!"

Sun Bailing reminded, "The royal forest is so big, there are too many places for them to hide!"

Fu Yushu analyzed: "Yu Huangxuan should not dare to approach the Trap Ridge. After all, he is carrying Han Xueyan, who doesn't understand anything. There is no way to hide people on the Gaopoyuan, and it is easy to be discovered. They probably wouldn't go there. Other jungles are like mazes, once you get in, you can’t get out. Yu Huangxuan is a smart person, so he probably won’t get stuck in it by himself. From what I know about him, he always likes..."

"Waterway!" Many people answered in unison.

Fu Yushu clicked his tongue twice, "It seems that I am not the only one who understands Yu Huangxuan!"

Cao Dan said: "At that time on the island, whether it was looking for a water source or being washed away by the sea, for Brother Yu, it was simply a small wind and a small wave, so he couldn't trouble him. Since he is so good at water, will he not go? "

Shao Qi did not expect that everyone hit it off on this matter, "In this case, let's go by water instead! If we move faster, we should be able to stop their way before sunset. Oh, three days? The task can be completed in one day. Already!"

At noon, the sun is high above the sky.

On a hillside near the corner of the Royal Woods Creek.

Yu Shengjun and Han Xueyan hid on the mountainside near the stream, staring closely at the stream.They wore green training uniforms, hats made of grass and vines on their heads, and many branches covered their backs.

Having been lying here for quite a while, Han Xueyan felt drowsy, but she dared not sleep, her almond eyes continued to stare at the movement on the other side of the creek, but she didn't understand why she kept maintaining this position, "Brother Yu, Are they bound to pass the brook?"

Yu Shengjun stared at the creek, "If I guessed right, they must have thought I was walking by water. Let's wait patiently."

Han Xueyan was worried, "But if they appear in groups, how can we deal with so many?"

Yu Shengjun said: "The Royal Forest has more than one stream. The cat team will be divided into several groups to search for us along the waterway at the fork, so we don't have to worry about their numbers."

Han Xueyan looked at the creek, but there was no one there, so she pouted, "But we've been guarding here for a long time, why hasn't anyone come yet?"

"Shh!" Yu Shengjun stopped her suddenly with hiss, "There is a cat coming to your door!" only.However, her originally happy expression suddenly turned sad. She was worried about the distance between the mountainside and the creek, "Brother Yu, we are a little far away from them, what should we do? If we go down now, they will definitely be alarmed! If we don't get close to them, I can’t get the flares on them! I’m setting up an ambush here, and there’s nothing I can do about them!”

Yu Shengjun said without hesitation: "Give me the sweat medicine and the slingshot!"

"Oh." Although he didn't know what Yu Shengjun used it for, Han Xueyan still diligently took out the sweat medicine and slingshot from the bag and gave it to Yu Shengjun instead.

Yu Shengjun took the bottle and slingshot containing the Mongolian sweat medicine, and then took out a few small fruits from his pocket. These fruits were specially picked into his pocket when he saw them along the way.He uncorked the bottle and sprinkled the powdered sweat medicine on the surface of the fruit. After finishing, he used the fruit as a stone and placed it on the slingshot, aiming at one of the three people on the other side of the stream.
Han Xueyan looked at the creek, then at Yu Shengjun, and said worriedly: "Brother Yu, can this slingshot work? The distance seems to be not as short as we imagined. I'm afraid this slingshot won't be able to shoot those people!"

"Hush," Yu Shengjun signaled her to be silent, and made a bow posture, looking sharply at the creek.After locking a person's nose, he pulled it hard again, and the fruit on the slingshot flew out instantly.
When Han Xueyan looked over, he only heard someone say "Oops" from the other side of the creek, and then he covered his nose, "Who hit me?"

Yu Shengjun's first shot hit the nose of one of the three students over there. Immediately afterwards, he started the second and third shots to prevent the three from escaping.And all three shots hit the noses of the three men.

After hitting, the fruit fell to the ground.

One of the students looked down and saw that it was a wild fruit. Then he picked up the fruit, looked around, and wondered, "Where did you get the fruit?"

The other two students picked it up one after another, looked at it, and took it to their noses to sniff.

Yu Shengjun looked at the three people, and the corners of his mouth raised an arc. At this time, he raised three fingers, counted them, and bent one, "Three, two, one, upside down!" Waiting for him to bend three fingers When they got down, the three students on the other side of the creek collapsed on the ground, but they didn't pass out, but their limbs were weak and their heads were a little dizzy.

Han Xueyan was very surprised, "What happened at this time? Brother Yu, why did they fall down for no reason? Are they all right?"

"Get up!" Yu Shengjun got up, helped Han Xueyan up, and then took her arm to walk downhill on the mountainside, and said as he walked, "Just now I put the sweat medicine on the fruit, and the sweat medicine is very effective. They smell it It will fall in a moment!"

"So that's what happened, Brother Yu, you are amazing." Han Xueyan admired Yu Shengjun for a moment.

When he came to the stream, Yu Shengjun let go of Han Xueyan, squatted down and took out the signal flares on the three students, straightened up, pointed the signal flares at the sky, pulled off the covers of the three signal flares, and then, with a "咻", Three perfect arcs of smoke rushed towards the sky one after another quickly, drawing three beautiful arcs and exploding.

At the same time, Fu Yushu and others were walking along the streams of the Royal Forest in several groups. When they heard the sound of the signal flare, they immediately looked up at the sky. Sure enough, three beautiful red smoke appeared in the midair. , Under the clear sky, it is very coquettish and beautiful.

(End of this chapter)

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