The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 302 It Really Was Effortless!

Chapter 302 It Really Was Effortless!
"Oh," Shao Qi sighed fiercely, out of anger, "I shouldn't underestimate the enemy!"

Fu Yushu said: "The signal flares were sent out from the creek behind the mountain in front of us. Let's chase after them. If we let them go far away, we won't be able to find them for three days." After speaking, he walked away .

Shao Qi and the others immediately followed.

When Tang Lin heard the sound of the signal flare, she was playing chess with Yifeng on the gazebo at the east entrance of the Royal Forest. As soon as the signal flare sounded, the chess piece she was going to play was easily placed on the chessboard.

This time, Yifeng looked at the chessboard, shook his head helplessly, and said with a smile: "Miss Tang is indeed a master at manipulating the chess game, and Yifeng is deeply ashamed!"

Tang Lin smiled slightly and said, "Your Excellency, you are welcome."

At this time, Yitang walked up to the gazebo and reported: "It's the cat team's signal flare, and the master has solved three!"

Tang Lin said "Yes", as if she had expected this to happen, so she was not surprised by it. She smiled at Yifeng and said: "The winner is not decided, let's continue. In my eyes, the mouse , is much more cunning than a cat!"

Yu Shengjun turned to leave, but was grabbed by a student, he looked down, the student gritted his teeth and said: "You... treacherous villain, you actually used Mongolian sweat medicine to deal with... us!" Mongolian sweat medicine It started to take effect, and after finishing a sentence, he rolled his eyes and passed out.If I had known earlier, I should have chosen Mongolian sweat medicine in the warehouse, so I wouldn't be killed even if I don't need weapons now.

"Don't be treacherous, how can I beat you?" Yu Shengjun smiled sinisterly, and after finishing speaking, he kicked the student's hand away, and then said to Han Xueyan: "As soon as the signal sounded, everyone came here, let's go quickly! "

Han Xueyan followed blindly, "Brother Yu, where are we going?"

Yu Shengjun observed the surrounding mountains while walking. He could not walk along the waterway. There are "cats" blocking the waterway on both sides, but he could not go up the mountain. The mountain behind is a lonely mountain and is not connected with other mountains. be isolated.

After observing for a while, Yu Shengjun's eyes fell on the forest opposite the creek. There was a very large dense forest with no edge in sight. "Let's go, set up an ambush in the forest opposite. We can kill a few more today. It's dark, and it's easy to find a hidden place to rest."

Han Xueyan didn't understand anything, so he could only follow Yu Shengjun across the creek and into the very gloomy forest.

When Fu Yushu and other passers-by rushed to the creek where their team members had an accident, it was already half an hour later.When they came here, they didn't see Yu Shengjun and Han Xueyan, but instead saw three students soaking their feet by the creek after the task.

Shao Qi came over and asked, "Why are you so leisurely?"

One of them casually said: "We've already been killed, can't this be relaxing?"

Fu Yushu asked: "How did you get killed by the mouse?"

Speaking of this, all three of them looked helpless.One of them said angrily: "That kid Yu Huangxuan is too insidious, he used Mongolian sweat medicine to plot against us, just like that, he was set up by them."

Cao Dan gloated and said, "Looking at you soaking your feet leisurely here, it doesn't look like you've been tricked by sweat medicine!"

One of the students said impatiently: "If you don't smell much, the effect of the medicine has long passed."

Yunlei looked at the surrounding mountains and forests. There were too many exits. He couldn't see where Yu Shengjun would go. He asked the three students, "Where did Yu Huangxuan and the others go?"

The original student said impatiently again: "We all passed out, how did we know?"

Fu Yushu said: "Their mission has already failed, and they are already outsiders in the game. We can't ask them any news about the enemy. This is against the rules and is cheating. Let's analyze where Yu Huangxuan will be during this afternoon." Hide."

Lu Yitang looked at the mountain behind him, and said, "Going up the mountain, they probably won't. We rushed over here when we heard the signal flare. If he dares to go up the mountain, he will definitely be surrounded by us!"

Fu Yushu said: "Yu Huangxuan would not be so stupid to go up the mountain."

Shao Qi said: "Our people just came here to meet up along the two ends of the waterway, and there was no sign of Yu Huangxuan and the others along the way. There is no waterway, and it is impossible to go up the mountain, so there is only one possibility." At this time, his His eyes fell on the dense forest that was so dense that he could not see the edge.

The gazes of the others also fell on the opposite forest.

Cao Dan looked at the forest and twitched the corner of his mouth, "It's so big, even if thousands of people go in, it's hard to find them, let alone more than 20 of us. Originally, there were 26 people in the cat team, and now only There are 23 people, I think the chances of winning are getting slimmer!"

Yu Zichen said, "Now is not the time for us to be discouraged."

"Yes," Fu Yushu encouraged his morale, "Even though Yu Huangxuan has the ability to reach the sky, he can't use it with a burden. With so many of us combined, is it worse than Yu Huangxuan? Brothers, for the two-day vacation, be more energetic !"

The two-day vacation stimulated everyone's brains, and everyone immediately lifted their spirits.

Fu Yushu added: "It hasn't been long since they entered the forest. As long as we speed up our pace, we can get close to them. As long as we get close to them, with so many of us, we still can't stop Yu Huangxuan? Before dusk, we must know the forest well, and take a look at Yu Huangxuan What will be the next step. If the mouse team wants to win, they will definitely kill us one by one in secret. For this reason, we must not fall behind. If you understand everything, follow me into the woods immediately."

No one objected, and they all followed Fu Yushu across the creek.


In the dense forest, most of them are towering trees.

Yu Shengjun placed Han Xueyan on a very tall tree with very lush leaves.This tree has many branches and is easy to lean on. Even if you sleep next to each other, you won't fall off the tree.

"Brother Yu, I'm afraid!" Han Xueyan held onto the branches tightly, not daring to look down.

Yu Shengjun was rummaging through her bag and took out a few things, "As long as you don't move, you won't fall. I guess I won't be able to come back until after dark. There is food in the bag, you can use it to satisfy your hunger."

Han Xueyan asked: "Brother Yu, why are you going?"

"Night attack!" Yu Shengjun threw her two words and jumped off the tree.In the Shanglinyuan dining hall, Tang Lin was the only one queuing up for dinner.

The empty dining hall made Mu Lingxuan not interested, so she threw the spoon to Tang Lin, "I eat as much as I eat, I'll go to rest!"

Tang Lin made half a bowl of rice, mixed two strings of vegetarian dishes on the bowl, and walked towards Mu Lingxuan.After sitting down, he joked, "Do you also have times when you're bored?"

"It's not because of you," Mu Lingxuan glared at her, and complained, "It's nothing, why do you keep torturing those students? Last time I went to sea for training, I haven't seen them for more than ten days, and I just came back yesterday. Today again..."

Tang Lin chuckled, "Tell me, which one do you like? I think those people are pretty good, you might as well keep them all in the backyard of your princess mansion!"

Mu Lingxuan glanced at her, "What are you talking about?"

Tang Lin raised her eyebrows, "Did I say something wrong? If you don't like it, then I..."

"No, don't get their ideas," Mu Lingxuan's tone sounded a bit warning. "As you have said, they are all interested in me. In this case, you can't touch them until you choose the one you like the most! Besides, I have already given Yu Shengjun to you, so you can't be ungrateful !"

"Leave it to me?" Tang Lin smiled bitterly, "Everyone has run away, and there is no news so far. It's like never having him in my life. Tell me, should I give up on him and find someone else?"

Mu Lingxuan wanted to stop talking, no, she couldn't tell Tang Lin that Yu Shengjun was Yu Shengjun. "That's because you are unable to keep him, and I can't blame you for that."

"Yes," Tang Lin waved her hands to show weakness, "I won't rob Fu Yushu and the others from you, so it's okay? They don't like me anyway, and I'm just a tigress in their eyes. It's too late for them to keep me at arm's length, why? Maybe you have feelings for me!"

Tang Lin's words made Mu Lingxuan jump with joy, "So...even Lu Yitang, you plan to give up?"

"No!" Tang Lin immediately refused, "This is a bet between us, how can I give up? Even if Lu Yitang is afraid of me as an instructor, I will hook him to the bed. Wait and see?"

Mu Lingxuan said arrogantly: "Who is afraid of whom!"

"Speaking of which," Tang Lin said, "Our young master has discussed with us and decided to cooperate with your northern border country. I really hope that after you win Yuxin, you can return the Chu country to us, instead of empty talk!"

"Of course!" Mu Lingxuan's eyes flickered as she spoke, and she was a little flustered. "You help us win Yuxin, and we will definitely return the Chu Kingdom to you!" But the prosperity of Chu City, no matter which side is the hegemon, will be jealous, how can it be handed over?
At dusk, the setting sun is like blood.

Fu Yushu and the others took root in a clearing in the forest, those who sat down to rest, and those who started a fire by the side, each had its own thing to do.

At this time, Yu Shengjun poked his head slightly behind a big tree not far from the group of people, and under his deep and sharp eyes, his thin lips raised a strange and sinister arc.In the evening, there was a good show to watch.

Fu Yushu was observing the surrounding environment. When his eyes touched the big tree, Yu Shengjun's figure disappeared in a flash.

Fu Yushu's expression tightened, and his eyes stayed on the tree for a few more seconds.He always felt that there was a slight movement in this place just now. Although there was nothing in this place in his eyes, his feeling... was very strong.

After looking away, he saw one or two students breaking rocks to start a fire. Fu Yushu walked over, kicked the pile of firewood away, and said angrily, "Who told you to start a fire?"

"Brother Fu, what's the matter?" Cao Dan just caught a wild rabbit and came back, planning to roast it and eat it. "I just found a wild rabbit in the front, and I plan to bring it back to roast food, but we didn't bring any food out. The food and drink can only be solved in the royal forest. But there is no fire, how can we get food?"

"Stupid," Fu Yushu taught Cao Dan a lesson, and then said to everyone: "It's almost night, once there is a fire, or there is a smell of food, it is very likely to attract Yu Huangxuan. Don't you want us to be caught by him? "

Now, everyone suddenly realized.

Cao Dan let go of his hand and threw the rabbit away. The rabbit ran away, but he didn't care. "Brother Fu, it's fortunate that you reminded us in time, otherwise, we would have really caused a catastrophe. But if we don't eat or drink, how can we suffer?"

At this time, a student smacked his lips, "I'm so thirsty, brothers, who has water?"

Yu Zichen said: "From the moment we entered the Royal Forest, we were all focused on finding people, and we didn't pay attention to the water."

Shao Qi plucked his hair irritably, and looked around, "Before it's completely dark, let's find some water nearby." He took off the water bottle on his body and handed it to a student, "Go and see if there is any Water, but not far away. If not, come back, don't go far."

Yu Zichen also took off the water bottle on his waist and gave it to a student, "I have a water bottle here too."

(End of this chapter)

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