The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 308 Sir, what is Mahjong poker?

Chapter 308 Sir, what is Mahjong poker?

Han Xueyan shook her head in admiration, and had to praise: "Brother Yu, you are too treacherous!"

Yu Shengjun shrugged and said helplessly: "There is no way, the winner is the king, and the loser is the bandit. If you want to win, you have to be treacherous and cunning, otherwise we will only end up losing."

Han Xueyan giggled, "I've been taught."

Half an hour later, the bait was hooked.

Yu Shengjun and Han Xueyan hid in the grass beside the road, which was easy to hide, with four eyes fixed on the road ahead.

Seeing Shao Qi and Yun Lei passing by in a hurry, Han Xueyan was startled, "Yu..."

"Hush!" Yu Shengjun covered her mouth in time to prevent Shao Qi and Yun Lei from being shocked by her noise. "You're here again, don't make such a fuss, do you want to scare the bird away?" After finishing speaking, he withdrew his hand.

Han Xueyan apologized in a low voice, "I'm sorry Brother Yu, I will pay attention next time."

Yu Shengjun didn't say anything else, looking at the road ahead, he happened to see Shao Qi and Yun Lei stop.

Han Xueyan asked in a low voice: "Brother Yu, they don't seem to have noticed the blood we left behind, will they be tricked?"

Yu Shengjun said: "Although there is no guarantee that they will find blood, but they have stopped, we continue to see the situation. Follow my password and act, don't shout loudly if you have nothing to do, you know? If we don't get rid of all the cats today, we will Can't win."

Han Xueyan nodded and said, "I know Brother Yu, I promise I won't yell anymore."

this way,

Yunlei looked at the trails near the forest, his eyes were a little dazed, "This is the foot of Gaopoyuan Mountain, my lord, do you think Yu Huangxuan and the others will pass by here? Except for the cave in front, there is no place to hide people. They will Didn't it go somewhere else?"

"Probably not," Shao Qi analyzed, "We passed the creek where Fu Yushu's accident happened, which obviously left the footsteps of Yu Shengjun and others. They walked upstream along the creek, and the upstream area is close to the plateau. The most unsafe place is often the safest place. Yu Huangxuan probably wanted to hide in Gaopoyuan because he thought that we would not attack Gaopoyuan. If I guessed correctly, they were in Gaopoyuan last night. They spent time in that cave in Poyuan, as for whether they have left this morning, we only need to go around in the woods to find out, I want to see if there are any traces of them leaving."

Yunlei said worriedly: "Two days have passed, the game is over in the evening, we don't have much time, and we don't know if we can see Yu Huangxuan and the others. Even Fu Yushu and Zimo can't deal with Yu Huangxuan. It seems that Yu Huangxuan does have With three heads and six arms, the anti-imperial society is full of talents, and it really lives up to its reputation."

Shao Qi's eyes turned cold, and he said cruelly: "Even if he has three heads and six arms, I will take him down. There will be such a master in the counter-defense, and it will be harmful to us to seize Chu City. Chu City, we are bound to win, You can't let Yu Huangxuan be taken away."

"Time is running out, my lord, where should we find Yu Huangxuan?" Yun Lei asked.

Shao Qi took a few steps towards the road in front of him, occasionally looking at the surrounding forest to see if there were figures of Yu Huangxuan and Han Xueyan, and occasionally looking down at the ground, looking for the footprints of Yu Huangxuan and Han Xueyan.

Yunlei followed, also looking for footprints.

Han Xueyan held her breath and hid in the grass watching the two people looking for their tracks.

Yu Shengjun watched very calmly.

At this moment, Shao Qi noticed the blood on the ground, and stopped suddenly.

Seeing that Shao Qi found the blood and stopped, Han Xueyan was so excited that she wanted to cry out again, but she stopped her impulse in time and touched Yu Shengjun's arm on the left, before whispering but unable to suppress the excitement on her face Said: "Brother Yu, look, my brother-in-law found blood!"

Yu Shengjun nodded, "Keep calm, keep reading and see if he will pick up those blood smells."

At this time, Shao Qi squatted down.

Seeing this, Yunlei ran up a few steps and asked, "My lord, what's the matter?"

Shao Qi pointed to a few drops of blood on the ground, "There is blood here."

Yunlei looked all the way over, and indeed saw several bloodstains, he was startled, "Could it be that something happened to Xueyan?"

Being mentioned by Yun Lei, Shao Qi had a bad feeling in his heart, "Impossible." He couldn't believe it.Immediately, he stretched out his hand and pointed the blood with his middle finger.The blood was still a little viscous, he thought, it shouldn't be long before the blood fell to the ground.He put it in front of his nose and smelled it, but frowned at this moment, and said uncertainly: "It seems...not blood."

"But it looks like it's blood," said Yunlei. He knelt down, dipped his fingertips in the dried blood, and then put it on his tongue to taste it. His brows frowned like Shao Qi's, "It's blood." !"

Shao Qi wondered, "It doesn't smell like blood."

Yunlei smelled it again, and nodded after confirming, "Well, there is no smell of blood. It's strange."

Shao Qi stood up, looked at the road ahead, and then walked a few steps, "There's not much blood, what's going on?"

As soon as Yunlei stood up, he felt dizzy, and his body shook obviously. After trying to stand up, he immediately stroked his forehead to wake himself up, but he felt that his head was getting heavier and heavier , "Master..." He wanted to pat Shao Qi on the shoulder to remind him that something had happened, but he found that his voice was almost hoarse.

It wasn't until the sound of "bang" that Shao Qi turned around suddenly and saw Yun Lei lying on the ground. He was startled and terrified, and ran over to hug Yun Lei in a few steps, "Yun Lei, Yun Lei, what's wrong with you?" Yunlei?"

Yunlei hadn't completely lost consciousness, and when his sanity was about to be overwhelmed, he managed to squeeze out a few words, "Blood, blood... yes... yes..." Before he could finish his sentence, his face crooked and he passed out.

"Blood, blood what?" Shao Qi wanted to know anxiously, but at this moment, he felt his body shake, subconsciously supported his forehead, and then shook his head, he felt a slight dizziness.

After struggling to stand up, he shook his head again, but the slight dizziness was still with him.He clearly felt that he had been poisoned by the powerful Mongolian sweat medicine.

After dragging his limp body to the side of the tree and sitting next to the tree, Shao Qi took a few breaths. For him, he couldn't lift up his strength now. Someone coming would be bad for his body, and he had no strength either. resist.But, how did he get the Mongolian sweat medicine?Among all the students, only Yu Huangxuan has Mongolian sweat medicine, Yu Huangxuan,

Yu Huangxuan? !

Suddenly, Shao Qi gave a jolt, and all the bones in his body went numb.Could it be that Yu Huangxuan...

"We won!" At this time, Han Xueyan happily smiled and walked out of the grass with Yu Shengjun.

The two soon came to Shao Qi who could no longer stand up.

Shao Qi glanced feebly at Han Xueyan who was still flustered, and the gaze that finally fell on Yu Shengjun's face was vicious.Before Yunlei passed out, he mentioned blood, they really shouldn't be interested in that blood, "You really know how to calculate."

Yu Shengjun smiled handsomely and innocently, "It's just some tricks, I didn't expect you to be interested in those bloodstains, no wonder me."

"Brother-in-law, you lost, so happy!" Han Xueyan was still immersed in winning the game, completely unaware of how resentful her brother-in-law Shao Qi was at the moment, resentful that so many people in their cat team could not beat the mouse team.

Thinking it was his sister-in-law, Shao Qi didn't want to make Han Xueyan look bad, so he turned his face away.

Yu Shengjun ordered Han Xueyan, "Take off the signal flare on your brother-in-law."

"En." Han Xueyan leaned over and began to grope for Shao Qi.

Yu Shengjun walked back and walked a few steps to Yun Lei who was unconscious on the ground.After taking out the flare on Yunlei, Han Xueyan ran up and gave him Shao Qi's flare, "Brother Yu, here is my brother-in-law's flare."

After getting Shao Qi's flares in his hands, Yu Shengjun took off the covers of the two flares in his hand one after another. After a while, Shao Qi could only look at the two beautiful red smoke in the sky and express his regret.

If they didn't pay attention to the blood, they wouldn't be where they are now.

When Yu Shengjun and the others packed up their things and were about to leave, Shao Qi proudly said: "There is still one person in our cat team, don't be too complacent, as long as he hides and doesn't show up, you still can't win!"

Han Xueyan said happily: "Brother-in-law, Brother Xiao Cao can't beat Brother Yu, we will definitely win!"

"Really?" Cao Dan's steady voice appeared behind Yu Shengjun and Han Xueyan, holding the signal flares of Yu Shengjun and Han Xueyan in his hands.Seeing the two blue flares in Cao Dan's hand, Han Xueyan was startled, subconsciously opened the cloth bag on her body, searched for a long time but couldn't find the flares of her and Yu Shengjun, and finally, turned to Yu Shengjun Opened his mouth, "Brother Yu, Yan'er really doesn't know how the signal flare got into the hands of Brother Xiao Cao, I'm sorry, I'm sorry"

Yu Shengjun didn't blame her, and comforted her: "It's okay, anyway, things have changed like this, and it's useless to be upset."

At this time, Shao Qi, who hadn't fainted yet, laughed haha, gloating, "I'll just say, mice are born to eat cats, so why lose so easily." Looking at Cao Dan, he praised: "Little Cao, good job!"

Cao Dan was ten meters away from Yu Shengjun and the others. In front of Han Xueyan, he held her and Yu Shengjun's flares tightly.

Han Xueyan looked at him tearfully, eyes full of expectation and nervousness, she was afraid that Cao Dan would send out the signal flare, but she also had some complaints about him in her heart, complaining that he did that, it was the signal flare of the person he likes, How could he be willing to do this, "Brother Xiao Cao..." I hope he can return the flare to her.

He was also looking at her, with mist in his eyes, but the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.When Shao Qi was too triumphant, he quickly pulled off the cover of his own flare, and a stream of red smoke quickly rushed into the sky.

What he pulled out was not the flares of Han Xueyan and Yu Shengjun, but his own...

When he pulled out the cover, Han Xueyan quickly closed her eyes, she thought that what he pulled out was her and Yu Shengjun's flare, so she didn't want to face it.

Yu Shengjun watched Cao Dan pull out his own signal flare with his own eyes, and there was a red smoke arc in the sky.He knew very well that at the critical moment, Cao Dan became selfish and gave up the honor of winning for Han Xueyan.

Seeing Cao Dan make such a move, Shao Qi passed out immediately. Before he passed out, he said rather funnyly, "Cao Dan, you... you are doing well!"

"We won!" Yu Shengjun turned his head and said to Han Xueyan beside him.

Hearing the sound, Han Xueyan slowly opened his eyes, and happened to see Cao Dan waving two blue flares at him.She was stunned for a moment, then immediately looked up to the sky, but she didn't expect to see red smoke.

In other words, what he just sent out was...his?
Did he do it for her?
Looking at the slightly upward arc of Cao Dan's mouth, Han Xueyan finally couldn't bear the mixed feelings and spread his hands and ran over, tears of excitement and joy all the way, "Brother Cao——"

And Cao Dan also opened his arms to welcome her.

When he saw the picture of the young couple hugging tightly ten meters away, Yu Shengjun blessed him from the bottom of his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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