The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 305 If you don't listen to Xiao Cao's words, you will suffer in front of your eyes

Chapter 305 If you don't listen to Xiao Cao's words, you will suffer in front of your eyes!

This pair of wooden shoes was made by Yu Shengjun while Han Xueyan was sleeping this morning.He found a few planks in the woods, and then used the nails he took from the warehouse to stare at them, which would come in handy.

When choosing items in the warehouse, he chose for Han Xueyan: Mongolian sweat medicine, slingshot, fire bag, medicine bag, rope.As for him, he chose a long sword, iron nails, the four treasures of the study, a bag of dry food, and a hammer.

Yu Shengjun took off his shoes, put on the wooden shoes, and then squatted down, "Come on, I'll carry you on my back."

Han Xueyan declined, "Brother Yu, no need, I'm not tired!"

Yu Shengjun said: "I know you are not tired, but your footprints cannot stay here, come up!"

"Oh." Han Xueyan had no choice but to obey Yu Shengjun's words and climbed onto his back.

Yu Shengjun held the sword in his left hand and the shoe in his right hand, and then put it behind his back to support Han Xueyan. He was wearing wooden shoes and walked forward step by step.Due to the large area of ​​the wooden shoes, it did not leave a dent on the loose ground.

Han Xueyan hugged his neck lightly, the back was strong and warm.She buried her head on his shoulder and said delicately, "Brother Yu, you are so kind."

Yu Shengjun laughed and asked, "How are you?"

Han Xueyan immediately stated, "Of course!"

"Really." Yu Shengjun didn't have much emotion. "Yan'er, I'm asking you, you have to answer honestly!"

Han Xueyan nodded diligently, "Well, brother Yu, tell me!"

Yu Shengjun thought for a while before asking, "Yan'er, do you like the current emperor?"

"The current emperor?" Han Xueyan was unresponsive for a moment, and after understanding, his complexion immediately turned pale, and he said angrily, "I don't like it!"

"Why?" Yu Shengjun asked incomprehensibly.

"Because he is so bad, I hate him to death, and I will never like him!" Han Xueyan became very angry when she remembered that her sister Han Lingying was kidnapped by the current emperor, leaving her brother-in-law alone.

She couldn't see the frost on Yu Shengjun's face at the moment, but he still maintained warmth in his tone, "All the people in Quan Yuxin praise him, why do you think he is too bad? Listen to me Could it be that he offended you with this tone?"

Han Xueyan pursed her lips, thinking about whether she should reveal this secret, "He didn't offend me, but he..."

He put her in the dense grass, and after standing still, he looked at her and said seriously: "Yan'er, if I were the emperor, would you still hate me so much?" Fen fist hit Yu Shengjun on the left chest, "Don't make trouble with brother Yu, this is not funny at all, you are so funny if you don't pretend to be the emperor!"

"You don't believe it?" Yu Shengjun still looked at her seriously, her unbelief made him a little sad.

"Of course I don't believe it!" Han Xueyan said, "Brother Yu is a good man, how could he be such a bad emperor?"

Yu Shengjun asked seriously: "What if I am?"

Han Xueyan made a "poof" again, and then said brazenly: "If brother Yu is the current emperor, then I, Han Xueyan, will be the princess today." Then she sighed with a frowning face, "Oh, I haven't even seen a princess, just I don't know what they look like."

Yu Shengjun chuckled, he wanted to say, in fact, you stole the princess' purse back then.But these things are not worth mentioning now. Since she hates the emperor so much, he doesn't need to clarify something with a little girl like her.

Yu Shengjun ordered: "Stay here and don't go anywhere."

Han Xueyan panicked, immediately grabbed his hand, and said pitifully, "Brother Yu, are you going to leave Yan Er alone?"

"No, I'm going to clean up some cats. It's not convenient for you to follow. I'll come back to you in a while. Stay here and don't go anywhere." After finishing speaking, Yu Shengjun pushed Han Xueyan away hands, took off the wooden shoes, put on his own shoes, turned and walked back.

Relying on two pairs of footprints, one big and one small, the students in a group of four found the fruit tree.The footprints, which ended up disappearing by the fruit trees, made them feel strange.

One of them scanned the ground around him, but he didn't see any footprints. He looked a little crazy, "The footprints of these two people were obviously left by Yu Huangxuan and Han Xueyan. Why are the footprints gone here?"

Another student checked the ground. There were a lot of fruit pits on the ground, and the pulp remained on the pits. The flesh had not been weathered, and it was obvious that someone had just eaten it. He judged: "They shouldn't have gone far!"

Another person said: "There are small exits in all directions, and without their footprints, who knows which way they will go."

At this time, a student picked a fruit that was easy to reach, and without any hesitation, he took a bite casually, while chewing, while looking around the surrounding environment, "The footsteps are gone here, there is only one possibility. Go back."

"But we are right behind them. When we come, it is impossible not to bump into them!" The student who was observing the footprints said angrily. Seeing that his companion was eating fruit so vigorously, he hadn't eaten anything since yesterday. He smacked his lips, and then picked the fruit that was easy to reach, and bit down in one bite.After chewing it, it was quite sweet, and he yelled at the other two students, "It's very sweet, don't eat it for nothing, go back and have a look after eating, maybe they saw us coming and hid by the side of the road!"

Having nothing to do for a while, the remaining two students also picked fruits to eat.

Since they hadn't eaten for a day and a night, the four practitioners ate a lot of fruits in a short period of time, and they didn't know it.

In a blink of an eye, there were piles of fruit cores on the ground.

A practitioner said: "It's already noon, we only have one and a half days left, let's go and find the mice!"

However, within a few steps of walking away, the four of them became dizzy, and then fell to the ground one after another.

At this time, Yu Shengjun walked over from a certain place and quickly took off the signal flares on the four students.After taking them all away, the corner of his mouth curled up in an unruly arc.Afterwards, he sent out the signal bombs one by one to the sky——

There were four bangs, exploding in the sky above the valley!The four streaks of red smoke are particularly coquettish and gorgeous.

At this time, Fu Yushu and other groups of people were on the road outside the valley. As long as they entered the valley, they would be able to see Yu Shengjun.

When he heard the sound, Shao Qi's heart constricted violently, and then he looked up at the sky, and it turned out to be four streaks of red smoke. This time, his heart constricted even more.He had a strong intuition that if he had such training in the future, he would probably die of a heart attack.

Yunlei said: "My lord, Yu Huangxuan is very close to us, we must hurry up and catch up with them!"

At the same time, Fu Yushu, Yu Zichen, and Cao Dan quickly passed the road at the foot of the mountain and rushed into the valley.

After Yu Shengjun sent out all the signal flares, he picked a very large leaf. He poured all the sweat medicine powder in the bottle onto the leaf, wrapped it up and put it in his arms, and then put the empty bottle in the On the ground, he rushed towards Han Xueyan with the fastest lightness kung fu.In a short time, he quickly took Han Xueyan out of the grass, and hurriedly shouted: "Go!"

Han Xueyan was almost dragged away.

In the valley, the footprints of Yu Shengjun and the others were left.

However, when Yu Shengjun took Han Xueyan out of the valley and passed through another mountain, their footprints disappeared.

Yu Shengjun held Han Xueyan's hand, ran across two mountains, and finally stopped at the intersection of two forked roads.

Han Xueyan panted and asked, "What's wrong?"

Yu Shengjun looked at the two forks, and his breathing gradually became even...

Cao Dan and the others rushed to the side of the fruit trees in the valley first, and saw four students who had fainted on the ground.

Sun Bailing probed the wrist of one of the students, and after getting up, she said: "The Mongolian sweat medicine given to Da Nei in the palace is the best, and they were fainted by Yu Huangxuan again!" Looking at the empty bottle on the ground, she He picked it up, put it in front of his nose and smelled it, "It really is sweat medicine!"

Lu Yitang took the empty bottle and shook the mouth of the bottle downward, "It's gone! Then he won't be able to use the sweat medicine to set us off again!"

Cao Dan checked the footprints on the ground, and saw a footprint of a person in front of the fruit tree, "If I'm right, the mouse team should have left from this direction, but there is no footprint of Xueyan!"

Lu Yitang said: "Regardless of whether there is one or not, we must catch up first, and we must not let him go far." He first walked along the footprints.

Cao Dan and Sun Bailing followed.

Not long after, the three of them stopped at an intersection into the valley.

Lu Yitang looked at the ground in front of him, and frowned: "I saw two footprints, why are they gone?"

"It turns out that Lord Lu was stupid for a while," Cao Dan said unceremoniously to Lu Yitang, then ran over in a few steps, and jumped on the ground a few times, let alone footprints, even the dirt can't shake a little dust, " The geology here is hard, will it leave footprints?"

Lu Yitang's face turned reddish, a lot of embarrassment.

Sun Bailing helped him out, "Now is not the time to discuss geology. They should have exited through this exit. Let's keep chasing and we should be able to catch up!"

After that, the three of them went out from this exit.

But when they appeared at the fork in the road where Yu Shengjun stopped, they also stopped.

Sun Bailing frowned and looked forward, "What is that?"

There is a sign beside the two forks, and the sign on the right side reads four words: No way, no walking.The sign on the left side says: Gaopoyuan.

Through the sign, Lu Yitang suddenly understood, "I understand, this is the sign. The Royal Forest is usually the place where Ouchi's guards train. There are signs to remind you where you can go and where you are not allowed to go. You can't go on the forbidden road. There is only one possibility, Yu Huangxuan and the others went to the place leading to Gaopoyuan!"

Cao Dan paid more attention to the two notice boards, and saw that the ink marks on the words seemed a little wet, so his eyes tightened.I have walked through so many places in the Royal Forest, but I have never seen a sign. How can there be a sign here?Among them, there must be something strange.

"Gaopoyuan is the easiest place to find people, let's stop them first!" Lu Yitang motioned for Sun Bailing to follow.

The two of them walked a few steps, and when they realized that Cao Dan hadn't followed, Sun Bailing turned to him and asked, "Why didn't you leave?"

Cao Dan pointed to the road leading to the plateau, "You can't go there!"

Lu Yitang sneered, "You said we can't leave, so we won't leave?" He pulled Sun Bailing over, "Don't pay attention to him, let's go!" However, he found that Sun Bailing was staring at Cao Dan intently, with no intention of leaving.

She looked into Cao Dan's eyes and asked softly, with sadness in her tone, "You don't believe in Yitang?"

Cao Dan also looked into her eyes firmly, trying to hold back, not to let the pupils be filled with mist, he asked lightly: "You don't believe what I say?"

Sun Bailing swallowed her throat, swallowing a painful breath, she said a little irritably, "Now is not the time for you and him to fight for me, Sun Bailing!"

Cao Dan smiled sadly, "Do you think, under such circumstances, I will fight against him for you?"

(End of this chapter)

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