The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 304 Xueyan, I am the Emperor!

Chapter 304 Xueyan, I am the Emperor!

"I go!"

"I go!"

At this time, one by one raised their hands excitedly.

Fu Yushu didn't know that they were interested in the roast chicken, so he waved his hands weakly, "Go tell them to come back, go and come back!"

There were five people who got up resentfully, and rushed away after a short while.

Cao Dan was so sleepy that he fell down and continued to sleep.

Relying on the scent, the five students walked farther and farther away, and soon they were far away from Fu Yushu's nest.

While holding the delicious roast chicken, Yu Shengjun leaped into the deep woods quickly with light work, and the five students, relying on the smell of the roast chicken, followed them all the way, and didn't stop until they felt something was wrong.

"No," one of the students said cautiously, "it's been so long, how come the scent hasn't broken?"

At this time, a fire ignited not far ahead.

A student pointed over there in surprise, "There is fire!"

"Go, go over and have a look!" Everyone booed, and just passed by.

When the five of them were one meter away from the fire, they saw only one fire and two or three pheasants roasting on the fire.

When a student was about to go there to eat, he was stopped by a student. He looked around calmly, "There is no one, don't you think it is fraudulent? This situation is the same as what squad leader Qilin described. It's too weird!"

In order to eat and forget the task of the cat team, the other students couldn't do it, and they all took precautions.

Just then, there was a voice from a certain corner, "Hey, have you pulled enough? The roast chicken is almost burnt, I told you to eat so much in the morning!"

Immediately afterwards, another voice appeared, "Hurry up, don't rush. You want to eat so much, you go eat first, I'll wait. There are two or three, enough to feed the four of us, and the squad leader and the others are not here, no Someone will take it from us."

These two completely different voices eliminated the defensiveness of the five students.

"Good guy, you secretly roasted pheasants here behind our backs, and see if I don't destroy all these roasted chickens!" A student said, and immediately went to take a roasted chicken for himself.

The other four students also joined in the action of grabbing the roast chicken.

After a while, the five people began to gobble it up.

After they killed the three roast chickens, a student hiccupped, "I'm so full."

Another student rubbed his stomach, then looked at a certain corner, puzzled and said, "It's strange, isn't it just shitting, and why did they go for so long? We ate all the chicken and didn't see them come out!"

The calm student before eating the roast chicken suddenly woke up, and then, with a look of panic on his face, he seemed to have discovered something, "Oops, no!"

"I'm so sleepy," at this moment, a student held his dizzy forehead, looking drowsy.

The calm student also began to feel dizzy, "We've been tricked."

At this time, Yu Shengjun came out from the corner, stood in front of the five people, and smiled in an unusually charming way, "The voice is fake, I put sweat medicine on this chicken, just your little sense of prevention, thanks to you Think of Ouchi guards!"

"You are too, too cunning!" The student who was originally calm said, staring at Yu Shengjun.

Yu Shengjun leaned over and touched all the flares on the five people with weak limbs, "It's still the same sentence: Soldiers never tire of cheating. If you still want to beat me, then work harder in the future training and assessment!"

After a while, all five of them passed out.

This time, it was already midnight.

Yu Shengjun didn't deal with their bodies anymore, he took out all the nine signal flares he got tonight, and then pulled out the covers one by one, nine bewitching and beautiful red lights shot into the sky, bursting into a very impressive Shocking, spectacular scene, more splendid than fireworks!Glancing at the bright red sky, Shao Qi kicked the small tree next to him viciously, and the leaves of the poor tree fell off one after another, "Damn it, Yu Huangxuan is really not ordinary cunning!"

Fu Yushu and the others woke up from their slumbers due to the signal flares that sounded one after another. Nine streaks of red smoke filled the sky, which was not ordinary gorgeous and bright.

Fu Yushu lowered his eyes, and there was no emotion in his eyes, "I said earlier, you can't underestimate Yu Huangxuan."

Cao Dan looked at the fading red light in the sky with a shocked expression, "I really want to know how brother Yu did it, I have to make him a god to be worthy of him. Judging from this situation, Xueyan is not Didn't become a burden to Brother Yu. Sigh."

Yu Zichen said: "Our people have already become his targets. He didn't send out the signal flares immediately after he got them, but sent them all together. In this way, he can fool us and make us think that our team members are still there. Nothing happened!"

Shao Qi said angrily: "His trick is really ruthless!"

"Don't be discouraged. We still have 14 people. The winner is not decided. We will continue to work hard tomorrow. Go to sleep. Yu Huangxuan needs to recharge his batteries in the second half of the night and won't be eyeing us!" After finishing speaking, Fu Yushu resumed go to sleep.

The next morning.

A corner of a valley.

Lying on the grass, Han Xueyan, who was covered with Yu Shengjun's coat, slightly opened her heavy eyelids, and what came into view was a bright treetop with the sun shining all over it. A few rays of bright light shone through the gaps in the leaves. .

She sat up slowly, looked around, and saw Yu Shengjun walking from the path in front.

"Wake up." Yu Shengjun walked up to her and sat beside her.

Han Xueyan sat cross-legged and looked at him, "Brother Yu, where have you been?" Then, she looked around again, puzzled and said: "I remember I stayed on the tree last night, but how could this happen?" here?"

Yu Shengjun lowered his eyes and smiled, and explained truthfully: "You must have eaten the dry food in the bag yesterday evening, right? I put a lot of perspiration medicine in the dry food."

"Huh?" Han Xueyan's face was instantly covered with black lines, "Brother Yu, you,"

Yu Shengjun interrupted her, and then explained: "Let you be alone in the forest, I was afraid that you would be afraid of the dark, so I fainted you before dark. You won't fall off that tree easily, So I put you on it with confidence. After midnight, I went to take you down and put you here."

Han Xueyan smiled dryly twice, her facial muscles were a little stiff, "Brother Yu, to tell you the truth, I am really afraid of the dark. If you hadn't knocked me out, I would have cried and howled at night. I will cause trouble for you. By the way, Brother Yu, how many cats have been killed by you?"

Yu Shengjun said: "There are only fourteen of them left!"

"Really?" Han Xueyan couldn't help but laugh, "Then we've won brother Cao and the others!"

"Don't get complacent too early!" Yu Shengjun solemnly reminded, "The little cat is almost solved, but the big cat is still behind. Your brother-in-law and the others are not easy to save fuel. We have to find a way to make them fall into the trap." Just do it!"

Han Xueyan asked: "Brother Yu, have you figured it out yet?"

"I haven't figured it out yet!" Saying that, Yu Shengjun stood up, took Han Xueyan's arm to help her up, and then lifted the long sword and rope, "There will be no cats visiting this place, let's set up an ambush in another place! "

"Where are you going?" Han Xueyan looked at the surrounding valley blankly.

Yu Shengjun walked to the path he came from, "Go to a place with complicated terrain!"

Fu Yushu and others found a lake, and after drinking enough water, he said to everyone: "The mouse team is in this mountain forest. If they want to win, they will definitely set up an ambush in a place with complicated terrain, waiting for us to throw ourselves into the net. Today, we can no longer act collectively, I decided to divide into several small teams to attack from all directions, so that the mouse team cannot be defended, what do you think?"

Shao Qi thought that going with his team would be prone to accidents, so it would be better to be more secretive with one or two people.He resolutely agreed with Fu Yushu's suggestion, "I think this method is good, so how about it, I will be with Yunlei."

Cao Dan glanced at Sun Bailing, "Then I..."

Lu Yitang immediately seized the opportunity to speak, "I am in the same group as Mr. Sun."

Cao Dan bit the corner of his mouth angrily.

"How about this," Fu Yushu assigned to everyone, "Shao Qi and Yun Lei are in a group, Xiao Cao, you are in a group with Master Lu and Master Sun, I am in a group with Zimo, and the others are in two groups, four people, three A group of people can't believe that we can't find mice."

"We have no objection, let's go first!" The other two groups with many people left in other ways.

At the scene, only the people in Fu Yushu's room were left.

"Everyone, be careful of the flares on your bodies!" After finishing speaking, Shao Qi told Yun Lei, "Let's go."

"You three, be careful." After telling Lu Yitang and the other three, Fu Yushu and Yu Zichen left in a corner.

Cao Dan crossed his arms and stared at Lu Yitang coldly, and Lu Yitang also stared coldly at him.

Sun Bailing stood between the two, full of anxiety.

"Let's go!" Without a glance at Cao Dan, Lu Yitang took Sun Bailing's arm and walked forward.

Sun Bailing took a few steps and looked back at Cao Dan, who was following casually behind her. She didn't know what to do to let the two put down their hostility.

There are mountains on all sides, and a valley in the middle. To enter this valley, you must enter through the path under the rock.This valley is tightly surrounded by several surrounding mountains.

If someone is on the mountain, he can easily know everything in the valley.

Yu Shengjun came to this small valley and walked around, as if he was looking for something.There are many small trees here.

Han Xueyan could only keep up with a trot, "Brother Yu, what are you looking for?"

After searching for a while, Yu Shengjun saw the fruit tree in front of him, and his sword eyebrows stretched out.He took a few steps to the side of the fruit tree, looked at it again and again, with an uncontrollable joy on his face, "This is really great!"

Han Xueyan ran to his side, already out of breath, "Brother Yu, are you hungry? There is still dry food in the bag..."

"It's not that I'm hungry," Yu Shengjun said with a mysterious smile. "Someone else is hungry!"

Although the backbone of this fruit tree is thick, it does not grow very high, and many branches almost hang down to the ground.And the fruit tree is full of red fruits.

Yu Shengjun took out the bottle containing the Mongolian sweat medicine from his arms, he shook the bottle to weigh the amount, "There is still half a bottle, it should be able to fascinate a few people." As he said, he sprinkled the Mongolian sweat medicine on an easier place. enough fruit.

Han Xueyan was a little worried, "Will they see this fruit tree?"

Yu Shengjun said: "The soil in this valley is relatively loose. We have left footprints all the way in. Presumably the people who chased after us will follow our footprints to come here." Speaking of this, he put the bottle cap Go up, and then pick a few fruits without sweat medicine, give two to Han Xueyan, "Eat it!"

"Oh." Han Xueyan took the fruit and gnawed it.

Yu Shengjun observed the surrounding environment while eating.

After a while, several fruit cores were scattered on the ground.

After Yu Shengjun ate the last fruit in his hand, he threw the core on the ground, and then told Han Xueyan, "Give me the pair of wooden shoes in the bag."

Han Xueyan bit half of a fruit, then dug into the bag, and really took out a pair of wooden shoes.These wooden shoes are not like shoes at all, they are rectangular, and the silk cloth is nailed on both sides with iron nails, so that people can put them on without being dragged.

(End of this chapter)

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