The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 307 You Can Really Calculate

Chapter 307 You Can Really Calculate
Han Xueyan frowned, "Everyone knows everything about him. Is there any need to ask? Brother Yu, I always feel that you mean something. Tell me, are you and brother Xiao Cao hiding something from me? "

Yu Shengjun didn't intend to reveal Cao Dan's identity, no, to be precise, he never had such an idea at all, and he didn't want to intervene in their affairs. "There is nothing between us, Yan'er, don't think about it." Standing up, he looked at the surrounding mountains and forests, "We should find a place to set up an ambush!"

Han Xueyan said: "My brother-in-law is so cunning, can he be tricked?"

"I still have a little sweat medicine on me, so it's absolutely fine to faint two or three times!" Saying this, Yu Shengjun went to other directions of the creek.

Han Xueyan followed closely, "Brother Yu, where are you going?"

Yu Shengjun said as he walked, "Go and find some firewood nearby, we will use ourselves as bait to lure those people into the bait."

In a blink of an eye, it was dusk.

Yu Shengjun built a bonfire in a forest and was roasting pheasants. Han Xueyan couldn't bear to eat it, but Yu Shengjun's behavior made her worry, "Brother Yu, The cat team smelled the fragrance, maybe they will come towards us. Now, there are still five of them, and I don’t know martial arts, so I can’t deal with them. I’m worried that they will attack together later. Brother Yu, you can deal with it alone. ?"

Yu Shengjun didn't worry about this or that, instead he smiled and comforted Han Xueyan: "Don't be nervous, eat something first!" He gave Han Xueyan the roasted pheasant, "Only this one, destroy it quickly! "

"Brother Yu..." The more relaxed Yu Shengjun acted, the more worried and nervous Han Xueyan became. "Brother Yu, are you listening to what Yan'er said? Brother-in-law and the others will run towards us if they smell the fragrance. Isn't Brother Yu going to find a place to set up an ambush?"

"Take it!" Yu Shengjun simply stuffed the pheasant that had been pierced through the stomach with a stick into Han Xueyan's hands, "Eat it, if it's gone, don't blame me for not giving it to you!"

Han Xueyan pointed to the few roasted ones in front of her, almost speechless, "Aren't there still a few? I can't finish it!"

Yu Shengjun smiled mysteriously, "These... are not for you, nor for me."

"Huh?" Han Xueyan frowned puzzled, "It's not for us to eat, it's..."

At this moment, a voice came from behind Han Xueyan and the others, "Look! They are there!"

Hearing the sound, Yu Shengjun and Han Xueyan looked back, and two people appeared ten meters away from them. These two people were Fu Yushu and Yu Zichen, and it was Yu Zichen who made the sound. Come.

Yu Shengjun's expression tightened at the first moment, and then he grabbed Han Xueyan's hand pretending to be in a hurry, and said anxiously: "Run!"

Before Han Xueyan could react, she was quickly taken away by Yu Shengjun. In her hand, she was still tightly grasping the roast chicken Yu Shengjun gave her.

Because Yu Shengjun ran fast, when Fu Yushu and Yu Zichen ran to the campfire, the figures of Yu Shengjun and Han Xueyan were already gone.

Fu Yushu stopped by the campfire.

Yu Zichen still wanted to chase, but when he saw Fu Yushu stop, he retreated, "Why don't you chase?"

Fu Yushu twitched the corner of his mouth, "I've run far away, how can I chase after it? Do you think Yu Huangxuan's lightness kung fu is inferior to Tang Lin? There is still a day's deadline, why don't we find them when we are full." While talking, he stretched out his hand Off to get the rotisserie chicken that is roasting.

Yu Zichen reminded: "Aren't you afraid of the sweat medicine on it? Don't forget, almost all of our people are planted on the sweat medicine."

"It should be fine," Fu Yushu said, "Just now I saw that Xueyan was holding a roasted one in her hand, and I was probably about to eat it, but our arrival made them have to abandon their dinner!"

Yu Zichen thought about it and felt that what Fu Yushu said made sense, so he also sat down, brought one into his hand, and stretched out his hand to tear off the chicken wing.

The two leisurely destroyed the roast chicken "carefully" prepared by Yu Shengjun.

Not long after, Fu Yushu felt a little dizzy in his head. He originally wanted to get up and move his muscles and bones, but he didn't expect the dizziness to come suddenly. When he realized that he might have been poisoned by the sweat medicine, Yu Zichen fell down on the on the ground.

At this time, the night was slightly dark.

Fu Yushu stood up with his weight becoming lighter and lighter. Before his eyelids closed, a figure appeared at the intersection ahead. Although he couldn't see who it was, there was no need to guess that he already knew who it was.He had to admit that no one could compare Yu Shengjun's cunning...

Before the sky darkened, two beautiful red arcs rushed to the sky, blooming two beautiful colors!
When Shao Qi and Yun Lei heard the sound, they were walking towards Gao Po Yuan.

Yunlei said, "Now, there are only three of us left..."

Shao Qi clenched his fist secretly, Yu Shengjun, are you really that powerful?

After dark, Yu Shengjun brought Han Xueyan into the cave near Gaopoyuan.

Han Xueyan was not very optimistic about Gaopoyuan. When Yu Shengjun caught fire, she hurriedly yelled at him, "Brother Yu, we can't hide here. Gaopoyuan is more hidden except for this cave. No more. Brother-in-law and the others have all been here, if brother-in-law and the others find out, wouldn’t we be doomed?”

Yu Shengjun said: "Often the most inconspicuous and unsafe place is the safest place. Your brother-in-law and the others dare not act at night, so they will definitely pass through the foot of the Gaopoyuan mountain tomorrow and will not come into the cave. Tomorrow morning I will Then go out and set up an ambush."

Han Xueyan asked: "Then how do you catch Brother Cao?"

"Him?" Yu Shengjun was stunned. When it came to Cao Dan, he really couldn't guess which step this young man who was a few years younger than himself would take.He shook his head at Han Xueyan, and said truthfully: "I don't know how to deal with him either!"

"Ah!" Han Xueyan was slightly startled, "Even Big Brother Fu can handle it, can't I forgive him?"

"Because he is the person we Yan'er likes, can it be easy for our Yan'er to fall in love with him?" Yu Shengjun teased Han Xueyan, "We will stay here tonight, drink some water, and go to bed early! "

Han Xueyan wanted to talk more, but seeing Yu Shengjun urging her to sleep, she could only pout, "Okay."

In the middle of the night, Cao Dan appeared at the entrance of the cave. He walked two steps into the cave lightly, and after confirming that Yu Shengjun and Han Xueyan were sleeping in it, he left the cave gently.

The next morning, Yu Shengjun got up early and left the cave. He wanted to set up an ambush in the forest at the foot of the mountain, and took Shao Qi and Yun Lei in one fell swoop.

Cao Dan came to the cave after seeing the figure of Yu Shengjun leaving near the cave.He walked into the cave, Han Xueyan was still sleeping, and her cloth bag was placed in an obvious place.He walked over lightly, opened the cloth bag, took a look, and took out the signal flares of Yu Shengjun and Han Xueyan.

He stared at Han Xueyan's cute sleeping face, but his eyes were full of doting, "Silly girl, don't think I will let you go."

After a while, Han Xueyan woke up, rubbed his eyes and then looked around. The bonfire had not been extinguished, but Yu Shengjun was not there.He said that he went out to lay an ambush this morning, so he must have gone out.

She got up, took the cloth bag on her back, and left without checking anything.

At this time, Yu Shengjun was standing in the forest looking around with the Mongolian sweat medicine wrapped in leaves. He was thinking about how to let Shaoqi and Yunlei smell the Mongolian sweat medicine or eat the Mongolian sweat medicine.Confronting these two people, I have the possibility of winning, but if I can win a match with a pack of sweat medicine, it might not be something that makes all the students respect me.Well, that's it.

Applying sweat medicine on the fruit will no longer work.Putting the sweat medicine in the roast chicken will not work either.There are a lot of water sources around here, and Shao Qi and the others will not drink water when they are thirsty, so the trick of pouring sweat medicine into the water will not work.

Then how to deal with the Mongolian sweat medicine to stun Shao Qi and the others?These Mongolian sweat medicines are running out, and they can't knock them down, but if Shao Qi and the others smell them, they won't be stunned, and they will feel exhausted. At that time, he won't be able to fight back whatever they do to him.

However, how can Shao Qi be recruited?
After thinking about it, thinking about it and thinking about it, until Han Xueyan's voice came from Yu Shengjun nearby, he still couldn't think of a solution.

Han Xueyan shouted from the front, "Brother Yu."

Yu Shengjun waved to her, "Here it is."

Han Xueyan looked over, couldn't help being overjoyed, and rushed over immediately.After rushing to the front and back of Yu Shengjun, she asked, "Brother Yu, what's the matter?"

Yu Shengjun crossed his waist and looked at the surrounding mountains and forests, with a slightly bitter face, "I really have nothing to do with your brother-in-law! Why don't you think about it?"

Han Xueyan smiled awkwardly, "Yan'er doesn't understand anything, I'm sorry Brother Yu, Yan'er can't help you anymore."

Yu Shengjun didn't blame her, "It's okay,"

Han Xueyan walked to a tree and sat down. She wanted to push aside the stones on the ground to sit down, but she scratched her hand and bled, so she yelled "Oops".Yu Shengjun heard the sound and rushed over, "What's wrong?"

"It hurts!" Han Xueyan showed him her little finger and curled her lips. "Bleeding."

Yu Shengjun helped her sit down, and then wiped the blood off her little finger with his sleeve, "This small wound will kill you, it will be fine after a while, don't make a fuss."

Han Xueyan put her little finger in front of her nose and sniffed, "Is it not inflamed?"

Yu Shengjun said: "No way!"

Han Xueyan breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good, I'm afraid that the wound will become inflamed, which will drag you down, Brother Yu."

"It's okay, don't think about it." Yu Shengjun put Han Xueyan's hand down, but he suddenly seemed to be frozen, staring at Han Xueyan's little finger.He suddenly said: "I have thought of a way to deal with your brother-in-law!" Han Xueyan frowned slightly, "Huh?"

"It was you who reminded me when you smelled the blood on your little finger," Yu Shengjun said as he opened the leaf, and then took out a small knife.When he was about to cut his hand, Han Xueyan stopped him.

"Brother Yu, what are you doing?" Han Xueyan asked in horror.

Yu Shengjun aimed the knife at the center of the palm of the other hand, intending to cut a line in the middle of the palm, "I didn't do anything, I just wanted to get a few drops of blood out."

Han Xueyan's heart tightened, and she panicked, "Brother Yu, are you okay? It's okay to hurt yourself like this, what's wrong with you? Don't scare Yan'er!"

"Don't worry, I'm fine." While speaking, Yu Shengjun had already plunged the knife into his palm, and within a moment, a trail of blood appeared.

Han Xueyan was shocked and almost fainted, "Brother Yu, you..."

Yu Shengjun dripped blood on the most obvious place in the middle of the road, and dripped a few places. Since the wound was not very big, after dripping a few drops of blood, the wound stopped bleeding.Immediately afterwards, he sprinkled the sweat medicine into the blood.

Now, Han Xueyan finally understood why Yu Shengjun did this, "Brother Yu, you didn't use this blood..."

Yu Shengjun smiled at her, this smile is cunning and handsome, "Now, you should know why I did this, right? Silly girl, learn a little bit!"

(End of this chapter)

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