The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 306 I Can't Kill You!

Chapter 306 I Can't Kill You!

"Please don't be like this, okay?" Sun Bailing's voice was almost choked, "You have changed, you have changed a lot. I haven't seen that old Shen... for a long time! What's wrong with you? Tell me!"

Cao Dan gave another sad smile, "What's wrong with me, you should ask yourself!"

His words deeply hurt Sun Bailing's heart, and tears fell down uncontrollably.Lu Yitang pulled her over, "Don't be as knowledgeable as him, let's go!"

Sun Bailing looked at Cao Dan's saw-like gaze, turned around in despair, and followed Lu Yitang.

Cao Dan couldn't overcome the tears in the end, and let it fill his eye sockets, blurred his eyes, and blurred the backs of the two people who had gone away.

Along the road of "Gaopoyuan", Lu Yitang and Sun Bailing walked straight forward, but as they walked, the road became smaller and wilder.

When they realized something was wrong, Sun Bailing let out an "ah", and then stepped on the rope circle buried on the ground at the same time as Lu Yitang, and then both were hung on the tree with their feet up and their heads down.

And Yu Shengjun came out at this time, raised his head, and looked at the two with a smile, "If you don't listen to Xiao Cao, you will suffer in front of your eyes!" "How is this possible?" Lu Yitang, who was hanging upside down on the tree, still couldn't believe it. own judgment. "How could it be your trick?"

Sun Bailing felt a little sad, she misunderstood Cao Dan.

Han Xueyan trotted out from the corner, glanced at Sun Bailing and the others, and couldn't help but praise Yu Shengjun, "Brother Yu, you are really a god!"

"Oh?" Yu Shengjun raised his eyebrows with interest, "Why are you amazing?"

Han Xueyan took out a writing brush and a bottle of ink from her bag. She stared at the two things in her hands and said, "Brother Yu has the ability to predict, otherwise how would he know that the Four Treasures of the Study will come in handy!"

Yu Shengjun chuckled, fondled Han Xueyan's hair, then raised his head to look at Lu Yitang and the others, and asked bluntly, "I don't want to suffer the crime of being hanged upside down, so quickly throw down the signal flare!"

However, Lu Yitang did not obey Yu Shengjun's words and obediently submitted. At this moment, he took out the soft sword at his waist, trying to cut off the rope binding his feet.

Seeing this, Yu Shengjun had sharp eyes and quick hands. In an instant, he placed a small fruit on the slingshot, aimed at Lu Yitang's hand holding the sword, and slammed it out.

Lu Yitang let out a low "Aiya", and let go of the sword in pain, and the sword just fell to the ground.

Yu Shengjun smiled and said: "Do you still want to resist?"

The only sharp weapon on his body has left, and it is impossible to resist.Lu Yitang glanced at Sun Bailing, reluctantly took out the signal flare on his body, and threw it on the ground.

Sun Bailing also threw down the flare at this time.

Yu Shengjun took the signal flare, "Yan'er, put them down!" After speaking to Han Xueyan, he pulled off the cover of the signal flare.

Han Xueyan ran to a tree and pulled the rope tied to the tree. Lu Yitang fell first, and took a few steps to catch Sun Bailing's fallen body.

They didn't stand still, they only heard two "咻", and two red smoke rushed towards the blue sky!

At this moment, Cao Dan was still standing at the fork in the road, seeing the red in the sky, his eyebrows wrinkled involuntarily, and he let out a low sigh.Sure enough, this was Yu Huangxuan's trick.

Yu Shengjun took back the rope and set up an ambush on the ground again, so that the people behind could fall into the trap.After everything was settled, he called Han Xueyan, "Yan'er, follow up!" After speaking, he went to ambush in the nearby grass.

After they ambush, Sun Bailing didn't know whether to admire Yu Shengjun or, "It's so insidious!"

Lu Yitang smiled on the contrary, he had full admiration and admiration for Yu Shengjun, after all, this person was one of their opponents against the Royal Society, and having this ability was something to be congratulated on. "If he wasn't insidious, he wouldn't be him." Faru said, "Aren't you afraid that we will pass through the water?"

Yu Shengjun didn't reply, he lay down in the grass carefully and stared at the road ahead.He thought, Fu Yushu and the others will definitely come in this direction, why not wait here to die.

When Han Xueyan was about to say something, Yu Shengjun covered her mouth, hissed, and reminded: "Don't make a sound, the other cats are probably already approaching!"

Han Xueyan looked around for a few times, and there was no one on the way when he came, "Where is anyone?"

"Wait, I'll be here in a while, without my order, don't make a sound!" After finishing speaking, Yu Shengjun continued to stare at the road ahead, carefully guarding against any figure passing by.

Han Xueyan was worried, "But, Master Lu and the others found out that our accomplices have come up, will they expose our whereabouts?"

Yu Shengjun said: "They are already outsiders in the game, and they have no right to participate in the game. If they tell the truth, it is tantamount to cheating. If they cheat, points will be deducted. They should not mess around!"

After he said this, Han Xueyan was no longer so worried.

Sure enough, after a while, three students appeared on the road ahead. As soon as they saw Lu Yitang and Sun Bailing, the three of them rushed over here.

When Han Xueyan saw someone appear, she was so excited that she almost exclaimed, but fortunately, Yu Shengjun covered her mouth in time.

Those three people rushed to Lu Yitang, and one of them asked: "Just now we found out that the signal flare was sent from here, Mr. Lu, Mr. Sun, did you see the members of the mouse team?"

Sun Bailing glanced at the ground as a signal.

The three students looked at the ground, saw the empty shell of the signal flare, and couldn't help but widen their eyes.One of them said in astonishment: "It turns out that it was the two of you who did it!"

One of them searched around, and then asked Lu Yitang, "Where did Yu Huangxuan and the others go?"

"They..." Lu Yitang paused suddenly, he suddenly thought that it was wrong to do so. "Where did they go and what did they do to me? We're dead!"

"My lord, at least we are on the same boat. Anyway, the mouse team is not here, so it's not a big problem to just tell us."

Lu Yitang's eyes kept falling on a certain hidden grass around him, but he didn't tell his accomplices about the whereabouts of Yu Shengjun and Han Xueyan, "Cheating, I can't do it, you should find them by yourself!"

"An official who has not been officially sealed, what is there to do, let's go!"

"Let's go!"

The three rushed away.

Lu Yitang took a deep breath, on the surface it seemed nothing, but in his heart he was still sad and angry because of the three students' disrespect for him.

It’s just that he hadn’t recovered yet, when the three students in front of him suddenly said “Oops”, and each of them was hit by the rope circle buried on the ground, and their feet were entangled, just like he and Sun Bailing before, and they were immediately hanged to the tree. superior.

The three people were still struggling in panic, asking what was going on one by one.

Han Xueyan jumped out happily from the hidden grass, "Great, I caught three more cats!"

Seeing that it was a member of the cat team, all three students recognized it.

Yu Shengjun came over, looked up at the three of them, and asked, "I'm in a hurry, did you take the initiative to throw down the flare, or let me do it myself?"

"Don't bother, it's bad luck for us to fall into your hands!" A student said angrily, while taking out the signal flare on his body, he threw it down at Yu Shengjun.

The other two students also threw down the flares.

No matter how hard or inaccurate they threw, in the end Yu Shengjun caught the flares one by one. "Three brothers, thank you!" Immediately, he pulled Han Xueyan over, "Let's get out of here!"

Han Xueyan reminded while following him, "But we haven't sent out the signal flare yet."

Yu Shengjun said: "Your brother-in-law and the others are approaching, so we cannot send signal flares here."

After Yu Shengjun and the others disappeared in a corner of the forest, Lu Yitang turned his head to look at Sun Bailing, and said softly: "We are already outsiders in the game, go back to the palace!"

Sun Bailing said "Yes".

The two turned around to leave, but were stopped by the three hanging from the tree, "Lord Lu, Lord Sun, don't go away, at least put us down and go back together!"

Lu Yitang ignored the three people behind him and continued to say to Sun Bailing, "Let's go."

"Lord Lu," one of them put down his airs and begged, "We are hanging like this, our brains are congested."

"Let you go?" Sun Bailing turned around, glaring at the three of them coldly, "Who said just now that the two of us were pissed off? Who said just now that the two of us have not been officially sealed and are rampant? Let you go, don't even think about it." !"

The man begged again, "We were wrong! We were wrong! We knew we were wrong!"

"Yeah, we were wrong!" The other two also diligently echoed.

"At any rate, we are also the number one scholar and the second place in the new division. You not only disrespected, but also mocked us. If that's the case, I don't need to be with you!" Now, Lu Yitang and Sun Bailing walked away without looking back.

The three could only continue to be hung.

Fortunately, one of them suddenly remembered that they had a sharp weapon on them, and they got out of trouble.

In a blink of an eye, noon passed, and the sun began to set again.

What puzzled Han Xueyan was that Yu Shengjun took her to Xiaoxi.She looked at him who was washing his face, and asked puzzledly, "Brother Yu, isn't it forbidden to walk by water?"

Yu Shengjun washed his face, then stood up, and while looking around the surrounding forest, he analyzed: "According to my intuition, Cao Dan went to another road, which is the road we banned with the wooden sign. And your brother-in-law and the others have already suffered from being dumb on the waterway, and they will not easily decide to take the waterway. Tonight, we will spend the night here."

Han Xueyan said worriedly: "Tomorrow is the last day, brother-in-law, Brother Yunlei, Brother Fu, Brother Zimo, and Brother Xiao Cao, one, two, three...there are still five members of the cat team, and they are still cats." The strongest in the team, Brother Yu, can you kill those five cats in one day tomorrow?"

Yu Shengjun said: "I can't guarantee it now, I have to work hard tomorrow!"

After a while, Han Xueyan was squatting by the stream, looking at herself on the water, she pouted, "There are five of them, and two of us. If we lose, Brother Xiao Cao will definitely make fun of me."

Yu Shengjun simply sat down beside her, and asked amusedly: "So afraid that he will make fun of you? Have you really decided to marry him in the future?"

Han Xueyan's face turned red immediately, she lowered her head shyly, and complained in a low voice, "Brother Yu, how can you say such a thing, we haven't written a word yet."

Yu Shengjun asked seriously: "Yan'er, how is your family's situation?"

Speaking of her own family, Han Xueyan couldn't help thinking of the sad past, "When my parents were alive, the family was neither poor nor rich, but because of the disappearance of my sister, I went bankrupt in order to find her. Now, I am the only one left Yes, there is another sister who has not been found yet. Brother Xiao Cao was born as a thief, he is poor, and I am also poor, so we are right. Is it Big Brother Yu?"

"Uh..." Yu Shengjun was stunned instead.After a while, he said to Han Xueyan seriously: "Actually, Xiao Cao's family background is not as... simple as you think!"

Han Xueyan blinked, "It's not easy?" "Didn't you ask him personally?" Yu Shengjun asked.

(End of this chapter)

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