Chapter 303
Cao Dan was surprised, "When did you bring the kettle?"

Yu Zichen said: "When choosing weapons, there are various choices. You all chose weapons and other things, and ignored everything else. Yu Huangxuan should have chosen Mongolian sweat medicine at that time, so three of our team members were recruited."

One by one suddenly realized, annoyed why they didn't pay attention to those things at the time.

Yunlei stroked his chin and recalled, "I remember that at that time, I could choose gauze scarves, gold sore medicine, fire packs, and dry food... If I had known this, I would not have taken these weapons!"

Shao Qi snorted coldly, "What's the use of regretting now, let's all go find water, if we lose our energy, how can we fight Yu Huangxuan? So many of us lost to the two of them in the end, it's not ashamed to lose home ?”

Fu Yushu told the two team members who were looking for water, "Remember, no matter whether you find water or not, you can't go far!"

"Yes, monitor!" The two students promised, and then left with the water bottle.

Fu Yushu said to the others: "We are too many people to act at night, so we will spend the night here tonight. To avoid Yu Huangxuan's surprise attack, everyone quickly fake the surrounding environment. The instructor gave us a tree, how to disguise, you guys You know, act quickly."

In a blink of an eye, it was nightfall.

The sky is like ink.

After a lot of trouble, Fu Yushu and others finally finished the scene.They got a lot of trees and put them on the grass, and some students are already hiding under the branches to rest.In this way, even if someone passes by, they will not see anyone hiding here.

Everyone else was making their own nests, but Fu Yushu was still walking around, looking around from time to time.The two team members who went to find the water haven't come back yet, and he is very worried that something happened to them.

Yu Zichen was sitting next to a tree, and motioned to Fu Yushu, "Sit down and wait, if the signal doesn't sound, it means they haven't met Yu Huangxuan yet!"

After Fu Yushu sat down, he said, "Yu Huangxuan is such a headache, he always does unexpected things. Zimo, analyze it, will Yu Huangxuan act at night? If he does, what will he do?"

Yu Zichen smiled wryly, "He's one of your opponents of the Royal Society. You know him better than I do, so how can you ask me?"

Fu Yushu said worriedly: "Qilin is right. If so many of us lose, how can we hang around in the palace? What do the guards think of us? How do the imperial guards look at us? And the officers..."

Yu Zichen sighed, "I haven't thought about what you are worried about. If you don't want this to happen, you can only eat the mouse team."

At this time, Shao Qi came over, and he smiled more relaxedly, as if he was not worried about what would happen to this night, "Relax all of you, Yu Huangxuan will not attack us at night. My sister-in-law is afraid of the dark, if she is left alone People in the woods, definitely screaming. Yu Huangxuan dragged Xueyan, so he couldn’t attack us at all. I guess, in order to prevent Xueyan from revealing their whereabouts, Yu Huangxuan must be telling Xueyan a good story. So, we Don't make a fuss! Just relax!"

Fu Yushu was still worried, "Yu Huangxuan has too many evil ideas. Who knows if he will subdue Xueyan and deal with us alone. He is in the dark, and we are in the light. We are totally defenseless."

Shao Qi said: "Fear of the dark is what Xueyan fears the most. She has had this mentality since she was a child. I tried to change her, but in the end it didn't help. Do you still remember the trial meeting? Xiao Cao learned how to be afraid of the dark queen." She was screaming more horribly than a ghost in the forbidden area!"

Fu Yushu did not relax himself, "I hope the snow smoke can entangle Yu Huangxuan."

It was dark, and the forest was a blur.

After searching for so long, I finally saw a small lake by the faint moonlight.The two students ran up quickly, and finally both squatted by the tree by the lake, put the water bottle aside, and hurried to drink water.

At this time, a rope slowly hung down from the tree, and the rope was tied with two hooks.

After the rope fell to the ground, it hooked the two jugs and quickly lifted them up the tree.

Having had enough water, the two students reached for the water bottle, only to find that the water bottle had disappeared, and immediately stood up in panic.

"What's going on?" A student panicked, "Where's the kettle?"

Another student spread his hands, "I don't know, it was on the ground just now. It's really evil."

"Stop talking, the cat team must be around here, let's go!"

Suddenly, a rope quickly passed through the tree and entangled the bodies of the two students.However, those who can mix in the training camp are naturally not ordinary people.One of the trainees was carrying a dagger, and the dagger slipped out of the sleeve of his hand on the back, and when he was about to cut the rope,
A flying shadow jumped down from the tree, jumped in front of the two students in an instant, and reached out to touch their acupoints.

After finishing it, Yu Shengjun's handsome face turned sideways, accompanied by a bewitching arc, "It really didn't take any effort!" A student said, "You kid is too insidious. thing!"

"Soldiers never tire of cheating. In order to win, you have to sharpen your head!" Yu Shengjun said while stuffing cloth into the mouths of two students, making them utterly silent. "In order to prevent you from repatriating soldiers, I had to offend you, please forgive me."

After sealing the mouths of the two students, Yu Shengjun immediately untied the rope, and then pulled the two students into the grass, "In order to prevent your team from finding you, I have to put you here. Don't worry, After midnight, your acupoints will be untied automatically, and you will be free again."

After touching the flares on the two students, Yu Shengjun turned and left.

After a while, Yu Shengjun picked up a pile of firewood, put it in a place, and quickly lit it with a fire pocket.Immediately afterwards, he jumped onto the tall tree next to him, waiting for the enemy to throw himself into the trap.

When the two students who hadn't seen fetching water for a long time came back, not only Fu Yushu was anxious, but everyone else was also anxious.

Cao Dan said worriedly: "Is there anything wrong with them?"

Yunlei said: "The signal flare hasn't sounded yet, so they definitely haven't run into Yu Huangxuan yet. Maybe they couldn't find water and walked far away, and the surrounding mountains and forests are densely packed. They probably forgot the way back."

Lu Yitang looked at Fu Yushu who was in the grass next door, "Should I send someone out to look for it?"

Fu Yushu thought about it carefully, "If you can't find it, you will lose yourself, so what?"

Shao Qi said, "I'll take the two of you to find them!"

Fu Yushu hesitated for a while, "Okay, then be careful."

Next, Shao Qi called two students, then left the place, and disappeared in a corner of the forest in an instant.

Fu Yushu pinched the number, there were 26 students, three of them failed the task, leaving 23 students.

Shao Qi walked with the two students for a long time, but did not see the other two students.When they wanted to return, a student exclaimed, "Squad leader, look ahead!"

Shao Qi looked along the direction the student was pointing at, and saw a fire not far away.

Another student was overjoyed immediately, "Could it be Yu Huangxuan who took root there?"

Shao Qi became defensive, and said solemnly: "No matter who it is, let's not startle the snake. Let's go over and have a look, but you have to control your breathing and don't disturb the people in front. First check to see if it is a member of the mouse team Do it again."

The two students nodded.

The three of them approached the fire in front together, their steps were very light, and they almost held their breath.When they were almost near the fire, they hid behind a tree.Shao Qi poked his head out slightly and looked at the fire five meters away, but there was no one there, only two kettles were placed beside the fire.

Shao Qi recognized the two kettles, and so did the two students.

One of the students was pleasantly surprised: "It must be one of us!"

Another student was furious, "Obviously knowing that the fire will attract Yu Huangxuan, how do they do things? I'm so angry!"

For safety's sake, Shao Qi decided to put out the fire.He calmly ordered the two of them, "You two go and put out the fire, take the kettle away, and I'll go get those two back somewhere else!"

The three agree with each other tacitly.

Shao Qi went to other places, while the two students went to put out the fire.In the blink of an eye, the fire was gone, only some charcoal fire remained.

A student lifted the two jugs, "Here, take a drink and go back!" He gave a jug to another student, who opened the lid of the jug and took a sip.

After another practitioner drank the water, the two prepared to leave.In the end, before they could step out, the two of them closed their eyelids and passed out on the ground.The two kettles fell to the ground, and the water filled with sweat medicine rolled out.

At this time, Yu Shengjun jumped down from the tree, walked up to the two students in a few steps, squatted down on one knee, took the signal flares from the two students and stuffed them into his arms, and then dragged them He hid in the grass, then picked up the water pot, buried the wet soil with dry soil, and walked away with the water pot after finishing.

After a while, Shao Qi, who couldn't find anyone, returned to the original place and saw that the fire was extinguished, but there was no one there. He thought that the two students who came out with him had gone back, so he also went back, not paying attention to the surrounding people. Grass.

When Shao Qi returned to Fu Yushu and the others, he asked him one by one where the others were.

Shao Qi said: "The two brothers who were looking for water were not found, but we saw the kettle. I asked the two who went out with me to come back first with the kettle. Could it be that they haven't come back yet?"

Cao Dan looked a little crazy, "I didn't see anyone!"

A student panicked at this moment, "It's too bad, this forest is very weird, they must have fallen into some kind of trap by mistake."

Yun Lei looked at Fu Yushu and asked, "Then do you want to send someone out to find them?"

Fu Yushu calmly said: "It's so late, and the forest is so big, no matter how many people we send out, we won't be able to find them. Isn't the signal flare still going off? This proves that they haven't met Yu Huangxuan yet. Let's not mess up. The four students who didn’t come back probably noticed some movement and hid in other places, so they didn’t come back. At this time, the enemy is not moving, and we don’t move, so we should go back to our respective dens and stay.”

Everyone went back to hide in the grass one after another.

After half an hour, the smell of roast chicken wafted from a corner.

Cao Dan woke up from the dream, "Who is eating?"

Other people who had just fallen asleep were awakened by him one after another!

Lu Yitang sniffed the air around him, "Sure enough, it smells like food, it's roast chicken!"

Sun Bailing was puzzled, "Could it be the four players who haven't come back yet?"

Shao Qi said: "When we went, we saw two students who hadn't come back set up a bonfire. I guess they were not at the bonfire because they went to catch pheasants. But the kettle is there, so I'm sure they were right."

Cao Dan said indignantly: "It is estimated that the four of them met, and then went to find a pheasant to roast together. They enjoy it all to themselves, leaving us here to worry about them. They are really shameless! Hmph!"

Fu Yushu stroked his forehead feebly, he was very helpless with so many players on the table. "Who are you, call them back?"

(End of this chapter)

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